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Casement Park - 2 Like(s)

Replying To points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet:  "Half of Belfast is British, and have no, or very little, interest in Gaelic games. The other half is Irish, but, of that half, lots of them are S Belfast wine-drinking golfists, with no interest in Gaelic games, and lots more of that half are W Belfast spideys who are mainly into English soccer and boxing (or, as they say in Belfast, "baxin"). So while there is of course a lot of people in the Belfast area, overall, it's not exactly GAA territory. And that's why Antrim men's senior football team underperforms massively - consistently, easily the worst and most beatable team in Ulster. And while the Antrim men's hurling team is good, it's backboned by rural N. Antrim Glensmen, who hail from closer to Scotland than to Belfast. I hate all these big stadiums anyway. Croke Park, unless it's full to capacity, has no atmosphere. You're too far away from the pitch, with way too much space between seats and pitch. I suppose though that that is mandated by crowd safety considerations nowadays. Older, cheaper grounds (including soccer grounds in Scotland and England), while often not much to write home about, tend to have a brilliant atmosphere, what with e.g., the old low roofs and the seats practically on top of the pitch, and the noise bouncing back down off the tin. Few thousand people in a small old, cramped stadium would generate a bit of atmosphere; whereas 40,000 in Croke Park seems dead. Also, I cannot believe the prices that are being talked about. I know a bit about current construction projects, and 200, 300, 400 million? Seriously? For a pitch, some seating, and some stands? Get some Spanish / Polish contractors in and they'd do it for half the price and do a much better job too. Irish and British constructors and project managers, who are all either clipboard men, should not be getting near a construction project like it. Also, the geographical centre of 9-county Ulster is between Carrickmore and Pomeroy, in Tyrone. So the Dungannon / Ballygawley roundabout location makes sense."
"half of Belfast is British" and what? The Brits don't make up half of Tyrone or any other of the 6 counties? What a pile of waffle that was. You'd have to give lessons on how to hold a hurl in most parts of Tyrone, never mind play the game. Antrim have been cleaning up in Ulster for so long they had to send their hurlers to Leinster since most of Ulster can't compete. Which makes Antrim the most successful Ulster county, whether your fake GAA concern wants to acknowledge that or not. Not a word on south Belfast and the GAA clubs there, with ever increasing numbers in Breda and Carryduff who are now starting to challenge the big guns in Down and making up their county teams too. So realistically Belfast represents two counties, who try to play both codes unlike most other Ulster counties. West Belfast has more GAA clubs in one area than anywhere else in the country, let alone Ulster. So your description of the place is typically ignorant village idiot folklore that they probably tell you on the way to matches in the big bad city. At least try to be realistic if you're going to have a pop.

SaffronDon (National) - 28/09/2024 10:16:00

Casement Park - 2 Like(s)

Replying To Square_B:  "An alternative site might be best but there's no way it should be built anywhere else but Belfast. Belfast badly needs a multipurpose stadium to cater for all sports and events. Nearly a third of the NI population live within the Belfast metropolitan area and that's where it should be. An upgrade of Clones should happen also."
You say that nearly a third of the "ni" population live within the Belfast area, just to remind you this stadium is for the benefit off Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal as well.

tireoghainabu (National) - 28/09/2024 11:30:29

Donegal GAA thread - 2 Like(s)

Replying To Scenicparish:  "The standard of umpiring is terrible at the minute. St Eunans got 7 points tonight, over the post is not a point. Gweedore must be very aggrieved they get the chance to play extra time."
Will be a replay.

ryan (National) - 28/09/2024 21:30:21

Donegal GAA thread - 2 Like(s)

Replying To Commodore:  "That is what Eoin McGeehin is brilliant at, he has an ability to drift unnoticed into the danger area and get a shot away, which I think would be a massive asset at County level."
It begs the question why he was only a sub on a club team.Does that reflect on him or the guys that are managing these teams.I suppose it was always the way in this country that somebody from outside will always get in before a local.

gunman (National) - 28/09/2024 14:05:15

Non-Gaa Forum - 2 Like(s)

Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I agree, when you look at what is being allowed and orchestrated to happen by the so called free western world it is just mind boggling and completely sickening in this day and age. The Military Industrial Complex is doing a roaring trade."
President Joe Biden on Saturday called the Israeli strike that killed Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah a "measure of justice" for his four-decade reign of terror. Nothing about the measure of injustice that befell the innocent civilian Men and Women young and old, the Children, the young, the very young and the near born, - I rest my case. This war game is nearing an end and I worry about that.

supersub15 (National) - 28/09/2024 21:05:32

Westmeath Football thread - 1 Like(s)

Replying To Highball_Lowball:  "Good post there CleanShoulder. Unfortunately I think the result of this appeal will be to the detriment of juvenile footballers in the years ahead. The second teams are entered into the lower divisions to give games to players who train just as hard as everyone else in the panel but due to the competitive nature of championships higher up the divisions might not get rewarded with as much game time as the first 15. We will probably be looking at 15-17 subs togging out next year for some of these clubs and that only leads to one thing at these age grades, player drop out. Also I must defend the minor board on this one, I believe they attended the hearing and tried to fight the appeal but ultimately were informed that the appeal had succeeded. It is a slap in the face for them after their efforts over the last number of years to grow player numbers. I guess the club who appealed were able to use the influence of their members on the county board to get the game they lost fairly and squarely replayed. Don't get me wrong if a club plays a named player in their second team they should be punished, as happened to a rather large club last year, but this is not the case here. Its not very sporting and I know many of the members of the appealing club are unhappy with the unsporting nature of the appeal. Anyway, not much can be done about it at this stage. I agree with the previous poster "Ludicrous stuff" is appropriate."
Did you say the county board attended an appeal and tried to "fight it"? Fight an appeal where they broke the rules.... and as indicated in other comments they were made aware of this situation before hand and still continued with the rule breaking??? ... now that's very concerning happenings.... the most important thing here is the integrity of the game and this was obviously compromised greatly in this case.... Will sanctions be imposed on the perpetrators?

LoughLeneKing (National) - 28/09/2024 18:58:45

Non-Gaa Forum - 1 Like(s)

Replying To supersub15:  "To whom it concerns. Sweet Jesus one would think that the word Tariffs is the key word to fixing the the American presidency and beyond or that Biden is done and dusted. If Kamala Harris wins the American Presidency, does it really make one iota bit of difference to the safety of either America or the rest of the free western world, I really think not. The United States coupled with the United Nations and / or the leaders of the so-called super powers have a lot on their plate and a lot to answer for. I have watched in my life time documentaries of the pre first world war, second world war, Korean war, etc, etc, etc. But what I see today on live TV news, documentaries and otherwise is not only inexcusable, revulsion but sickening. It is very easy to express here a point of view politically and other wise with the protection of anonymity, however as far as I can see nothing has changed from the narrated clips of historic pieces of film of pre first world war, second world war, the cold war, Korean war, Sudan, Ukraine, Syria, etc, etc, etc. It's endless, but close to nothing like what is happening on live television today in the Israeli conflict. We Lambaste Trump for a variety of reasons, ie, we dont like his verbal's, his wealth, his body language his hair style and the list goes on. Question, ? What critism is being hurled on a pro rata basis in the direction of , Benjamin Netanyahu / Putin in particular, the United Nations assembly people that matter. What we are are seeing today is a narrated rerun of the second world war full stop with no apologies. The wars of nearing yesteryear were near 90 % wars of air, sea and land soldiers dressed in appropriate attire, sadly todays war is close to 90% civilian from new born up wards. Has the world learned from the sickening historic experiences of the second world war, personally and sadly I don't think we have or ever will. This piece of meaningless nothing of mine is no more than my tuppence worth of what's happening out there going unnoticed."
There's a striking similarity to the 2nd world war era at play alright. The irony being that Netanyahu is this century's Hitler.

cavanman47 (National) - 28/09/2024 21:53:22

Westmeath Football thread - 1 Like(s)
Not sure about Loman's being overhyped and I'm one of the posters here who thought they'd win the Junior championship. They won Div 3 of the league and that's a fine achievement, no junior club near Division 2 in league, they also won their six championship matches so far with six points being lowest margin and they've lost only 1-2 players to their senior set up. Apparently they were well beaten today, only four points in end but Loman's supporters in the park tonight said they couldn't compete in the second half. Finea were unlucky to be relegated last year and will be favourites in the final.

Claretandblue (National) - 28/09/2024 21:31:46

Donegal GAA thread - 1 Like(s)
The standard of umpiring is terrible at the minute. St Eunans got 7 points tonight, over the post is not a point. Gweedore must be very aggrieved they get the chance to play extra time.

Scenicparish (National) - 28/09/2024 21:17:50

Non-Gaa Forum - 1 Like(s)

Replying To supersub15:  "President Joe Biden on Saturday called the Israeli strike that killed Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah a "measure of justice" for his four-decade reign of terror. Nothing about the measure of injustice that befell the innocent civilian Men and Women young and old, the Children, the young, the very young and the near born, - I rest my case. This war game is nearing an end and I worry about that."
Agree shameful by biden

Gaaforlife2023 (National) - 28/09/2024 21:11:50

Scores From Sideline Cuts In A Single Game - 1 Like(s)

Replying To Fionn:  "I just heard a player scored 4 points from sideline cuts in the Meath Senior Hurling Championship Semi Final in Navan today. James Murray from Trim scored 4 points from sideline cuts, from the right, from the left and even one from near the half way line. I have never known of one player to score that many in a single game before. Is it a record.???"
Joe Canning scored 4 sidelines in an All-Ireland semi-final, so it has been done before and at the highest level. It's some achievement, regardless of the level.

WanPintWin (National) - 28/09/2024 21:10:59

Galway Hurling thread - 1 Like(s)

Replying To Trump2020:  "Tynagh/Abbey-Duniry v Rahoon-Newcastle.............Tynagh Meelick-Eyrecourt v Turloughmore...........................Eyrecourt Kinvara v Sylane............................................................Kinvara Carnmore v Killimor.....…………………………………..........Killimor I agree with your picks."
Still not 100% sure on Killimor yet because they were useless v Craughwell!!

katser (National) - 28/09/2024 20:14:55

Galway Hurling thread - 1 Like(s)

Replying To Trump2020:  "Great matches ahead: Galway SHC: QF: Turloughmore v St Thomas' Loughrea v Castlegar Sarsfields v Cappataggle Tommy Larkins v Clarinbridge"
All 1st and 2nd teams in their respective groups and great games to look forward too! Cappy will give sarsfields plenty of it! The Bridge will take Larkins Cashel v Loughrea will be close Turlough must hate playing Thomas' they can rarely get the better of them!

katser (National) - 28/09/2024 20:12:37

Monaghan GAA thread - 1 Like(s)

Replying To Farney2022:  "Good man, you'll not be getting on tv as a pundit anytime soon anyway. Oram fancied for junior? Give me a break."
Goodman Farney. Going on as if ur the king of predictions and never get one wrong

Monaghan_football (National) - 28/09/2024 18:59:40

Casement Park - 1 Like(s)

Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I think the GAA is losing the plot, building stadiums with an eye to host big soccer matches and for hosting big concert money spinners. What are we supposed to be and why was the GAA ever founded? to promote everything Irish and Gaelic. Let the soccer and rugby westies look after themselves. The way the split season is now the All Ireland series is no longer the fixture it was in Irish life, it's run off like a blitz at times, I think we have lost something along the way and we need to find it again."
Gaa needed and needs to update its stadiums. Some inter county grounds are pitiful. They're so bad. Modern stadiums need to be in use far more than the 10-20 match days thy are in use. Your reference to soccer and rugby fans as westies is embarrassing. Sad and pathetic.

KillingFields (National) - 28/09/2024 07:49:20

Galway Hurling thread - 1 Like(s)
Great quarter final draw. Turloughmore on form should be favourites to get rid of Thomas' and the way Turlough are hurling I can't see them losing this one. Too much pace in their team and the young lads like Trayers and Cillian Whelan are going well. Clarinbridge Larkins is a real 50:50 game, especially if Aaron is still out for Clarinbridge. I'd expect Sarsfields and Loughrea to come through the other two games.

galway19 (National) - 28/09/2024 15:52:22

Longford GAA thread - 1 Like(s)

Replying To Rossfan93:  "Don't think its a fluke. Rathcline warrant being senior but the standard of Longford football is very poor. Current Intermediate clubs in Longford would be Junior standard in most other counties. Some senior clubs in Longford (Kenagh, Carrickedmond, Mostrim, Granard) would struggle to compete in the Intermediate Championship in Roscommon. I've watched a lot of these club games in Longford and bar Killoe, every other team is very average or below. I'd say Frankie Dolan cannot believe he is in a semi final with Abbeylara. He was over Roscommon Gaels (a better team) and only made a quarter final. Dark days ahead for Longford football - hopefully the Championship structure change can do something."
2 south Longford teams gone from senior to intermediate 2 south Longford teams gone from intermediate to junior.

Rockshorecider (National) - 28/09/2024 15:25:39

Casement Park - 1 Like(s)

Replying To SaffronDon:  "And as ever, a sporting issue was turned into a political one."
It was a 'political football' all along.

Tirchonaill1 (National) - 28/09/2024 13:58:17

Casement Park - 1 Like(s)

Replying To SaffronDon:  "I'd say you'd have all the answers to the north's problems right enough."
I'd say casement park is the least of the north's problems.

Bon (National) - 28/09/2024 13:45:22

Non-Gaa Forum - 1 Like(s)

Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I agree, when you look at what is being allowed and orchestrated to happen by the so called free western world it is just mind boggling and completely sickening in this day and age. The Military Industrial Complex is doing a roaring trade."
I'm not too sure that Mr Putin is very worried about anything the "free western states" can throw at him, particularly as the Germans and other European countries allowed themselves become totally dependant on Russian oil.

Freethinker (National) - 28/09/2024 13:06:34