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Down GAA thread

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Replying To germac:  "All true , goalkeeping mistakes again , i think we need a keeper who can move out the field like , tyrone monaghan armagh to name a few, bubba maybe fits that bill if not Ohare surley must start next day, Midfield we just cant seem to win clean or break ball, to be honest i dont think we can afford to lose another game, hopefully a few too come in there is talk of the Jonstons , Brannigans, Guinness McCabe, how is mooneys recovery going , were goin to need them all, but i do know Laverty is a canny boy and wont be afraid to make the tough decisions"
Looking from afar, while there's definite improvement in the forward play (Down were struggling to register double figure tally's last year), the concession of 2-14 & 2-17 v Fermanagh & Antrim respectively has got to be a worry for management. We'll struggle to get out of this division shipping those kind of scores as you only need look at the table to see how competitive this is going to be. Note some of the names mentioned in the previous post but does anyone know re. status of young Finn McElroy? He was one of the few positives from last year and did great man marking jobs at Full-back keeping the likes of Damien Comer of Galway quiet to name only one. His presence in there could help shore up what looks like a leaky defense.
That said Mid-field still a massive issue and lack of ball winning either clean or break is putting the defense under pressure. Murdock is a find but needs more help.....not sure if any of the names mentioned still to come in can crack that area? Must be somebody else around the squad/county with height and physicality to compete in there? Allied to the midfield problems is the goalkeeper issue, I would have thought Charlie Smyth of Mayobridge would be worth trying out, would have a great kick-out and is strong in the air (but also fond of wandering?!).......

Mourne.Identidy (Down) - Posts: 20 - 20/02/2023 09:51:49    2459279


Replying To Mourne.Identidy:  "Looking from afar, while there's definite improvement in the forward play (Down were struggling to register double figure tally's last year), the concession of 2-14 & 2-17 v Fermanagh & Antrim respectively has got to be a worry for management. We'll struggle to get out of this division shipping those kind of scores as you only need look at the table to see how competitive this is going to be. Note some of the names mentioned in the previous post but does anyone know re. status of young Finn McElroy? He was one of the few positives from last year and did great man marking jobs at Full-back keeping the likes of Damien Comer of Galway quiet to name only one. His presence in there could help shore up what looks like a leaky defense.
That said Mid-field still a massive issue and lack of ball winning either clean or break is putting the defense under pressure. Murdock is a find but needs more help.....not sure if any of the names mentioned still to come in can crack that area? Must be somebody else around the squad/county with height and physicality to compete in there? Allied to the midfield problems is the goalkeeper issue, I would have thought Charlie Smyth of Mayobridge would be worth trying out, would have a great kick-out and is strong in the air (but also fond of wandering?!)......."
Charlie Smyth a great shout,

Clonduffgaelx (Down) - Posts: 3 - 20/02/2023 13:34:05    2459368


Replying To Mourne.Identidy:  "Looking from afar, while there's definite improvement in the forward play (Down were struggling to register double figure tally's last year), the concession of 2-14 & 2-17 v Fermanagh & Antrim respectively has got to be a worry for management. We'll struggle to get out of this division shipping those kind of scores as you only need look at the table to see how competitive this is going to be. Note some of the names mentioned in the previous post but does anyone know re. status of young Finn McElroy? He was one of the few positives from last year and did great man marking jobs at Full-back keeping the likes of Damien Comer of Galway quiet to name only one. His presence in there could help shore up what looks like a leaky defense.
That said Mid-field still a massive issue and lack of ball winning either clean or break is putting the defense under pressure. Murdock is a find but needs more help.....not sure if any of the names mentioned still to come in can crack that area? Must be somebody else around the squad/county with height and physicality to compete in there? Allied to the midfield problems is the goalkeeper issue, I would have thought Charlie Smyth of Mayobridge would be worth trying out, would have a great kick-out and is strong in the air (but also fond of wandering?!)......."
The men battled hard yesterday, but seem to struggle if a team gets a lead on them, Midfield a concern

Murdock out and out midfielder but needs a partner that will put the same shift in as him, Would like to see Shealan Johnson go to number 6 and McPartland tried in the middle or Finn McElroy.

Were do the Johnson brothers fit in on this team?

Serious competition for places something, great to see.

Clonduffgaelx (Down) - Posts: 3 - 20/02/2023 15:14:38    2459423


Replying To Clonduffgaelx:  "Charlie Smyth a great shout,"
Agreed , he could play in goal or around the middle , he would be worth a go

germac (Down) - Posts: 544 - 20/02/2023 19:17:46    2459507


This game could decide who joins Cavan in promotion to Division 2. Failing to beat Westmeath probably means that Down will need to win all of their three remaining games including away to Cavan who most people think will win the Division Three title. Westmeath seem to start games slowly really only showing up in the second half something that Down were guilty of against Antrim and Fermanagh. Down need to start like they did against Tipperary and sustain the effort for the seventy minutes. unless weather conditions dictate otherwise.

I believe Westmeath will push up on Down so the kick outs will need to be accurate. Westmeath have very capable midfielders so a major improvement will be required in this part of the field where Down usually struggle. I think the midfield problem is one of the the reasons the defence is under so much pressure.

Our defence will have to step up as Down have conceded more scores than any other team in the Division, sixty points in total compared to Cavan's thirty. Some of this could be down to fitness and conditioning and adapting to a new managers tactics and the fact that Down are set up to be much more attacking.

The good news is that Down are scoring at a much improved rate and have an abundance of pace, excellent ball handling and passing in tight spaces. Down also pack a punch when it comes to scoring goals, the three goals against Fermanagh coming from the back line and midfield. This game needs a seventy minute performance and I think Down have that ability let's hope we see it on Saturday night.

Newmitch (Down) - Posts: 97 - 24/02/2023 13:47:59    2460004


Ryan mcvoy appreciation post, what a phenomenal young man.

Another one left late and made harder than should have been, on wards and up wards great game

Antrimroad (Down) - Posts: 119 - 25/02/2023 21:13:42    2460157


Replying To Antrimroad:  "Ryan mcvoy appreciation post, what a phenomenal young man.

Another one left late and made harder than should have been, on wards and up wards great game"
Great crowd in Newry tonight ,and a great second half to beat a right good Westmeath, sets up a top of the table clash with Cavan next Sunday, I suppose a must win for our boys if we hope to go up ,

germac (Down) - Posts: 544 - 25/02/2023 21:37:09    2460167


Is Shelan Johnstone playing this year ?

TheRock2121 (Donegal) - Posts: 1188 - 26/02/2023 08:09:56    2460179


Replying To TheRock2121:  "Is Shelan Johnstone playing this year ?"

germac (Down) - Posts: 544 - 26/02/2023 20:28:36    2460472


Our biggest game so far a real test of were we stand, Cavan haven't put a foot wrong and look odds on that they will get promotion they have been scoring big and have a very good defence so a step up for our boys.
we looked a lot more secure at the back last week and will need that again especially not giving away frees inside the scoring zone.
midfield we need numbers around those breaks its vital that we don't get dominated in this sector as fermanagh caused us problems here.
Our forward play at times has been brilliant playing quick ball through the hands opening up defences, we have strong runners coming from deep and with our bench getting stronger by the week we our finishing games with a stronger 15 than what's started.

Hopefully we get a big number of supporters making the journey because this team our on a journey Down by 1.

Yourjoking (USA) - Posts: 720 - 04/03/2023 09:19:02    2461702


Cavan proved to be the better team on the day stronger, more able to take their scores and dominating possession. There was no lack of effort from Down just an inability in application of the skills needed to win games. Cavan were just more experienced and further along in their team development. It will need more time for Down to compete with and defeat the likes of Cavan.

If Down are going to base their game plan on going for goals then they need their passing and movement to be perfect and today it was far from perfect. Too often moves broke down with a misplaced pass, a fumble or an interception. They didn't let this deter them and again and again right to the final whistle they tried to find the back of the net.

It's a high risk high reward strategy but if it doesn't come off you can look pretty toothless. That was the outcome today with aside from frees Down scored 1-2 from open play. I'd like to see Down add a little more variety into their attack, taking and scoring more points from open play.

If you only go for goals teams will clog up the central attacking lanes with bodies and turn you over and counter attack you. If you can't threaten with point scoring you're playing a one dimensional game and making the defences job easier. Also teams will do what Cavan did to stop any promising attacks, they will persistently foul you before you reach the danger zone. It's cynical but it worked.

This result makes promotion a lot harder to achieve, even if Down win their final two fixtures and finish on ten points it might not be enough as Down could still lose out to Fermanagh or Westmeath on points or points differential.

These are early days for the new management team and the players. There is plenty to like about the style of football the team are trying to play and their never say die attitude. There is plenty of room for improvement but the team is heading in the right direction.

Newmitch (Down) - Posts: 97 - 05/03/2023 18:48:30    2462059


How is the mood in the Down camp now? Happy with progress this year?

Promotion looks like it will elude you this year but I'd say you've stopped the rot of last year and are going in the right direction.

Cbar (Mayo) - Posts: 332 - 06/03/2023 13:10:15    2462259


Replying To Cbar:  "How is the mood in the Down camp now? Happy with progress this year?

Promotion looks like it will elude you this year but I'd say you've stopped the rot of last year and are going in the right direction."
Yes i think your right ,goin in the right direction, its not all doom and gloom thats for sure

germac (Down) - Posts: 544 - 06/03/2023 21:22:21    2462439


I wouldn't worry too much lads. i think you will get promotion. Beat Longford and Offaly (which i think you will, you're a far better side than those 2) and if we beat Fermanagh you will have Westmeath on head to head. I reckon ye have the best shot at promotion here

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2432 - 07/03/2023 09:23:10    2462457


Thanks for your kind wishes re Downs promotion chances. It's true if Westmeath and Down finish in a tie for second place, Down I believe would be promoted by virtue of having beaten Westmeath.

However if Fermanagh beat Westmeath they will be promoted even if Down were to win their final two games as Fermanagh have beaten Down.

If Westmeath, Fermanagh and Down all finished on the same points total, points difference would come into play and probably Westmeath would be promoted, unless Down can post huge winning scores in their last two fixtures.

There is also a chance that Offaly could be promoted if they win their final two games and other results go their way. All to play for as the saying goes.

Newmitch (Down) - Posts: 97 - 07/03/2023 17:59:28    2462618


Cbarr, I don't know where germac is getting the impression that all is rosy in Down as there are as many against the new manager as for him. Showing too much allegiance to his club colleagues and up to their antics as well, which isn't a good thing. Got lucky with lates scores to win games but I for one see little progress.

Jofus (Down) - Posts: 248 - 08/03/2023 20:18:53    2462885


Replying To Jofus:  "Cbarr, I don't know where germac is getting the impression that all is rosy in Down as there are as many against the new manager as for him. Showing too much allegiance to his club colleagues and up to their antics as well, which isn't a good thing. Got lucky with lates scores to win games but I for one see little progress."
People who our against the manager should stay at home then and moan about kilcoo this and kilcoo that jealous people our everywhere unfortunately.
Regarding club allegiances 3 of the starting team were from kilcoo and 4 started were from Burren just saying, the game itself we needed attacking players to come on, who would you liked to see enter the fray?
we our building a very strong squad and from talking to people the boys our loving it and buying into everything as its more like a club.
People for years moaned about kilcoo lads not playing ( which was nonsense by the way ) now your crying about too many of them unbelievable.
This team needs time to develop weather we get promotion this year or not there is a vest improvement on last year and if you and the crying brigade can't see that stay at home.

Yourjoking (USA) - Posts: 720 - 09/03/2023 15:15:55    2463005


Replying To Jofus:  "Cbarr, I don't know where germac is getting the impression that all is rosy in Down as there are as many against the new manager as for him. Showing too much allegiance to his club colleagues and up to their antics as well, which isn't a good thing. Got lucky with lates scores to win games but I for one see little progress."
I am completely on the outside, I know nothing about the internal workings of it up there. I just have a fondness for the county since I was a young buck.

But, I worried last year that you were going into the abiss. I was afraid you'd get relegated again this year you were so poor.

But that hasn't happened, maybe you got a bit lucky in the odd game, take it, you'll get plenty of bad luck again some other day. Down shouldn't be in D3, so having stopped the rot this year, just need to push on next year... .. and keep the chin up Jofus

Cbar (Mayo) - Posts: 332 - 09/03/2023 17:23:56    2463054


Replying To Yourjoking:  "People who our against the manager should stay at home then and moan about kilcoo this and kilcoo that jealous people our everywhere unfortunately.
Regarding club allegiances 3 of the starting team were from kilcoo and 4 started were from Burren just saying, the game itself we needed attacking players to come on, who would you liked to see enter the fray?
we our building a very strong squad and from talking to people the boys our loving it and buying into everything as its more like a club.
People for years moaned about kilcoo lads not playing ( which was nonsense by the way ) now your crying about too many of them unbelievable.
This team needs time to develop weather we get promotion this year or not there is a vest improvement on last year and if you and the crying brigade can't see that stay at home."
Why is it nonsense that people moaned about the Kilcoo lads not playing for their county?

Cbar (Mayo) - Posts: 332 - 09/03/2023 17:24:47    2463055


Replying To Newmitch:  "Thanks for your kind wishes re Downs promotion chances. It's true if Westmeath and Down finish in a tie for second place, Down I believe would be promoted by virtue of having beaten Westmeath.

However if Fermanagh beat Westmeath they will be promoted even if Down were to win their final two games as Fermanagh have beaten Down.

If Westmeath, Fermanagh and Down all finished on the same points total, points difference would come into play and probably Westmeath would be promoted, unless Down can post huge winning scores in their last two fixtures.

There is also a chance that Offaly could be promoted if they win their final two games and other results go their way. All to play for as the saying goes."
I think Offaly will be in Div. 3 next year. Cavan look sure of promotion, and will be followed by either Fermanagh or Westmeath, who meet in the next round. All 3 have a better score difference than Offaly.
We are away to Tipperary, and host Down in our last match.

thelongridge (Offaly) - Posts: 1879 - 09/03/2023 17:43:09    2463059
