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Meath V Dublin

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Replying To thelutch:  "Everyone, lets just take a while to digest and dilute exactly what's going on with our game.

The GAA created the monster that is now Dublin, not the dubs fault, but they are a cash cow for the GAA. the monies they receive from the organisation is a disgrace compared to other county boards.

Lets go back to where it all began with this mess the GAA has created, Meath beat Dublin in 2010, scoring 5 goals on the way, since then below has what has been paid to Dublin, in second place was cork.
Dublin €21,837,562; Cork: €2,863,228

Now only for some business men in Mayo who funded the team to compete ( professional training ) at a cost of around €600,000 a year we would have had probably no real all Ireland finals.

Covid struck, Tyrone took advantage with some cuteness and then Kerry while Dessie was busy sorting out some internal problems with club players, all back again now and business is restored.

The same has been done to hurling with JP funding a professional team in Limerick.

Word on the street is a good few Derry business people are now funding their county to compete, simple fact is not every county has people to fund the setup required to compete at the Top.

I would say clubs in Dublin would have more financial incomes that a lot of counties in Ireland, Dublin gaa is the central Bank of the GAA , Dear God they are even bringing lads from every corner of the country to play club level.

Its a good job their is no transfer system in the GAA or it would be goodnight Irene altogether.

Anyone who can try attempt to promote our game on television and tell people its an amateur sport in Dublin is deluded, it is for many but not for some.

Our national Game is dying a slow death due to greed and it is only a matter of time before it goes beyond repair.

Meath did well yesterday considering what we have and what we were up against.

Army's cost lots of money to build !!!!"
I get this point and the financial advantage Dublin got centrally when they already have in built advantage (biggest market for sponsors, no travel, training facilities and stadium they can avail of without building their own) is a joke and I wish there was less money in the game as it would make things more open and unpredictable. But that's the reality. The reality is that money is very important in determining success. But that should help Meath and not hurt us. We have a very big population and we're a wealthy county. Forget Dublin for a second, with our resources of both population and money there's no reason in the world we shouldn't be a top 8 football county. The reality is we don't seem capable of making use of our commercial potential. I was really excited when Bective Stud came in and sponsored the underage teams. Bective Stud seem to be incredibly generous and we are lucky to have them. But in 2022 we had them and Devenish as sponsors, then we lost Devenish and never replaced them. Secondly when we have money do we spend it wisely? Our senior inter county management expenses went from 15k in 2022 to 100k in 2023. Did we really get value for money? Same with the money spent to date on PT, not to mention a gym built in Dunganny which was obvious to anybody wasn't big enough to be a team gym when it was built and I believe is now being retrofitted. So yes it's a huge issue the money Dublin get. But if it becomes a game of money the deck is stacked in our favour against most teams if we can figure out how to manage things properly

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 15/04/2024 23:25:47    2538213


Its all very funny this, before the game it is: we must perform well, move it fast, long ball in, its time we competed. Now its the structures and system at county board level thats wrong.
You all knew this before the game so why the change of narrative now!!

Ed2010 (Meath) - Posts: 109 - 16/04/2024 09:04:46    2538245


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "where would you like to start.
Yes for sure the average Club environment , facilities Coaching & "staffing" In Dublin Clubs are much better ....and we probably would not be surprised by that...this all creates a environment of Semi professionalism ...and that is really what you are talking about . We are still running Our Clubs , not much different to the way we ran them 20/30 years ago...
Its nearly a case of ..we don't even know , what we don't know .
The quality of individuals available to Your average Dublin Club is unreal...and some would argue that these individuals in administration, diet, training, medical , finance...don't Kick the Football for the club...but we are missing the Point . the point is all about Levels...they are at a higher standard in everything ....and that's not a money thing...Its a Quality People Issue ...and the same is exactly true of its County Board ...and that trickles down to their Coaches, Managers etc...
We have great volunteers ....but we just haven't grasped it or not..right or wrong...The Top Counties & Clubs have taken the Club environment & County environment to a level that we just don't understand ."
Starting at the top like in any other business.. We need individuals at the top table with vision,leadership,accountability to begin with. Freshness, stamina where there is a convicion that nothing stands still..there is always a need to review how we do things.How we set and maintain standards in everything. look outwards to see whats best practise. We need people who take charge .people who believe we are not victims of any thing.Dublin have plenty of what? an excuse. What value to we get for money spent because thats in our control Let it be seen that we are progressive in our thinking in everything that involves a standard that can lead to improvement.....Training...why train ? whats that all about....a serious question!
Ah shur we are ONLY volunteers.If thats how you see it and that dictates how you perform then consider your position.What about the honour bestowed on you ? that honour carries a responsibility to be the best you can be.
Yes you need a good thick skin to travel on this journey..If not get off the bus !
No doubt the "Meathness" in some people will say all gobbledegook.....i say rubbish its not. I condense it down to one word ATTITUDE. .evrything else will fall into place when that is right. Let that be seen and sponsorship will be attractive . Top quality managers and coaches wont just be playing games with us when we need one. They may just want the gig. Full credit to Colm O Rourke and his backroom team they took what very few others wanted.
Attitude change is a slow burner but without it the fire goes out. I see that fire going out now for nearly 20 years
We CAN improve our lot with relevant development for all the keyholders. Thats what Dublin did and CONTINUE to do. I t can start with a properly timed and structured review where we take serious stock where there is only one agenda " Attitude to improvement"

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 16/04/2024 09:21:04    2538257


More bull from no bull. Fair play for taking the, could you set the bar any lower. Maybe ask...what actual improvements have been made in nearly 2 years????

Ed2010 (Meath) - Posts: 109 - 16/04/2024 09:37:46    2538266


Replying To thelutch:  "Everyone, lets just take a while to digest and dilute exactly what's going on with our game.

The GAA created the monster that is now Dublin, not the dubs fault, but they are a cash cow for the GAA. the monies they receive from the organisation is a disgrace compared to other county boards.

Lets go back to where it all began with this mess the GAA has created, Meath beat Dublin in 2010, scoring 5 goals on the way, since then below has what has been paid to Dublin, in second place was cork.
Dublin €21,837,562; Cork: €2,863,228

Now only for some business men in Mayo who funded the team to compete ( professional training ) at a cost of around €600,000 a year we would have had probably no real all Ireland finals.

Covid struck, Tyrone took advantage with some cuteness and then Kerry while Dessie was busy sorting out some internal problems with club players, all back again now and business is restored.

The same has been done to hurling with JP funding a professional team in Limerick.

Word on the street is a good few Derry business people are now funding their county to compete, simple fact is not every county has people to fund the setup required to compete at the Top.

I would say clubs in Dublin would have more financial incomes that a lot of counties in Ireland, Dublin gaa is the central Bank of the GAA , Dear God they are even bringing lads from every corner of the country to play club level.

Its a good job their is no transfer system in the GAA or it would be goodnight Irene altogether.

Anyone who can try attempt to promote our game on television and tell people its an amateur sport in Dublin is deluded, it is for many but not for some.

Our national Game is dying a slow death due to greed and it is only a matter of time before it goes beyond repair.

Meath did well yesterday considering what we have and what we were up against.

Army's cost lots of money to build !!!!"
Excellent post and unfortunately for the game of gaelic football every bit of this post is an accurate reflection of where the game is currently. It is no different to what is happening in the premier league with the funding of Manchester City by Abu Dhabi and the end result is the same .... complete dominance by one team due to having an unfair advantage over their rivals.

kingofclubs (Meath) - Posts: 326 - 16/04/2024 09:38:01    2538267


Replying To Ed2010:  "More bull from no bull. Fair play for taking the, could you set the bar any lower. Maybe ask...what actual improvements have been made in nearly 2 years????"
Very little so far to be honest. By the way who would have picked out of the Q for the job COR took? Do u have any constructive suggestions. I note you normally play safe with none. What hat are you wearing now..? Some things never change!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 16/04/2024 10:23:47    2538280


Replying To kingofclubs:  "Excellent post and unfortunately for the game of gaelic football every bit of this post is an accurate reflection of where the game is currently. It is no different to what is happening in the premier league with the funding of Manchester City by Abu Dhabi and the end result is the same .... complete dominance by one team due to having an unfair advantage over their rivals."
guys this is a really good example of where are pre-occupations are misguided. There is a strong argument for Leitrim, Longford and the likes to be making this argument , same as there is for the say Luton towns etc , but it is not a credible argument for meath, Kildare , or Man United, Chelsea or other underperforming well funded organisations . Wastage of monies is the common theme . we have got to stop crying about Dublin's "priviliged " position. We have more than enough funding sources , we have more than enough facilities....we are Not performing to out best.Full stop...and that is across the Board. JP in Limerick...what about the Rona Family & Teneo in Tipperary.....Tipp are never short of fudinbg, and they will tell you that...thats not the issue, and its sure not JP that is creating what has been created in Limerick. That is so disrespectful to all the great work that People have pout in in limerick...yes, with the help of funding from JP....Look at the use of Funds...don't look at the size of the funds

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 16/04/2024 10:49:25    2538292


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "guys this is a really good example of where are pre-occupations are misguided. There is a strong argument for Leitrim, Longford and the likes to be making this argument , same as there is for the say Luton towns etc , but it is not a credible argument for meath, Kildare , or Man United, Chelsea or other underperforming well funded organisations . Wastage of monies is the common theme . we have got to stop crying about Dublin's "priviliged " position. We have more than enough funding sources , we have more than enough facilities....we are Not performing to out best.Full stop...and that is across the Board. JP in Limerick...what about the Rona Family & Teneo in Tipperary.....Tipp are never short of fudinbg, and they will tell you that...thats not the issue, and its sure not JP that is creating what has been created in Limerick. That is so disrespectful to all the great work that People have pout in in limerick...yes, with the help of funding from JP....Look at the use of Funds...don't look at the size of the funds"
Very well said. The Dublin issue and the financial doping that went on is an absolute fact and cannot be argued against . However that has zero to do with the pathetic state of Meath football currently . If Dublin had not gotten all the help financially or even didn't end up getting their own house in order and still had not won the All Ireland since 1995 would that have automatically improved where we are currently at or have been at for a long long time now ?

Regardless if Dublin are good bad or indifferent we would still be absolutely light years away from where we should be as a county in football and that is because of long term poor management from the top , lack of proper coaching structures , mismanagement of finances and overall certain people being asleep and the wheel .

Lets forget about Dublin and what they do or don't get and concentrate on ourselves because we have more than enough funding and resources to be competing with and getting the better of the likes of Roscommon Monaghan Donegal Armagh etc currently but we are not.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 16/04/2024 11:06:39    2538297


Replying To Ed2010:  "Its all very funny this, before the game it is: we must perform well, move it fast, long ball in, its time we competed. Now its the structures and system at county board level thats wrong.
You all knew this before the game so why the change of narrative now!!"
it's actually possible to grasp two concepts at once! We should be hoping the lads are competitive and COR and co make the most of our current resources. AND we can simultaneously think we need massive change at county board level. They're not conflicting narratives, it's just nice to concentrate on the on-field stuff before a match.
If COR did everything right and the lads all overperformed our ceiling is still probably 6th/7th best county in the country, at best. I hope COR does achieve that, but I'll still hope for massive behind-the-scenes changes to raise the ceiling of what we can aspire to.
To be honest, we probably need the seniors to overperform consistently to get the interest and the money coming in to fund the wholesale structural changes needed to be All-Ireland contenders again. Though, sadly, given our CB's record over the past 20 years, if we did overperform that could just as easily lead to more complacency.

MeathAbroad (Meath) - Posts: 87 - 16/04/2024 11:12:43    2538301


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "guys this is a really good example of where are pre-occupations are misguided. There is a strong argument for Leitrim, Longford and the likes to be making this argument , same as there is for the say Luton towns etc , but it is not a credible argument for meath, Kildare , or Man United, Chelsea or other underperforming well funded organisations . Wastage of monies is the common theme . we have got to stop crying about Dublin's "priviliged " position. We have more than enough funding sources , we have more than enough facilities....we are Not performing to out best.Full stop...and that is across the Board. JP in Limerick...what about the Rona Family & Teneo in Tipperary.....Tipp are never short of fudinbg, and they will tell you that...thats not the issue, and its sure not JP that is creating what has been created in Limerick. That is so disrespectful to all the great work that People have pout in in limerick...yes, with the help of funding from JP....Look at the use of Funds...don't look at the size of the funds"
Their use of funds have been clever no doubt about that, their management team and background support is A1. You can be pumping 3/4 million into a county set up year on year but it's how you use it.

The bit that interests me is the amount of players on the Limerick team working for Adare Manor or other business the JP owns, these players are sorted for jobs that suit their lifestyle so if they need to take off at 4 to get ready for training they can and because they all work locally they don't have a big commute.

Similarly to Dublin, most of them don't have to commute far for training or access to facilities and they can take off early if needed. Jack Mc and Mick Fitz are exceptions to this but you also see that with Jack stepping away for a couple of years and sometimes Mick Fitz not being at his best because he's coming off shift etc.

Our players don't have that luxury. Most are in college in either Dublin or Maynooth. James Mc is a doctor and he had to step away because he couldn't commit, Jack Flynn is in college and was finding the commute difficult along with having to balance his person life. Bective Stud, Gordon Elliot, Slane Castle and more could be pumping in a heap of money but it still won't change the problem of lads lifestyles and commitments unless you're a teacher or work locally. This then comes into club level and it is one of the factors that the Dublin senior clubs are so much stronger than ours because they have access to players 90% of the time whereas club players in Meath might only make 60-70% of the trainings.

UsernameInvalid (Meath) - Posts: 388 - 16/04/2024 11:14:05    2538303


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Very well said. The Dublin issue and the financial doping that went on is an absolute fact and cannot be argued against . However that has zero to do with the pathetic state of Meath football currently . If Dublin had not gotten all the help financially or even didn't end up getting their own house in order and still had not won the All Ireland since 1995 would that have automatically improved where we are currently at or have been at for a long long time now ?

Regardless if Dublin are good bad or indifferent we would still be absolutely light years away from where we should be as a county in football and that is because of long term poor management from the top , lack of proper coaching structures , mismanagement of finances and overall certain people being asleep and the wheel .

Lets forget about Dublin and what they do or don't get and concentrate on ourselves because we have more than enough funding and resources to be competing with and getting the better of the likes of Roscommon Monaghan Donegal Armagh etc currently but we are not."
Absolutely nailed it there.........get our own house in order.Agreed 100% !!!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 16/04/2024 11:28:49    2538305


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "guys this is a really good example of where are pre-occupations are misguided. There is a strong argument for Leitrim, Longford and the likes to be making this argument , same as there is for the say Luton towns etc , but it is not a credible argument for meath, Kildare , or Man United, Chelsea or other underperforming well funded organisations . Wastage of monies is the common theme . we have got to stop crying about Dublin's "priviliged " position. We have more than enough funding sources , we have more than enough facilities....we are Not performing to out best.Full stop...and that is across the Board. JP in Limerick...what about the Rona Family & Teneo in Tipperary.....Tipp are never short of fudinbg, and they will tell you that...thats not the issue, and its sure not JP that is creating what has been created in Limerick. That is so disrespectful to all the great work that People have pout in in limerick...yes, with the help of funding from JP....Look at the use of Funds...don't look at the size of the funds"
My post regarding Dublin funding was a general post and made no reference to the performance of Meath. But as you brought it up I do agree that the powers that be in Meath have been asleep at the wheel which goes back to the early 2000s. When comparing Meath or Kildare to other counties such as Roscommon, Monaghan etc the one factor that differs is that these counties have a chance to win the occasional provincial title. This gives motivation to young lads to stay in the game. I would say that many excellent inter county footballers have been lost in both Meath and Kildare over the last 2 decades as the potential rewards do not justify the sacrifices that need to be made to play inter county football.

kingofclubs (Meath) - Posts: 326 - 16/04/2024 11:36:51    2538309


Replying To nobull456:  "Very little so far to be honest. By the way who would have picked out of the Q for the job COR took? Do u have any constructive suggestions. I note you normally play safe with none. What hat are you wearing now..? Some things never change!"
Sorry can we get back to my point please...i would like you to list any improvement this current set up has made in terms of tactical nouse or style in the last 18 months?

As for who should take over...a proven intercounty manager. If louth got harte, surely with our resources we can get someone with serious credentials.

Ed2010 (Meath) - Posts: 109 - 16/04/2024 11:39:34    2538310


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Very well said. The Dublin issue and the financial doping that went on is an absolute fact and cannot be argued against . However that has zero to do with the pathetic state of Meath football currently . If Dublin had not gotten all the help financially or even didn't end up getting their own house in order and still had not won the All Ireland since 1995 would that have automatically improved where we are currently at or have been at for a long long time now ?

Regardless if Dublin are good bad or indifferent we would still be absolutely light years away from where we should be as a county in football and that is because of long term poor management from the top , lack of proper coaching structures , mismanagement of finances and overall certain people being asleep and the wheel .

Lets forget about Dublin and what they do or don't get and concentrate on ourselves because we have more than enough funding and resources to be competing with and getting the better of the likes of Roscommon Monaghan Donegal Armagh etc currently but we are not."
thelutch is right. Its all right being Roscommon Monaghan Donegal Armagh knowing every year you have a good chance to win a provincial and kick on from there.
Whether you want to accept it or not.... you are always questioning why some young lads decide to leave the Meath panel thinking are they getting on with the manager or not or something else. But the real facts are that in Meath and other Leinster teams it is "easier" to make a decision to walk because you know that after the league your season is pretty much done and you have no interest in going out against Man City every year in Leinster and you are on your knees nearly puking while watching 15 professionally primed athletes run riot over you and then you look up to see another 5 just as primed coming off the bench!
So saying "forget about Dublin" is not that easy when you are from Leinster. Its a disgrace if you ask me that this was let go on for 14 years.
Years ago Kerry were fined for being sponsored by Adidas, because it was not an irish owned company and they were told to disgard their Jerseys and use O'Neills. Roll on a few years and Dublin were rocking the AIG logo and doing photoshoots with Dan Carter and the rest of the All Blacks!!
the lutons and Crystal Palaces are starting to take scalps now in the Premier league simply because they are starting to get bankrolled themselves!

I would start boycotting Leinster if i were the other teams. I would say - we are happy to have played the league but now I am going to let the lads off for the summer - go to the states and make a few quid for them selves and enjoy life! No point in putting up with the serious lack of respect sow to us by the GAA.
Let the GAA eat humble pie and start getting their fingers out of their backsides.
Every penny made by each county (shirt sales, sponsorship, gates, funding etc..) should be centrally pooled and divided out equally among the 32 counties!!

Regarding the match - same tripe. COR again talking about young lads and how far behind dublin we are.

2 points down in the first half and we were i possession with dublin completely pushes back. All we had to do is hold onto the ball and run down the clock and go in maybe 1 or 2 points down. But instead we kick a 50/50 in and next thing goal. All of a sudden we are 5 points then 6 down. No common sense on the sideline whatsoever.
That doesnt take years to develop!!

JonnieG (Meath) - Posts: 246 - 16/04/2024 11:54:11    2538315


Replying To nobull456:  "Starting at the top like in any other business.. We need individuals at the top table with vision,leadership,accountability to begin with. Freshness, stamina where there is a convicion that nothing stands still..there is always a need to review how we do things.How we set and maintain standards in everything. look outwards to see whats best practise. We need people who take charge .people who believe we are not victims of any thing.Dublin have plenty of what? an excuse. What value to we get for money spent because thats in our control Let it be seen that we are progressive in our thinking in everything that involves a standard that can lead to improvement.....Training...why train ? whats that all about....a serious question!
Ah shur we are ONLY volunteers.If thats how you see it and that dictates how you perform then consider your position.What about the honour bestowed on you ? that honour carries a responsibility to be the best you can be.
Yes you need a good thick skin to travel on this journey..If not get off the bus !
No doubt the "Meathness" in some people will say all gobbledegook.....i say rubbish its not. I condense it down to one word ATTITUDE. .evrything else will fall into place when that is right. Let that be seen and sponsorship will be attractive . Top quality managers and coaches wont just be playing games with us when we need one. They may just want the gig. Full credit to Colm O Rourke and his backroom team they took what very few others wanted.
Attitude change is a slow burner but without it the fire goes out. I see that fire going out now for nearly 20 years
We CAN improve our lot with relevant development for all the keyholders. Thats what Dublin did and CONTINUE to do. I t can start with a properly timed and structured review where we take serious stock where there is only one agenda " Attitude to improvement""
If we're going to talk about how we improve things I'd like to hear specifics.

At work we often get talks where people use a few management speak words.
Nobody at the meetings really take this stuff seriously. There just a meeting we have to attend.
The success of the company has almost nothing to do with what we hear at these meetings where people throw out management speak.

To be honest comparing ourselves against Dublin is difficult but what about the likes of Galway who on the face of it we should be similar to (I'd probably hazard a guess we have more adult players than Galway), what ideas do people have for the reasons they have performed better than us over the last say 10 years?.

Is our senior club championship not competitive enough or of a lower standard than say Galway's so not good preparation for senior inter county football?.

Is there a problem with the approach of our underage development squads/ minor and u20 teams?

Is it down town to the fact that Galway play in a provincial championship where they will always have a reasonable chance of winning every year so this is a big incentive for Galway players on the county team (what I really mean is if Galway were say in Leinster championship with Dublin in last 20 years would they be in a similar position to Meath, uncompetitive with the stronger teams in the championship due to finding it hard to ever build momentum based on incentive of winning a provincial title).

I could try to come up with reasons but maybe some people on here know more about what is actually different in counties who, on the face of it we should be competitive with.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 16/04/2024 12:00:37    2538316


Replying To Ed2010:  "Sorry can we get back to my point please...i would like you to list any improvement this current set up has made in terms of tactical nouse or style in the last 18 months?

As for who should take over...a proven intercounty manager. If louth got harte, surely with our resources we can get someone with serious credentials."
Do you not remember what happened when we looked for a manager. ALL the high profile managers had no interest.One high profile man used it as a media gig for himself but no budge. Yes progress is very slow no argument there. I am prepared to give COR the time he requested to try to bring improvement. I also believe in his integrity and i believe he will walk himself if he cannot deliver. Whats wrong with that? I also believe that ANY manager even the best will not be made to measure straight away. I believe Colm needs to make adjustments and maybe bring in some help.I believe that will happen also...Colm o Rourke is not the problem alone. The problem is bigger than any one individual........Just read your post again and ask yourself "What happened a short time ago when we looked for a manager " Who were the suitable applicants? Was there a Q ? So you know the answer to your own question. Give Colm A CHANCE to do what he said he would try in the time.Fair is fair .

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 16/04/2024 13:47:14    2538345


Replying To bdbuddah:  "If we're going to talk about how we improve things I'd like to hear specifics.

At work we often get talks where people use a few management speak words.
Nobody at the meetings really take this stuff seriously. There just a meeting we have to attend.
The success of the company has almost nothing to do with what we hear at these meetings where people throw out management speak.

To be honest comparing ourselves against Dublin is difficult but what about the likes of Galway who on the face of it we should be similar to (I'd probably hazard a guess we have more adult players than Galway), what ideas do people have for the reasons they have performed better than us over the last say 10 years?.

Is our senior club championship not competitive enough or of a lower standard than say Galway's so not good preparation for senior inter county football?.

Is there a problem with the approach of our underage development squads/ minor and u20 teams?

Is it down town to the fact that Galway play in a provincial championship where they will always have a reasonable chance of winning every year so this is a big incentive for Galway players on the county team (what I really mean is if Galway were say in Leinster championship with Dublin in last 20 years would they be in a similar position to Meath, uncompetitive with the stronger teams in the championship due to finding it hard to ever build momentum based on incentive of winning a provincial title).

I could try to come up with reasons but maybe some people on here know more about what is actually different in counties who, on the face of it we should be competitive with."
"Management Speak" yeh i know what you mean ,and how that term can be an obstacle if its not .supported by specifics. My point is that modern day sport requires business strategies in trying to measure success,or trying to identify training needs in the hope of developing aimed at improvement .. Ok those are headings .Call that management speak or whatever you like Now down to how that thinking transfers to Meath football. Perhaps i am missing something but if we are real about improvement then we MUST measure critical areas of activity starting with REVIEW but NOT just treated as another buzword but structured and timely.This review has nothing to do with anything else like fixtures or money but all about IMPROVEMENT. club delegates need to be fully briefed in advance this about where and how we set standards and measurements.The top table let us know how the effectiveness of training sessions are measured for example .They are the paymasters.How and who is doing the analysis and how effectively training sessions transfer to on field performance. Strenght and conditioning.How and who measures that against the required standard and how often measured. Manager given full freedom to outline coaching standards currently, and aspirations for further development in line with ongoing requirements. including succession planning and questions and answers session arising
In essense everthing that bring about improved performance has a standard To establish and maintain the standard involves a circle of action starting with establish what needs improvement because it does not meet the standard......install remedial action and monitor for desired improvement,.....measure against best practice and game plan developments........Standards seen to be the key to bringing about improvement. With that of course there will be development needs established for key stakeholders including the top table.. Nothing should need to be imposed on anyone .i take this development because i want to be better in my role and fulfill my resposibility to do my best for Meath football. I will ad here that every stakeholder should not be out of pocket here and should be paid for all required expenses like all others.
Yes how this can be discussed to gain maximum buy in rather than imposition may very well take a series of workshops or whatever for further clarification The whole emphasis here is to raise awareness and gain buy in that we need to set standards to be met and reviewed in all key areas designed to bring and maintain continuous improvement. i do understand that this language can be a turn off to some people and does require digestion even in small doses to begin with . However, to dismiss it without alternative is a cop out because there can be no argument about the need for improvement Rome wasnt built in a day either!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 16/04/2024 15:49:17    2538368


Replying To bdbuddah:  "If we're going to talk about how we improve things I'd like to hear specifics.

At work we often get talks where people use a few management speak words.
Nobody at the meetings really take this stuff seriously. There just a meeting we have to attend.
The success of the company has almost nothing to do with what we hear at these meetings where people throw out management speak.

To be honest comparing ourselves against Dublin is difficult but what about the likes of Galway who on the face of it we should be similar to (I'd probably hazard a guess we have more adult players than Galway), what ideas do people have for the reasons they have performed better than us over the last say 10 years?.

Is our senior club championship not competitive enough or of a lower standard than say Galway's so not good preparation for senior inter county football?.

Is there a problem with the approach of our underage development squads/ minor and u20 teams?

Is it down town to the fact that Galway play in a provincial championship where they will always have a reasonable chance of winning every year so this is a big incentive for Galway players on the county team (what I really mean is if Galway were say in Leinster championship with Dublin in last 20 years would they be in a similar position to Meath, uncompetitive with the stronger teams in the championship due to finding it hard to ever build momentum based on incentive of winning a provincial title).

I could try to come up with reasons but maybe some people on here know more about what is actually different in counties who, on the face of it we should be competitive with."
Have asked same question, what exactly do people want? Have various managers pinpointed areas they feel are lacking. Clubs surely have made their feelings known, are CB refusing requests? Again I doubt this. Dublin are professional in all but name, however, the question is asked and rightly so how come counties outside Leinster don't have our problems? If they had to face Dublin every year, just to win a proviential would their outlook or success be different. Our recent success at minor has been built around the team with few individual's standing out as future star's. Enda McGinley takes a different view to the "get your house in order" one on the RTE football podcast, makes some good points.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 16/04/2024 16:53:44    2538376


If Dublin weren't in Leinster it would be very competitive for the rest of the counties , like every county in Leinster could beat each other on the day , I see almost every Leinster county as equal and no county is second best to Dublin in Leinster.

Dublin could do without being in Leinster , they should be given a pass to the all Ireland series , I think this would really help a lot of counties in Leinster , because getting a beating by Dublin does the confidence no good , plus it takes Dublin out of the conversation and we have a competition to look forward to .

WhyTheLongFace (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 16/04/2024 18:41:29    2538400


Personally I'm not in favour of Dublin being removed. If 1, 2 or maybe even 3 Leinster counties (including Meath) were brought up to Div 1 levels through funding AND smart, specific plans. Then it would be competive.
Even if Dubs were winning 7 Leinster titles each decade, think of the excitement when they didn't win. When Kildare and Meath have flirted with being Div 1 level we've dished out hammering to Leinster 'minnows'. So it wouldn't be that competive if larger counties had their house in order.

MeathAbroad (Meath) - Posts: 87 - 16/04/2024 19:40:21    2538412
