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Anti GAA Agenda

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Replying To BarneyGrant:  "I hope the GAA or the state do not give in to the attempt to force them to pick up the security bill.

We have all the usual suspects now from TDs to talk show hosts piling on "the gah" to give in.

People of this country are an embarrassment in large part."
"the gah" thing wrecks my head. First time I ever heard it was from a meath man. I guess its a Dublin and border counties saying?

brisbane (Galway) - Posts: 675 - 03/02/2023 17:11:30    2456206


Replying To KillingFields:  "So for people who complain about media coverage
what exactly do you want changed or want specifically.
What should be reported less on other sports and what more should be reported on the GAA both in papers, online media outlets and on tv/radio"
I'd like to see less of the constant positivity surrounding rugby and less of the constant negativity surrounding Gaelic games

UtahBlaine (Galway) - Posts: 147 - 03/02/2023 18:08:11    2456217


Replying To cuttothebone:  "No evidence of a knock down price of any significance, like most irish stadia, every irish adult, sports fan or otherwise in the 90's contributed to the construction of Croke Park.
Renting it out at a once off cost price would have been an international advertisement for our association that no amount of money could buy..
But no, keep it empty for the seagulls, in fear some young girl starts boxing at the expense of our sports..
Some day, probably years from now, we'll stop shooting ourselves in the foot.."
Do you really think the small number of people from overseas interested in women's boxing will be going ooooh and aaaaah isn't the GAA great for having a big Stadium?

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1832 - 03/02/2023 18:48:10    2456223


Replying To cuttothebone:  "No evidence of a knock down price of any significance, like most irish stadia, every irish adult, sports fan or otherwise in the 90's contributed to the construction of Croke Park.
Renting it out at a once off cost price would have been an international advertisement for our association that no amount of money could buy..
But no, keep it empty for the seagulls, in fear some young girl starts boxing at the expense of our sports..
Some day, probably years from now, we'll stop shooting ourselves in the foot.."
Exactly….. they have no problem renting it out to host concerts… With every turn they make they are turning more and more people off the GAA… A sport that is very badly run from the top…!!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2811 - 03/02/2023 18:59:21    2456226


Replying To OpenStand:  "The GAA bent over backwards to facilitate this fight but Hearn was too greedy.

Whilst Katie Taylor might bring a lot of Middle Ireland supporters with her i had the misfortune of attening the national boxing stadium one night and as a result im not surprised theres huge security bills for big boxing events judging by the carry on of families of the boxers fighting for irish titles that night !"
Hearn was too greedy? Do you think that Matchroom is a charity? They'll go for the most profitable venue they can get and try putting pressure on possible locations for a better deal. He's already trying it with Croke Park for September.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7582 - 03/02/2023 19:23:07    2456229


With Katie being from Wicklow, wouldn't Aughrim have been a more appropriate venue?? And it has a history of hosting a few (unofficial) boxing events in the past too…

football first (None) - Posts: 1256 - 03/02/2023 11:27:41

Of course if only we could use a modern stadium.

Nice to get a namecheck from the man with multiple accounts and usernames.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 7368 - 03/02/2023 11:33:50

I regularly change accounts and occasionally have used a second account at a time but far from only one on this site to do it. The sites known for it across the web for people using multiple accounts.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3634 - 03/02/2023 19:42:23    2456232


Replying To KillingFields:  "With Katie being from Wicklow, wouldn't Aughrim have been a more appropriate venue?? And it has a history of hosting a few (unofficial) boxing events in the past too…

football first (None) - Posts: 1256 - 03/02/2023 11:27:41

Of course if only we could use a modern stadium.

Nice to get a namecheck from the man with multiple accounts and usernames.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 7368 - 03/02/2023 11:33:50

I regularly change accounts and occasionally have used a second account at a time but far from only one on this site to do it. The sites known for it across the web for people using multiple accounts."
Who cares?

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7582 - 04/02/2023 08:29:47    2456263


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Exactly….. they have no problem renting it out to host concerts… With every turn they make they are turning more and more people off the GAA… A sport that is very badly run from the top…!!"
Very badly run? In general the GAA is a very well run as an organisation. It's an enormous organisation with clubs in most towns and villages in the country. There's a huge amount involved in running an organisation of that size.
An example of a very badly run organisation is the FAI over the past 20+ years.
I would assume security costs for a Garth Brooks concert wouldn't be as high as those for a professional boxing event, given what occurred prior to the last major professional boxing event in Dublin in 2016.
Very few people who have a genuine interest in the GAA will be turned off by not staging a boxing event in Croke Park.
I say that as someone who hopes Katie does get to fight in Croker. I think it would be a great event.

WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2152 - 04/02/2023 08:52:43    2456264


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Exactly….. they have no problem renting it out to host concerts… With every turn they make they are turning more and more people off the GAA… A sport that is very badly run from the top…!!"
The people who hate the GAA have always hated the GAA and will always hate the GAA, Just as they hate every other distinctive part of Irish identity.

This is just another excuse,

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 04/02/2023 10:20:01    2456286


Replying To brisbane:  ""the gah" thing wrecks my head. First time I ever heard it was from a meath man. I guess its a Dublin and border counties saying?"
When I was a child in 70s it was a Dub soccer sneer, Seem to have gained currency in other places, Some people even use it in affectionate way! Similar to yourself, it triggers me no end!

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 04/02/2023 10:22:01    2456288


On this topic people hospitalised at a Darts match in Belfast. It doesn't even make it into the papers. But if the same thing happened at a GAA game it's the front and back page headline.

tyroneed (Tyrone) - Posts: 753 - 04/02/2023 11:16:03    2456301


Replying To Square_B:  "Another 'gaaah' basher I see. As if the GAA need an international advertisement LOL Bottom line, Hearn wanted it to cost the GAA to host the event (500k for security is being mentioned) and had the cheek to look for government funded. He must think 'the paddies' are gobshites. 400k is a significant discount on previous deals for the IRFU / FAI so you're completely wrong."
I see you don't know the details of the story and just throw out insults to deflect from your pathetic argument, and I should have known better to respond to you. Research is that hard you know.. try it sometime.

cuttothebone (Kildare) - Posts: 164 - 04/02/2023 11:27:25    2456304


Replying To tyroneed:  "On this topic people hospitalised at a Darts match in Belfast. It doesn't even make it into the papers. But if the same thing happened at a GAA game it's the front and back page headline."
Yes. There is a bad element that follows boxing in Dublin. Well, that point really doesn't need to be fleshed out given what we know, So security for it would have to be a lot more intense than for a match or a concert.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 04/02/2023 12:57:15    2456344


Replying To cuttothebone:  "I see you don't know the details of the story and just throw out insults to deflect from your pathetic argument, and I should have known better to respond to you. Research is that hard you know.. try it sometime."

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 04/02/2023 14:35:11    2456367


Replying To cuttothebone:  "No evidence of a knock down price of any significance, like most irish stadia, every irish adult, sports fan or otherwise in the 90's contributed to the construction of Croke Park.
Renting it out at a once off cost price would have been an international advertisement for our association that no amount of money could buy..
But no, keep it empty for the seagulls, in fear some young girl starts boxing at the expense of our sports..
Some day, probably years from now, we'll stop shooting ourselves in the foot.."
Absolute joke of a post.

Greengrass (Louth) - Posts: 6117 - 04/02/2023 14:58:35    2456371


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "The people who hate the GAA have always hated the GAA and will always hate the GAA, Just as they hate every other distinctive part of Irish identity.

This is just another excuse,"
I don't see how Croke Park not agreeing terms with Matchroom is an 'anti-GAA' story. Some media trying to spin the 'culture of violence in the GAA' clickbait after a few slaps were thrown at Armagh v Galway game was 'anti-GAA', a few flutes on the telly that knew very little about any sport drumming up a bit of attention for themselves. But not here. If the Aviva had a free time slot but couldn't agree terms with Matchroom would it be an anti-Rugby or anti-Soccer story? If anyone's trying to spin the Taylor fight being turned down as anti-GAA they've little to be doing and they're best ignored.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7582 - 04/02/2023 15:08:47    2456375


Replying To cuttothebone:  "No evidence of a knock down price of any significance, like most irish stadia, every irish adult, sports fan or otherwise in the 90's contributed to the construction of Croke Park.
Renting it out at a once off cost price would have been an international advertisement for our association that no amount of money could buy..
But no, keep it empty for the seagulls, in fear some young girl starts boxing at the expense of our sports..
Some day, probably years from now, we'll stop shooting ourselves in the foot.."
Croke Park wasn't built the top heads in GAA to rent it out at cost price. If that was the case why not charge into matches at cost price and give the discount to their own. GAA people don't care what other people think the stadium looks like. Katie looking to fight in Croke Park but the minor football and hurling finals not in Croke Park.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2133 - 04/02/2023 15:58:51    2456385


Replying To GreenandRed:  "I don't see how Croke Park not agreeing terms with Matchroom is an 'anti-GAA' story. Some media trying to spin the 'culture of violence in the GAA' clickbait after a few slaps were thrown at Armagh v Galway game was 'anti-GAA', a few flutes on the telly that knew very little about any sport drumming up a bit of attention for themselves. But not here. If the Aviva had a free time slot but couldn't agree terms with Matchroom would it be an anti-Rugby or anti-Soccer story? If anyone's trying to spin the Taylor fight being turned down as anti-GAA they've little to be doing and they're best ignored."
Irish mainstream media is pretty bottom drawer and tabloidy. Even the Times was shown up this week for shoddy reporting. The "flutes" as you accurately describe know that attacking the GAA over the fight will excite the dimmer couch potatoes. Hearn cleverly tried to use this to force Croke Park and the state into a bad deal.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2974 - 04/02/2023 16:26:40    2456397


Replying To Saynothing:  "Croke Park wasn't built the top heads in GAA to rent it out at cost price. If that was the case why not charge into matches at cost price and give the discount to their own. GAA people don't care what other people think the stadium looks like. Katie looking to fight in Croke Park but the minor football and hurling finals not in Croke Park."
I wouldn't bother with that lad... completely clueless. The GAA were prepared to rent the stadium for 400k which is a significant discount on what the FAI / IRFU have paid in the past... security estimated to cost 500k... Hearn wanted the GAA to cover the security cost... it's completely laughable that it would end up costing the GAA 100k to host an event they're not even involved in. And then Hearn had the cheek to go looking for Government funding to host the event. The GAA were completely right to pass on this.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 963 - 06/02/2023 08:40:14    2456819


Plenty of negative GAA stories this week in the Pro Rugby, Pro Football media.

galwayford (Galway) - Posts: 2565 - 23/02/2023 10:20:58    2459843
