National Forum

The Joe Brolly Appreciation Thread

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He's a showman. Entertaining and charismatic, but fairly loose with the facts and more interested in saying things for a reaction than anything else.

ZeitChrist (UK) - Posts: 154 - 17/05/2016 16:21:00    1855724


He is national treasure and should be appropriated more..i dont think he will hang around much longer sadly because Carry On comedy films are making a comeback after an almost 25 year one suspects he is already a shoe in for the main character!

WhyTheLongFace (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 17/05/2016 16:44:12    1855737


Brolly is a very intelligent fella but a Jackell and Hyde character. He does a lot of great off field work but his personal attacks on GAA figures diminishes the good stuff he does. He seems to go out if his way to hurt and antagonise football people and a lot of GAA folk in Ulster won't give him the time of day now. I know many Tyrone Gaels won't forgive him for the way he has castigated the county. He also changes opinions like a weather vane and blows the way the mood is at any current time. He is now trying to butter up Tyrone again but at a recent GAA event Brolly, by his own admission in his newspaper column, said that Peter Canavan told him to his face to "F*ck Off"! You don't say Joe, you don't say.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts:7877 - 17/05/2016 16:11:50

Excellent summary.

bennybunny (Cork) - Posts: 3917 - 17/05/2016 16:56:01    1855744


I love the comparison that GreenandRed makes with the RTE soccer panel, absolutely spot on. It is more about entertainment than actual analysis. I have to admit I enjoy Joe Brolly but increasingly he goes of in tangents. His articles always start with anecdote that is supposed to be amusing but has no relevance to what he goes on to speak about. He is actually a good analyst when he puts his mind to it but get bogged down in trying to prove that he was right all along.

Do you remember the crusade against Sean Cavanagh a few years back and how the introduction of the black card would eliminate all cynical play and would be the end of blanket defences. If anything it has had the opposite effect, making teams more cautious as they know they can't commit too many players forward.

Green_Gold (Donegal) - Posts: 1903 - 17/05/2016 16:57:21    1855745


For me Liam, The Holy Trinity of Spillane, Brolly and O Rourke has reached their sell by date in my opinion.
The 3 of them from time to time can be entertaining but especially with regard to Brolly and Spillane they say that much and eventually from time to time their point can be valid.
I know with regard to Kerry, Brolly loves a good dig at them...nothing wrong with that. But then a few weeks later he is all about them. His opinion changes on a subject matter a lot it seems to me.

If I was to keep any of them it would be O Rourke and replace with Tomas and Ciaran Whelan

woops (Kerry) - Posts: 2073 - 17/05/2016 20:30:57    1855814


Agree with op. The Sunday game is always that wee bit more entertaining when he's on.
Still though, he completely contradicts himself from time to time (I love Kerry,I hate Kerry, I love Donegal, I hate Donegal etc),
What really impresses me about him is he's the only pundit willing to take players to task for feigning injury and diving, and it makes me sick that other GAA pundits often criticize him for doing so.
Keep on highlighting this issue Joe. Youre doing the right thing.

joncarter (Galway) - Posts: 2692 - 18/05/2016 09:57:03    1855865


Kieran mcgeeney got the last laugh lol

Kew (Galway) - Posts: 88 - 30/07/2024 10:56:33    2562903
