National Forum

Ulster's Top 5 Forwards Ever

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Replying To peiledoir20:  "Cavanagh only played as a forward when his legs started to go. Spent most of his time trying to buy frees in there too.

My own 5:

Frank McGuigan
Mickey Linden
Peter Canavan
Michael Murphy
Stephen O'Neill

I'd expect to be adding Darragh Canavan to that list in 15 years or so. The lad is a special talent and a chip of the old block."
Yeah, his legs were well gone in 2008!!! Are you actually serious??

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5117 - 26/06/2024 18:19:03    2555018


Replying To TheFlaker:  "State of this post. Lol. I knew you were a troll on here but this takes the biscuit. Junior footballer and keyboard warrior telling their greatest ever player he shouldn't have retired."
The whole of Donegal felt that way when he retired, he could still be a top tier FF if actually played in that position.
He is still the best in our counties club scene.

eddieSize5Balls (Donegal) - Posts: 81 - 26/06/2024 18:29:04    2555020


Replying To rorysboys:  "What no Conor mc manus. Come on now are you for real."
Have you named your 5 or do you just complain about others from your armchair?

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 975 - 26/06/2024 18:35:48    2555022


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "For me im giving ny opinion on who I saw only.My choices are 1.Peter Canavan.
2 Conor McManus
3.Anthony Tohill
4.Mickey Linden
5.Steven McDonnell"
Frank McGuigan
Mickey Linden
Peter Canavan
Sean O'Neill
Mickey Niblock

Gaa Fan (USA) - Posts: 761 - 26/06/2024 19:05:17    2555027


Replying To TheFlaker:  "State of this post. Lol. I knew you were a troll on here but this takes the biscuit. Junior footballer and keyboard warrior telling their greatest ever player he shouldn't have retired."
Now Tirconaill, there's some flake for you, from very TheFlaker himself!

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2076 - 26/06/2024 20:16:57    2555035


Replying To peiledoir20:  "Have you named your 5 or do you just complain about others from your armchair?"
Just my opinion lad, no need to get rattled.

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2542 - 26/06/2024 20:32:01    2555038


Replying To eddieSize5Balls:  "Huh?
The whole of Donegal felt that way when he retired, he could still be a top tier FF if actually played in that position.
He is still the best in our counties club scene."
If Murphy wants to retire then he doesn't have to explain himself to anyone, and some eejit saying he never would have retired if he was in that same position. That's what i was saying in my response.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 26/06/2024 22:31:07    2555055


Replying To TheFlaker:  "State of this post. Lol. I knew you were a troll on here but this takes the biscuit. Junior footballer and keyboard warrior telling their greatest ever player he shouldn't have retired."
Flaker you are the biggest troll on this forum, how you get away with posting personal insults and abuse on this forum I just don't know.
You know nothing about me or anyone else on this anonymous forum, you sound just childish and unable to debate valid points, and as I said display the characteristics of an out an out childish troll.
Michael could still be a massive asset to the county team, most people in Donegal would agree.
Of course I respect his decision to retire and I'll say it for a third time he owes us nothing, doesn't change the fact he is still the best FF in Donegal.
Imagine if we even had him on the bench the impact he would make in tight games, the boost it would give young players to have this man around the dressing room and training ground.
No need to flog him through the league etc.
But anyway he deserves to be on any list of the top 5 in Ulster or all of Ireland in my opinion, a living legend in these parts.
Great item on Donegaldaily today about Michaels first visit to Croke Park as child where he met the great Míchéal Ó Muircheartaigh by chance.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2957 - 26/06/2024 23:58:06    2555070


Replying To rorysboys:  "Just my opinion lad, no need to get rattled."
Easy enough rattle him, Rory, isn't it? Jaysus, I better name my top 5 in the morning or he'll be on my case too.

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2076 - 27/06/2024 03:37:26    2555076


Replying To rorysboys:  "Just my opinion lad, no need to get rattled."
It's not an opinion though, it's a criticism.

You didn't even give your own 5.

You remind me of one of the old lads at the end of the Muppets.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 975 - 27/06/2024 06:22:37    2555078


Peter Canavan
Steven O' Neill
Seán O' Neill
Mickey Linden
Greg Blaney
There's my favourite 5 with blatant Down bias. If we consider success rather than favouritism does Oisín McConville get a mention? Top scorer for Armagh for a long time, 1 Sam and I think 6 All Irelands with his club plus Ulster medals too numerous to remember?

Suas Sios (None) - Posts: 1558 - 27/06/2024 11:24:10    2555124


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Flaker you are the biggest troll on this forum, how you get away with posting personal insults and abuse on this forum I just don't know.
You know nothing about me or anyone else on this anonymous forum, you sound just childish and unable to debate valid points, and as I said display the characteristics of an out an out childish troll.
Michael could still be a massive asset to the county team, most people in Donegal would agree.
Of course I respect his decision to retire and I'll say it for a third time he owes us nothing, doesn't change the fact he is still the best FF in Donegal.
Imagine if we even had him on the bench the impact he would make in tight games, the boost it would give young players to have this man around the dressing room and training ground.
No need to flog him through the league etc.
But anyway he deserves to be on any list of the top 5 in Ulster or all of Ireland in my opinion, a living legend in these parts.
Great item on Donegaldaily today about Michaels first visit to Croke Park as child where he met the great Míchéal Ó Muircheartaigh by chance.
Lol." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"
Lol. You said if you were in his position you wouldn't have retired. And i replied to your embarrassing post. Not trolling. Pointing out a ridiculous post.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 27/06/2024 11:59:38    2555135


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Flaker you are the biggest troll on this forum, how you get away with posting personal insults and abuse on this forum I just don't know.
You know nothing about me or anyone else on this anonymous forum, you sound just childish and unable to debate valid points, and as I said display the characteristics of an out an out childish troll.
Michael could still be a massive asset to the county team, most people in Donegal would agree.
Of course I respect his decision to retire and I'll say it for a third time he owes us nothing, doesn't change the fact he is still the best FF in Donegal.
Imagine if we even had him on the bench the impact he would make in tight games, the boost it would give young players to have this man around the dressing room and training ground.
No need to flog him through the league etc.
But anyway he deserves to be on any list of the top 5 in Ulster or all of Ireland in my opinion, a living legend in these parts.
Great item on Donegaldaily today about Michaels first visit to Croke Park as child where he met the great Míchéal Ó Muircheartaigh by chance.
Feel" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"
Feel free to point out any trolling posts. Yourself and another county man of yours who set up a second account troll my own county regular. You and him have an issue with me since the time i was able to say what was going on behind the scenes in your own county.

So again please point out my trolling posts. Thanks.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 27/06/2024 12:31:34    2555141


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "For me im giving ny opinion on who I saw only.My choices are 1.Peter Canavan.
2 Conor McManus
3.Anthony Tohill
4.Mickey Linden
5.Steven McDonnell"
great player but tohill never played up front

Whestofthewest (Clare) - Posts: 177 - 27/06/2024 13:14:45    2555149


Replying To Whestofthewest:  "great player but tohill never played up front"
He lined out as a half forward in '91. I think we all agree he was best as a midfielder

Suas Sios (None) - Posts: 1558 - 27/06/2024 16:07:08    2555203


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Feel free to point out any trolling posts. Yourself and another county man of yours who set up a second account troll my own county regular. You and him have an issue with me since the time i was able to say what was going on behind the scenes in your own county.

So again please point out my trolling posts. Thanks."
You'll be waiting for them two to reply to you. They think nobody else should have an opinion.

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2542 - 27/06/2024 19:31:58    2555250


These are the definitive top 5!

1. Frank McGuigan snr.
2. Sean O'Neill.
3. Peter Canavan.
4. Greg Blaney.
5. Conor McManus.

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2076 - 27/06/2024 21:50:23    2555277


Replying To Whestofthewest:  "great player but tohill never played up front"
I misread the heading and picked 5 best players.Tohill actually did play in the forwards but played most of his best ball midfield.If its forwards ill replace Tohill with Michael Murphy.Frank McGuigan senior was class too but did nt see enough of him.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3840 - 27/06/2024 23:00:29    2555287


Why is Tyrone missing? Was it not invited or just too lazy to enter two teams?

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2076 - 29/06/2024 01:39:29    2555487


Peter Canavan
Michael Murphy
Peter MC Ginnitty ( didn't get much accolades as he was from Fermanagh)
Stevie MC Donnell
Conor MC Manus

I limited my selection to one from each county
Impossible to pick 5 best forward over the lifetime of the GAA

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 29/06/2024 11:22:59    2555520
