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Any limit on handpasses would at least want to allow for an attacking one-two. After the second handpass, a third handpass should at least potentially allow a fisted goal. If the ball is caught from the third consecutive handpass, turn over ball or is that limit too restrictive? legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8464 - 29/01/2025 10:43:34 2588309 Link 0 |
Has to be kept simple. Easiest to implement would be you get a handpass you can't give one. That would stop the one/two though so maybe allow 2? Any thoughts on restricting solos/hops? Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2049 - 29/01/2025 11:52:20 2588328 Link 0 |
Best way to restrict solos/hops is tackle the lad with the ball.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14443 - 29/01/2025 13:05:35 2588344 Link 1 |
The rules are fine as they are. Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9567 - 29/01/2025 13:24:13 2588349 Link 2 |
Simple if you get one you can't give one. Nothing worse than seeing 10 in a row in a sport called " foot " ball. Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2925 - 29/01/2025 13:31:58 2588354 Link 0 |
Yep. It's as simple as that Come and get the ball, even when defense first sides are behind, they still won't come out, Why would a team run into a road block, only to get turned over and countered when exposed. Its what that tactic wants jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20740 - 29/01/2025 13:43:25 2588357 Link 0 |
Exactly, let's also see how the just introduced new rules actually play out.
Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4387 - 29/01/2025 13:50:52 2588360 Link 0 |
100%. Too many defenders obsessed with man marking facing the runner but turn their back to him and follow the players that don't have the ball, not willing to take the risk of fronting up to the runner with the ball.
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7731 - 29/01/2025 14:17:07 2588365 Link 0 |
3 hand-passes and the receiving player must kick the ball.The new rules ensure continuing the same pattern of hand-passing possession game.Referees can easily enforce this unlike most of the other rules which divide county and club games to different sports and are quite obviously going to lead to mistakes and bad decisions which we should be trying to eliminate.Players understandably use the hand pass ad nauseam because its not as risky. isfeidirrlinn (Armagh) - Posts: 4 - 29/01/2025 14:55:56 2588370 Link 0 |
For what it's worth, my solution: Limit 'Keep Ball Handpassing' via 'Timely Forward Progress' - With the pitch divided into three approx 'thirds' at the 45s, the team in possession has only 25 seconds to move the ball to the 'next third', or register a score/ wide from the 'final third' (beyond 'other 45'). Ref could provide a rugby-style "use it" warning call, only for 'blatant keep ball' at an 'unscientific' 20 seconds or so, with a violation occuring if the ball is not moved forward out of the zone (or turned over), within 5 additional seconds. Free kick from near the middle of any 'violated' zone, i.e. midfield or the relevant 20m line. I wonder if positive unintended consequences would occur, like more kicking/ less handpassing, with very few "use it" calls required ? omahant (USA) - Posts: 3022 - 29/01/2025 14:58:30 2588371 Link 0 |
I thought 2 at first as well. Handpass 3 after a one-two could setup a fisted goal. This is why I would suggest at a minimum that 3 passes are allowed, but the ball cannot be caught after the third hand pass. The reason for suggesting resetting on a solo is a ball could be handpassed and then a player goes off on a solo run. Bit much for a referees or anyone to be tracking the first handpass at that stage. legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8464 - 29/01/2025 16:14:25 2588383 Link 0 |
Simple but takes the one-two out of the game.
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8464 - 29/01/2025 16:15:26 2588384 Link 0 |
If 3 handpasses is acceptable for being enforceable, seems fair shout. You are allowing for a one-two and a third handpass to setup a goal.
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8464 - 29/01/2025 16:18:18 2588385 Link 0 |
If there was any time restriction, you would essentially be looking for a shot clock. Anything else is too complicated.
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8464 - 29/01/2025 16:20:16 2588387 Link 0 |
Jesus lads can we give the new rules a few weeks before looking for complications somewhere else. TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8222 - 29/01/2025 16:46:43 2588393 Link 1 |
The rugby ref uses judgement calling "use it" (to the best of my knowledge) - I think if a gaelic team knew they might concede a free for 'doodling and dawdling', they'd move the ball quicky enough. With say a 25-second limit per zone (unbroken 75 seconds total to find a score), teams would be under pressure 'to get on with it' - limiting handpasses, with more running or kick passes forward. The 'complications' can be eliminated, if it is simply an unscientific 'guidance to refs' to ensure the game is moving - no need to track actual time. Unscientific is better than no endeavour, IMO. omahant (USA) - Posts: 3022 - 29/01/2025 16:49:38 2588394 Link 0 |
If you were to entertain my idea - what time limit should a team have within each zone, to strike an appropriate balance between: A) timely movement of the ball forward to the next zone; & B) not being unduly rushed? I do like a team stringing a few 'slow pace' passes together (a breather) as they look upfield to determine what they want to attempt next. But then, 'get on with it' (no keep ball). omahant (USA) - Posts: 3022 - 29/01/2025 17:06:33 2588397 Link 0 |
Restricting solos and hops now … along with only allowing 1/2 hand passes..? Whatever next..? How about just stopping players from participating in the game altogether… A lot of these nonsensical new rules will go a long way to achieving that….!!!!
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3377 - 29/01/2025 17:48:40 2588399 Link 1 |
Agree , the only thing I don't like is the hand pass across the small square to set up the slam dunk goal.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2188 - 29/01/2025 19:59:09 2588419 Link 0 |
It's why I'm also in favour of the two points from outside 40m arc rule. Anything that forces ultra defensive teams out of their shells is to be welcomed IMO.
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9567 - 29/01/2025 21:38:31 2588433 Link 0 |