National Forum

JP McManus Donates €1M To Each County Board

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Replying To updwell:  "Are you a Guard?"
I know Guards have had their difficulties in your part of the world for many years, but I am not a Guard.

SixtiesKid (Galway) - Posts: 323 - 15/12/2023 11:17:52    2516896


Fair play to JP McManus, he didn't need to do this but it really is a great gesture.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 15/12/2023 11:21:29    2516897


reading the comments mostly negative it strikes me that most of the people on this forum have no hand act or part in anything to do with the gaa , just people with a negative view on everything . thank you j p , noreen and the entire mcmanus family for the marvellous gesture

mickcunningham (Westmeath) - Posts: 1860 - 15/12/2023 11:34:14    2516899


A brilliant gesture by JP Mac but ots a pity the money did nt go straight to the clubs.I mean a million per county means the clubs in Cork get a lot less than Leitrim or Longford.A club in Cork might get 4k whereas a club in Leitrim might get 38 k.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3840 - 15/12/2023 11:46:31    2516904


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "A brilliant gesture by JP Mac but ots a pity the money did nt go straight to the clubs.I mean a million per county means the clubs in Cork get a lot less than Leitrim or Longford.A club in Cork might get 4k whereas a club in Leitrim might get 38 k."
Wouldn't that even things up a bit overall Mick?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 15/12/2023 12:12:52    2516908


Replying To tireoghainabu:  "Incredible gesture by JP Mc Manus and his family, this has the potential to make a positive contribution to every parish in Ireland. I just hope the good people in Wicklow remember this on Election Day."
I doubt that Jenifer or too many Social Democrats are into "the gah," But I share your sentiments, Same goes for all the others who have no problem whatsoever with foreign billionaires funding all sorts of nonsense here.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 15/12/2023 12:33:47    2516916


Replying To TobeaRossie:  "The Irish Mentality of finding something negative in absolutely everything, in this case a €32m donation is sickening, I just don't get it.

If he didn't give a cent, nobody would be saying a thing, he didn't need to give anything at all.

Fair play to him, absolutely phenomenal gesture"
First of all welcome the donation and applaud JPs generosity. However I think you are innocently naive if you believe that when a tax exile makes such a donation it is not going to draw some reasonable and critical comments on tax avoidance through foreign domicile. In Ireland we have a progressive taxation system for the most part, low earners pay a smaller % of their income than higher earners. However when it comes to the super rich this progression does not hold true and the very wealthy can reduce their tax liability through various tax avoidance schemes such as being a tax exile. When a tax exile such as JP makes such a generous donation, well inevitably it is going to draw attention to his tax status.

sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 782 - 15/12/2023 12:39:13    2516917


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "I doubt that Jenifer or too many Social Democrats are into "the gah," But I share your sentiments, Same goes for all the others who have no problem whatsoever with foreign billionaires funding all sorts of nonsense here."
Here here.The Social Democrats will never go above 3% with the South County Dublín attitude of what her name?
For her sake she better maintain that Greystones vote.

jobber (Westmeath) - Posts: 1552 - 15/12/2023 12:49:55    2516921


Thank you JP and family. This makes a huge difference to our own wee club. It will ne invested into much needed infrastructure.

Shearer (Louth) - Posts: 862 - 15/12/2023 13:11:06    2516925


Replying To sligo joe:  "First of all welcome the donation and applaud JPs generosity. However I think you are innocently naive if you believe that when a tax exile makes such a donation it is not going to draw some reasonable and critical comments on tax avoidance through foreign domicile. In Ireland we have a progressive taxation system for the most part, low earners pay a smaller % of their income than higher earners. However when it comes to the super rich this progression does not hold true and the very wealthy can reduce their tax liability through various tax avoidance schemes such as being a tax exile. When a tax exile such as JP makes such a generous donation, well inevitably it is going to draw attention to his tax status."
so will slow sligo hand it back

mickcunningham (Westmeath) - Posts: 1860 - 15/12/2023 13:13:23    2516926


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "A brilliant gesture by JP Mac but ots a pity the money did nt go straight to the clubs.I mean a million per county means the clubs in Cork get a lot less than Leitrim or Longford.A club in Cork might get 4k whereas a club in Leitrim might get 38 k."
There's an old saying about examining the mouths of gift horses!

My own small club in Dublin will get over 4k. I don't resent a small club in Sligo or Fermanagh getting a bit more. Life is made of such twists and turns of fortune. I hope, and know, that all will make best use of it.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 15/12/2023 13:30:38    2516931


As I said earlier it'll be worth circa 20k to our club between men and ladies football. Only a stones would turn down that sorta twine. Weve put in a new walkway(grant aided) but this gesture will leave enough in the accounts for us to access other schemes where you need to have a healthy bank balance. It means we won't be bouncing along the bottom with the odd good hop regarding getting future funding. We could never gather up that money fundraising. I met him once at a race meeting I was involved in a syndicate and our horse won a race his brother sponsored. He was genuinely delighted for us came across a decent man. Bitterness towards him is typical Irish behaviour, at least he is giving back. JP has that touch of class about him. He might not live here but by jaysus he's done more than any man for the Midwest and the Irish racing industry. Yet insignificant politicians try and point score against him, yet she'll get her pension for one term and thinking nothing of it. Will she give it back till she's 65? Will she ****.

2maroonjerseys (Galway) - Posts: 67 - 15/12/2023 14:04:32    2516935


Replying To SixtiesKid:  "I know Guards have had their difficulties in your part of the world for many years, but I am not a Guard."
Stop acting like 1.

updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 823 - 15/12/2023 14:13:01    2516936


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "There's an old saying about examining the mouths of gift horses!

My own small club in Dublin will get over 4k. I don't resent a small club in Sligo or Fermanagh getting a bit more. Life is made of such twists and turns of fortune. I hope, and know, that all will make best use of it."
Oh I agree Barney its brilliant but if your club was anywhere else besides Dublin or Cork they d get a good bit more.However im just knitpicking as its great news for every club.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3840 - 15/12/2023 14:34:26    2516938


He obviously has a comical amount of money to be in a position to do this. I personally am not going to get on my knees and thank billionaires for their money like the rest of you. Men like this live on a different realm to the rest of us.

PattyONeill (Derry) - Posts: 245 - 15/12/2023 14:48:51    2516941


Replying To TobeaRossie:  "The Irish Mentality of finding something negative in absolutely everything, in this case a €32m donation is sickening, I just don't get it.

If he didn't give a cent, nobody would be saying a thing, he didn't need to give anything at all.

Fair play to him, absolutely phenomenal gesture"
It is perfectly natural to feel bitterness towards millionaires, it is not unique to Ireland. I am bitter towards them, any half sane person would be bitter. I am not going to spend my time sticking up for billionaires online.

PattyONeill (Derry) - Posts: 245 - 15/12/2023 14:55:41    2516944


He can try bribe us all he wants but we here in Wexford will never throw a game especially against Limerick .
Seriously though what a gesture pure legend . He most definitely sees the uniqueness and what it brings to every community In ireland and beyond.
It's something that belongs to all of us even the begrudgers will benefit in some way .
100million will generate employment , business and the health of our children if spent wisely .

Formertownie (Wexford) - Posts: 276 - 15/12/2023 15:01:06    2516945


What an incredible generous gesture from JP and his family !
This money will be wisely used by all counties and their clubs ! It is very welcome !.
JP has kept a lot of hirse trainers and their staff going with all his horses, and his generosity has been felt by many students and organisations right around the country for a long time.
His golf pro am has made a fortune for many truly deserving charities.
I do not care where JP.livesa and I care.less about his tac affairs I applaud him with all my heart for his magnificent generosity to the broad GAA community! Thanks JP !

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1839 - 15/12/2023 15:15:19    2516947


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "There's an old saying about examining the mouths of gift horses!

My own small club in Dublin will get over 4k. I don't resent a small club in Sligo or Fermanagh getting a bit more. Life is made of such twists and turns of fortune. I hope, and know, that all will make best use of it."
10k or so per club in Donegal, it will be a great help to the smaller clubs, fair play to JP, a nice Christmas present and it will be well spent by the clubs.
As far as the Soc Dems and the Greens go I hope they never again win a seat in the Dail. I can't understand why anyone votes for them at all.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2957 - 15/12/2023 15:29:28    2516951


Replying To updwell:  "Stop acting like 1."
Which means?

SixtiesKid (Galway) - Posts: 323 - 15/12/2023 15:32:01    2516952
