National Forum

Banning Supporters For Threatening Behaviour

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Replying To jimbodub:  "A member of a club, be it a supporter/player, that goes onto assault an official, its club itself that should punished, on top of individual bans.

Automatic disqualifation from championship competition for the entire club at all levels should be imposed on the club themselves, once an official hearing has established responsibility.

Now that would really make these sorts think twice and control their ridiculous tempers, maximum punishment for the club.

Resulting in the individual/s responsible being blacklisted by the thing they are most passionate about.. their club.

This ***** needs to stop and the culture behind needs to be broken up and severely punished."
OMG, so you would throw out the U.12 team out of a competition because of an incident that had nothing to do with them .

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 24/10/2023 12:40:56    2510035


Replying To Claretandblue:  "Fining a club big money is not fair, clubs work hard to fundraise, how is it the club's fault? Lad might not even be a member"
They are never a member of either club once this type of incident happens.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1252 - 24/10/2023 12:44:59    2510038


Replying To eoinog:  "Rubbish. How will fine of 10k stop the incident happening again. A lot of time these are only sunshine supporters and only come out for big games. The matter should be referred to the guards and let them deal with it. Then it won't happen again."
You are very naive if you think a lot of time it's only people who come put for occasional games who do this.
No need to call fans sunshine supporters.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 24/10/2023 12:50:24    2510040


Replying To KillingFields:  "Or the few refs in every county should be let near the pitch with better coaching and assistance from their county board
they need training and regular rules meetings to improve as refs."
I would add to that that there are players, coaches and supporters who should never be let near the pitch because they are header balls who can't accept refereeing decisions.
No county has a surplus of referees, best way of getting better ones involved is show them more respect. If the GAA gets better referees, the bad ones can be left off. But beggars can't be choosers.
Why is it only GAA that has this problem? Football maybe too? Because contrary to rugby, there is no respect for referees.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1252 - 24/10/2023 12:51:10    2510041


Replying To sourmilk93:  "Doubt the Guards would have any interest in it, Shouldn't have happened but lets not make it out to be something it wasnt. It was a harmless shove and the ref took a dive. Get hundreds of worse shoves trying to get to the bar on a night out.
He will be rightly banned and i wouldn't say he will be on the Offaly panel again next year but thats all it deserves"
It wasn't a harmless shove. That lien of thinking makes attacking a ref somewhat acceptable

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 24/10/2023 12:51:42    2510042


Replying To KillingFields:  "You are very naive if you think a lot of time it's only people who come put for occasional games who do this.
No need to call fans sunshine supporters."
Not naive at all. It was a sunshine supporter with a thick head that got our club in bother years ago.

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 24/10/2023 13:10:54    2510050


Replying To jimbodub:  "A member of a club, be it a supporter/player, that goes onto assault an official, its club itself that should punished, on top of individual bans.

Automatic disqualifation from championship competition for the entire club at all levels should be imposed on the club themselves, once an official hearing has established responsibility.

Now that would really make these sorts think twice and control their ridiculous tempers, maximum punishment for the club.

Resulting in the individual/s responsible being blacklisted by the thing they are most passionate about.. their club.

This ***** needs to stop and the culture behind needs to be broken up and severely punished."
OMG, so you would throw out the U.12 team out of a competition because of an incident that had nothing to do with them .

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 24/10/2023 13:42:03    2510061


Replying To eoinog:  "If the referee makes a complaint to the guards then it will be investigated. There's no such thing as a harmless shove from behind to an unsuspecting victim"
If referees are not already doing it, then they should from now on.

Any assault, shove or violent action towards a ref should be reported to the Gardai.

A visit from from the men in blue to the culprit might make them think twice about doing it again...
Should be easy enough to identify the offenders in this day and age.....

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3943 - 24/10/2023 13:45:37    2510062


Replying To KillingFields:  "It wasn't a harmless shove. That lien of thinking makes attacking a ref somewhat acceptable"
Suppose an irate Boyle fan ran on to the pitch an attacked Cian McKeon for missing that last free.....

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1832 - 24/10/2023 15:29:53    2510084


Replying To Fionn:  "If referees are not already doing it, then they should from now on.

Any assault, shove or violent action towards a ref should be reported to the Gardai.

A visit from from the men in blue to the culprit might make them think twice about doing it again...
Should be easy enough to identify the offenders in this day and age....."
Will it? What will the punishment be?
To me, the only way these eejits will behave is if they are named and shamed and end up doing community service.
But then again, if I go on to the pitch after my sons U16 match and roar abuse at a referee but do not touch the referee is that fine then?
Unfortunately, it is cultural and until the entire culture around refereeing changes, nothing will change only referees becoming scarcer and the standard disimproving because you would need your head examined to do it.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1252 - 24/10/2023 16:46:06    2510102


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "I would add to that that there are players, coaches and supporters who should never be let near the pitch because they are header balls who can't accept refereeing decisions.
No county has a surplus of referees, best way of getting better ones involved is show them more respect. If the GAA gets better referees, the bad ones can be left off. But beggars can't be choosers.
Why is it only GAA that has this problem? Football maybe too? Because contrary to rugby, there is no respect for referees."
Soccer definitely has similar issues. DDSL referees went on strike last year due to a ref being assaulted, as well as regular abuse.

WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2152 - 24/10/2023 17:22:44    2510113


Replying To eoinog:  "OMG, so you would throw out the U.12 team out of a competition because of an incident that had nothing to do with them ."
Yep, entire club gets an automatic ban, great lesson for the young ones, your actions bring direct consequences.

No championship football.

A club member assaulted an official and now everyone has to pay the price for it.

Be a great deterrent to keep these fecking idiots off the pitch and away from officials, what's currently going on is a poxy stain on the entire organisation and the culture and cycle behind needs needs to be completely broken.

A very valuable lesson to learn at U12 and bring forward

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20681 - 24/10/2023 18:32:32    2510123


Replying To jimbodub:  "Yep, entire club gets an automatic ban, great lesson for the young ones, your actions bring direct consequences.

No championship football.

A club member assaulted an official and now everyone has to pay the price for it.

Be a great deterrent to keep these fecking idiots off the pitch and away from officials, what's currently going on is a poxy stain on the entire organisation and the culture and cycle behind needs needs to be completely broken.

A very valuable lesson to learn at U12 and bring forward"
And parents will move their kids to another club as they have no football/hurling. And the whole club executive can go from one AGM to the next one without any meetings in between because there's nothing to discuss. With all due respect it's the daftest idea I have ever heard.

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 24/10/2023 20:05:12    2510132


Replying To jimbodub:  "Yep, entire club gets an automatic ban, great lesson for the young ones, your actions bring direct consequences.

No championship football.

A club member assaulted an official and now everyone has to pay the price for it.

Be a great deterrent to keep these fecking idiots off the pitch and away from officials, what's currently going on is a poxy stain on the entire organisation and the culture and cycle behind needs needs to be completely broken.

A very valuable lesson to learn at U12 and bring forward"
The message it sends is that an entire group must take responsibility for and be punished for the actions of an individual, or a few individuals. Tbh I can't think of a worse message to send out to children.
Would he have to be a club member?
Would you expel the team from the competition if it was a supporter?
Why not just get the police involved? Same goes for player on player assaults. Someone assaults a ref or player on the pitch just call the police and have him arrested there and then in his togs.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 24/10/2023 20:37:13    2510135


Replying To eoinog:  "Not naive at all. It was a sunshine supporter with a thick head that got our club in bother years ago."
It's very naive to think a lot of these incidents occur because of people who only attend occasionally.
Quite often it's people who are attending all the time and they are very loud/aggressive towards opposition/officials and then they cross the line in a big way

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 24/10/2023 22:00:37    2510143


Replying To jimbodub:  "Yep, entire club gets an automatic ban, great lesson for the young ones, your actions bring direct consequences.

No championship football.

A club member assaulted an official and now everyone has to pay the price for it.

Be a great deterrent to keep these fecking idiots off the pitch and away from officials, what's currently going on is a poxy stain on the entire organisation and the culture and cycle behind needs needs to be completely broken.

A very valuable lesson to learn at U12 and bring forward"
It would seem it's coming to this... the GAA can't expect the Gardai to 'police' their members if they won't police them themselves. Lots of lads have got 'lifetime' bans only to turn up the following week to 'support' their club. The message wouldn't be long getting out. It would be great to see a suitable motion come to GAA congress for counties to consider. Otherwise how is the GAA to attract the caliber of people required to run the organisation if this nonsence continues?

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 24/10/2023 23:17:28    2510148


Replying To jimbodub:  "Yep, entire club gets an automatic ban, great lesson for the young ones, your actions bring direct consequences.

No championship football.

A club member assaulted an official and now everyone has to pay the price for it.

Be a great deterrent to keep these fecking idiots off the pitch and away from officials, what's currently going on is a poxy stain on the entire organisation and the culture and cycle behind needs needs to be completely broken.

A very valuable lesson to learn at U12 and bring forward"
That's just daft, as someone involved in coaching and a serving committee member of my club I don't even have time to run through the many reasons how daft this is. Make is a serious offence to encroach onto the pitch and an even more serious offence to handle an official in any way. That's a lot easier.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 25/10/2023 09:54:58    2510166


The only 2 things these individuals care about are
1. Their own reputation
2. How much it will cost me.

So I would propose that anybody who is involved in verbal abuse of an official, be named and shamed in the minutes of a county board meeting.

If the complaint is upheld, the individual is fined on a graduated scale depending on the severity of the offence.

Every referee has a smart phone. They should be within their rights to photograph any individual giving them guff. If the club won't or refuses to identify an individual, go to the Gardai.

It is a travesty that we might be at the stage where body cams are needed for referees but the level of abuse they are on the receiving end of, maybe it is the only answer?

People - and clubs - need to be punished. And seriously. Not just an ah sure that's just him he's a bit of a loose cannon.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1252 - 25/10/2023 11:16:14    2510193


Theres lots of issues to be addressed here. This situation arises for a number of reasons some of them are possible to fix some arent.

1. Not all referees are great. some are. some are decent. some are abysmal. But not enough is being done to improve the standard of refereeing and also to remove referees from refereeing that clearly shouldn't be refereeing. the arguement that games wont go ahead if there arent enough referees is real. but if lots of games were cancelled because of no referees then clubs would have to get real in support and defence of referees so that might change the culture. lots more could be done to improve standards of referees.
2. There is a win at all costs mentality in sport. Fair play is lacking and the blame culture for defeats is the easy option. is easy to pick on a ref for a critical decision rather than accept the defeat or accpt that the responsibility for a player coaching error. I was at a game recently where a referee instructed a penalty to be retaken because about 5 defenders were almost ahead of the kicker. The abuse he got was unreal His decision was correct. The defender who picked the ball up off the small square wasn't singled out for any criticism by his team mates. The referee was accused of ruining the game and being a cheat etc the usual stuff. Again responsibility for this falls to the clubs.
3. Psychos are everywhere - The guy in wexford who has had the 10 year ban proposed for him. its his third suspension since the start of 2022 (1 Month, 6 Month and now this) plus he isnt even a member of his club - they suspended him over an altercation he had with one of their own mentors. Hard to know how you fix this.
4. but this is an organisation wide issue. Everyone needs to own it. Referees need to be better. County boards and Croke park need to train referees better. Players, teams, management, supporters and Clubs need to act responsibly and in a sense of fair play. and the consequences for not doing need to be a proper deterrent.

bystanderbill (Wexford) - Posts: 31 - 25/10/2023 13:14:48    2510227


Replying To TheFlaker:  "That's just daft, as someone involved in coaching and a serving committee member of my club I don't even have time to run through the many reasons how daft this is. Make is a serious offence to encroach onto the pitch and an even more serious offence to handle an official in any way. That's a lot easier."
Your solution has failed and will continue to fail as its treating the symptom's not the cause. Its clubs that allow these people near the games in the first place and its clubs that are refusing to accept responsibility for ensuing that they are not responsible for their own supporters, mentors or officials. What he is saying is that the only way to make clubs take responsibility is come down hard on clubs who can take these people out of the game no matter who they are. And don't tell me you don't already know the people who would do it.

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1870 - 25/10/2023 13:29:45    2510234
