National Forum

JP McManus Donates €1M To Each County Board

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Replying To Whestofthewest:  "i dont give 1% of my wages to charity"
Neither does JP.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 424 - 14/12/2023 14:13:35    2516767


Replying To Daly99:  "He raised a 140 million for charities with his golf pro am. Now I'm sure you're some saint yourself so you're in a great position to criticise JP but I'd personally find it very hard to begrudge the man"
Accumulating a fund of €140 million through other people's donation is not the same as raising money for charity.

According to the Irish Business Post the fund actually only donated 3.68m in 2020 and 4.14m in 2019. In all, since its inception less than €50 million has been allocated to charity from the fund.

He earns more interest in one year from that fund than any of us will earn in a decade.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 424 - 14/12/2023 14:22:08    2516769


I hope this money goes back to the clubs within each county rather than leaving it up to the county boards to do what they like with it. If I recall when JP donated 100K to each county in 2018 it was split between all clubs. With County Team costs being published in recent weeks and the hugh costs involved 1million could easily be spend. For the volunteers in clubs trying raise money through draws, lottos etc when this in the news it can make it more difficult to fund raise i.e the attitude of some people will be I'm not supporting that, they got 1 million from JP.

journeyman (Limerick) - Posts: 139 - 14/12/2023 14:23:26    2516770


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "He is gifting a much lower percentage of his personal wealth than most of us give to charity in any given year, and we all pay tax on top of that. Where is our write-up?

If I didn't pay any taxes I would be donating a much more considerable chunk of my annual earnings to charities, like Donegal Hospice, SVP, Simon Community, and yes, I would spend more money on local GAA fundraisers. Philanthropy is a disease."
Pretty impressive to turn this one into a negative, as Bono says we really are an island of begrudgers.

Monaghansclown (Monaghan) - Posts: 184 - 14/12/2023 14:24:20    2516771


Replying To Daly99:  "He raised a 140 million for charities with his golf pro am. Now I'm sure you're some saint yourself so you're in a great position to criticise JP but I'd personally find it very hard to begrudge the man"
jps likes will never be seen again for his kindness and generosity.......this is his second time donating a large sum of money to each county .there are plenty of very wealthy men in other counties in ireland that have never given money to outside counties...... to the nameless ****** that come on here giving out about him it would be more in your line go down to your local clubs and give a bit of time helping out than coming on here talking rubbish.

munsterchamps (Limerick) - Posts: 1130 - 14/12/2023 14:27:08    2516772


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "He is gifting a much lower percentage of his personal wealth than most of us give to charity in any given year, and we all pay tax on top of that. Where is our write-up?

If I didn't pay any taxes I would be donating a much more considerable chunk of my annual earnings to charities, like Donegal Hospice, SVP, Simon Community, and yes, I would spend more money on local GAA fundraisers. Philanthropy is a disease."
Typical nonsense. So you would obviously be happier if he gave nothing obviously ! Most of us give to local and national causes and we all pay our taxes even though some of it is very poorly spent due to incompetence/ poor management- I could name many cases, mostly state/semi-state, some who advertise frequently on the airwaves even though they have no competition.

browncows (Meath) - Posts: 2342 - 14/12/2023 14:27:46    2516773


Replying To browncows:  "Typical nonsense. So you would obviously be happier if he gave nothing obviously ! Most of us give to local and national causes and we all pay our taxes even though some of it is very poorly spent due to incompetence/ poor management- I could name many cases, mostly state/semi-state, some who advertise frequently on the airwaves even though they have no competition."
Look, we see things more similarly than you realise. I would be happier if people worth in excess of €2,000,000,000 paid their taxes instead of declaring domicile in a different tax haven.

It sickens me to see some of the mis-spending of taxes in our country, but so many problems in our health service today are a direct result of chronic under-funding. We have lost an entire generation of health-care workers to emigration. We are beginning to reap the rewards of austerity and I don't think many can argue with that.

The question then is, why do you think the county boards of the GAA are better equipped to deal with this donation than any other causes, charities, or government? This year my county board was reprimanded by Croke Park for significant weaknesses in financial management and accounting procedures which were not up to current accounting standards.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 424 - 14/12/2023 14:46:31    2516775


Christ almighty begrudgery is a terrible thing..he has done wonders for mid west charities,the cancer ward in regional,Milford hospice,team limerick clean up..he's a brilliant man..maybe if he decided not to give the money to those where complaints are coming from might be a great idea.

CTGAA10 (Limerick) - Posts: 2335 - 14/12/2023 14:46:35    2516776


Replying To yew_tree:  "A great man. He has also donated a fortune to various charities down the years."
2 Questions:
How dose he make his money?
why does he not pay taxes in Ireland?

SixtiesKid (Galway) - Posts: 323 - 14/12/2023 14:54:04    2516778


Replying To journeyman:  "I hope this money goes back to the clubs within each county rather than leaving it up to the county boards to do what they like with it. If I recall when JP donated 100K to each county in 2018 it was split between all clubs. With County Team costs being published in recent weeks and the hugh costs involved 1million could easily be spend. For the volunteers in clubs trying raise money through draws, lottos etc when this in the news it can make it more difficult to fund raise i.e the attitude of some people will be I'm not supporting that, they got 1 million from JP."
JP's instructions are that the money must be distributed evenly to all GAA, Camogie and LGFA clubs in each county. There's no leeway for a County Board to hold back some of the money or decide to do something different with it altogether.

Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2487 - 14/12/2023 14:57:57    2516779


The last thing that the HSE suffers from is "under-funding"! It is a black hole of waste. At least JP's money bypasses all of that.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 14/12/2023 15:04:54    2516781


Replying To Mayonman:  "I hope he has strings attached.

ie. that it has to be spent on infrastructure or something that leaves a legacy or is revenue generating for the future.

I'd hate to think it would be wasted on the extravagance of the I/C set up or general current spending."
Fair play to the man. The best legacy would be the survival and expansion of the games the GAA promotes. For that it needs people to play them. The GAA as a whole has gone too caught up in infrastructure. What's the point in having great grounds all over the country but less and less kids playing in them?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 14/12/2023 15:05:27    2516782


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "He is gifting a much lower percentage of his personal wealth than most of us give to charity in any given year, and we all pay tax on top of that. Where is our write-up?

If I didn't pay any taxes I would be donating a much more considerable chunk of my annual earnings to charities, like Donegal Hospice, SVP, Simon Community, and yes, I would spend more money on local GAA fundraisers. Philanthropy is a disease."
SurelyToGod I didn't just read this s###e?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 14/12/2023 15:07:12    2516783


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "Neither does JP."
You think he earnt 3200 million this year?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 14/12/2023 15:08:39    2516784


Very generous of him I've no doubt he gives lots money to different charities but giving money 2 county boards unfortunately Is just a pure waste it's another million to squander or pay journey men coaching or S/ C it definitely won't be used for anything positive,,

Kickitout (Galway) - Posts: 929 - 14/12/2023 15:31:47    2516787


Replying To CTGAA10:  "Christ almighty begrudgery is a terrible thing..he has done wonders for mid west charities,the cancer ward in regional,Milford hospice,team limerick clean up..he's a brilliant man..maybe if he decided not to give the money to those where complaints are coming from might be a great idea."
To have a point of view is not necessarily begrudgery. McManus in fairness shows great generosity to many causes which he doesn't need to do. Other tax exiles don't follow his lead. However wouldn't it be nice if we were all tax exempt and could instead donate to our favourite projects but if we could all do that how would society function. I know we all quibble with how our taxes are spent but deep down we know social structure would fall apart without the taxation system. So as I said we can all have an opinion and it's not unreasonable or begrudgery to be critical of the tax exile loophole and those who avail of it.

sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 782 - 14/12/2023 16:01:20    2516793


Replying To Kickitout:  "Very generous of him I've no doubt he gives lots money to different charities but giving money 2 county boards unfortunately Is just a pure waste it's another million to squander or pay journey men coaching or S/ C it definitely won't be used for anything positive,,"
Isn't it all to go to Clubs?

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1832 - 14/12/2023 16:08:18    2516795


Replying To Kickitout:  "Very generous of him I've no doubt he gives lots money to different charities but giving money 2 county boards unfortunately Is just a pure waste it's another million to squander or pay journey men coaching or S/ C it definitely won't be used for anything positive,,"
A lot of people seem to be missing the point (that's included in every news report I've seen on this) that JP stipulates the money must be divided equally between all clubs in each county.

My own club has already decided we'll most likely use our share to help pay off the remaining balance on development we did in recent years, and we're hoping the camogie club here will agree to do the same with their share, since they get the benefit of that development too.

Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2487 - 14/12/2023 16:31:27    2516799


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "He is gifting a much lower percentage of his personal wealth than most of us give to charity in any given year, and we all pay tax on top of that. Where is our write-up?

If I didn't pay any taxes I would be donating a much more considerable chunk of my annual earnings to charities, like Donegal Hospice, SVP, Simon Community, and yes, I would spend more money on local GAA fundraisers. Philanthropy is a disease."
Your despicable

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 14/12/2023 16:48:07    2516800


Very generous gift. Incredible gesture to the grass roots. Hopefully the club's will spend it wisely and not line the pockets of a management team.

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 14/12/2023 16:50:18    2516801
