National Forum

JP McManus Donates €1M To Each County Board

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Replying To Viking66:  "You think he earnt 3200 million this year?"
You think pledging 32 million to the GAA is donating to charity?

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 424 - 14/12/2023 17:04:52    2516804


Replying To SixtiesKid:  "2 Questions:
How dose he make his money?
why does he not pay taxes in Ireland?"
Are you a Guard?

updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 823 - 14/12/2023 17:06:24    2516805


Replying To sligo joe:  "To have a point of view is not necessarily begrudgery. McManus in fairness shows great generosity to many causes which he doesn't need to do. Other tax exiles don't follow his lead. However wouldn't it be nice if we were all tax exempt and could instead donate to our favourite projects but if we could all do that how would society function. I know we all quibble with how our taxes are spent but deep down we know social structure would fall apart without the taxation system. So as I said we can all have an opinion and it's not unreasonable or begrudgery to be critical of the tax exile loophole and those who avail of it."
Wonder how much of the 13bn tax they didn't have to pay did Apple give away?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 14/12/2023 17:15:38    2516806


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "He is gifting a much lower percentage of his personal wealth than most of us give to charity in any given year, and we all pay tax on top of that. Where is our write-up?

If I didn't pay any taxes I would be donating a much more considerable chunk of my annual earnings to charities, like Donegal Hospice, SVP, Simon Community, and yes, I would spend more money on local GAA fundraisers. Philanthropy is a disease."
So is alcohol u must have been under the influence writing this

Blackandamber11 (Westmeath) - Posts: 20 - 14/12/2023 17:15:46    2516807


Replying To Kickitout:  "Very generous of him I've no doubt he gives lots money to different charities but giving money 2 county boards unfortunately Is just a pure waste it's another million to squander or pay journey men coaching or S/ C it definitely won't be used for anything positive,,"
The last money he donated to the GAA every cent went to the club's, I have no reason to doubt that it won't happen again this time. Good man J.P

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 14/12/2023 17:16:13    2516808


Well done to JP, Noreen and to all the McManus family for their enormously generous donation to all the GAA clubs in the country, as specified in their letter to the various county boards.
How people on this forum and politicians such as Jennifer Whitmore can criticise this fantastic gesture is beyond me. I hope that all the GAA people in Wicklow remember that Jennifer did not want you to get the money at the next election!!
JP and his family have organised many events and donated millions to various charities over many years. He is providing many jobs and bringing the Ryder Cup to Limerick in a few years time.
Thanks JP.

letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 614 - 14/12/2023 17:53:05    2516815


Replying To Viking66:  "Wonder how much of the 13bn tax they didn't have to pay did Apple give away?"
The Big Tech Woke billionaires only fund people who support what benefits them, under the guise of "humanitarianism" etc.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 14/12/2023 17:55:04    2516816


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "He pays tax for whoever works for him here. He doesn't lived here and his business is not based here.

Besides which he contributes way more to Irish society through his donations than how that money would be frittered away if it was in general revenue.

That's my thoughts."
What if everyone in the country took that approach... Don't bother paying tax, but give donations to sports organisations and charities instead?

The whole country would grind to a hault.

As someone interested in GAA it's a nice gesture from McManus, which he didn't have to do, but I wouldn't call him a great man or anything.

MayoDan (Mayo) - Posts: 434 - 14/12/2023 17:55:54    2516817


Replying To Pikeman96:  "A lot of people seem to be missing the point (that's included in every news report I've seen on this) that JP stipulates the money must be divided equally between all clubs in each county.

My own club has already decided we'll most likely use our share to help pay off the remaining balance on development we did in recent years, and we're hoping the camogie club here will agree to do the same with their share, since they get the benefit of that development too."
Just a left field question for you Pikeman- obviously in the early 90s alot of club grounds and facilities that had been built or upgraded in the 50s and 60s were looking a little outdated. There has been a big push from the top down to upgrade infrastructure with some seeing this as being their legacy when their terms of office are looked back at. The question I have is are we taking our eye off the ball somewhat? There are clubs who aren't getting great participation rates from the young people in their parishes. Adult players especially younger ones are walking away also. Should we be concentrating more now on looking after the players, both underage and adult, before we end up with excellent facilities dotted around the country with gates locked because no players are playing for the clubs and no parents and ex-players are volunteering to coach the clubs teams and do the administration work needed? I'm not suggesting they should be paid, but maybe more blitzes in Croke Park could be organised for underage teams as days out, more fun days organised and paid for for kids and the local community in the clubs, even weekend away training/bonding sessions for adult players part subsidised? Try to incentivise people to join or stick with the GAA going forwards? Not all of this has to cost the GAA anything it mainly needs emphasis and time put into it.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 14/12/2023 18:24:15    2516820


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "You think pledging 32 million to the GAA is donating to charity?"
It's putting money back into communities all over the country. Its up to clubs to ensure they remain connected to the whole community they live amongst.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 14/12/2023 18:26:08    2516822


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "He is gifting a much lower percentage of his personal wealth than most of us give to charity in any given year, and we all pay tax on top of that. Where is our write-up?

If I didn't pay any taxes I would be donating a much more considerable chunk of my annual earnings to charities, like Donegal Hospice, SVP, Simon Community, and yes, I would spend more money on local GAA fundraisers. Philanthropy is a disease."
Yeah because you would definitely do that...

TalkToFahy (Tyrone) - Posts: 16 - 14/12/2023 18:28:50    2516824


Replying To eoinog:  "Your despicable"
The fact that you and others in the forum have resorted to playground insults instead of engaging any level of critical thinking shows how little thought you give to anything

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 424 - 14/12/2023 18:39:06    2516825


Replying To Chris6788:  "That will make a massive difference to the smaller counties. Believe he gave out 100k to all counties 5 or 6 years ago too."
Actually Chris it was 100,000 Euros per County Board that time.

Oldtourman (Limerick) - Posts: 4458 - 14/12/2023 18:40:40    2516826


Replying To Viking66:  "Fair play to the man. The best legacy would be the survival and expansion of the games the GAA promotes. For that it needs people to play them. The GAA as a whole has gone too caught up in infrastructure. What's the point in having great grounds all over the country but less and less kids playing in them?"
I agree with you. By Infrastructure I meant not fancy grounds that are empty but facilities to play/train or something that leaves a legacy like a coaching structure at non elite level to get numbers up yet on year. Make the games accessable to all.

Mayonman (Galway) - Posts: 1881 - 14/12/2023 19:01:11    2516827


Replying To Viking66:  "Fair play to the man. The best legacy would be the survival and expansion of the games the GAA promotes. For that it needs people to play them. The GAA as a whole has gone too caught up in infrastructure. What's the point in having great grounds all over the country but less and less kids playing in them?"
There's more people playing our games than at any point in the past, adult and underage. Facts courtesy of CSO

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 1833 - 14/12/2023 19:30:09    2516830


Fair play to JP, a very generous act, he didn't have to give us anything so we should all just thank the man for his generosity,
JP always strikes me as a complete gentleman and as was said already this way the money goes directly into the GAA and will not wasted by some blundering civil servants and their political cronies,
I had to laugh listening to the radio earlier some Labour senator on complaining about JP and his tax status.
I wonder will the likes of New York and London be complaining they didn't get a few euros as well? can't please everybody.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2957 - 14/12/2023 19:56:39    2516831


Replying To Viking66:  "It's putting money back into communities all over the country. Its up to clubs to ensure they remain connected to the whole community they live amongst."
So he hasn't donated 1% of his earnings to charity then. It's a PR exercise to gain supporters in the GAA when he faces well-justified criticism for his tax avoidance.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 424 - 14/12/2023 21:55:40    2516840


Great every county can now afford 5 more stats men

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 473 - 14/12/2023 22:02:58    2516841


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "The fact that you and others in the forum have resorted to playground insults instead of engaging any level of critical thinking shows how little thought you give to anything"
I suggest you look at your own thought proceses and join Jennifer Whitmore in some socialist paradise like China,Cuba or Venezuela and then pontificate on how the state IS going to save US all from prosperity!!!

jobber (Westmeath) - Posts: 1552 - 14/12/2023 22:30:32    2516845


Thanks to JP McManus and Family for this exceedingly generous gift. It's his/their money so it's his/their business what he/they do with it. The simplicity of the accompanying terms is also brilliant, the smaller counties actually fare better.

I just hope that the county boards don't now try and clawback some of the dosh by imposing levies on clubs for "county infrastructure", golf fundraisers etc.

To the tax begrudgers, If JP McManus was playing his income taxes here in Ireland then his generous donations to bodies with charitable designations, (all GAA clubs have charitable designations) then the funds donated to each club would attract an additional rebate from Revenue, so to all intents the TAX ISSUES HAVE BEEN DEALT WITH. So leave the bitterness at your own door please.

Long live JP.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1071 - 14/12/2023 22:58:29    2516851
