National Forum

JP McManus Donates €1M To Each County Board

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Replying To Viking66:  "It's putting money back into communities all over the country. Its up to clubs to ensure they remain connected to the whole community they live amongst."
Won't make blind bit of difference to participation by kids or adults. You'll never have connection to the whole community they live among. Jealousy and begrudgery yes but whole community connection not a chance.

2maroonjerseys (Galway) - Posts: 67 - 14/12/2023 23:11:24    2516853


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "Look, we see things more similarly than you realise. I would be happier if people worth in excess of €2,000,000,000 paid their taxes instead of declaring domicile in a different tax haven.

It sickens me to see some of the mis-spending of taxes in our country, but so many problems in our health service today are a direct result of chronic under-funding. We have lost an entire generation of health-care workers to emigration. We are beginning to reap the rewards of austerity and I don't think many can argue with that.

The question then is, why do you think the county boards of the GAA are better equipped to deal with this donation than any other causes, charities, or government? This year my county board was reprimanded by Croke Park for significant weaknesses in financial management and accounting procedures which were not up to current accounting standards"
The hse is not underfunded. It's the second largest budget after welfare.

45% of the budget is spent on lawsuits.

FG messed it up on purpose so they could privatise it

Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 3055 - 14/12/2023 23:13:46    2516854


First off this is a very generous donation by McManus and its not the first time he has donated to the GAA. Forget about tax write-offs, percentage of income etc. What he has done if used right has helped every club in Ireland to improve. Does London and New York also get funded or is it strictly Irish counties? The scary thing here is that if JP can write a check for this think about how well funded Limerick GAA is with him as a sponsor !!! Before anyone mouths off about $$$ dosen't buy success, I 100% agree, taking nothing away from Limerick hurlers, but it does provide a level of facilities and resources that others couldn't even dream off!! Hopefully the clubs will good use of this donation

BostonGuy (Galway) - Posts: 129 - 14/12/2023 23:42:02    2516857


Replying To munsterchamps:  "jps likes will never be seen again for his kindness and generosity.......this is his second time donating a large sum of money to each county .there are plenty of very wealthy men in other counties in ireland that have never given money to outside counties...... to the nameless ****** that come on here giving out about him it would be more in your line go down to your local clubs and give a bit of time helping out than coming on here talking rubbish."
Well said. He's a special breed of a man. Always humble and never forgot his roots.

Overthebar53 (Carlow) - Posts: 261 - 15/12/2023 01:15:39    2516859


Replying To sligo joe:  "To have a point of view is not necessarily begrudgery. McManus in fairness shows great generosity to many causes which he doesn't need to do. Other tax exiles don't follow his lead. However wouldn't it be nice if we were all tax exempt and could instead donate to our favourite projects but if we could all do that how would society function. I know we all quibble with how our taxes are spent but deep down we know social structure would fall apart without the taxation system. So as I said we can all have an opinion and it's not unreasonable or begrudgery to be critical of the tax exile loophole and those who avail of it."
Unfortunately for you, you don't have JPs talent for making money. If you had you, too, could avail of this completely legitimate scheme that successive governments have decided is an overall benefit for raising revenue. You could also distribute your largesse as you felt fit, just like JP does.

Overthebar53 (Carlow) - Posts: 261 - 15/12/2023 01:33:49    2516860


Replying To Claretandblue:  "There's more people playing our games than at any point in the past, adult and underage. Facts courtesy of CSO"
The CSO figures don't take into account distribution. There are more and more clubs amalgamating at underage. This will lead into adult at some stage. Participation rates from many National Schools nationwide, especially rural, aren't as high as they used to be.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 15/12/2023 07:49:29    2516861


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "So he hasn't donated 1% of his earnings to charity then. It's a PR exercise to gain supporters in the GAA when he faces well-justified criticism for his tax avoidance."
It's putting a large chunk of money into communities all over the country. If you have such a problem with it you could always propose to your club that you think they should decline this money.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 15/12/2023 08:03:02    2516862


Replying To breffnibluewhite:  "Great every county can now afford 5 more stats men"
The lads doing stats work for our club including myself don't even claim expenses. Sometimes we get a free ticket to the game we are working at is all we get. We are happy to do it.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 15/12/2023 08:04:54    2516863


Replying To 2maroonjerseys:  "Won't make blind bit of difference to participation by kids or adults. You'll never have connection to the whole community they live among. Jealousy and begrudgery yes but whole community connection not a chance."
That's very defeatist. There are clubs down our way who are far better connected to more of their community than others. Oylegate would be a good example. Oulart another. There are others who don't bother even trying. Probably have too many members who think like you do.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 15/12/2023 08:07:11    2516864


Replying To Viking66:  "The CSO figures don't take into account distribution. There are more and more clubs amalgamating at underage. This will lead into adult at some stage. Participation rates from many National Schools nationwide, especially rural, aren't as high as they used to be."
That's based on more people living in towns than in rural areas, migration is a fact of life, the numbers playing, training, membership are all significantly higher in both genders, amalgamations are also a fact of life, nothing wrong with that.

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 1833 - 15/12/2023 09:00:49    2516869


Replying To Overthebar53:  "Unfortunately for you, you don't have JPs talent for making money. If you had you, too, could avail of this completely legitimate scheme that successive governments have decided is an overall benefit for raising revenue. You could also distribute your largesse as you felt fit, just like JP does."
Firstly I by no means feel unfortunate so you are incorrect on that point. 16%, just one in six, of those with net wealth of 20m or more take advantage of this tax exile tax-avoidance scheme, so the vast majority of those who would benefit don't avail of it. I have already commended J.P for his generosity but I don't agree that my and others disagreement with this tax avoidance scheme and indeed those who avail of it are unreasonable and begrudging. I am entitled to and do have critical opinions on many legitimate government decisions.

sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 782 - 15/12/2023 09:01:24    2516870


The Irish Mentality of finding something negative in absolutely everything, in this case a €32m donation is sickening, I just don't get it.

If he didn't give a cent, nobody would be saying a thing, he didn't need to give anything at all.

Fair play to him, absolutely phenomenal gesture

TobeaRossie (Roscommon) - Posts: 157 - 15/12/2023 09:07:17    2516874


Not surprised to see so many begrudgers, Is there really any need? People crib and cry about no money being funded to their clubs by GAA, they cry when county boards try earn money to distribute around the clubs or fund events and now a man is donating 1M to each county, no fundraising needed, no knocking doors and annoying people and we still have people giving out. Where can we win here??

JP done similar a few years back on a smaller scale and every club profited from it. I know my club used it well and put it into the club grounds which made a noticeable difference . Now think of 1M being distributed. I just hope the County Boards give it to the clubs that's my only worry.

But WHAT an act of kindness, he did not need to do this. Forget about his tax exemption in this country. He pays what he has to in Ireland regarding his staff and what not, and that is all that matters. He didn't make the rules he just works around them and I admire him for that. We all wish we had the brains and wealth to do so. Credit where credit is due, he is a self made billionaire and wants to give back to his countries GAA clubs. He could just fund Limerick and you would all still give out. Lets appreciate it and thank a family for their generosity.

All you people crying about paying tax, What percentage of that money would your club/county/son/daughter see if he was paying 32M in tax to the government?? NONE. Look at the tax APPLE are avoiding. No Irish connections at all. No one is gaining from their ability to avoid tax BUT you decide it's okay to slander a Irish man giving back to his people??
Get your heads out of your rear ends and applaud a man for this generous act.

countymonaghan (Monaghan) - Posts: 280 - 15/12/2023 09:34:29    2516879


Replying To Viking66:  "That's very defeatist. There are clubs down our way who are far better connected to more of their community than others. Oylegate would be a good example. Oulart another. There are others who don't bother even trying. Probably have too many members who think like you do."
I'm out long enough and lived in enough areas and it's the same record different style. The same few families and stalwarts driving things on, and fair play to them put you'll never get total community participation. This money will be huge to us here as we're a tiny junior club that nearly went defunct. But great members with drive ambition and the will to keep the lights on have us back going again. I'm only a blow in to it, but we've all rallied to keep the show on the road my kids and nieces and nephews will be able to play with their local club. JPs contribution will give a hugh boost that years of fundraising would take. So keep that last line of yours to yourself, your rose tinted glasses are obscuring your view of all things gaa in your locality or any other.

2maroonjerseys (Galway) - Posts: 67 - 15/12/2023 09:53:21    2516880


Replying To Claretandblue:  "That's based on more people living in towns than in rural areas, migration is a fact of life, the numbers playing, training, membership are all significantly higher in both genders, amalgamations are also a fact of life, nothing wrong with that."
If numbers are falling in your parish you need to increase participation rate. Its not rocket science.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 15/12/2023 10:00:21    2516881


Replying To 2maroonjerseys:  "I'm out long enough and lived in enough areas and it's the same record different style. The same few families and stalwarts driving things on, and fair play to them put you'll never get total community participation. This money will be huge to us here as we're a tiny junior club that nearly went defunct. But great members with drive ambition and the will to keep the lights on have us back going again. I'm only a blow in to it, but we've all rallied to keep the show on the road my kids and nieces and nephews will be able to play with their local club. JPs contribution will give a hugh boost that years of fundraising would take. So keep that last line of yours to yourself, your rose tinted glasses are obscuring your view of all things gaa in your locality or any other."
In fairness, you've made two different statements in your posts above:

"You'll never get total community participation" - true. No club ever will, no matter what they do. There'll always be people who simply aren't interested in GAA, or even in sport in general.

"Won't make a blind bit of difference to participation" - this is the defeatist attitude. You even tell how your own club was able to increase participation through the great drive and ambition of some great members. The JP money may help other clubs to do the same - if it goes into facilities, for example, the place becomes more attractive to people, and then greater promotion of the club and its facilities may very well lead to greater participation if that club has the same drive and ambition that yours does.

Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2487 - 15/12/2023 10:27:21    2516887


Replying To TobeaRossie:  "The Irish Mentality of finding something negative in absolutely everything, in this case a €32m donation is sickening, I just don't get it.

If he didn't give a cent, nobody would be saying a thing, he didn't need to give anything at all.

Fair play to him, absolutely phenomenal gesture"
Agree totally.
If I had his money I'd spend half the year travelling or living somewhere with nice weather. This isn't his first act of generosity and I'm sure there lots that we'll never hear about. It's a tremendous boost. There are treasuers all over the country breathing a sigh of relief.

ThePowerhouse (Leitrim) - Posts: 136 - 15/12/2023 10:51:59    2516890


Incredible gesture by JP Mc Manus and his family, this has the potential to make a positive contribution to every parish in Ireland. I just hope the good people in Wicklow remember this on Election Day.

tireoghainabu (Tyrone) - Posts: 319 - 15/12/2023 10:53:45    2516891


Replying To 2maroonjerseys:  "I'm out long enough and lived in enough areas and it's the same record different style. The same few families and stalwarts driving things on, and fair play to them put you'll never get total community participation. This money will be huge to us here as we're a tiny junior club that nearly went defunct. But great members with drive ambition and the will to keep the lights on have us back going again. I'm only a blow in to it, but we've all rallied to keep the show on the road my kids and nieces and nephews will be able to play with their local club. JPs contribution will give a hugh boost that years of fundraising would take. So keep that last line of yours to yourself, your rose tinted glasses are obscuring your view of all things gaa in your locality or any other."
Im only a blow in 2. I've 4 kids and am a supporter is where I'm starting out from as regards my involvement with the club. I'm glad you are a lad who is putting in. Try to be more positive and then it won't seem to be such a chore. Try encourage other lads to put in and then that will ease your own workload. We are only an Intermediate club, a rural one also, and thankfully are still able field our own teams at underage. We are working hard to ensure that's the case in the future. Going into the local schools etc. We organised a free open day, with plenty of fun games etc for all the kids, free burgers and chicken and tea and coffee etc. Our coaching officer sorted out sponsorship and pretty much organised the whole day, while the rest of us pitched in on the day, and we were able to get people from all sections of the community in to have fun for free. We plan to do this annually. Hopefully this will encourage more kids to play and parents to get involved with teams and administration. We need new blood to complement the families that have been putting in for generations. We have to stay positive or the whole thing will just die away.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 15/12/2023 11:00:07    2516893


This conversation shows how divided this country has gone..a gift given by a buisness man being thorn to shreds by long would it take for Gaa to raise that 32 mil ?it's going to help many smaller clubs who are selling tickets for lotto or raffles to keep afloat..some of our elected politicians should really research before they start talking.they will be coming to our doors next may looking for votes,think a lot of them will get some shock with reception they'll get..

CTGAA10 (Limerick) - Posts: 2335 - 15/12/2023 11:11:29    2516895
