National Forum

Will Rugby World Cup Harm Gaa.

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Replying To gilly1910:  "I couldn't agree more, I love all sports and in particular hurling, rugby and association football. I can't stand this begrudgery and in particular from GAA supporters who constantly bemoan the threat from other sports, the fact that rugby has two anthems, the fact that shock/horror some of the players went to private schools. It's actually quite sad that in this day and age there is probably a sizeable amount of GAA supporters out there who probably wish the ban was still in place, or that young people only played GAA sports. Fact of the matter is that rugby is an International game albeit on a small scale, whereas GAA has no international footprint, so Ireland doing well at rugby should always supercede local games. Much and all as I love Galway hurling (even if they do drive me demented) I would have still taken Ireland winning the World Cup over the Galway hurlers winning an All Ireland, as something that big brings great joy to the entire county, instead of just one county out of 32. At the end of the day nobody is forcing anybody to like or follow rugby, but this begrudgery and bordering on hatred for rugby is nothing short of pathetic."
You make some very good points gilly 1910.
We should embrace all sports and celebrate when we do well. Yes the gaa die hards will always be critical of soccer and rugby. We were just a fraction short of been there or thereabouts in the RWC and we as a nation should be proud of their achievements.
Having said that, I would consider myself as a die hard gaa supporter. Always was and always will be.
I would give my right arm for Wexford to win a leinster or all ireland over Ireland winning world cups. The gaa is part of us. It's ingrained in us and is part of the fabric of irish society.
However we should not be critical of other sports.
There is room for all sports to co exist.

Magpie2 (Wexford) - Posts: 382 - 01/11/2023 17:38:44    2511213


Hope all these rugby fans posting here all set to attend a league rugby game this weekend!!! Fat chance

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 1833 - 01/11/2023 18:08:20    2511214


Replying To Viking66:  "You said this-

"Half a million people lined Dublin to welcome back the soccer team in 1990,, hardly any comparison to the rugby team this year in fairness."

Being as the rugby lads refused the offer of a homecoming that statement is nonsense."
The poster I was replying to likened this years world cup to Irelands soccer team in 1990, in terms of a breakthrough moment.
I used the homecoming in 1990 as an example as to how it wasn't an appropriate comparison, unless you believe that half a million people would have turned up for the rugby players had they wanted a homecoming?
Unless you believe that that many people would have turned up,, my point wasn't nonsense, was it?

This isn't a dig at the rugby team at all btw.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 01/11/2023 19:34:31    2511219


Replying To gilly1910:  "I couldn't agree more, I love all sports and in particular hurling, rugby and association football. I can't stand this begrudgery and in particular from GAA supporters who constantly bemoan the threat from other sports, the fact that rugby has two anthems, the fact that shock/horror some of the players went to private schools. It's actually quite sad that in this day and age there is probably a sizeable amount of GAA supporters out there who probably wish the ban was still in place, or that young people only played GAA sports. Fact of the matter is that rugby is an International game albeit on a small scale, whereas GAA has no international footprint, so Ireland doing well at rugby should always supercede local games. Much and all as I love Galway hurling (even if they do drive me demented) I would have still taken Ireland winning the World Cup over the Galway hurlers winning an All Ireland, as something that big brings great joy to the entire county, instead of just one county out of 32. At the end of the day nobody is forcing anybody to like or follow rugby, but this begrudgery and bordering on hatred for rugby is nothing short of pathetic."
Sounds great but what are your feelings towards those who are contemptuous of the gaa?
"Redneck sports, bogball, stick fighting, turf munchers", all that kinda thing,some rugby and soccer fans are almost proud of their anti gaa attitude,, I know some of them myself.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 01/11/2023 19:41:27    2511221


Replying To supersub15:  "I suggest you misread my post, read the first 4 lines again."
I hope I misread, did you mention Ireland getting more than 7 at a point in time. The delusions of grandeur about that rugby team are off the charts with some lads. Simultaneously ****** on the SA tent for 'only' winning huge matches by 1 point. Your green tinted 'analysis' is making absolutely no sense to me.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3835 - 01/11/2023 20:23:15    2511226


Replying To Viking66:  "

This is the opta team of the world cup. Based purely on individual players opta stats. Still only 1 South African. Absolutely mad! Great team performance I guess.

Is there an official World Rugby team of the World Cup?"
South Africa were the best team in it. No superstar individual performances, knew their strengths, did what had to be done to grind out results in the knockout games. Not pretty but effective.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7582 - 01/11/2023 20:31:04    2511227


Replying To ThePowerhouse:  "A lot of it is down to insecurity. They feel inadequate so they'll attack first. It wouldn't be allowed if there were 15 or 20 schools churning out brilliant soccer players for a successful senior soccer team. Although, the same people would find a reason to whinge about that as well.

Anyway, one of the biggest threats to Gaa will come from within. The increasingly bad behaviour is going to turn people off sending their kids to Gaa.
It doesn't even have to get to the level of an incident going viral. The nastiness that's becoming more and more prevalent at virtually all levels will turn people away. I suspect some of the contributors to this forum would describe it as passion or pride in the parish. They need to get out of said parish a little bit more and stop howling at the moon."
It's nothing to do with insecurity from GAA people, it's a lot more to do with the total overhype from media and former pplayers blowing up Irish players abilities. Ireland has never, ever got past the quarter finals but the build up was all about Ireland winning the whole thing The teams that win this competition has timed their runs to win when it matters and not win meaningless games in between. The Irish rugby media should try and control themselves and stop the hype until they actually win a knockout game. It's the same since they were beaten by NZ (a team written off by our hype merchant's) no criticism, no calling out who isn't good enough or what the coaching staff got wrong-it's all a fuzzy warm feeling and we were unlucky and aren't we great.We failed, call it out and eventually we might beat a good team when it counts-this happens in real sport when failure and success really matters to fans.Until then people will have a go at the team and enjoy their failures

updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 823 - 01/11/2023 21:06:10    2511232


Replying To TheFlaker:  "It's the equivalent of having a heap of lads on the All Star GAA team after winning the league but getting knocked out at the quarters. One SA player? Absolutely ridiculous."
Hard to pick a lot of South Africans. SA are very tactical with their actual team selections. They don't really pick the best 15 to start a game. They seem to keep some of their best forwards in reserve to come on in the second half of matches and try to smash opposition up a bit when they are tiring. Hard to pick these guys when they are only getting 25/ 30 minutes game time.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 02/11/2023 08:57:27    2511244


Replying To gilly1910:  "I couldn't agree more, I love all sports and in particular hurling, rugby and association football. I can't stand this begrudgery and in particular from GAA supporters who constantly bemoan the threat from other sports, the fact that rugby has two anthems, the fact that shock/horror some of the players went to private schools. It's actually quite sad that in this day and age there is probably a sizeable amount of GAA supporters out there who probably wish the ban was still in place, or that young people only played GAA sports. Fact of the matter is that rugby is an International game albeit on a small scale, whereas GAA has no international footprint, so Ireland doing well at rugby should always supercede local games. Much and all as I love Galway hurling (even if they do drive me demented) I would have still taken Ireland winning the World Cup over the Galway hurlers winning an All Ireland, as something that big brings great joy to the entire county, instead of just one county out of 32. At the end of the day nobody is forcing anybody to like or follow rugby, but this begrudgery and bordering on hatred for rugby is nothing short of pathetic."
excellent post.
very fair reasoned post.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 02/11/2023 10:33:54    2511256


Replying To The_DOC:  "Theres more hurling teams competing for Connacht championships than there are countries competing for the egg chasing world cup"
please if you are going to criticise rugby then at least dont show yourself up as a fool

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 02/11/2023 10:34:36    2511257


Replying To Galway9801:  "The poster I was replying to likened this years world cup to Irelands soccer team in 1990, in terms of a breakthrough moment.
I used the homecoming in 1990 as an example as to how it wasn't an appropriate comparison, unless you believe that half a million people would have turned up for the rugby players had they wanted a homecoming?
Unless you believe that that many people would have turned up,, my point wasn't nonsense, was it?

This isn't a dig at the rugby team at all btw."
The 1990 soccer team was bigger than just sport. The country was in a hole.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13407 - 02/11/2023 15:24:54    2511318


I don't know where the insecurity comes from, even if ireland won the world cup I couldn't see it having a huge impact on gaa. I enjoyed the world cup, more so as a spectacle like I would a soccer world cup than for the quality of what I'm watching, I don't find rugby a particularly skillful game but I do enjoy the the physicality of it, I think that same physicality probably means it will never become the first sport in Ireland, it definitely has potential to grow more but I don't see new rugby clubs popping up all over the place

Barrowsider (Carlow) - Posts: 1641 - 02/11/2023 15:47:25    2511322


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "I hope I misread, did you mention Ireland getting more than 7 at a point in time. The delusions of grandeur about that rugby team are off the charts with some lads. Simultaneously ****** on the SA tent for 'only' winning huge matches by 1 point. Your green tinted 'analysis' is making absolutely no sense to me."
I understand your point, however if the dream team was picked at any time up to and including the Scotland game we would have more than 7 players on it. (That's my firm belief.)

Simultaneously ****** on the SA tent for 'only' winning huge matches by 1 point. Your green tinted 'analysis' is making absolutely no sense to me.

I don't recall debating with you "'only' winning huge matches by 1 point." or what you are referencing, perhaps it's your own Maroon tinted glasses that is making little or no sense to me. I think your mind is already made up, so what is the point is debating this any further.?

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2984 - 02/11/2023 18:33:31    2511339


Replying To Barrowsider:  "I don't know where the insecurity comes from, even if ireland won the world cup I couldn't see it having a huge impact on gaa. I enjoyed the world cup, more so as a spectacle like I would a soccer world cup than for the quality of what I'm watching, I don't find rugby a particularly skillful game but I do enjoy the the physicality of it, I think that same physicality probably means it will never become the first sport in Ireland, it definitely has potential to grow more but I don't see new rugby clubs popping up all over the place"
What about the physicality in rugby will stop it advancing in terms of playing numbers?
Theres been plenty of new rugby clubs over past decade or so and likely to be more again over the next decade or clubs expand as more join. back in my day playing underage many clubs only fielded teams at age grade every second age group now theyre fielding every single age group and its coming up at adult level as well. though provinces and irfu need to change compstitions etc to help get more done to keep people playing u20s and adult level...

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 02/11/2023 19:08:50    2511344


Replying To KillingFields:  "excellent post.
very fair reasoned post."
No,, a reasoned and fair post would have acknowledged the fact that there are tonnes of soccer and rugby people in this country who have a similarly negative attitude towards our own games, with derogatory remarks like "bogball,, gah heads," etc.,

Instead he completely ignored that element and acted as if it's a one way street.

Quite a biased and immature post when you think about it.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 02/11/2023 19:13:40    2511345


Replying To Galway9801:  "No,, a reasoned and fair post would have acknowledged the fact that there are tonnes of soccer and rugby people in this country who have a similarly negative attitude towards our own games, with derogatory remarks like "bogball,, gah heads," etc.,

Instead he completely ignored that element and acted as if it's a one way street.

Quite a biased and immature post when you think about it."
Is there as many of those who post on forums and in social media?
Far more derogatory comments made about soccer and rugby on class or other issues than of people using those terms about the GAA?
Same on web forums.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3635 - 02/11/2023 20:08:48    2511347


Replying To Viking66:  "The 1990 soccer team was bigger than just sport. The country was in a hole."
Further proving my point re the original poster.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 02/11/2023 20:57:37    2511351


Replying To KillingFields:  "What about the physicality in rugby will stop it advancing in terms of playing numbers?
Theres been plenty of new rugby clubs over past decade or so and likely to be more again over the next decade or clubs expand as more join. back in my day playing underage many clubs only fielded teams at age grade every second age group now theyre fielding every single age group and its coming up at adult level as well. though provinces and irfu need to change compstitions etc to help get more done to keep people playing u20s and adult level..."
This again? I highlighted the fact there have been no new clubs in Connaught in the past 10 years yet here you are again throwing random statements out there about the formation of new clubs.

No more than yourself i grew up playing rugby and am still a member and supporter of the rugby club I played for and the GAA club I played for and am involved with. I see both sides of the debate. You are just here to promote rugby and don't have any real facts to back up a lot of your claims.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8076 - 02/11/2023 21:18:41    2511354


Replying To Galway9801:  "No,, a reasoned and fair post would have acknowledged the fact that there are tonnes of soccer and rugby people in this country who have a similarly negative attitude towards our own games, with derogatory remarks like "bogball,, gah heads," etc.,

Instead he completely ignored that element and acted as if it's a one way street.

Quite a biased and immature post when you think about it."
He seems to be the IRFU's rep on this forum.

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1832 - 02/11/2023 21:30:37    2511356


Replying To KillingFields:  "What about the physicality in rugby will stop it advancing in terms of playing numbers?
Theres been plenty of new rugby clubs over past decade or so and likely to be more again over the next decade or clubs expand as more join. back in my day playing underage many clubs only fielded teams at age grade every second age group now theyre fielding every single age group and its coming up at adult level as well. though provinces and irfu need to change compstitions etc to help get more done to keep people playing u20s and adult level..."
Yeah even that 'auld fella' got called up to 'the fourths' lately on the advert, and the daughter was so proud of him, I thought she'd break into a few bars of zombie.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3835 - 02/11/2023 23:51:38    2511367
