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The Joe Brolly Appreciation Thread

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The man gets some serious stick! All you hear is people saying he is a pompus arse, he is a bullshitter etc etc etc

Well I for one love the man. I love when the SG starts and its Joe, Colm and Pat in the studio. Great entertainment, great chat and so what if they love the sound of their own voices!!!
When I turn on the SG and see Martin McHugh or the like, its all i can do to not turn off! Joe is a gas man, he is honest, he is funny and he is passionate.

And anyone who read his article yesterday will also see he is a very gifted writer.

Joe, keep doing what your doing. Some of us love it.

Liamwalkinstown (Dublin) - Posts: 8166 - 16/05/2016 12:48:37    1855266


You probably used the worst alternative in your post.
Nobody wants to see Martin McHugh (and I'm from Donegal) either but I want to see someone that wants to talk football.

When was the last time you seen either of the 3 men you reference actually analyse a game. They don't.

Instead they prefer to talk sh*te and put teams down. Its only their opinion but why not get people who at least try to be unbiased.
I don't watch RTE unless there is no alternative and even then I turn over at half time because in my opinion there is no point listening to them fools.
I wouldnt be a massive hurling man but I do watch alot of championship but at least the people on for the hurling will talk about the game they are watching and getting paid to analyse.

What is most annoying about Brolly is he is a very intelligent Football man but instead of actually showing that he instead talks crap

dstuction (Donegal) - Posts: 1209 - 16/05/2016 13:17:17    1855277


Problem with Joe is when he's right which occasionally he is , his message is lost on many as his personality out weighs debate .
For my point there are two questions one is he entertaining ? yes he has an x factor type of charisma
second question re his standing in the game re his opinions , problem is he lacks credibility as he has flip flopped on many arguments over the years
GAA World would be a duller place without him .

Damothedub (Dublin) - Posts: 5193 - 16/05/2016 13:33:13    1855285


I like Joe mostly sometimes he is annoying and not a nice person. But he adds some colour to GAA coverage mostly he gets things right, occasionally he goes off on a tangent, but generally the points he makes are good ones. And he does see the bigger picture which few commentators/journalists do.

arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4937 - 16/05/2016 14:16:20    1855316


Yeah I enjoy Joe too, he can spin a good yarn. But often his 'facts' aren't necessarily factual at all. He made some comments about Paddy McBrearty yesterday, basically insinuating that Jim McGuinness didn't fully rate Paddy which is why he hardly ever started him. But in reality Paddy had started about 19/24 Championship games under Jim.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9469 - 16/05/2016 14:26:05    1855322


Yes keep Joe, you need someone like him to liven things up in an otherwise bland set-up.

KerryKillers (Dublin) - Posts: 711 - 16/05/2016 15:08:32    1855341


Joe is an inherently decent human being. Anybody that would give up one of his kidneys to a non family member is incredibly decent and generous person.

He is certainly an intelligent person too.

His football analysis on TV is not for me though. I do not like him, Colm or Pat in this regard. I think they are biased and they are insulting (at times) to amateur players that are putting in their best efforts.

bennybunny (Cork) - Posts: 3917 - 16/05/2016 15:12:20    1855344


Like listening to Brolly, gets carried away by sound of his own voice at times but strikes me as a decent sort. Think its a good panel overall

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 16/05/2016 15:25:38    1855353


Absolutely love Joe Brolly could listen to him all day long. I notice in his article yesterday he copied what I've been saying for 4 years now.

clondalkindub (Dublin) - Posts: 9926 - 16/05/2016 15:39:52    1855360


I like Joe. Just think a few more of us need a thicker skin!!

Brolly (Monaghan) - Posts: 4472 - 16/05/2016 16:19:46    1855380


Absolutely love Joe Brolly could listen to him all day long. I notice in his article yesterday he copied what I've been saying for 4 years now.

clondalkindub (Dublin) - Posts:7427 - 16/05/2016 15:39:52

He also said that Karl Lacey was "a truly great defender"

From memory you seem incapable of offering any sort of praise to Donegals' individual players.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9469 - 16/05/2016 17:04:23    1855413


A lot of the time he talks absolute rubbish but his article yesterday was a very accurate description of the state of play going into this year's championship.

Very different from the fantasy Jim Mcguinness tried to pass off the previous week about Cork having huge potential and Donegal being capable of beating Dublin.

realman2 (Kildare) - Posts: 464 - 16/05/2016 17:40:11    1855426


Bennybunny, not for the first time I find myself agreeing with you!
I remember in 2008 and he was on the panel for a Wexford game. As I remember, about all he said was Matty Forde wasn't bad but Wexford were poor and would be going nowhere. Literally two sentences, that was it. No insight, no knowledge, and clearly hadn't bothered to do any research, so why the hell was he there supposed to be analysing the match? I've found him the same for anyone who isn't from Ulster, Dublin, Kerry or Mayo, condescending and doesn't bother himself with research.
That said, he's probably an interesting and possibly likeable individual on a day-to-day basis. Just a terrible analyst.

extranjero (Wexford) - Posts: 375 - 16/05/2016 17:52:30    1855431


I hadn't actually read either article, but gave both a quick read to see what all this craic is about.

Jim McGuinness quote "I feel Mayo, Kerry, Donegal and possibly Tyrone have the wherewithal to beat Dublin this summer".

Joe Brolly said about Jim McGuinness "Jim wrote last week: "I feel Donegal have the wherewithal to beat Dublin this summer".

Generally a comparison like this highlights where the person doing the quoting is going with it. Joe chatted some rubbish this week, from West Ham to Jim McG, to Tyrone.

I agree with Jim McGuinness on the 4 teams who he thinks can beat Dublin, except I would actually add Cork to that list too. I say teams who can beat Dublin, in terms of them having the players capable of performing such a feat, however I'm not so sure they all are structured system wise to beat Dublin. Tyrone and Mayo are currently set up in a way that will trouble Dublin, the others need to adapt. I had previously tipped Mayo on an earlier thread this year as my dark horse team, especially with Regan looking like the kind of forward they badly needed. I disagree with Joe on some of his statements about McGuinness, especially that McBrearty never being a regular starter under McGuinness which is untrue, but beefs up the article point.

Dublin are beatable, they essentially are still the same 2011 - 2014 team with Cian O'Sullivan now sweeping and some changes in midfield. Yes they are hard to beat, yes they have a load of advantages over all other counties ranging from delivered meals to players, exceptional facilities at their disposal, professional coaches, large pool of talent etc. But they can only put 15 men on the pitch any one time, making their numbers count for nothing.

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3017 - 16/05/2016 18:34:54    1855441


The thing I like about Joe Brolly, is he's not Colm O'Rourke.

TheUsername (Dublin) - Posts: 4460 - 16/05/2016 19:06:26    1855450


Joe is a great writer & I enjoy his piece in the Sunday Indo every week. Same with Colm O'Rourke.

But stick Joe in front of a camera & it all goes pear shaped.

Mind you sitting beside Pat Spillane would be enough to unhinge any intelligent man.....

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 17/05/2016 09:47:35    1855513


Brolly and O Rourke the Statler and Waldorf of GAA punditry.

Greengrass (Louth) - Posts: 6117 - 17/05/2016 10:55:38    1855557


The Tipp Minor hurlers have their meals delivered to them...........nephew is on the panel this year
Some of the "advantages" Dublin are quoted as getting are hilarious!!!

Liamwalkinstown (Dublin) - Posts: 8166 - 17/05/2016 14:28:20    1855666


The Sunday Game Live Panel have a lot of similarities with the old soccer panel. 3 auld grumpies who begrudge the modern day footballers. Spillane is Gilesy, well respected due to his playing career but did his best work in the 70s. Their godlike player staus leads many to wrongly beieve that they're hreat analsyts. O'Rourke is Brady, both great players but deficient in the personality stakes. Apparently O'Rourke's patent on the word 'manly' has made him a fortune.

Brolly is Dunphy. Both had relatively average playing careers compared to their panelist colleagues but compensate for this by their onscreen antics. At least they provide a bit of entertainment. Their colleagues sound like men from the prehistoric age when the air was clean and sex was dirty. They don't seem to love their chosen sport anymore, they've lost their passion for it. For all his failings Joe Brolly is still a passionate GAA man.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7582 - 17/05/2016 15:40:04    1855704


Brolly is a very intelligent fella but a Jackell and Hyde character. He does a lot of great off field work but his personal attacks on GAA figures diminishes the good stuff he does. He seems to go out if his way to hurt and antagonise football people and a lot of GAA folk in Ulster won't give him the time of day now. I know many Tyrone Gaels won't forgive him for the way he has castigated the county. He also changes opinions like a weather vane and blows the way the mood is at any current time. He is now trying to butter up Tyrone again but at a recent GAA event Brolly, by his own admission in his newspaper column, said that Peter Canavan told him to his face to "F*ck Off"! You don't say Joe, you don't say.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9780 - 17/05/2016 16:11:50    1855718
