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Premier 3 & 4

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Replying To LettuceBFrank:  "The purpose of having the premier 3 and 4 finished before the junior championships start is quite simply that many junior clubs do not have a panel of 40 players to allow them field 2 independant teams. Many small clubs could have 8 or 9 players who cant make the first time and have no opportunity at playing any football.
The Prem Div 3 and below allows small clubs field 7 of their players that may also play a part in the main championship and give the players on the fringes game time.
It absolutely isnt an objective to win that championship, Small Junior clubs have one aim and thats get out of junior A/B.

Its difficult to see a solution that suits everyone but I have seen in previous years a 2nd team stacked with keegan cup winners sail through junior B only to be relegated the following year when the lads went back with the 1st team. Situations like that are no good in general for meath football and smaller clubs.

Just an opinion from a junior club..."
What 2nd team stacked with keegan cup winners sailed to a junior B championship only to be relegated the next year when the players went back to the first team??? And when did this happen? And how often does this happen?

Instead of junior clubs looking after their own patch they should be looking at what is best for the development of Meath football.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 18/01/2023 16:43:22    2453002


Replying To LettuceBFrank:  "The purpose of having the premier 3 and 4 finished before the junior championships start is quite simply that many junior clubs do not have a panel of 40 players to allow them field 2 independant teams. Many small clubs could have 8 or 9 players who cant make the first time and have no opportunity at playing any football.
The Prem Div 3 and below allows small clubs field 7 of their players that may also play a part in the main championship and give the players on the fringes game time.
It absolutely isnt an objective to win that championship, Small Junior clubs have one aim and thats get out of junior A/B.

Its difficult to see a solution that suits everyone but I have seen in previous years a 2nd team stacked with keegan cup winners sail through junior B only to be relegated the following year when the lads went back with the 1st team. Situations like that are no good in general for meath football and smaller clubs.

Just an opinion from a junior club..."
You are right. Junior club focus is on winning junior championship not a premier

But isn't what you describe a league? Where there is a big overlap and everyone is okay with that.

Finishing championship for reserve footballers in June isn't very clever. Last year they went and played soccer when they know Meath GAA isn't interested in them. (My club is not dual)

Everyone should be involved in championship from summer to autumn. That is what the CCC do for club hurlers. Why are club footballers any different?

truegael49 (Meath) - Posts: 14 - 18/01/2023 18:25:16    2453016


Replying To LettuceBFrank:  "The purpose of having the premier 3 and 4 finished before the junior championships start is quite simply that many junior clubs do not have a panel of 40 players to allow them field 2 independant teams. Many small clubs could have 8 or 9 players who cant make the first time and have no opportunity at playing any football.
The Prem Div 3 and below allows small clubs field 7 of their players that may also play a part in the main championship and give the players on the fringes game time.
It absolutely isnt an objective to win that championship, Small Junior clubs have one aim and thats get out of junior A/B.

Its difficult to see a solution that suits everyone but I have seen in previous years a 2nd team stacked with keegan cup winners sail through junior B only to be relegated the following year when the lads went back with the 1st team. Situations like that are no good in general for meath football and smaller clubs.

Just an opinion from a junior club..."
If you have a first team and 8 extra players that's a first team and subs. And you have the Corn Na Boinne and the league for them to play games as surely there'll be injuries/unavailabilities along the way. Surely the 8-10 guys playing both will be burned out as they playing league and championship at the same time. If a second team would fall apart when the first team championship starts then it isn't a second team it's a first team playing in a second team championship. And what I have just as much of an issue with is that premier 1 and 2 don't start until premier 3 is finished. So there's no third teams anymore. It's just second teams playing on a third team level

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 18/01/2023 20:05:48    2453026


Replying To Blackspot09:  "What 2nd team stacked with keegan cup winners sailed to a junior B championship only to be relegated the next year when the players went back to the first team??? And when did this happen? And how often does this happen?

Instead of junior clubs looking after their own patch they should be looking at what is best for the development of Meath football."
You're suggesting that intermediate and senior clubs always have the good of meath football at the forefront of their minds????
Not a hope, every club looks after their own interests and wants to win and be sucessfull.
Its up to the administrators of the county board to implement a solution where smaller clubs have an opportunity to win and grow and bigger clubs are equally satisfied that players are getting games.

I'd be more interested in seeing how the sucessful counties manage this. Its not a problem exclusive to Meath

LettuceBFrank (Meath) - Posts: 19 - 18/01/2023 20:23:29    2453027


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "If you have a first team and 8 extra players that's a first team and subs. And you have the Corn Na Boinne and the league for them to play games as surely there'll be injuries/unavailabilities along the way. Surely the 8-10 guys playing both will be burned out as they playing league and championship at the same time. If a second team would fall apart when the first team championship starts then it isn't a second team it's a first team playing in a second team championship. And what I have just as much of an issue with is that premier 1 and 2 don't start until premier 3 is finished. So there's no third teams anymore. It's just second teams playing on a third team level"
just to be clear on my above post, I meant 8-9 players in addition to the first team panel of 20 players. Most of these will get zero game time in the league or cups.
The prem reserve in my club anyway has a hierarch of who gets to play. Its the first team subs and remainder of the panel who get no games and then any guys that just want to play 2nd team. Any other positions are filled by the 7-8 players who may be regulars on the first team.

I accept the points concerning larger clubs which is why i asked how other counties manage the same problem

LettuceBFrank (Meath) - Posts: 19 - 19/01/2023 10:17:47    2453046


Its a very simple solution. the Premier "championships" should be run side by side with the Senior,inter, junior championships. I would even argue that they should start 2 weeks after those championships to ensure that teams are not sandbagging.

Irish_downunder (Meath) - Posts: 640 - 19/01/2023 11:18:27    2453058


Having played in the lower premier championship it's very sketchy.Some groups have played nearly all games while other groups some teams only played a couple games due to walk overs.Its a big issue and does degrade the competition In my opinion.I think you need at least 35 players to have 2 teams.If you dont have that then maybe you shouldn't enter a 2 team.No one wants walkovers, I can tell you from experience lads are walking away from it.Maybe set up a 12/13 aside competition for teams that think they wont be able to field a second team and if bigger clubs want they could enter a team as well..I do understand smaller clubs issues but its turning players away from the game with constant walk overs.I do think they need to look at reducing the amount of division s.9 divisions is too much.If you cut it down to 6/7 and than run that 12/13 aside competition for teams who may struggle for numbers.I am not by the way having a pop at smaller clubs and I think they need to be helped but clubs really need to be honest with themselves regarding how many players they have to play.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 19/01/2023 11:38:59    2453061


Replying To Irish_downunder:  "Its a very simple solution. the Premier "championships" should be run side by side with the Senior,inter, junior championships. I would even argue that they should start 2 weeks after those championships to ensure that teams are not sandbagging."
Correct. If it's a championship then treat it like one

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 19/01/2023 11:48:44    2453063


Replying To LettuceBFrank:  "just to be clear on my above post, I meant 8-9 players in addition to the first team panel of 20 players. Most of these will get zero game time in the league or cups.
The prem reserve in my club anyway has a hierarch of who gets to play. Its the first team subs and remainder of the panel who get no games and then any guys that just want to play 2nd team. Any other positions are filled by the 7-8 players who may be regulars on the first team.

I accept the points concerning larger clubs which is why i asked how other counties manage the same problem"
If you need 7-8 first team players to fill out a second team then you don't have a second team. Are there loads of new second teams playing in premier? How did teams manage to field 4 years ago in Junior B/C/D when they couldn't play any first team players?

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 19/01/2023 11:51:13    2453064


Replying To Irish_downunder:  "Its a very simple solution. the Premier "championships" should be run side by side with the Senior,inter, junior championships. I would even argue that they should start 2 weeks after those championships to ensure that teams are not sandbagging."
That sounds too fair,too uncomplicated,so won't happen,

Utdroyal (Meath) - Posts: 65 - 19/01/2023 19:52:40    2453132


The new master fixture planner is the usual rubbish. Rough dates, no specific times. And less than two weeks before the cup competitions start still no fixtures. Not like it's a bank holiday weekend where people might want to make plans. The CCC clap themselves on the back for giving people 10 days notice.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 24/01/2023 10:29:40    2453859


Replying To BigJoe14:  "The new master fixture planner is the usual rubbish. Rough dates, no specific times. And less than two weeks before the cup competitions start still no fixtures. Not like it's a bank holiday weekend where people might want to make plans. The CCC clap themselves on the back for giving people 10 days notice."
Absolute joke on the cup competitions is right. Aside from the fact that they most likely won't be finished off yet again this year, how the hell have the draws not been done at the beginning of January and given out to the clubs??? I'm pretty sure it was similar last year as well. This should be done at the December county board meeting, it would take less that 20mins to do all the cup competitions and at least have clubs knowing who they face........then by the second week of jan you can have contacted clubs about pitch availability and been on refs to organize their availability as well

ratlag (Meath) - Posts: 575 - 24/01/2023 11:45:58    2453890


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "Agreed there should be no overlap at all. But the premier should start the same weekend as Junior, Inter and Senior. Therefore it is actually what it says it is a second and third team comp"
I'd agree only for the fact that teams would keep losing players as the competition progressed due to subs and injuries to the first team. I always thought it should go by the starting 15 in the first game of champ that aren't eligible and leave it at that. when you start losing plays that come on for a couple of minutes in a game it gets a lot hard to field a team after that. by the end of the championship you would really be down more like 25 player for the first team. I've had it myself where i've played a few mins first team due to an injury and then didn't play anymore championship football for the rest of the year which i found very annoying. I think people are always going to have issues no matter what way it is run but I think the most important thing in football is fair play and as long as every player knows the structure prior to the competition and it's not being changed half way through then that's all i ask for.

de_man (Meath) - Posts: 192 - 24/01/2023 13:56:22    2453958
