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Greatest hurler ever

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Seen a bit of a debate going on this but in the wrong place so Ill get it going in its own thread

Ring Mackey and Shefflin will probably be the 3 most used names in the debate but what about Walsh Delaney Whelehan lads who played In the backs or could it be a goalkeeper or midfielder?

In just under 30 years of watching and playing I don't think Ive seen anyone perfect the skills of the game like DJ Carey. People will try and say he didn't score enough in big games, that is somewhat unfair and he probably made a lot of scores for others in those games. Could also be said that he carried a very average Kilkenny team on his back for a number of years.

On a sidenote young Tony Kelly has all the requirements to go on and be the greatest in my view

Brianmac78 (Dublin) - Posts: 1168 - 26/01/2014 19:03:58    1536902


King Henry best bar none!

My dad played against Ring, Rackards etc, also agreed!

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8667 - 26/01/2014 19:33:06    1536927


Met Eddie Keher in Navan today.... now he was brilliant. Carey was the best i've seen and Henry is a brilliant leader and a scoring machine.
1.... DJ

kikfada (Louth) - Posts: 2091 - 26/01/2014 19:34:20    1536929


There are loads of greats. Carey Walsh Delaney and Whelehan are all greats. So are john and jimmy Doyle for that matter. However if the greatest ever conversation is going to make progress and not get sidetracked it simply has to come down to 3. Ring or \MAckey have always been considered the greatest two. There little or no point reinventing the wheel when it comes to those two. MAckey is even credited by many as being the man who brought thousands to matches and who promoted the game in the 30s. There is only one name who can be added to that. Henry had all the skills but as for leadership and will to win he is out on his own. If you ever attended a game in whihc he played u would see him argue with the ref u would see him castigating his colleagues urging them on and u would always see him taking responsibility and he always accepted ownership of what needed to be done should be done by him. Figures alone say he won more than anyone. He was always a main man in any victory and he won at a time when all teams put in huge prepaaration (not true of ring or mackey). Also the back door allows teams a second chance and makes winning an ALl Irelanad more difficult. Henry is the best for me

disillusiondfan (Limerick) - Posts: 4279 - 26/01/2014 19:35:44    1536930


Of players before my time which I heard about, but didn't see - Jamsey Kelleher of Dungourney. He was supposedly able to play in any positoion. He started out in goals, but not getting enough action there, shifted to full back. He was involved in one of the first ever player's "strikes" when he and a few others refused to play for Cork on the grounds that the players were treated badly by the Cork GAA officials. Nearly a hundred years later there was another Cork players strike for exactly the same reasons (I'm not talking about the last strike here; that was for an entirely different reason).

Of players that played in my time, I would have to say Jimmy Smyth of Clare and later on Paul Flynn of Waterford.In particular, Smyth, playing on a poor team, made sure through his own efforts and skill that they were always competitive with the other counties of Munster. Likewise, Paul Flynn kept Waterford challenging through a shallow period in their history. He at least played long enough to earn hikmself a few Munster medals.

Midleton (Cork) - Posts: 644 - 26/01/2014 19:39:28    1536933


Ring was the greatest. Mackey by all accounts was something else as well, have read some great stuff about him. Shefflin has been a joy to watch for the past 10 years or so. What sets him apart from Carey is his leadership qualities, Carey probably had more hurling but Shefflin while having great skills delivered many times when most needed, 2012 final been a great example, didn't have a great year (despite winning poty) but was immense in the first game and I always feels that is why he is well above Carey. The other modern day players you mentioned such as Whelehan don't come into the greatest ever although all were unbelievable hurlers. Canning has many of the attributes and I really enjoy watching him but has a long way to go, maybe he will be mentioned in time.

Ring simply had it all, all the skills, superb reader of the game but most importantly delivered on all occasions including the big ones obviously. Was part of the 4 in a row team but the 3 in a row team of the early 50's which had so many battles with the great Tipp team of the same time was probably the greatest Cork team of all time. Great players on that team but Ring, at his prime then stood head and shoulders above them all. His record in the Railway Cup speaks for itself but its the stories and the way that people speak about the man is what really speaks volumes about the hurler. The story of the Wexford lads carrying him shoulder high off the field after beating Cork in the AI justs gives a small insight into how he was viewed by his peers. I would recommend any of the books on the man to really get an understanding of just how good Ring was.

Ben10 (Cork) - Posts: 25 - 26/01/2014 19:45:32    1536936


Henry Shefflin.

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13654 - 26/01/2014 19:55:21    1536942


Christy ring.

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 26/01/2014 20:20:48    1536967


The sack Walsh

juniorbsub (Wexford) - Posts: 646 - 26/01/2014 20:41:49    1536986


Jimmy Smith gan abhras.

anpleota (Wicklow) - Posts: 204 - 26/01/2014 20:50:33    1536996


It is impossible to pick a greatest hurler ever simply because the game has changed so much over the years. The only real discussion can be the greatest player of a decade or the likes. For example, example Mackey is considered the greatest hurler in the 30s but the hurling back then was completely different to the game now so Mackey wouldn't even make most decent junior club teams if he hurled now how he did then. Same with Ring, Doyle etc. The most average of inter county hurlers currently playing the game would be considered the best hurler in the country if they were playing 50 or 60 years ago.

TG4 with All Ireland Gold did a lot to dispel plenty of myths about players and matches played years ago. The standard of matches were awful compared to the modern game. The striking in particular was awful, most players were one sided and the skill level was average at best.

So to pick a greatest ever, impossible!

mike03 (Limerick) - Posts: 2000 - 26/01/2014 20:57:09    1537001


Dj Carey

chopperharris (Australia) - Posts: 65 - 26/01/2014 21:02:17    1537009


Seanie Johnston by far!!!!

JayP (Dublin) - Posts: 1772 - 26/01/2014 21:03:13    1537012


As the great man who's been mentioned quite a few times above said, the best hurlers aren't in the past they're in the present and future. Henry Shefflin without a shadow of a doubt.

RebelCork (Cork) - Posts: 789 - 26/01/2014 21:04:08    1537016


County: Dublin
Posts: 581

1537012 Seanie Johnston by far!!!!

He comes in the greatest dual player thread.

AthCliath (Dublin) - Posts: 4347 - 26/01/2014 21:07:29    1537020


Hard to seperate Tommy Walsh and King Henry in my opinion.

Although a supreme Hurler I wouldn't have DJ near the top of any list of great hurlers of the last 20 odd years. I know that's not exactly a popular statement though!

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13777 - 26/01/2014 21:07:59    1537021


MesAmis, I agree regarding Walsh, I think he and JJ have been equally vital to Kilkenny over the years

Cant agree with you on DJ. Theres no way youll name 20 better hurlers ever then DI never mind in the last 20 years

Brianmac78 (Dublin) - Posts: 1168 - 26/01/2014 21:22:29    1537033


This whole debate is just absurd. When the team of the Millennium was picked no player who played from 1887-1931 was included. This just goes to show how ridiculous drawing comparisons between players we saw and we did not is. For what it is worth I am 64 and I feel Eddie Keher was the greatest player I ever saw but that is only my opinion.

Oldtourman (Limerick) - Posts: 4458 - 26/01/2014 21:32:26    1537039


I never seen him play but i heard Cuchulainn was a hell of a hurler.

Arover1 (Louth) - Posts: 72 - 26/01/2014 21:38:28    1537044


Eddie was right up there alright oldfourman!

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8667 - 26/01/2014 21:39:01    1537045
