National Forum

JP McManus Donates €1M To Each County Board

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Replying To BarneyGrant:  "He does not. Much is also made of his involvement in horse racing, but unlike other wealthy owners he seems to spread his money about. You see the JP colours in all sorts of races and from a fair spread of stables including smaller operators.

I somehow doubt that most of his horses are making money. He seems genuinely to enjoy his part in it, and as others have said you see him pottering about with the ordinary punters at courses.

Same with GAA. Despite the nasty comments about his support for Limerick, their success is not all down to him, nor is it his vanity project.

I used to be well on the left but as i grow older i feel completely divorced from the begrudgers and state worshippers who given 32 million would either spend it on their friends under the pretence of "helping" or otherwise waste it."
He is loved down here,we know about the money he gives to charities,the equipment he gave our regional hospital,the Milford hospice,is long standing sponsorship of CBS scholarship,the local community's not to mention Limerick gaa,there is so many first hand stories of the way he has helped.Limericks success like Dublin's six in a row was down to having a one in generation excellent team, money helps but without the players won't happen.

cityman73 (Limerick) - Posts: 783 - 19/12/2023 18:23:02    2517420


Replying To cluichethar:  "Please explain how he's avoiding paying his taxes?
From everything I have read he pays his taxes everywhere he has to."
Exactly he pays every tax he legally has to in Ireland.

cityman73 (Limerick) - Posts: 783 - 19/12/2023 18:28:10    2517422


Replying To cluichethar:  "A man gives 32 million of his own free will, money he could keep for himself but out comes the begrudgers saying he isn't giving enough. It's true what the song says "Ireland is a very funny place sir, it's a strange and troubled land".
I would much rather he give his money direct to organizations that he thinks needs it than to the Government that would only trn around and give it to their stupid causes."
Sorry for spoiling the party, but unless I'm missing out on something no poster said, or implied "he isn't giving enough." That accusation is very much incorrect, mo cara.

PS. I posted a longer version of this post yesterday but unfortunately it didn't get by ad min for some strange reason, so I edited my post to this.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2984 - 19/12/2023 19:12:41    2517423


Joe Brolly having a go at JP too. Glad RTE got rid of him.

brisbane (Galway) - Posts: 675 - 20/12/2023 20:25:17    2517500


Replying To supersub15:  "Sorry for spoiling the party, but unless I'm missing out on something no poster said, or implied "he isn't giving enough." That accusation is very much incorrect, mo cara.

PS. I posted a longer version of this post yesterday but unfortunately it didn't get by ad min for some strange reason, so I edited my post to this."
You are missing a lot. Posters on here and on other sites are on about him paying more in taxes. As i have said already from what I've read he pays all the taxes he's expected to pay.

cluichethar (Mayo) - Posts: 471 - 21/12/2023 17:49:45    2517580


Replying To brisbane:  "Joe Brolly having a go at JP too. Glad RTE got rid of him."
I don't think many pay too much attention to what Mr Brolly says anymore. Except for journalists looking for a good or controversial sound bite. They do this as they think that we - the great unwashed - need to know what Joe's opinion on anything and everything is. Thing is, we don't.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1194 - 22/12/2023 08:49:56    2517612


Replying To Freethinker:  "I don't think many pay too much attention to what Mr Brolly says anymore. Except for journalists looking for a good or controversial sound bite. They do this as they think that we - the great unwashed - need to know what Joe's opinion on anything and everything is. Thing is, we don't."
I don't pass to much heed to Joe Brolly. However the reaction of many GAA people to the largess from a billionaire is one of doffing the cap to our betters. The biggest contributor to Irish Sport every year is the taxpayer,, putting in hundreds of millions. Every club has benefited over the last 30 years. Yet there is little appreciation of this.
When a tycoon, who pays his taxes elsewhere, drops in a few quid we fall over our selves in admiration and no one dare question anything.

SixtiesKid (Galway) - Posts: 323 - 22/12/2023 09:31:07    2517624


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Plenty of millionaire republicans up your end, Mystery how that came to be. Wasn't from working anyway."
Just seen this post of yours Barney, I'd love to have a present day definition of "Republican". It sure doesn't mean what it did 40, 50, 100, years ago.

cluichethar (Mayo) - Posts: 471 - 22/12/2023 12:53:02    2517635


Replying To cluichethar:  "You are missing a lot. Posters on here and on other sites are on about him paying more in taxes. As i have said already from what I've read he pays all the taxes he's expected to pay."
Nah don't think so, my only issue is with the post that said" he isn't giving enough." I can't find that post not alone that but another poster from an elite county jumped in straight away to support your theory.

PS. I am more than happy with his financial gift of 1 million, I hope it's spent well however if I had my way I would spend the lot and more in "Levelling the playing field," if that was possible.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2984 - 22/12/2023 14:36:07    2517640


Replying To supersub15:  "Nah don't think so, my only issue is with the post that said" he isn't giving enough." I can't find that post not alone that but another poster from an elite county jumped in straight away to support your theory.

PS. I am more than happy with his financial gift of 1 million, I hope it's spent well however if I had my way I would spend the lot and more in "Levelling the playing field," if that was possible."
Anyone that is bitching about JPs taxes want him to pay more. you have one person complaining that he's not even donating 1% . Don't know how you read it any other way than they believe he's not giving enough.

cluichethar (Mayo) - Posts: 471 - 22/12/2023 18:54:27    2517656


Replying To cluichethar:  "Anyone that is bitching about JPs taxes want him to pay more. you have one person complaining that he's not even donating 1% . Don't know how you read it any other way than they believe he's not giving enough."
I read your post that's the bone of contention.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2984 - 23/12/2023 00:26:34    2517679


Replying To SixtiesKid:  "I don't pass to much heed to Joe Brolly. However the reaction of many GAA people to the largess from a billionaire is one of doffing the cap to our betters. The biggest contributor to Irish Sport every year is the taxpayer,, putting in hundreds of millions. Every club has benefited over the last 30 years. Yet there is little appreciation of this.
When a tycoon, who pays his taxes elsewhere, drops in a few quid we fall over our selves in admiration and no one dare question anything."
The FFg govt has been very generous to say, Irish rugby over the last decade. So why whinge when JP McManus steps in to help us. GAA

galwayford (Galway) - Posts: 2565 - 27/12/2023 19:05:16    2517739


It seems like a lot of people are no longer capable of nuance. You can respect JP's donation but also hold the position that he should be paying his taxes here rather than in Switzerland. A lot of people will say the Government would just waste the money. I suppose then we should all get the option not to pay tax. Or we could vote for better politicians.

Rolo2010 (Donegal) - Posts: 740 - 27/12/2023 19:21:31    2517740


Replying To Rolo2010:  "It seems like a lot of people are no longer capable of nuance. You can respect JP's donation but also hold the position that he should be paying his taxes here rather than in Switzerland. A lot of people will say the Government would just waste the money. I suppose then we should all get the option not to pay tax. Or we could vote for better politicians."
He does pay tax here on whatever business he conducts here.

His main business is based abroad so he presumably pays tax there, and if its Switzerland then he pays corporation tax at a higher rate afaik.

Most of the criticism of JP has been from those on the "left" (whatever that means these days) and the left in Ireland has benefitted hugely from grants from billionaire foundations.

The main opposition party in particular has some neck criticising anyone about getting money from rich people, or indeed tax avoidance.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 27/12/2023 20:00:16    2517741


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "He does pay tax here on whatever business he conducts here.

His main business is based abroad so he presumably pays tax there, and if its Switzerland then he pays corporation tax at a higher rate afaik.

Most of the criticism of JP has been from those on the "left" (whatever that means these days) and the left in Ireland has benefitted hugely from grants from billionaire foundations.

The main opposition party in particular has some neck criticising anyone about getting money from rich people, or indeed tax avoidance."
It was Labour and the Soc Dems who criticized Mr McManus.

galwayford (Galway) - Posts: 2565 - 28/12/2023 13:31:49    2517761


Replying To galwayford:  "It was Labour and the Soc Dems who criticized Mr McManus."
It was Labour, the Soc Dems, Sinn Féin and the PBP. Boylan was whinging about on radio last week.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 28/12/2023 14:52:48    2517764


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "It was Labour, the Soc Dems, Sinn Féin and the PBP. Boylan was whinging about on radio last week."
Any links to any Sinn Fein criticism Barney? Haven't seen any myself.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 28/12/2023 15:32:59    2517769


Replying To Viking66:  "Any links to any Sinn Fein criticism Barney? Haven't seen any myself."
I think I spent enough time assisting you in your researches if you don't mind :-)

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 28/12/2023 16:09:00    2517771


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "He does pay tax here on whatever business he conducts here.

His main business is based abroad so he presumably pays tax there, and if its Switzerland then he pays corporation tax at a higher rate afaik.

Most of the criticism of JP has been from those on the "left" (whatever that means these days) and the left in Ireland has benefitted hugely from grants from billionaire foundations.

The main opposition party in particular has some neck criticising anyone about getting money from rich people, or indeed tax avoidance."
God help your blood pressure if SF or the left ever form a government here. The tax residency thing has long been a controversial issue and not just in Ireland. We all know political parties receive donations from rich people but that is whataboutism. I'm starting to think this is more about your irrational hatred for the Irish left and the declining power of FF/FG.

Rolo2010 (Donegal) - Posts: 740 - 28/12/2023 16:45:11    2517774


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "I think I spent enough time assisting you in your researches if you don't mind :-)"
Isn't that the usual posters answer when they are caught out talking unsubstantiated nonsense Barney? I looked for myself but couldn't find anything from Sinn Fein about Mcmanus ' generous donation. You never answered my post on the other thread either btw.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 28/12/2023 17:10:23    2517776
