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Current speculation: legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8566 - 01/03/2025 06:17:38 2593851 Link 0 |
I would definitely be all for a goal worth 4 points. I wasn't initially, but with the ease at which some teams are converting the 2-pointers the incentive for goals has to be better, and I was originally adamant that a goal should stay at 3 points. I like the long-range kicking, some great scores from it so that has to stay in my view as it's great to watch. I still think the keeper should have to stay in the large rectangle and can only leave to compete for a ball.
Yvrjd (Galway) - Posts: 8 - 01/03/2025 08:45:08 2593863 Link 0 |
I don't like the change of the scoring system… it just distorts the scores and giving 4pts for a goal is just total nonsense… Revert to points worth 1 from every where and then the goal becomes more important.. simple really… Any county player worth his salt should be able to kick long range points
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3544 - 01/03/2025 09:53:34 2593872 Link 0 |
I'd be more in favour of 4 points for a goal after what we've seen so far. I think the two pointers have to be retained to reward the riskier score. Not against the idea of the keeper competing for his own ball. If the keeper not handpassing in the opponent's half is the compromise solution, I might be ok with it. legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8566 - 01/03/2025 11:16:47 2593880 Link 0 |
Definitely think the 4 points for a goal should now be introduced, I was against it initially as I assumed if a team scored 1 or 2 goals the game would get away from the opposition, but having seen the success of teams scoring 2 pointers teams can be 6/8 points down now very quickly and if 4 for a goal was introduced it would get teams back in the game ie 1 goal would rule out the advantage of two 2 pointers, plus i think at 3 points for a goal now, that teams are maybe encouraged to go for 2 pointers instead
1951andwaiting (Galway) - Posts: 90 - 01/03/2025 11:56:44 2593882 Link 0 |
I'd definitely agree about a point should be worth a point in reality it's 45 yards out these are county players sone new rules good not passing back keeper initially I was not in favour but after being at few matches am now the keeping 3 up all times in fairness I think teams should always have being doing that not a fan of handing ball back if left on ground that should be good enough and brining ball forward 50 meters not a fan
Kickitout (Galway) - Posts: 1017 - 01/03/2025 12:21:27 2593886 Link 0 |
You must have been some baller on whatever junior b team you played for.
TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8295 - 01/03/2025 12:29:47 2593888 Link 0 |
To keep a goal worth three one-pointers, an alternative change could be: award a two-pointer for every second such score (1,2,1,2 etc, so they average 1.5 pts). So, six 'arcs' are worth 9 pts and seven are worth 10. omahant (USA) - Posts: 3105 - 01/03/2025 13:44:06 2593894 Link 0 |
Not at all. With you catch yourself on! 4-2-1 if goals need more value. No complication. legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8566 - 01/03/2025 15:13:06 2593905 Link 1 |
Never played at your low level Flaker but that's not the point…. County players should be able to kick long range points without any extra incentive.. and any thoughts of increasing a goals value to 4pts is just making more of a mockery of the game… Having to hand the ball back to a player is like something you'd make a 4 year old do… it's embarrassing to see adults having to do it…. Place the ball on the ground and walk away would do fine….
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3544 - 01/03/2025 18:04:59 2593939 Link 1 |
If the 2-pointers go then the great long range points we've seen so far this year go too, why bother going for a goal when it's only worth one point more, I'd like to see 4-2-1, and a shock collar put around all keepers :) Yvrjd (Galway) - Posts: 8 - 01/03/2025 18:59:49 2593970 Link 0 |
I hear you on"complication" - but as 3-1.5-1 (rounding down), there are two main advantages: - total scores would remain more traditional (+ BP for pair of arcs) - goal is still worth 3 one-pointers (if that's the desire). omahant (USA) - Posts: 3105 - 02/03/2025 13:22:11 2594108 Link 0 |
The FRC will have to be careful not to make drastic changes. I would tend to agree with the following tweaks: legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8566 - 03/03/2025 09:18:32 2594332 Link 0 |
I would make a few tweaks also tirawleybaron (Mayo) - Posts: 1245 - 03/03/2025 10:50:36 2594369 Link 0 |
On the 3 up/back infringement, at the end in Tuam yesterday, Galway needed 2 pointer to level so if Tyrone had an extra forward in defence (just for exaggeration say they dropped everyone back) and play continued and Galway eventually won a free inside the arc and they aren't allowed to bring it out for a 2 pointer, they score the free and Tyrone win by a point so then it was worth it for Tyrone to break the 3 up/back rule. Tribes88 (Galway) - Posts: 33 - 03/03/2025 15:22:06 2594460 Link 1 |
And if player was born on an even month i.e. Feb, April, etc and is more than 6' tall and his mother comes from a coastal county, award 10 points for over the bar, 20 points for a goal, and 2 points for a wide.......
Aibrean (Kerry) - Posts: 322 - 03/03/2025 17:02:41 2594506 Link 3 |
I concur on most of your suggestions except the hooter. The 20 second rule was exposed badly up in Armagh with both Rafferty and young Comerford penalised harshly.Timing the frees would be fair too as time can be wasted easily slowing the free taking.
brayballer (Wicklow) - Posts: 14 - 03/03/2025 17:14:42 2594511 Link 1 |
What if his mother was born on an aeroplane?
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7815 - 03/03/2025 17:20:56 2594514 Link 0 |
I know Tyrone have a reputation for the dark arts but your really over thinking this one. if a rule that doenst exist gave Tyrone the chance to be cynical, they would do it and poor Galway would be beaten!!! Relax and enjoy Galway kicking long range points and being rewarded for it, stop worrying about big bad Tyrone ruining football. tirawleybaron (Mayo) - Posts: 1245 - 03/03/2025 18:41:12 2594538 Link 1 |
I've been skeptical about the rule changes from the start, feeling they were introduced too quickly. That said, the intent is clear-to move away from rugby league-style tactics that were harming the game. Galway4ever (Galway) - Posts: 218 - 03/03/2025 19:36:15 2594551 Link 1 |