Meath Forum

Sam Maguire Cup

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Replying To Shelbourne1:  "But not near as mentally brittle as Meath. We took Jack McCarron off who had been dictating play for us around the middle and ran down the bench. Let Meath back into it. Meath were never gonna win that game ! A win & a draw and unlucky not to get 2nd place. We are a team in transformation with younger guys coming in & we knew that at start of the season. Meath have good enough players but no football strategy.
Certainly no kickout strategy !"
Thankfully I witnessed 4 all irelands. May never see them again. Anyway enjoy next week

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 17/06/2024 00:29:52    2552115


The year is over and it's nearly a relief at this stage. Players certainly not blameless but COR and his management team simply can't remain in place next year. He was appointed for 3 years with a review after 2. His record in League and Leinster is Played 19, 5 wins, 3 draws, 11 losses. And any game against a D1 calibre team have been no contests. There's still no evidence of what we're trying to do other than play young lads and just assume they'll be better in 3-5 years. Young players need a culture of high performance and high standards. They don't need kindness to improve as O'Rourke has been saying lately. A change of management obviously won't solve all our problems. But we know that this management team won't cut it and I fear that players may drop away next year if they remain in place

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 17/06/2024 08:05:30    2552141


Replying To BigJoe14:  "I wouldn't be astonished one bit if he remains in charge. You have to remember who you are dealing with here. Meath have a very weak county board and it is full of the same people who tried to vote out the last manager, and who appointed this one. They will buy what Colm O'Rourke is selling them about more time and young players etc etc and people will have to put up with it and watch the team get relegated to Division 3 next year and more players leave the panel. They also won't want the hassle of finding a new manager. They will be happy to just keep tipping along."
The CB is my big concern too and I think they'll buy into O'Rourke's interviews, when he came in first he said it'll be 2-3yrs to get us closer to Dublin, we're now 2yrs in and the furthest we've ever been. Now he's saying it'll need 5yrs but by next year it'll be Div2 promotion then year after competing at the top table!? We all understand and appreciate the effort that goes into senior inter county football but sometimes the best thing you can do for your county is realise that you're out of your depth and hindering progress. I've missed only one game this year and if he stays on will find it very hard to follow again next year as I think things could actually get worse.

LowerHogan (Meath) - Posts: 45 - 17/06/2024 09:21:20    2552172


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "The year is over and it's nearly a relief at this stage. Players certainly not blameless but COR and his management team simply can't remain in place next year. He was appointed for 3 years with a review after 2. His record in League and Leinster is Played 19, 5 wins, 3 draws, 11 losses. And any game against a D1 calibre team have been no contests. There's still no evidence of what we're trying to do other than play young lads and just assume they'll be better in 3-5 years. Young players need a culture of high performance and high standards. They don't need kindness to improve as O'Rourke has been saying lately. A change of management obviously won't solve all our problems. But we know that this management team won't cut it and I fear that players may drop away next year if they remain in place"
100% on all of this. The most frustrating thing is COR could be the exact right manager for Meath. He's respected by players and fans, has enough clout to influence the CB, he's great with media which is a necessary part of this, a lifetime in teaching means I'm sure he's a decent man manager. He could be the perfect figurehead if he would just bring in outside help and experts in the modern game. Klopp said, "I believe the strength of strong personalities is to surround yourself with people who are stronger than you in certain areas". COR hasn't done that.
We're facing into a league next year with Roscommon, Monaghan, Cork, Louth, Cavan, Down and Westmeath. There is a promotion spot there for any team that wants it and prepares right. But on our current trajectory, we'll be favourites for the drop.

MeathAbroad (Meath) - Posts: 87 - 17/06/2024 09:25:00    2552177


Surely this cant go on much longer

Utdroyal (Meath) - Posts: 65 - 17/06/2024 10:14:29    2552210


Replying To Utdroyal:  "Surely this cant go on much longer"
The talk of the team being inexperienced is off the mark - we were equally if not more experienced than Monaghan
Monaghans best player McBennett isn't around long!

We simply don't look like we have a game plan - if we're meant to playing a defensive game then don't let players get into our 45 uncontested!

People keep saying we don't have forwards but Matt Costello and Frayne would be welcomed into most teams!!
Costello was excellent against Monaghan!

We need to get midfield sorted and I'd do whatever it takes to get Jack Flynn back into the squad - he is a very physical player and we don't have many like that!!

We need a management team who can apply a set of tactics and get the team to play to them - they should vary depending on who we play but against teams like Monaghan we should be having a go and not trying to decent the game! I don't believe COR is that man!

I'd love to see malachy O'Rourke have a go but I doubt he'd be interested and I suspect he might be waiting for the Derry job!! Cathal OBric needs to be involved and his knowledge of the 20s is vital!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 504 - 17/06/2024 11:02:45    2552251


Replying To MeathAbroad:  "100% on all of this. The most frustrating thing is COR could be the exact right manager for Meath. He's respected by players and fans, has enough clout to influence the CB, he's great with media which is a necessary part of this, a lifetime in teaching means I'm sure he's a decent man manager. He could be the perfect figurehead if he just was humble enough to bring in outside help and experts in the modern game. Klopp said, "I believe the strength of strong personalities is to surround yourself with people who are stronger than you in certain areas". COR hasn't done that.
We're facing into a league next year with Roscommon, Monaghan, Cork, Louth, Cavan, Down and Westmeath. There is a promotion spot there for any team that wants it and prepares right. But on our current trajectory, we'll be favourites for the drop."
Yes agreed a lot of logic there. I was one of the first to support his apointment on here. I always accept that no body will be made to measure for the job. Learning as you go is something Colm would know about. He said he would bring in help as he did not have all the problem with that! The dogs in the street could need coaching etc. help was an absolute necessity from way back. He did not bring in the required level of help in the agreed timeframe. To me that is failure to deliver. For the CB they have no option but to STOP and REVIEW. .It is essential that they fully prepare themselves for a proper review.If COR wants to continue it is most definately conditional or not at all. Colm has to be given every chance to explain why NO improvement. The CB have full knowledge about very much increased expendidure on team preparation for 2023 as per there own figures. If that comes accross as the CB takes charge correct thats it. A contract written and signed by ANY manager from here forward will include all key areas TARGETS set and agreed. Reviews annualy but properly constructed to cater for indentified recurring needs Everything will be driven by Standards discussed and agreed in all areas. That represents a sifnificant change in attitude born out of need All development needs open for discussion including succession planning in the persuit of a continous improvement culture. The difference for this poster is it is attempting to bring improvement by design through targeting. Excuses like lads are young and inexperienced yes we cant change that but properly equipped coaches can go a long way here with mental preparation. The alternative is just wait for time alone....rubbish. Repeated hammerings as distinct from defeats is not encouraging to say the least. The players deserve the very best in all areas of development . For that to happen faster the CB has to have a good look at themselves to begin or in simple just LEAD on the road to improvement which will prevent more of what we had for 20 years

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 17/06/2024 11:35:57    2552267


Replying To Royalblufill:  "Agree!
The talk of the team being inexperienced is off the mark - we were equally if not more experienced than Monaghan
Monaghans best player McBennett isn't around long!

We simply don't look like we have a game plan - if we're meant to playing a defensive game then don't let players get into our 45 uncontested!

People keep saying we don't have forwards but Matt Costello and Frayne would be welcomed into most teams!!
Costello was excellent against Monaghan!

We need to get midfield sorted and I'd do whatever it takes to get Jack Flynn back into the squad - he is a very physical player and we don't have many like that!!

We need a management team who can apply a set of tactics and get the team to play to them - they should vary depending on who we play but against teams like Monaghan we should be having a go and not trying to decent the game! I don't believe COR is that man!

I'd love to see malachy O'Rourke have a go but I doubt he'd be interested and I suspect he might be waiting for the Derry job!! Cathal OBric needs to be involved and his knowledge of the 20s is vital!"
I agree that talk of this team being inexperienced is way off the mark. Most of the team/panel were around with Andy McEntee .... Keoghan, COS, Jones, Ronan Ryan, Ross Ryan, Campion, Hickey, Costello, Morris, Conlon, McGowan, Curtis, Billy Hogan, Lynch. The only notable absentees from Andy's last teams are Menton (retired) and Jack Flynn (left the panel ?) . McGill , Shane McEntee and James McEntee were deemed surplus to requirements. Most counties have introduced under 20 players from 2022/2023 to their team/panel this year. Meath are not unique in that respect.

kingofclubs (Meath) - Posts: 326 - 17/06/2024 11:45:21    2552276


And the narrative continues: 5 more years it is now. WOW. Half of the lads he started with will be heading for retirement at that stage.

Ed2010 (Meath) - Posts: 109 - 17/06/2024 12:33:23    2552305


Woke up yesterday morning I'd imagine like most Meath fans with little belief that Meath could foster a decent performance and win but ventured down in the hope that I just just too pessimistic in my outlook. Alas, it was the same ***** as always, why was it that we conceded the kick out up until Monaghan scored?, really insane stuff. Really the last 10 minutes just papered over the large cracks in that team and gave COR a small get out. Really Monaghan took their foot off the gas and stopped pressing our kick outs at that stage. Seriously going nowhere under his stewardship and player like McGowan and many more must be wondering how they are getting such little game time. If the county board is prepared to put up with that for another 5 years, I don't believe too many fans are.

AthboyCelt (Meath) - Posts: 148 - 17/06/2024 13:19:07    2552336


This is a great move by COR. Its very interesting that his words yesterday were not "i was appointed for 3 , so i'll see that out"...instead he pushed the boat out and mentioned 5...means...he is calling C.o.B., bluff ..back him or else...also if there is any dressing Room discontent ...he is forcing the players cards smart move

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 17/06/2024 14:12:36    2552368


Really smart interview by Colm after game. Basically said I am doing a good job, we are making progress and I am happy to stay. We will be in contention of promotion in 2025 and we will be in contention with the top 8 in 2026. Basically I am here to stay unless someone wants to get rid of me. County Board and players we await your decision

HARRYM (Wicklow) - Posts: 70 - 17/06/2024 14:13:10    2552370


Of course he wants to stay, he is well compensated. CB need to act or I fear people will lose interest in the team completely. Thanks for the times as a player, but its time to go.


TownlandGael (Meath) - Posts: 9 - 17/06/2024 14:54:15    2552392


As a club member you can lobby your club to look for change, Is there a strong enough club out there who will propose to the County board a motion of no Confidence in the whole management team. That's what I'm going to do. Remember Andy McEntee a few years back. The clubs need to step up here, we wont get anywhere been keyboard warriors.

I watched the game while been away in Kerry and one simple question to me was why would the County board stand for it. So I think this is a really opportunity for the Chairman to step up and do something. When the lads took the shackles off yesterday you can see that these lads can play football. We ended the game with a better team that what we started with, I play and I don't get why Ronan Jones didn't start, Give us what you have and then take him off. Bring in Cathal O'Bric, after all he has won 3 major titles.

Nothingbutthetruth (Meath) - Posts: 53 - 17/06/2024 15:00:31    2552395


Replying To Shelbourne1:  "But not near as mentally brittle as Meath. We took Jack McCarron off who had been dictating play for us around the middle and ran down the bench. Let Meath back into it. Meath were never gonna win that game ! A win & a draw and unlucky not to get 2nd place. We are a team in transformation with younger guys coming in & we knew that at start of the season. Meath have good enough players but no football strategy.
Certainly no kickout strategy !"
2 points down in injury time after hitting 7 points (in a row I think?), in the end Meath were not that far off winning that game.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 17/06/2024 16:04:35    2552414


The one thing I think is evident after those 3 games, it doesn't really matter who the manager is, because if you can't get the right coaching staff and structure in place, you will go nowhere.

But Colm has gotten a number of things very very wrong and the book ultimately stops at him. You can't keep feeding us with rubbish like it'll take 5 years, I'm doing a great job type of thing. People simply won't get behind you if you go on like that. And why should we?

We know where the team is at, we spend our hard earned money following the team up and down the country. All for what? We aren't asking for them to go and win the All Ireland, we just want the team to be competitive, to actually put up a fight against good teams. Not just lie down the way we always do.

But on the footballing side of things, we're miles off. No naive, so easy to play against. Monaghan weren't even that good yesterday, they were a bit lethargic at times and coughed up possession numerous times in that first half. We just surrendered when they up the temp a bit in the second half. The last 10 minutes glossed over a dismal performance. We didn't press up on a kickout until the game was up.

We do a lot of the fundamentals wrong, basic stuff you'd except in a junior club game. Carrying the ball into a sea of traffic, misplaced passes, no kickout strategy. Out midfield is a mess, there's absolutely no reason why Ronan Jones couldn't play yesterday. Why hasn't Daithi McGowan gotten a kick off the ball? Despite being two giants, neither Gray or McBride are fielding a ball.

I hate signalling players out. but I and others pay good money to travel and watch them produce puke football week in week out, so just calling it how it is.

These are basic things that fans can see is wrong, and we're not the ones getting paid for it. Regardless if Colm stays on or not is completely irrelevant if we don't put a good coaching team in place. And if he has to go for that to happen, so be it.

hyperache (Meath) - Posts: 235 - 17/06/2024 16:18:07    2552419


Replying To bdbuddah:  "2 points down in injury time after hitting 7 points (in a row I think?), in the end Meath were not that far off winning that game."
Did you actually watch they game ???

They were absolutely miles off winning it. Don't let the final score fool you.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 17/06/2024 16:22:05    2552421


Replying To hyperache:  "The one thing I think is evident after those 3 games, it doesn't really matter who the manager is, because if you can't get the right coaching staff and structure in place, you will go nowhere.

But Colm has gotten a number of things very very wrong and the book ultimately stops at him. You can't keep feeding us with rubbish like it'll take 5 years, I'm doing a great job type of thing. People simply won't get behind you if you go on like that. And why should we?

We know where the team is at, we spend our hard earned money following the team up and down the country. All for what? We aren't asking for them to go and win the All Ireland, we just want the team to be competitive, to actually put up a fight against good teams. Not just lie down the way we always do.

But on the footballing side of things, we're miles off. No naive, so easy to play against. Monaghan weren't even that good yesterday, they were a bit lethargic at times and coughed up possession numerous times in that first half. We just surrendered when they up the temp a bit in the second half. The last 10 minutes glossed over a dismal performance. We didn't press up on a kickout until the game was up.

We do a lot of the fundamentals wrong, basic stuff you'd except in a junior club game. Carrying the ball into a sea of traffic, misplaced passes, no kickout strategy. Out midfield is a mess, there's absolutely no reason why Ronan Jones couldn't play yesterday. Why hasn't Daithi McGowan gotten a kick off the ball? Despite being two giants, neither Gray or McBride are fielding a ball.

I hate signalling players out. but I and others pay good money to travel and watch them produce puke football week in week out, so just calling it how it is.

These are basic things that fans can see is wrong, and we're not the ones getting paid for it. Regardless if Colm stays on or not is completely irrelevant if we don't put a good coaching team in place. And if he has to go for that to happen, so be it."
As regards the media performance i take that with a pinch of salt. The facts are there to be seen. Fans are fans and not all will believe everything that is said. We saw on Tommy Tiernan show Colm can be entertaining and has a good sense of humour. However,the only issue of concern is no improvement
in performance. The only possible remedy is for the county board to take charge and prepare themselves fully for a private and professional review with Colm. As one who supported his appoinment on the basis he looked a good bet. However , he said he would bring in help that was clearly needed from way back. He did not deal with that need which is key for any manager.,and a serious shortcoming.
I believe the CB will have learned that their apparent hands off approach did not meet the needs. ANY manager from here including Colm will commit to a standards driven style with set targets, measured as required especially in evaluation of all training sessions and relative coaching to meet identified needs.They have the resposibility to ensure value for money in all areas Colm like any other potential manager can decide to take of leave this updated level of accountability. I supported him from the start. I dont want any manager who will not use available resoures when needed in the drive for improvement To simplify i dont want more of the same and will only be influenced by efforts to meet needs to help with improvement rather than media speak alone. I make no apologies for saying CB accept the fact that ye cant stand back any longer. Prepare for a REAL REVIEW this time with only one objective to drive all standards upwards to foster a culture of continuous improvement to meet current needs.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 17/06/2024 23:17:28    2552548


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Did you actually watch they game ???

They were absolutely miles off winning it. Don't let the final score fool you."
I was at the game.
I'm not sure why your even arguing with me, I was only pointing out the obvious to a previous Monaghan poster.

We were bad in the third quarter and went 9 points down but in the final quarter we took over and got it back to 2 points.
Fact is after being bad we did have a comeback and got 7 points on the spin to get close but the comeback wasn't quiet good enough to get the win, it is what it is.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 18/06/2024 00:39:01    2552562


Colm has now left it in the hands of players and management. In his eyes he has made improvements based on what he is working with and is now only half way through the plan of getting them to a top 8 county. Have we seen a well coached team re kickouts and set ups in the last 2 years? The old coach in 2023 wanted a defensive set up on the pitch with quick transitions which was not what management wanted. Fast forward a year and here we are trying to play a game like that but doing it badly. Players starting games in early rounds of championship and then getting limited game time in rest of games. A lot of reactive stuff going on in Meath...Get a coaching team in , listen to them and you will see improvements..mIght not even take 5 years.....

HARRYM (Wicklow) - Posts: 70 - 18/06/2024 09:30:29    2552600
