FL Div 10: Vincents down table toppers

June 12, 2024

St. Vincents Martin Fox

Syddan 2-06 St. Vincent’s 1-13

St. Vincent’s travelled to Syddan to face the table toppers in the refixed 4th round of the Division 10 League. 

Both sides started the game at pace, with the home side firing wide inside the first minute and Dylan Kavanagh drawing a save from the Syddan goalkeeper shortly after. The opening score came from Ryan Hand, breaking from centre-half back, before linking up with Robbie Lynch and Stefan O’Neill and then slotting over the point. The home side responded with a point from play. Robbie Lynch found Patrick McGill unmarked inside him and he split the uprights. Keven McEnerney was put through on goal in the 9th minute only to be denied by a combination of the keeper and corner back. Ryan Hand’s 45 struck the upright, but Robbie Lynch was alert for the rebound and popped the ball over the bar. Stefan O’Neill increased the lead for St. Vincent’s with a point from play soon after. Nigel Hand split the uprights with another fine score from play. The home side had their own goal opportunity, but the ball fizzled across the goalmouth. Nigel Hand increased the lead to 5 points with a free as St. Vincent’s moved the ball effortlessly around the field. The kickout was won by the visitors and punished by Dylan Kavanagh as he pointed from play. Another well worked point came from the boot of Nigel Hand, who was in control at centre-half forward. The home side showed how dangerous they could be with a well worked point from play, but this was to be their last score of the half, as the St. Vincent’s defence was firmly in control. Patrick McGill scored two points from play either side of the decisive score of the first half. A free from the opposition 45 found Andy McEntee in space. Great play to McEnerney and then Kavanagh found that man Nigel Hand bursting through to fire to the back of the net.

Half Time – Syddan 0-02 St. Vincent’s 1-10

The home side started the second half with intent. Inside the first minute they shot wide. They were then denied by a great save from Eoin Hand who had replaced the injured Conor White in goals. They then struck the top of the upright before hitting the crossbar. Nigel Hand added to their frustration with a lovely point from out wide after great build up play from St. Vincent’s. Syddan reduced the deficit with a pointed free. They then broke forward with the ball where the shot on goal was saved by Eoin Hand, but he could do nothing as the rebound was sent to the net. Syddan were moving the ball well and again struck the upright before the rebound was slotted over. Despite good movement by St. Vincent’s, they found it difficult to break down the Syddan defence as they did in the first half. The home side added another point from play to narrow the gap further. Ryan Hand settled the visitors with a pointed 45 before slotting over a point from play following a lovely break and pass from Paddy Arnold. This left 8 points between the sides, but Syddan are not table toppers for nothing. They broke forward and reduced the gap when they fired to the back of the net and then pointed a free to leave 4 points the gap. Despite pushing for the final 5 minutes of normal time and 6+ minutes of injury time they couldn’t break through the St. Vincent’s defence. A hard fought 2 points for St. Vincent’s away from home against the table toppers, who suffered their first defeat of this campaign. 

St. Vincents scorers: Nigel Hand (1-04), Ryan Hand (0-03), Patrick McGill (0-03) Dylan Kavanagh (0-01) Robbie Lynch (0-01) Stefan O’Neill (0-01)

St. Vincent’s: Conor White, Ciaran Brangan, Barry O’Sullivan, Alex McEntee, Andy McEntee, Ryan Hand, Shane Caffrey, Keven McEnerney, Jack Byrne, Stefan O’Neill, Nigel Hand, Dylan Kavanagh, Robbie Lynch, Patrick McGill, Eoin Hand. Subs: Martin Fox for Conor White, Paddy Arnold for Nigel Hand, Richie O’Sullivan for Stefan O’Neill


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