National Forum

Banning Supporters For Threatening Behaviour

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Replying To Claretandblue:  "How do you impose a fine on someone who may not even be a member of the Association? Be realistic."
You have to hit the club or the county then. I know it's not their fault someone has lost their head and attacked the referee - but at some point sanctions will have to be imposed on the club/county involved to try and stamp this out of the game. Whether than be a ban/fine, been forced to play behind closed doors.. Something has to to give.

It happens far too often, there's going to become a point where refs will just refuse to officiate the game.

No matter what the circumstances are, whether you agree with the decision or not, whether it's the right decision or not - it's never acceptable to put your hands on an official.

hyperache (Meath) - Posts: 235 - 23/10/2023 11:07:47    2509773


Replying To hyperache:  "You have to hit the club or the county then. I know it's not their fault someone has lost their head and attacked the referee - but at some point sanctions will have to be imposed on the club/county involved to try and stamp this out of the game. Whether than be a ban/fine, been forced to play behind closed doors.. Something has to to give.

It happens far too often, there's going to become a point where refs will just refuse to officiate the game.

No matter what the circumstances are, whether you agree with the decision or not, whether it's the right decision or not - it's never acceptable to put your hands on an official."
Sure we all agree with that. I've never seen any rational person ever justify putting hands on a referee. But what can a club do to stop some lunatic who may or may not be from their parish, coming on to the pitch and pushing a ref? If the person is a member of the club in any capacity, then I say fair enough. But otherwise, the club are no more responsible than anyone else.
We all know of people who are complete headers and shouldn't be let anywhere near football or hurling match.

WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2152 - 23/10/2023 11:25:31    2509782


Fining a club big money is not fair, clubs work hard to fundraise, how is it the club's fault? Lad might not even be a member

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 1833 - 23/10/2023 11:29:10    2509786


GAA can't impose financial fines on individuals and I think it's a dangerous precedent to hold clubs responsible via fines for the behaviour of an individual supporter/spectator. If there's an assault, hand it over to the Gardai. A club can then rescind or withhold membership from individuals they believe have behaved in a way that is counter to the ethos of the association, but clubs and GAA have no standing in imposing fines on individual members of the public, regardless of who that person is shouting for. If these terrace cowards get handed over to the Gardai to be dressed down or charged, they will soon rethink their choices. The community also has a role here in making this sort of thing socially unacceptable rather than clapping lads on the back or dismissing it as a harmless bit of pushing and shoving.

It's never acceptable to put a hand on a match official and it's also practically impossible and unfair to expect volunteer club or county officials to police a lifetime ban placed on individuals. Let the Gardai sort them out, every time.

LongfordgaaAbú (Longford) - Posts: 549 - 23/10/2023 11:40:28    2509791


Could be a few nervous nights for that lad with the way the courts have been dealing with GAA cases in the last few years....

sponger (Wicklow) - Posts: 2912 - 23/10/2023 11:44:57    2509795


If that Offaly lad is affiliated officially in any way with the club he needs to be punished.
In any other walk of life this kind of behaviour simply would not be tolerated. Imagine if it was done in the workplace? He'd be out on his ear.

I know it was "only" a push. But it could just as easily have been a box to the back of the head.

It needs to be stamped out and the only way is by meting out appropriate punishment.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9469 - 23/10/2023 11:48:55    2509797


Similar incident between the bench and a linesman in the Wicklow county final yesterday. Linesman gave a call against the bench he was in front of, was surrounded by players and selectors and physically confronted by both a player and a selector. Referee comes over, overruled the linesman by giving a throw up and doesn't book or take note of any players or selectors on the sideline…

Victorious87 (Wicklow) - Posts: 601 - 23/10/2023 11:51:14    2509800


Replying To Barrowsider:  "10k fine to the club 20k fine to offaly gaa. Guaranteed nor to happen again"
Clubs and all GAA counties have zero control over looney bins. Don't punish clubs ans county, punish the offender heavily in the pocket. That would be more of a guarantee.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2133 - 23/10/2023 12:03:03    2509805


Money talks. Individual bans won't solve this thuggery on its own. Hit the club if its confirmed that the Individual is a member and let the club pursue him/her for the money. The bigger the fine the more likely they'll go after it. The pat on the back will soon turn into a kick up the you know what.
The genie is out of the bottle in terms of spectator behaviour and its going to get worse. Opposition supporters calling it out only exacerbates the lunatics when the red mist descends so its up to their own club to stamp it out.

ThePowerhouse (Leitrim) - Posts: 136 - 23/10/2023 12:06:48    2509807


Replying To Lockjaw:  "If that Offaly lad is affiliated officially in any way with the club he needs to be punished.
In any other walk of life this kind of behaviour simply would not be tolerated. Imagine if it was done in the workplace? He'd be out on his ear.

I know it was "only" a push. But it could just as easily have been a box to the back of the head.

It needs to be stamped out and the only way is by meting out appropriate punishment."
A cowardly push it was too, has to be zero tolerance on this behaviour.

totalrecall (Leitrim) - Posts: 983 - 23/10/2023 12:14:28    2509811


Replying To Lockjaw:  "If that Offaly lad is affiliated officially in any way with the club he needs to be punished.
In any other walk of life this kind of behaviour simply would not be tolerated. Imagine if it was done in the workplace? He'd be out on his ear.

I know it was "only" a push. But it could just as easily have been a box to the back of the head.

It needs to be stamped out and the only way is by meting out appropriate punishment."
He looked a right plonker. Walked away once he done it and the girlfriend leading him.

yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11375 - 23/10/2023 12:15:03    2509812


It was only a shove. Often got worse trying to get on a luas.Ref went down acting the drama queen.
The root cause of this is that for years the Leinster council appointed referees as favours even with scant knowledge of the game and no experience of playing themselves.
The same referee stopped Ratoath getting back into a semi last year with frees for nothing all against them every time they went on a late attack.He was respected that day but was looking to be at the centre of an incident.

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 23/10/2023 12:33:02    2509820


Replying To Saynothing:  "Clubs and all GAA counties have zero control over looney bins. Don't punish clubs ans county, punish the offender heavily in the pocket. That would be more of a guarantee."
That's the point they have zero control over their looney bins, nobody takes responsibility and stuff like this keeps happening, and I'm sure everyone has a good laugh in the pub later about it. Huge fines to clubs and board would radically change the culture and lads like that would be pariahs

Barrowsider (Carlow) - Posts: 1641 - 23/10/2023 12:33:09    2509822


Sounds like a right cock up by the referee yesterday , the ref though must have a decent track record to be appointed to a inter county club match and a genuine mistake was made .
But theres a few referees in every county that should not be let anywhere near a field to ref matchs , it seems like any tom dick or harry once they pass an initial basic course can ref away for the next 30 years no matter how much trouble they cause & Errors they make .

OpenStand (Limerick) - Posts: 706 - 23/10/2023 12:59:48    2509836


Replying To OpenStand:  "Sounds like a right cock up by the referee yesterday , the ref though must have a decent track record to be appointed to a inter county club match and a genuine mistake was made .
But theres a few referees in every county that should not be let anywhere near a field to ref matchs , it seems like any tom dick or harry once they pass an initial basic course can ref away for the next 30 years no matter how much trouble they cause & Errors they make ."
He didn't make a mistake as regards rules. His mistake was not checking with his umpires whether the offence was or wasn't in the small square before indicating a penalty. He shouldn't have indicated a penalty before checking. The incident itself warranted a free in, so his final call was correct.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 23/10/2023 13:04:34    2509837


Replying To Ashrules:  "It was only a shove. Often got worse trying to get on a luas.Ref went down acting the drama queen.
The root cause of this is that for years the Leinster council appointed referees as favours even with scant knowledge of the game and no experience of playing themselves.
The same referee stopped Ratoath getting back into a semi last year with frees for nothing all against them every time they went on a late attack.He was respected that day but was looking to be at the centre of an incident."
You are an eejit.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 23/10/2023 13:16:52    2509842


Replying To OpenStand:  "Sounds like a right cock up by the referee yesterday , the ref though must have a decent track record to be appointed to a inter county club match and a genuine mistake was made .
But theres a few referees in every county that should not be let anywhere near a field to ref matchs , it seems like any tom dick or harry once they pass an initial basic course can ref away for the next 30 years no matter how much trouble they cause & Errors they make ."
Or the few refs in every county should be let near the pitch with better coaching and assistance from their county board
they need training and regular rules meetings to improve as refs.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 23/10/2023 13:17:23    2509843


Replying To Ashrules:  "It was only a shove. Often got worse trying to get on a luas.Ref went down acting the drama queen.
The root cause of this is that for years the Leinster council appointed referees as favours even with scant knowledge of the game and no experience of playing themselves.
The same referee stopped Ratoath getting back into a semi last year with frees for nothing all against them every time they went on a late attack.He was respected that day but was looking to be at the centre of an incident."
One of the most stupid takes on any subject I've read on this forum.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9469 - 23/10/2023 13:34:34    2509850


Replying To Ashrules:  "It was only a shove. Often got worse trying to get on a luas.Ref went down acting the drama queen.
The root cause of this is that for years the Leinster council appointed referees as favours even with scant knowledge of the game and no experience of playing themselves.
The same referee stopped Ratoath getting back into a semi last year with frees for nothing all against them every time they went on a late attack.He was respected that day but was looking to be at the centre of an incident."
Ridiculous and shameful post.
"Only a shove"?? You never put your hands on an official at any time. never.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 23/10/2023 13:44:06    2509853


I'm in agreement with majority of right minded posters official of any kind can not be man handled by anyone..hope the clown that did it is dealt with properly..however the problem being,how can a ban of any sort for a supporter be implemented??also to say he went down easily is not the point,if you are not expecting a push or belt at the time you will probably fall's happening way more often now in Gaa and it is a serious problem..

CTGAA10 (Limerick) - Posts: 2335 - 23/10/2023 14:05:27    2509862
