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The Musings Of Tom Smith

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2521816 - Could We Make 12Th July A Closed Week End - New Topic
24/01/2024 00:09:50 - tomsmith (3812) - National

Tomsmith here

I just wonder to hold out the hand of friendship to our Nothern Brethern could we make the 12th July a closed weekend.
I know it is a big ask and people away down South ( Ough Killing fields comes to mind) would have difficulty understanding how big a gesture it would be.
I know and indeed the great Mrs T often says Tomsmith you are a leader in your away out front views in relation to holding out the hand of friendship.
But I feel all Gaa people/members should be prepared to do whatever it takes to make our games and wonderful organisation acceptable to out Northern friends

Administrator (None) - Posts: 2274 - 24/01/2024 09:03:09    2521831


I thought this thread might die a death... not so, it would appear................

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 24/01/2024 09:17:55    2521835


Replying To Square_B:  "I thought this thread might die a death... not so, it would appear................"
The thread should be renamed "Tomfoolery".

letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 614 - 24/01/2024 09:40:38    2521838


Replying To Administrator:  "2521816 - Could We Make 12Th July A Closed Week End - New Topic
24/01/2024 00:09:50 - tomsmith (3812) - National

Tomsmith here

I just wonder to hold out the hand of friendship to our Nothern Brethern could we make the 12th July a closed weekend.
I know it is a big ask and people away down South ( Ough Killing fields comes to mind) would have difficulty understanding how big a gesture it would be.
I know and indeed the great Mrs T often says Tomsmith you are a leader in your away out front views in relation to holding out the hand of friendship.
But I feel all Gaa people/members should be prepared to do whatever it takes to make our games and wonderful organisation acceptable to out Northern friends"
Maybe we could re-enact Battle of Boyne and stage a commemorative football game on The 12th between Armagh and Limerick or even Fermanagh. Orange vs Green just like the famous or infamous joust of 1690. Although we'd probably get similar result to back then, the loyalist community would go home contented and Armagh might gain a legion of extra supporters from Portadown and the like! A suitable flute band could provide music at halftime!Casement park would be a suitable venue.

Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 362 - 24/01/2024 10:35:11    2521854


Replying To Ryanteam:  "Maybe we could re-enact Battle of Boyne and stage a commemorative football game on The 12th between Armagh and Limerick or even Fermanagh. Orange vs Green just like the famous or infamous joust of 1690. Although we'd probably get similar result to back then, the loyalist community would go home contented and Armagh might gain a legion of extra supporters from Portadown and the like! A suitable flute band could provide music at halftime!Casement park would be a suitable venue."
Must be a suitable stadium near the Boyne! Would Navan be ok? A Royal county visit would be acceptable to our Loyalist brethren!

Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 362 - 24/01/2024 10:41:29    2521857


Replying To Ryanteam:  "Must be a suitable stadium near the Boyne! Would Navan be ok? A Royal county visit would be acceptable to our Loyalist brethren!"
I'm all for it.

A half time bonfire where we burn every known hurl in the country as part of a 'decommissioning' ceremony would be a nice touch.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5117 - 24/01/2024 11:14:12    2521867


Tomsmith here
Some great ideas here.
Sure Slane Gaa have aField at Monkstown which may not be suitable, but a ready made field exists at Slane Castle..
Hold up to 30,000 or 40,000 thousand supporters or as the Nothern Irish would say fans. These grounds are right overlooking the River where the great battle took place , with the victors going Northwards in 1698
Ough what an event this would be , Ulsterman arriving on an ULster Bus , Killing fields arriving on Kavanaghs, Viking 66 arriving on the Wexford BUs Co and Tomsmith arriving on a friends D vehicle afraid of getting dipped enroute. Jarlet trowing in the Ball

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3951 - 25/01/2024 10:01:04    2521996


Replying To cavanman47:  "I'm all for it.

A half time bonfire where we burn every known hurl in the country as part of a 'decommissioning' ceremony would be a nice touch."
Then we'd be left with just the English style footballs? That might get some of the hardline unionists in the North onside ok!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 25/01/2024 12:44:16    2522017


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here
Some great ideas here.
Sure Slane Gaa have aField at Monkstown which may not be suitable, but a ready made field exists at Slane Castle..
Hold up to 30,000 or 40,000 thousand supporters or as the Nothern Irish would say fans. These grounds are right overlooking the River where the great battle took place , with the victors going Northwards in 1698
Ough what an event this would be , Ulsterman arriving on an ULster Bus , Killing fields arriving on Kavanaghs, Viking 66 arriving on the Wexford BUs Co and Tomsmith arriving on a friends D vehicle afraid of getting dipped enroute. Jarlet trowing in the Ball"
I've often wondered how the lads in the EVs are getting away with green electricity when we can't with green diesel ok......

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 25/01/2024 12:47:58    2522019


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here
Some great ideas here.
Sure Slane Gaa have aField at Monkstown which may not be suitable, but a ready made field exists at Slane Castle..
Hold up to 30,000 or 40,000 thousand supporters or as the Nothern Irish would say fans. These grounds are right overlooking the River where the great battle took place , with the victors going Northwards in 1698
Ough what an event this would be , Ulsterman arriving on an ULster Bus , Killing fields arriving on Kavanaghs, Viking 66 arriving on the Wexford BUs Co and Tomsmith arriving on a friends D vehicle afraid of getting dipped enroute. Jarlet trowing in the Ball"
It's the journey home through Kells you need to worry about Tom.

Or would the hand of friendship extend as far as a reenactment of that infamous day in '97?

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5117 - 25/01/2024 14:44:12    2522041


Tom needs to revisit the results of the Northern Ireland census. Over 30% of our population don't call ourselves "Northern Irish" so I would prefer you didn't use that term to describe me.

PattyONeill (Derry) - Posts: 245 - 25/01/2024 20:01:24    2522095


Replying To PattyONeill:  "Tom needs to revisit the results of the Northern Ireland census. Over 30% of our population don't call ourselves "Northern Irish" so I would prefer you didn't use that term to describe me."
Tomsmit here

Patsy you come from L,derry ( Thats the name I see on the sign Posts) which is a real republican County...
Yes very green County but its biggest City Londonderry has a LOI Club
I understand Patcsy that very little GAA is played in L, Derry City.
Yes steelstown has a good club and another in the Creggan .
Butoverall its the beautiful game that is best supported in L, Derry
That Patsy is why I say hold out the hand of friendship to the Nothern
Irish and let them play our National game that our forefather got punished
for playing

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3951 - 25/01/2024 22:58:02    2522117


Replying To cavanman47:  "It's the journey home through Kells you need to worry about Tom.

Or would the hand of friendship extend as far as a reenactment of that infamous day in '97?"
God be with the days...

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 380 - 25/01/2024 23:34:21    2522120


Replying To PattyONeill:  "Tom needs to revisit the results of the Northern Ireland census. Over 30% of our population don't call ourselves "Northern Irish" so I would prefer you didn't use that term to describe me."
What are your your preferred pronouns Patty?

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 380 - 25/01/2024 23:35:40    2522121


Replying To PattyONeill:  "Tom needs to revisit the results of the Northern Ireland census. Over 30% of our population don't call ourselves "Northern Irish" so I would prefer you didn't use that term to describe me."
Paddy O Neill L, Derry

Tomsmith herre from Cavan Town the home of Cavan Gaels..

Yes PatsyI know how sensitive one can be (yes all 30 %) in relation to Nothern Irish but we need to hold the hand of friendship out to our Nothern Brethern

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3951 - 29/01/2024 19:04:17    2523138


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmit here

Patsy you come from L,derry ( Thats the name I see on the sign Posts) which is a real republican County...
Yes very green County but its biggest City Londonderry has a LOI Club
I understand Patcsy that very little GAA is played in L, Derry City.
Yes steelstown has a good club and another in the Creggan .
Butoverall its the beautiful game that is best supported in L, Derry
That Patsy is why I say hold out the hand of friendship to the Nothern
Irish and let them play our National game that our forefather got punished
for playing"
Tom, gather up a lock of Euros and come up to Dungivan or Bellaghy and mention L Derry. LOL clubs and plenty of marching in Cavan.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2133 - 31/01/2024 17:25:14    2523562


Replying To Saynothing:  "Tom, gather up a lock of Euros and come up to Dungivan or Bellaghy and mention L Derry. LOL clubs and plenty of marching in Cavan."
Tom, gather up a lock of Euros and come up to Dungivan or Bellaghy and mention L Derry. LOL clubs and plenty of marching in Cavan.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 1967

Saynothing from County Tyrone

I was trying to persuade Patsy that the Act of union of 1800 has long been abolished and that the Green sprouts' have had their day.
I feel that if we are to get our Nothern Brethern to watch , participate and play we have to hold the Hand of friendship.
It would be agreat gesture for Gaa teams up in Nothern Ireeland to invite their local Flute Band to perform the Nathional Anthem before a game. Or indeed give a rendering of a good lively, Reel, Jig, or hornpipe at Half time

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3951 - 02/02/2024 16:48:58    2523895


2524711 - Will Power Sharing Extend To The GAA - New Topic
06/02/2024 10:52:45 - tomsmith (3823) - National

Tomsmith here

We here in Southern Ireland have a wonderful organisation called the GAA which some advocates of other sports call the Grab All association.
I feel with our wonderfull acsssociation that we should hold the hand of friendship out to other minority Sports.
Sports like Rounders, LGFA, Soccer, Cricket are all struggling for money for spectators and indeed some are in dier needs of accomodation.
It is also noted that some of these Sports are played in Nothern Ireland by what is now by a minority .
So I say invite these people who are struggling to keep ones tradition going to participate in our wonderfull game ie GAA.

Administrator (None) - Posts: 2274 - 06/02/2024 10:55:40    2524714


Replying To Administrator:  "2524711 - Will Power Sharing Extend To The GAA - New Topic
06/02/2024 10:52:45 - tomsmith (3823) - National

Tomsmith here

We here in Southern Ireland have a wonderful organisation called the GAA which some advocates of other sports call the Grab All association.
I feel with our wonderfull acsssociation that we should hold the hand of friendship out to other minority Sports.
Sports like Rounders, LGFA, Soccer, Cricket are all struggling for money for spectators and indeed some are in dier needs of accomodation.
It is also noted that some of these Sports are played in Nothern Ireland by what is now by a minority .
So I say invite these people who are struggling to keep ones tradition going to participate in our wonderfull game ie GAA."
When did Cavan move to Munster I wonder?

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1832 - 06/02/2024 11:26:04    2524720


Replying To Administrator:  "2524711 - Will Power Sharing Extend To The GAA - New Topic
06/02/2024 10:52:45 - tomsmith (3823) - National

Tomsmith here

We here in Southern Ireland have a wonderful organisation called the GAA which some advocates of other sports call the Grab All association.
I feel with our wonderfull acsssociation that we should hold the hand of friendship out to other minority Sports.
Sports like Rounders, LGFA, Soccer, Cricket are all struggling for money for spectators and indeed some are in dier needs of accomodation.
It is also noted that some of these Sports are played in Nothern Ireland by what is now by a minority .
So I say invite these people who are struggling to keep ones tradition going to participate in our wonderfull game ie GAA."
Looking forward to 2025 already.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2133 - 06/02/2024 12:04:36    2524728
