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Sam Maguire Cup

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Rip it up and start again.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1804 - 25/05/2024 19:04:24    2547026


Add that to one of the all time lows.

Limp lethargic performance. Meath never laid a glove on Louth.

Accept poor coaching, expect poor results!

Royalio11 (Meath) - Posts: 763 - 25/05/2024 19:07:43    2547028


It's a dark and sad state of affairs for Meath football, might aswell let the whole U20s team play against Kerry at this rate and give them the experience. Hope RTE have a change of mind on putting the Kerry game on Television. Kerry can beat us by 5 points for 35 points whatever they want. Losing by 10 points to Louth is a low and anyone who thinks we will beat Monaghan is not with it at all. Monaghan will be rubbing their hands with a sigh of relief after seeing that Meath performance. Where do we go from here?

SillySimonsOpinion (Meath) - Posts: 55 - 25/05/2024 19:14:18    2547035


Replying To bert09:  "Rip it up and start again."
Agreed. This is the lowest point but apparently they had been training like professionals!

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 568 - 25/05/2024 19:19:03    2547037


Shameful performance. Change management ASAP.

Sheridan2010louth (Meath) - Posts: 176 - 25/05/2024 19:33:35    2547042


Louth's day in the sun against Meath in the championship has been coming for a long time. Arguably for decades. Fair play to them, they got the goals today. I hope they push on. A good team.

For us, I dont know where to next. This was no surprise todayZ The season's over as far as I am concerned. We need change, across the board. Radical change at root-and-branch.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 25/05/2024 19:45:56    2547052


Let's not muddy the waters with talk of players aren't there , club football is poor , no underage success etc etc the usual wash rinse repeat stuff.

We have to be honest about it and first things first the Meath manger is totally out of his depth and I mean way out of his depth.

Fair play to Louth you have to applaud them for doing there homework and getting a good manager , Ger Brennan has Louth playing like a division 1 team , he has improved the Louth players unbelievablely , our manger is unable to improve our players , A manager and his couching team first job is to improve players but a lot of evidence shows we haven't improved but gone backwards big time .

WhyTheLongFace (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 25/05/2024 19:47:12    2547054


Management team and coaches need to step down. Serious questions have to be asked of the county board.

We need to look at getting coaches that were involved in Dublins successful run. We need to go where there has been success. And that has been Dublin for the last decade. Coaches, advisors , management, the lot.

People talk about Cathal O'Bric and that's fine but his success has been at underage. Not senior county. Different level. He should certainly be involved in some sense and then step up to the main job in time I would suggest.

But if we want to be the best in the country then we have to be coached by the best in the country, not the county.

LoyalRoyal (None) - Posts: 464 - 25/05/2024 20:41:59    2547070


Where to start? Up there with the shambolic defeats against Wexford and Limerick. No arguments we were beaten by a much better, more organized and motivated team but what's most disappointing is the team had 6 weeks to prepare and hit the ground running yet zero end product. The management team have to take a long hard look at themselves.

And the players too. Too many individual mistakes. Basic, silly stuff. Misplaced passes, aimless passes which just weren't on. Not putting in enough effort to track back. Lazy tackling. Countless times Louth players breezed past without us laying a hand or getting a tackle in. Not enough fight in the Meath jersey.

In reality the game was over after 15-20 minutes. The space we have for the first two goals was criminal. Once the second goal went in there was no coming back and it felt like the players were of the same mindset.

A nice little ground in Inniskeen. The shocking attendance from Meath supporters seems to sum up the general mood at the moment.

men_of_49 (Meath) - Posts: 2003 - 25/05/2024 21:32:32    2547089


The only lad who deserves any credit today is Matthew Costello his father passed away this morning and it would have been very easy to not play

Meathfor@life (Meath) - Posts: 85 - 25/05/2024 21:49:46    2547095


Well that was disappointing but it was coming.
Cub football is poor County team has been poor for over 20 years Meath are gone soft and not a team in the country fear them in any way football wise or physically.
Barry , OBrien , Coyle , Banty , ODowd , McEntee and Now ORourke they can't all be bad managers so what's wrong ??
When you see Cillian OSullivan starting today after playing no football all year it says a lot of where we are and thats not meant to be disrespectful to Cillian but shows the lack of players available and a lack of quality .
We looked poor against Longford shipped 3-12 and the alarm bells should have sounded then 3-19 against Dublin and 3-10 today .
We got hammered in a challenge 2 weeks ago by Roscommon so since we drew with Cavan in the league this team has nose dived .
Westmeath who are an average team can go to Armagh and be competitive we went there and got hammered .
There's something serious wrong with Meath football and no one man is going to sort it .
I was sure we had the players coming forward but when you look at other teams the likes of Louth they have bigger more skillful players than we have .
I'm convinced now we just don't have the talent to compete at the top level and until the structure of the club championship is looked at its going to continue .

mmc (Meath) - Posts: 280 - 25/05/2024 21:52:56    2547097


Firstly massive credit to Matthew Costello for his courage and commitment to play after the death of his father. As for what we saw on the pitch the writing has been on the wall with this for ages. Our lacking of coaching expertise is condemning us to being uncompetitive. 6 weeks off, a training camp in Portugal, COR says we spent a lot of time working on breaking down a packed defense. Even if we were to somehow beat Monaghan I've seen/heard more than enough it's complete amateur hour and change is needed

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 25/05/2024 21:55:16    2547099


Didn't make the game, too slow off the mark for a ticket but subconsciously I was expecting this, looking at the performance of Louth against Dublin as compared to our emaciated effort against them. I really don't know we are headed but we are definitely heading rapidly towards oblivion. And the big pity is that through ineptitude we will make a hash of the current u20 team as well, some clown or clowns will get involved and make it a near certainty.
Just thinking there we went from 1895 to 1939 without winning a Leinster and wondering what it was like. But even in those lean years we could win a League and have players who were able to win Railway Cups NOW we have nothing. But the slim prospects we do have will probably be wrecked from within.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1071 - 25/05/2024 21:59:36    2547101


We have to accept, its looking like the 16 or so years of success under Boylan was just a snapshot in time that glosses over the fact that we are actually just a run of the mill football county and certainly not the powerhouse we thought we were. It should have been different , In football terms, the successful period was sizeable enough that it should have built the foundations for years to come, but we fluffed our lines bigtime through poor management at county board level. Instead of pushing on we went the other direction. 3 all irelands in the 100 years pre Boylan and god only knows when we'll win another one. We were blessed to have the man and we certainly made hay while we could and personally I'm very lucky to be of the age to have witnessed it all, but Meath, as a force in football are dead unfortunately.

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 26/05/2024 07:46:12    2547107


Dreamt of this day for years, decades even. Beating Meath in the championship. As special as the win was for myself and many a Louth supporter, I have to say Matthew Costello has been foremost on my mind since. What a brave man to line out for his county in such circumstances. The morning after 2010 there was a tragedy in Donegal that reminded us that it's only football. Yesterday evening that same line was came back in mind. It is only football. Best of luck for the remainder of the year.

ged (Louth) - Posts: 299 - 26/05/2024 08:08:00    2547112


Replying To southmeathgael:  "We have to accept, its looking like the 16 or so years of success under Boylan was just a snapshot in time that glosses over the fact that we are actually just a run of the mill football county and certainly not the powerhouse we thought we were. It should have been different , In football terms, the successful period was sizeable enough that it should have built the foundations for years to come, but we fluffed our lines bigtime through poor management at county board level. Instead of pushing on we went the other direction. 3 all irelands in the 100 years pre Boylan and god only knows when we'll win another one. We were blessed to have the man and we certainly made hay while we could and personally I'm very lucky to be of the age to have witnessed it all, but Meath, as a force in football are dead unfortunately."
Not expecting to win all Irelands or leinster titles but the very least we should be competive against teams in and around us.The game was over after 20 mins yesterday 20 mins it's not acceptable.Westmeath go up to Armagh and still in the game till the closing stages.We have no structure,dont look fit and making silly passes and decisions on the pitch.The players have to take some blame here but the book stops at the management.I really hopes it would work out for Colm but this is unacceptable.We have conceded 9-41 or so in three games,6-22 v longford and Louth?The dogs on the street can tell our defence needs sorting and it's not like we are shooting the lights out the other end.9 points is a shocking score v a fellow division 2 team on a decent day.I expect a reaction v Kerry but honestly can see another hiding if we dont at least pack our defence.We have the players to be competitive I think but we dont have a structure or gameplan to aid them.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 26/05/2024 08:32:29    2547117


Replying To southmeathgael:  "We have to accept, its looking like the 16 or so years of success under Boylan was just a snapshot in time that glosses over the fact that we are actually just a run of the mill football county and certainly not the powerhouse we thought we were. It should have been different , In football terms, the successful period was sizeable enough that it should have built the foundations for years to come, but we fluffed our lines bigtime through poor management at county board level. Instead of pushing on we went the other direction. 3 all irelands in the 100 years pre Boylan and god only knows when we'll win another one. We were blessed to have the man and we certainly made hay while we could and personally I'm very lucky to be of the age to have witnessed it all, but Meath, as a force in football are dead unfortunately."
Dead implies there's no coming back. It's not that bad. Despite all the many things wrong with Meath football we're still a Div 2 county. There's a lot to build one.
There are two conversations to be had, and the sometimes get jumbled up.
1) Is everything being done to advance Meath football, so mostly CB responsibilities:
- is underage development working?
- is there strategy for continuing development between 18-21?
- is club competition, particularly Senior Championship, set up to develop elite players?
- is everything being done to raise maximum funding including getting supporters involved?
- is central GAA lobbied hard to secure any extra funding going?
- Is there a professional overseeing S&C work countywide?
- are they showing any level of innovation?

All those questions are relevant regardless of senior results. If we won by 10 yesterday it wouldn't change tough questions needed for CB.

2) is senior coaching team getting the most from their players:
- have they a coaching team up to speed on the latest methods?
- have the brought in outside experience given it's over 2 decades since we could be considered elite?
- do they set up a tactically smart team that can play to their strengths and exploit weaknesses?
- are the showing an X factor, where they think of ways to gain an advantage that others don't?

Yes, there's some crossover. Funding for example. But in general they're separate conversations. On the management management, there's scant evidence COR should continue. Much as I wish he could turn it around.

MeathAbroad (Meath) - Posts: 87 - 26/05/2024 09:33:42    2547131


Meath have the 4th highest number of Football clubs after Cork, Dublin and Kerry. Louth brought in a top class man to manage their team. Donegal brought back one. That's the difference.
Our previous manager was good but had fixed ideas about selection which needed to be moved onto performance. Presently jealousy of the new big clubs was obvious. Players were not picked there. Is the Meath team even our 3rd best.

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 26/05/2024 09:43:19    2547137


Probably one of the worst displays I've seen from a Meath team, so badly set up and a poor team selection. Left five minutes early to beat the traffic and was really annoyed on the way home.
Was standing behind the goals on the terrace and for the minute's silence I couldn't make out what was said. I did hear 'Costello' but never put two and two together.
When I got home and heard Mathew's father had passed away earlier yesterday it just put everything into perspective. Maybe in couple of days I'll come back and post what I thought of the game but football doesn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things today.

Roger (Meath) - Posts: 478 - 26/05/2024 10:02:00    2547140


Replying To southmeathgael:  "We have to accept, its looking like the 16 or so years of success under Boylan was just a snapshot in time that glosses over the fact that we are actually just a run of the mill football county and certainly not the powerhouse we thought we were. It should have been different , In football terms, the successful period was sizeable enough that it should have built the foundations for years to come, but we fluffed our lines bigtime through poor management at county board level. Instead of pushing on we went the other direction. 3 all irelands in the 100 years pre Boylan and god only knows when we'll win another one. We were blessed to have the man and we certainly made hay while we could and personally I'm very lucky to be of the age to have witnessed it all, but Meath, as a force in football are dead unfortunately."
Let's not go overboard here. We won a minor just 3 years ago and are Leinster U20 champions. Why have we not introduced many of these players into senior panel already. I just think it's a collective set of poor decisions that has us where we are. For me there is little or no drive or direction in this team. Things have changed with a stand back and let them sort it out themselves (players) attitude long gone. Young people need direction and must be driven every step. There is none of that from the Meath management. The players are completely lost. Leadership is really poor on and off the field. Nowadays you need to attack at pace and probably need at least 16 pts and a goal on top to be anywhere near. We have got more than one player kicking 5 pts or more. I'm afraid we wouldn't even get near Tailteann cup final this year. We have regressed badly.

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 568 - 26/05/2024 10:18:35    2547146
