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Banning Supporters For Threatening Behaviour

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The person who pushed the ref was an injured player and has played Tailteann Cup for Offaly this year. It wasnt just a random fan.

He is in bother and will get lengthy ban, Shoul never put hands on a referee but jesus he made some meal of it, Went down like a sniper took him out.

sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1182 - 23/10/2023 14:09:27    2509864


Replying To KillingFields:  "Ridiculous and shameful post.
"Only a shove"?? You never put your hands on an official at any time. never."
100% agree killingfields. That other post is saying that it's alright to shove a referee!!!!
You are absolutely correct in saying that a referee should never be touched, shoved, boxed, kicked or verbally abused. There is no justification for such behaviour at any time and for whatever reason.
To think differently is supporting violence.

Magpie2 (Wexford) - Posts: 382 - 23/10/2023 14:21:18    2509872


Replying To Ashrules:  "It was only a shove. Often got worse trying to get on a luas.Ref went down acting the drama queen.
The root cause of this is that for years the Leinster council appointed referees as favours even with scant knowledge of the game and no experience of playing themselves.
The same referee stopped Ratoath getting back into a semi last year with frees for nothing all against them every time they went on a late attack.He was respected that day but was looking to be at the centre of an incident."
You are everything that is wrong with the GAA, a shameful post.

Monaghansclown (Monaghan) - Posts: 184 - 23/10/2023 14:22:07    2509873


Replying To KillingFields:  "Or the few refs in every county should be let near the pitch with better coaching and assistance from their county board
they need training and regular rules meetings to improve as refs."
Perhaps the reason for a degree of poor standards by referees is because there is a shortage of referees. Is it any wonder with the amount of abuse and violence they receive on an ongoing basis.
The referees selection committee ( or whatever its called) have no choice but to bring on board anyone who applies, even though they may not reach the required standard.
If they were more rigid in the appointments then our games would be seriously effected.
In the present climate of criminal assault why would you want to be a referee.

Magpie2 (Wexford) - Posts: 382 - 23/10/2023 14:56:32    2509884


Replying To CTGAA10:  "I'm in agreement with majority of right minded posters official of any kind can not be man handled by anyone..hope the clown that did it is dealt with properly..however the problem being,how can a ban of any sort for a supporter be implemented??also to say he went down easily is not the point,if you are not expecting a push or belt at the time you will probably fall's happening way more often now in Gaa and it is a serious problem.."
This is it. If the incident yesterday happened at the end of a Premier League match the offender would rightly be identified and punished, probably financially as well as in terms of a ban.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9469 - 23/10/2023 15:00:52    2509888


I often notice how society and particularly GAA clubs virtue signal about mental health yet here they are using phrases like "loonie bins".

PattyONeill (Derry) - Posts: 245 - 23/10/2023 15:17:21    2509893


Banning supporters from the Premier league is simple, anyone involved actively in the Association knows that's impossible to implement at club or indeed county grounds. Be realistic

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 1833 - 23/10/2023 16:29:55    2509917


Replying To Fionn:  "The guy is clearly identifiable.

If he is a coach with a club - he should be suspended from that, along with attending any games.

But a financial fine should also be imposed on him.

Time to set an example and cut this type of stuff out.

A minor assault charge is stretching it a bit, but wouldnt it send out the right message.

An apology is no good.

Delighted it was caught on camera and people will know exactly who acted the big man...."
Real coward pushing from behind , Definitely should set the stall out and punish him , set the example this won't be tolerated, if he ain't a club member it definitely issue for outside of the Gaa .

BacksAndForwards (Wexford) - Posts: 34 - 23/10/2023 18:23:15    2509944


Replying To Magpie2:  "Perhaps the reason for a degree of poor standards by referees is because there is a shortage of referees. Is it any wonder with the amount of abuse and violence they receive on an ongoing basis.
The referees selection committee ( or whatever its called) have no choice but to bring on board anyone who applies, even though they may not reach the required standard.
If they were more rigid in the appointments then our games would be seriously effected.
In the present climate of criminal assault why would you want to be a referee."
I dont think thats the case at all.
refs in the GAA dont get enough training or support to help them develop
where are the older/more experienced/retired refs helping out newer refs?
what do you define as the required standard?

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 23/10/2023 18:32:23    2509946


Replying To Barrowsider:  "10k fine to the club 20k fine to offaly gaa. Guaranteed nor to happen again"
Rubbish. How will fine of 10k stop the incident happening again. A lot of time these are only sunshine supporters and only come out for big games. The matter should be referred to the guards and let them deal with it. Then it won't happen again.

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 23/10/2023 23:00:32    2509965


These incidents need to be handed straight to the guards. People might think twice when there is a real threat of a punishment. If convicted, one of the conditions should be not to attend any GAA event for X amount of time.

Big fines from the county board too is the best they can do I think. Trying to police bans is very hard, unless you have people willing to inform the county board of breaches.

It could work if clubs were made to report breaches and if they are found not to report them, then big fines issued to them. Clubs in the county will be aware of the ban and must report breaches to the county board.

Hit clubs in the pocket and I guarantee we wouldn't see as much of this behaviour. Clubs would make sure and keep their head bangers out of trouble. I know some people have said it's not the clubs fault, but it is completely the clubs fault. I've no doubt the incidents we've seen the last while are not the first ones to happens with certain clubs. So it's time clubs clamped down on it.

Low2Joe (Wexford) - Posts: 54 - 24/10/2023 03:46:47    2509967


It's impossible to ban spectators. Of course you could try and have some powerful (in terms of strength, influence, whatever) people at each turnstile to stop the banned person getting in, but that takes more effort than it's worth. And when you inevitably abandon that idea, the chump will turn up and saunter in, unchallenged by people who either don't want to make a song and dance about it, don't care, or maybe even back the guy.

Going down the legal route is another idea. But I'd imagine it would be costly to take an injunction out against whoever it is your trying to ban, cos I figure that's the only way to do it, and then if he turns up at the game and there's proof, bang! he's broken a court order and landed himself in it.

But there's probably an easier legal way. GAA pitches are owned by the GAA itself or by county or provincial boards or clubs, is that right? And the right to be in those places during an event is presumably enjoyed by every individual who complies with basic rules, such as you have to pay your admission fee, you have to behave, etc, otherwise you don't get in/you'll be thrown out. So a person can go from being allowed there to being not allowed. So say someone is banned; the Unit concerned issues a notice saying that Joe Bloggs is now prohibited from being there, and if he turns up, and if the evidence can be made available before a judge, he gets done for trespassing. Now, there's probably some legal groundwork to make all this possible, but it's something.

Final idea that came to me this morning; yob gets done for assault, even a push on the back. The judge can say "I sentence you to X months, suspended on condition that you stay away from GAA games for Y months", and straightaway he's facing jail time for his assault if he breaches the ban. A GAA person in attendance in court on the day could advise the judge as to the length of the ban. You could even do this for the trespassing prosecution: suspended sentence on condition that he stay away.

Tacaí Liatroma (Leitrim) - Posts: 1107 - 24/10/2023 08:05:04    2509970


Replying To eoinog:  "Rubbish. How will fine of 10k stop the incident happening again. A lot of time these are only sunshine supporters and only come out for big games. The matter should be referred to the guards and let them deal with it. Then it won't happen again."
It was a player though not a random fan.

sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1182 - 24/10/2023 09:50:35    2509975


Replying To sourmilk93:  "It was a player though not a random fan."
No point in a fine of 10k or any other fine for a player because it won't be paid. The GAA have no authority to collect it either from an individual. A fine on the club is also unfair. It could set the club back years in development plus at underage. Hand it to the guards and let them deal with it. The video footage is there. The thug is easily recognisable. As a matter of interest was the free the correct decision. Referee consulted umpire and linesman so he was thorough. The ref in the infamous Leinster finial consulted no one

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 24/10/2023 10:09:50    2509981


Replying To eoinog:  "No point in a fine of 10k or any other fine for a player because it won't be paid. The GAA have no authority to collect it either from an individual. A fine on the club is also unfair. It could set the club back years in development plus at underage. Hand it to the guards and let them deal with it. The video footage is there. The thug is easily recognisable. As a matter of interest was the free the correct decision. Referee consulted umpire and linesman so he was thorough. The ref in the infamous Leinster finial consulted no one"
Doubt the Guards would have any interest in it, Shouldn't have happened but lets not make it out to be something it wasnt. It was a harmless shove and the ref took a dive. Get hundreds of worse shoves trying to get to the bar on a night out.
He will be rightly banned and i wouldn't say he will be on the Offaly panel again next year but thats all it deserves

sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1182 - 24/10/2023 11:04:37    2510003


Replying To sourmilk93:  "Doubt the Guards would have any interest in it, Shouldn't have happened but lets not make it out to be something it wasnt. It was a harmless shove and the ref took a dive. Get hundreds of worse shoves trying to get to the bar on a night out.
He will be rightly banned and i wouldn't say he will be on the Offaly panel again next year but thats all it deserves"
And we wonder why it's so hard to get lads to take up refereeing....

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1832 - 24/10/2023 11:57:57    2510019


Replying To sourmilk93:  "Doubt the Guards would have any interest in it, Shouldn't have happened but lets not make it out to be something it wasnt. It was a harmless shove and the ref took a dive. Get hundreds of worse shoves trying to get to the bar on a night out.
He will be rightly banned and i wouldn't say he will be on the Offaly panel again next year but thats all it deserves"
There are no harmless shoves on referees. Might have been physically harmless (which is probably what you mean), but you're normalising this sort of behaviour. Shameful.

"lets not make it out to be something it wasnt" you say; an idiot decided to attack a referee, and whether he poked him in the back or did a Bruce Lee on him, he still went for him and got to him, and that's not making it out to be something it wasn't, that's exactly how it was: a deliberate attack on the ref.

Tacaí Liatroma (Leitrim) - Posts: 1107 - 24/10/2023 12:06:58    2510020


A member of a club, be it a supporter/player, that goes onto assault an official, its club itself that should punished, on top of individual bans.

Automatic disqualifation from championship competition for the entire club at all levels should be imposed on the club themselves, once an official hearing has established responsibility.

Now that would really make these sorts think twice and control their ridiculous tempers, maximum punishment for the club.

Resulting in the individual/s responsible being blacklisted by the thing they are most passionate about.. their club.

This ***** needs to stop and the culture behind needs to be broken up and severely punished.

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20681 - 24/10/2023 12:19:24    2510023


Replying To Tacaí Liatroma:  "There are no harmless shoves on referees. Might have been physically harmless (which is probably what you mean), but you're normalising this sort of behaviour. Shameful.

"lets not make it out to be something it wasnt" you say; an idiot decided to attack a referee, and whether he poked him in the back or did a Bruce Lee on him, he still went for him and got to him, and that's not making it out to be something it wasn't, that's exactly how it was: a deliberate attack on the ref."
The fact that he is a player is worse - club (and county) ban required.....

Time to makes examples of offenders and pass down some tough punishments.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3943 - 24/10/2023 12:23:39    2510025


Replying To sourmilk93:  "Doubt the Guards would have any interest in it, Shouldn't have happened but lets not make it out to be something it wasnt. It was a harmless shove and the ref took a dive. Get hundreds of worse shoves trying to get to the bar on a night out.
He will be rightly banned and i wouldn't say he will be on the Offaly panel again next year but thats all it deserves"
If the referee makes a complaint to the guards then it will be investigated. There's no such thing as a harmless shove from behind to an unsuspecting victim

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 1884 - 24/10/2023 12:39:15    2510034
