National Forum

Banning Supporters For Threatening Behaviour

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Replying To ExiledInWex:  "The only 2 things these individuals care about are
1. Their own reputation
2. How much it will cost me.

So I would propose that anybody who is involved in verbal abuse of an official, be named and shamed in the minutes of a county board meeting.

If the complaint is upheld, the individual is fined on a graduated scale depending on the severity of the offence.

Every referee has a smart phone. They should be within their rights to photograph any individual giving them guff. If the club won't or refuses to identify an individual, go to the Gardai.

It is a travesty that we might be at the stage where body cams are needed for referees but the level of abuse they are on the receiving end of, maybe it is the only answer?

People - and clubs - need to be punished. And seriously. Not just an ah sure that's just him he's a bit of a loose cannon."
Agree but they don't carry smartphones when referring - if I were refereeing it I would buy my own equipment - question is then would the GAA allow it to be used? so ultimately yes I think it goes to bodycams and enforcement.
Its not just calling it out in County Board meetings its also in reports in the newspapers - reporters love calling out mistakes by referees but never the abuse they get from players or the sideline - how many times have intercounty managers been called out for their behavior on the sidelines? Davy a couple of times but then it was lauded as all being about the passion - monkey see monkey do - the reality is its still not taken serious by the top brass

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1870 - 25/10/2023 13:36:26    2510237


Replying To zinny:  "Your solution has failed and will continue to fail as its treating the symptom's not the cause. Its clubs that allow these people near the games in the first place and its clubs that are refusing to accept responsibility for ensuing that they are not responsible for their own supporters, mentors or officials. What he is saying is that the only way to make clubs take responsibility is come down hard on clubs who can take these people out of the game no matter who they are. And don't tell me you don't already know the people who would do it."
My proposed solution has never been implemented fully. Treating the symptoms not the cause ? What are you talking about ? You are backing a guy who says ban all activities including underage because someone takes it on themselves to run onto the pitch? That's just daft.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 25/10/2023 14:16:36    2510246


Replying To zinny:  "Agree but they don't carry smartphones when referring - if I were refereeing it I would buy my own equipment - question is then would the GAA allow it to be used? so ultimately yes I think it goes to bodycams and enforcement.
Its not just calling it out in County Board meetings its also in reports in the newspapers - reporters love calling out mistakes by referees but never the abuse they get from players or the sideline - how many times have intercounty managers been called out for their behavior on the sidelines? Davy a couple of times but then it was lauded as all being about the passion - monkey see monkey do - the reality is its still not taken serious by the top brass"
Yes let it be in local media as well, and the Wexford board put their meeting minutes on Twitter so by association the whole county knows the Dubliner was in an altercation with referee X and he was identified by the club and fined €500 for this altercation.
Its not good enough in GAA circles to say "that's just Davy" or "that's just such and such, he's always like that". If he's always like that, then maybe he should stay home next time and the clubs should be telling him to do as much.
There's too much pandering to these muppets. Its time to name, shame and fine.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1252 - 25/10/2023 15:05:30    2510262


Replying To TheFlaker:  "That's just daft, as someone involved in coaching and a serving committee member of my club I don't even have time to run through the many reasons how daft this is. Make is a serious offence to encroach onto the pitch and an even more serious offence to handle an official in any way. That's a lot easier."
Out of interest what sanction(s) would you propose to address a serious offence as you've described? We know bans from GAA grounds aren't in anyway enforced and in terms of fines, the sort of people carrying out these offenses aren't too worried about their club being fined or might possibly just pay it themselves, so what would you propose? You can't expect the Gardai to police the members of the GAA if members and the organisation itself isn't prepared to be serious about policing themselves.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 25/10/2023 18:10:17    2510319


Replying To eoinog:  "Not naive at all. It was a sunshine supporter with a thick head that got our club in bother years ago."
You said a lot of the time its people who are not really frequenting clubs on reqular basis who attack officials when thats nonsense!!

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 25/10/2023 21:50:57    2510343


Replying To eoinog:  "OMG, so you would throw out the U.12 team out of a competition because of an incident that had nothing to do with them ."
Yes if it forced people to change behaviour then its better off in long term

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 25/10/2023 21:53:12    2510344


Replying To jimbodub:  "A member of a club, be it a supporter/player, that goes onto assault an official, its club itself that should punished, on top of individual bans.

Automatic disqualifation from championship competition for the entire club at all levels should be imposed on the club themselves, once an official hearing has established responsibility.

Now that would really make these sorts think twice and control their ridiculous tempers, maximum punishment for the club.

Resulting in the individual/s responsible being blacklisted by the thing they are most passionate about.. their club.

This ***** needs to stop and the culture behind needs to be broken up and severely punished."
I think I'd go for that myself. Punish the whole club and removed from championship for the rest of the current year or the following year. Could maybe stick with adult teams and could possibly also relegate the clubs top team. But then if you do it to each team in the club it's show young lads the consequences of acting the hard man. I guarantee if this happened to one or two clubs, there would be a sharp decline in these incidents. The clubs can still compete in leagues and cups matches so they'll have enough to keep them ticking over. This level of punishment will be the only way to get clubs to take responsibility. There'd be no more of the "ah sure that's Johnny, he's a bit cracked" attitude.

I think the idea of match officials wearing body cameras is a bloody great idea. People and players would soon learn to keep their opinions to themselves if their actions were recorded.

Low2Joe (Wexford) - Posts: 54 - 25/10/2023 22:28:02    2510346


Replying To Square_B:  "Out of interest what sanction(s) would you propose to address a serious offence as you've described? We know bans from GAA grounds aren't in anyway enforced and in terms of fines, the sort of people carrying out these offenses aren't too worried about their club being fined or might possibly just pay it themselves, so what would you propose? You can't expect the Gardai to police the members of the GAA if members and the organisation itself isn't prepared to be serious about policing themselves."
An actual criminal charge.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 26/10/2023 10:18:06    2510371


Counties in the GAA are allowing some people be referees that are totally unsuited & Incapable because they pass some basic basic course you cant fail they can ref for the next 20 years . These people then are causing chaos at many matchs during the year and giving all refs a bad name which leads to all referees getting grief.
This particular ref has got a lot of training and done many courses so id back him fully but its the one or two disastorous refs in each county that are creating a culture of the ref been wrong.

OpenStand (Limerick) - Posts: 706 - 26/10/2023 11:39:23    2510396


Replying To TheFlaker:  "An actual criminal charge."

As I've said, you can't expect the Gardai to police the members of the GAA when they are not serious about policing it themselves.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 26/10/2023 11:48:22    2510400


Replying To Square_B:  "LOL

As I've said, you can't expect the Gardai to police the members of the GAA when they are not serious about policing it themselves."
I don't understand your point? You make it a crime to enter the pitch and furthermore a more serious offence to lay a hand of any description on the officials. People are clearly identifiable like the man in Tullamore. What's so LOL?

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 26/10/2023 13:11:43    2510437


Replying To Low2Joe:  "I think I'd go for that myself. Punish the whole club and removed from championship for the rest of the current year or the following year. Could maybe stick with adult teams and could possibly also relegate the clubs top team. But then if you do it to each team in the club it's show young lads the consequences of acting the hard man. I guarantee if this happened to one or two clubs, there would be a sharp decline in these incidents. The clubs can still compete in leagues and cups matches so they'll have enough to keep them ticking over. This level of punishment will be the only way to get clubs to take responsibility. There'd be no more of the "ah sure that's Johnny, he's a bit cracked" attitude.

I think the idea of match officials wearing body cameras is a bloody great idea. People and players would soon learn to keep their opinions to themselves if their actions were recorded."
The way things are going the ref's would need camera's front and back though...

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3943 - 26/10/2023 13:20:07    2510439


Replying To TheFlaker:  "I don't understand your point? You make it a crime to enter the pitch and furthermore a more serious offence to lay a hand of any description on the officials. People are clearly identifiable like the man in Tullamore. What's so LOL?"
That poster appears to have a personal gripe with the guards.

Low2Joe (Wexford) - Posts: 54 - 26/10/2023 13:27:43    2510441


Replying To Square_B:  "LOL

As I've said, you can't expect the Gardai to police the members of the GAA when they are not serious about policing it themselves."
You obviously don't keep up with the news.

Low2Joe (Wexford) - Posts: 54 - 26/10/2023 13:28:51    2510442


Replying To TheFlaker:  "I don't understand your point? You make it a crime to enter the pitch and furthermore a more serious offence to lay a hand of any description on the officials. People are clearly identifiable like the man in Tullamore. What's so LOL?"
A crime to enter a pitch? Jesus. The Gardai have enough to be at without policing GAA members for nonsence like that. Oh no doubt the Gardai can surely get involved if anyone is assaulted but the onus is on the GAA to put manners on their members and that includes banning clubs if the message doesn't get through.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 26/10/2023 13:39:12    2510450


Replying To OpenStand:  "Counties in the GAA are allowing some people be referees that are totally unsuited & Incapable because they pass some basic basic course you cant fail they can ref for the next 20 years . These people then are causing chaos at many matchs during the year and giving all refs a bad name which leads to all referees getting grief.
This particular ref has got a lot of training and done many courses so id back him fully but its the one or two disastorous refs in each county that are creating a culture of the ref been wrong."
Supply and demand, it's not that have much of a choice in the matter. Yes bad refs should not be allowed onto the pitch but where are all the refs coming from to do the evermore increasing number of games ?

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1870 - 26/10/2023 14:05:56    2510459


Replying To Low2Joe:  "That poster appears to have a personal gripe with the guards."
What are you talking about? The Gardai have more to be at than policing the members of the GAA who it seems can't police themselves.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 26/10/2023 14:10:09    2510462


Replying To Square_B:  "A crime to enter a pitch? Jesus. The Gardai have enough to be at without policing GAA members for nonsence like that. Oh no doubt the Gardai can surely get involved if anyone is assaulted but the onus is on the GAA to put manners on their members and that includes banning clubs if the message doesn't get through."
What are you talking about? You would swear I am asking for gardai to be patrolling sidelines? And yes a crime to enter a pitch. There is a bit of difficulty obviously with pitch invasions etc but in the clear case of someone running on to get at an official something has to be done.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 26/10/2023 14:15:12    2510464


Replying To TheFlaker:  "What are you talking about? You would swear I am asking for gardai to be patrolling sidelines? And yes a crime to enter a pitch. There is a bit of difficulty obviously with pitch invasions etc but in the clear case of someone running on to get at an official something has to be done."
Wow a crime to enter a pitch. Advocating to waste Gardai time prosecuting people for entering a pitch. That's a good one. Would be better for the GAA to police their own members than wasting Gardai time for such petty actions.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 26/10/2023 15:26:06    2510488


Well if a crime is committed the guards should do their job and charge the person. At a match should make no difference. I do find it strange that the incident which sparked this would be way down the list in terms of seriousness.

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 26/10/2023 16:33:59    2510499
