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There is negative commentary on the endless handpassing. I was merely suggesting that an old one-two and setting up a goal should be catered for at a minimum.
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8464 - 30/01/2025 15:53:35 2588525 Link 0 |
If refs can't count steps, how in the name of god do you expect them to count handpasses? StockholmGael (Donegal) - Posts: 136 - 30/01/2025 15:55:56 2588527 Link 0 |
This is it. Like what do people want exactly? What constitutes playing the game "the way it should be played?" I'm always minded of a famous Noel Gallagher interview when talking about consumers. "The consumer didn't ******* want Jimi Hendrix. But they got him, and it changed the world. And the consumer didn't want St. Peppers, but they got it. And they didn't want the Sex Pistols, but they got it. **** the customer. The customer doens't know what he wants. You ******* give it to him. And he likes it! When you see a game like Crokes v Errigal Ciaran which was played recently (under the old rules as well I may add), the only conclusion that could be drawn was that there's little wrong with the rules. And that in reality, you'll get a damn good game if teams are allowed to express themselves and aren't over-coached to death. Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9567 - 30/01/2025 16:19:18 2588529 Link 0 |
100 per cent. Everyone picks out a low scoring game that was defensive and ignores the majority of games which are actually good. We are never happy.
TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8222 - 30/01/2025 17:03:25 2588534 Link 0 |
As I have said here hundreds of times… there is nothing wrong with the game in its original form.. it's the paid coaches that have it ruined… No amount of rule changes will have any major impact as these coaches will work out away to try and not loose games instead of playing to win… All these changes down the years have done nothing to improve the game… in fact most of them have made it worse and now they think a clatter of changes at the one time is going to solve the problem… No chance.. this FRC have ruined the game for ever…!
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3377 - 30/01/2025 17:14:56 2588537 Link 0 |
That's a great post with a great quote.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14443 - 30/01/2025 17:17:00 2588538 Link 0 |
Watching two teams outwit each other is as entertaining as a high scoring match. People here don't mind going over the water to watch 0-0 games yet complain about our own games. If Tyrone beat Mayo or vice Verda would many Tyrone or Mayo people be complaining? Doubt it. Or if Cavan win the All Ireland 1 point to no score would our Cavan complainer complain? Probably.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2188 - 30/01/2025 22:30:51 2588556 Link 0 |
Original form!!! 21 aside, point posts, wrestling..... Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2049 - 30/01/2025 23:39:19 2588561 Link 0 |
We don't have to go back that far…. Everyone is not as ancient as you….
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3377 - 31/01/2025 07:14:26 2588566 Link 0 |
That's a typical Tyrone score line and nobody in their right mind would want to see a match like that .. unless you're from Tyrone of course…. The hand ballers of the country
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3377 - 31/01/2025 07:17:48 2588567 Link 0 |
I think the point is that the game has evolved continuously since the foundation of the GAA?
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14443 - 31/01/2025 08:36:03 2588578 Link 0 |
I agree with that but the raft of recent changes is just way over the top…. No other sport in the world has implemented so many changes to their game.. Absolutely no need for the half of them…. Just more need for coaches who haven't 'A win at all costs' attitude….
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3377 - 31/01/2025 10:18:35 2588591 Link 0 |
Absolutely agree. What could be simpler: "you get a handpass, you can't give a handpass". Let's tackle the elephant in the room and get back to football. Aibrean (Kerry) - Posts: 316 - 31/01/2025 11:06:10 2588602 Link 0 |
But referees can't count to four - we know this. So, let's keep it as simple as possible: "if you receive a handpass, you cannot give a handpass". Aibrean (Kerry) - Posts: 316 - 31/01/2025 11:10:30 2588603 Link 1 |
Crokes v E Ciaran was a good game. But, maybe it would have been an even better game if it did not have so many handpasses? And, do we have to endure 10 awful games for every 1 good game? The REALITY (your word) is there are about 4 times as many handpasses as kicks in ALL inter county games. Do you think this is a good thing? Aibrean (Kerry) - Posts: 316 - 31/01/2025 11:26:23 2588607 Link 0 |
All players want to win. So any good coach will want to win, or he wont get a job.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14443 - 31/01/2025 12:14:02 2588612 Link 1 |
First of all if your assessment is that there are 10 awful games for every good game you are probably not going to be satisfied anyhow. Restricting hand passes will mean that it will be a bit more difficult for teams to negatively go back and forth but if the hand pass is restricted it will also take a lot of the dynamic positive "running off the shoulder" attacking out of the game. sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 833 - 31/01/2025 12:25:30 2588618 Link 0 |
Of course every player in all sports wants to win but the rot set in when the GAA chose to turn a blind eye to coaches and managers all over the country getting paid…. All club and county football destroyed because of paid coaches wanting to justify their under the table payments… The big wigs turned a blind eye and now want the rules to be drastically changed as nobody was arsed to pay in and witness the rubbish on show….while in the meantime the paid managerial merry go round continues at a pace… Revenue really needs to get a hold of this runaway train
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3377 - 31/01/2025 13:25:45 2588631 Link 0 |
Maybe it is the solution. If handpassing is such a blight, maybe such a draconian measure is the only option. Consecutive hops are not allowed. Consecutive handpasses not allowed possibly is the only option. I think soloing the ball should reset the count but whether that is implementable or not... When a player receives from a handpass and goes on a solo run, seems restrictive not to allow that player handpass. Player 1 without even a solo handpasses to Player 2, Player 2 should at least solo before handpassing off. Soloing is a foot action. Solo and go has come in. It shouldn't be too difficult for a referee to track two players not at least soloing? legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8464 - 31/01/2025 13:59:25 2588638 Link 0 |
To be honest I'm not all that perturbed about there being more handpasses than kick passes. Maybe it's just me, and the way I was brought up here in Donegal where we've traditionally played a fast through-the-hands game. I agree that the monotonous over and back hand passing is a tough watch. But when you see a nice fast attack built through quick hand passing, slicing through a defence & resulting in a score, it's just as exciting as a long, direct, diagonal ball played inside early resulting in a score. I remember some years ago Donegal played Fermanagh in the Ulster Championship. Donegal ripped through their defence with a flurry of quick handpasses on two occasions, and Odhran MacNiallais brilliantly finished off two goals. https://youtu.be/AS9AviO-oYg?si=Y-an4PFhwbGxuLy_ I can't find a clip of the other goal. But it was similarly set up with intricate fast hand passes and he blasted into the top corner via the cross bar. Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9567 - 31/01/2025 14:40:45 2588642 Link 0 |