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Meath Senior Management Review

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I would have thought that we would have seen a thread up before now but what does everyone think of the latest that was printed in the local press that was available yesterday.

Its the first time that we have seen anything from the Chronicle, up until now that have rowed with it

have we lost two selectors in Bray and Callaghan?

Is Lar wall on board?

Did the players really slate the setup in a survey?

Who was the outside intercounty manager who assisted with the review?

Are all of the above rumours true?

Never smoke without fire?

Club Championship is in full swing and a lot of doubts about our senior manager, surely the review should have been done along time ago.

Nothingbutthetruth (Meath) - Posts: 53 - 14/08/2024 11:26:16    2565062


Decision is tonight apparently. Hopefully COR is voted out

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 380 - 14/08/2024 11:58:18    2565068


Actually it's Thursday apparently.
Was that Chronicle article in the paper itself? Can't see it online

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 380 - 14/08/2024 12:02:13    2565069


Replying To Nothingbutthetruth:  "I would have thought that we would have seen a thread up before now but what does everyone think of the latest that was printed in the local press that was available yesterday.

Its the first time that we have seen anything from the Chronicle, up until now that have rowed with it

have we lost two selectors in Bray and Callaghan?

Is Lar wall on board?

Did the players really slate the setup in a survey?

Who was the outside intercounty manager who assisted with the review?

Are all of the above rumours true?

Never smoke without fire?

Club Championship is in full swing and a lot of doubts about our senior manager, surely the review should have been done along time ago."
With Callaghan and Bray gone, how can O'Rourke expect to attract new coaches when he couldn't get them in the last two and a bit years. This has all the looks of a sinking ship but the county board are tip toeing around making the big decision that is needed. Players clearly aren't happy with how things are going and performances on the pitch showed that. Lar Wall should be involved in any new Meath Senior Management team but it would be hard to see him go into this set up if he won't be able to make an impact.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 14/08/2024 12:25:11    2565072


O'Rouke lost the guy from the Meath Ladies last hows name escapes me. Now Callaghan and Bray have steeped away.
So its brand new setup other than Colm best to got we new manager/setup
Colm record has been extremely poor In championship. and League we where very lucky to stay up last year and this year. Colm is a Meath legend and a footballing legend. fair play he had a go. But now its time to move on.
Cathal Ó'Bric U20s manager is the man I would love to see get a craic.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 14/08/2024 13:13:22    2565078


hopefully that's the end of it tomorrow night , if they listened to the players etc that should enough , but what's more worrying is the approach they will take the next time. OBric should be left alone , his time will come. We are joke at this stage and this should have been resolved six weeks ago .

meath1987 (Meath) - Posts: 134 - 14/08/2024 13:45:40    2565084


Replying To meath1987:  "hopefully that's the end of it tomorrow night , if they listened to the players etc that should enough , but what's more worrying is the approach they will take the next time. OBric should be left alone , his time will come. We are joke at this stage and this should have been resolved six weeks ago ."
Won't be the end of it tomorrow unless Colm accepts the decision and walks away. If he chooses to dig his heels in then it has to go to the clubs to vote and honestly I have no idea which way that would go. It's impossible to predict how some of these clubs and their delegates think .

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 14/08/2024 14:32:36    2565086


If you believe everything you hear

Players including very senior ones, were scathing in review. That alone is enough for me

"we just don't have the players" was the final straw for me.

Unfortunately it's time for Colm to cadere in gladio

Outside county - Vinny Corey?
Inside county - O'Bric?

Meathooooo (Meath) - Posts: 85 - 14/08/2024 15:02:41    2565093


Replying To Nothingbutthetruth:  "I would have thought that we would have seen a thread up before now but what does everyone think of the latest that was printed in the local press that was available yesterday.

Its the first time that we have seen anything from the Chronicle, up until now that have rowed with it

have we lost two selectors in Bray and Callaghan?

Is Lar wall on board?

Did the players really slate the setup in a survey?

Who was the outside intercounty manager who assisted with the review?

Are all of the above rumours true?

Never smoke without fire?

Club Championship is in full swing and a lot of doubts about our senior manager, surely the review should have been done along time ago."
All fair questions which are lightly to go unanswered, as least for public comsumption. Selectors will come and go it's difficult for many to commit long term, work and family tend to get in the way. I would hope the talk of player unrest is just rumour , hard to credit that a panel would wait till now to express discontent, enough senior guys around to have approached management during season or at the very least in weeks after it ended to let their feelings be known. If that had happened then this long drawn out procrss could hav bee avoided. COR has made it very clear that he would step aside if players wished so. Without player support then this is a done deal and on we go again in search of next man up. The smoke without fire rule does not seem to be in evidence on this forum where rumour is king. At this stage it would seem it is down to the players and what they want, which is fair enough.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 14/08/2024 15:02:55    2565094


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Won't be the end of it tomorrow unless Colm accepts the decision and walks away. If he chooses to dig his heels in then it has to go to the clubs to vote and honestly I have no idea which way that would go. It's impossible to predict how some of these clubs and their delegates think ."
If it goes to the clubs he will survive. This could get messy if he digs in.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 14/08/2024 15:16:00    2565098


Replying To seadog54:  "All fair questions which are lightly to go unanswered, as least for public comsumption. Selectors will come and go it's difficult for many to commit long term, work and family tend to get in the way. I would hope the talk of player unrest is just rumour , hard to credit that a panel would wait till now to express discontent, enough senior guys around to have approached management during season or at the very least in weeks after it ended to let their feelings be known. If that had happened then this long drawn out procrss could hav bee avoided. COR has made it very clear that he would step aside if players wished so. Without player support then this is a done deal and on we go again in search of next man up. The smoke without fire rule does not seem to be in evidence on this forum where rumour is king. At this stage it would seem it is down to the players and what they want, which is fair enough."
Colm also said if there was no improvement in his first 2 years he's walk away... has there been improvement?

He also said we'd be judged on our performances v the Dubs..

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 14/08/2024 15:57:44    2565108


Replying To BigJoe14:  "If it goes to the clubs he will survive. This could get messy if he digs in."
I agree

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 14/08/2024 16:14:43    2565113


Replying To Meathooooo:  "If you believe everything you hear

Players including very senior ones, were scathing in review. That alone is enough for me

"we just don't have the players" was the final straw for me.

Unfortunately it's time for Colm to cadere in gladio

Outside county - Vinny Corey?
Inside county - O'Bric?"
Cathal O'Bric
Conor Gillespie
Mick O'Dowd
Andy McEntee

Who knows but I wouldn't be rushing to appoint Mickey Harte let's put it like that.

Can't see anyone else in the county outside this four to be outright manager, whether by choice or not.

What is important is who the next manager surrounds themselves with. A lot of excellent coaches inside and outside the county. O'Rourkes biggest downfall was not surrounding himself with top coaches and even if he did he may not have given them space to coach as that seems to have happened to previous backroom team members.

Contrary to what O'Rourke has said publicly, Meath do have the players, not to win all Irelands at the moment but i would like to think we could not lose to Offaly and to Louth by 10 points in championship matches.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 14/08/2024 16:17:26    2565114


Replying To BigJoe14:  "
Replying To Meathooooo:  "If you believe everything you hear

Players including very senior ones, were scathing in review. That alone is enough for me

"we just don't have the players" was the final straw for me.

Unfortunately it's time for Colm to cadere in gladio

Outside county - Vinny Corey?
Inside county - O'Bric?"
Cathal O'Bric
Conor Gillespie
Mick O'Dowd
Andy McEntee

Who knows but I wouldn't be rushing to appoint Mickey Harte let's put it like that.

Can't see anyone else in the county outside this four to be outright manager, whether by choice or not.

What is important is who the next manager surrounds themselves with. A lot of excellent coaches inside and outside the county. O'Rourkes biggest downfall was not surrounding himself with top coaches and even if he did he may not have given them space to coach as that seems to have happened to previous backroom team members.

Contrary to what O'Rourke has said publicly, Meath do have the players, not to win all Irelands at the moment but i would like to think we could not lose to Offaly and to Louth by 10 points in championship matches."
I don't think we should go back to O'Dowd or McEntee. We need to go forward. Gillespie is on his second year as a club manager and he had Flanagan with him. Vinny Corey had one very good year with Monaghan but I'm not sure if he should get the Meath job on the back of that. Let's be honest, not many will be keen on the job. I saw David Gallagher on the line for Dunshaughlin last weekend - that line up is excellent in fairness - Richie Kealy (only in his 3rd year as a manager but has achieved success), Paul Curran is proven at a top level and then David Gallagher too. Could that set up have a chance? I think it's a little too early for O'Bric - has he been involved at any senior level? Will Flynn try assemble a team again and go for it? Outside of Meath, I'm not sure who we could entice.

Tinchy1 (Meath) - Posts: 63 - 14/08/2024 16:32:27    2565118


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Colm also said if there was no improvement in his first 2 years he's walk away... has there been improvement?

He also said we'd be judged on our performances v the Dubs.."
Indeed he did, however, player discontent would be a red line issue. Cannot see COR attempting to force himself on the group if that were the case.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 14/08/2024 16:51:12    2565123


Tough situation on whether O'Rourke will walk away or dig his heels in for more. I think the best thing he can do is accept that he tried, he stood up and took on the role but just didn't work out for him and let's be honest the Meath job has been a tough role to take over the last few years so fair play to him for giving it a go but it's time to walk away and allow for change. Was he ever going to come in and work wonders? No, I certainly didn't expect much to change really. In terms of who could come in? Gillespie maybe is the best suited for the role inside the county? Definitely wouldn't go back to old managers and definitely not Mickey Harte either. Cathal O'Bric is out of the equation for me at this present time, it's too soon for him to come in and make a change leave him with the U20s and develop them on hopefully 3/4 can make the step up to senior Inter county over the years and in another few years Cathal will be more familiar and be able to work better with the younger lads coming through having brought them up from underage. That's my thoughts but in terms of a manager Gillespie is the best suited and I can't think of anyone outside the county at the moment.

SillySimonsOpinion (Meath) - Posts: 55 - 14/08/2024 21:58:36    2565160


It's difficult to see how he stays on.

I gave him every chance at the beginning but he has been so poor..

Now I don't think he is a bad manager, he done back to back with a Simonstown team who were never really competing before he took over.

O Dowd was the same, Andy as well, they all done really well with club teams but the step up has been too much.

I would go with someone who has intercounty experience, knows the standard required and if that meant getting an outside then so be it.

Malachy O Rourke, Eamonn Fitz, Kevin Walsh and Vinny Corry or even Oisin McConville all are good options even if it was a 2 year gig. Would someone like Kieran Donaghy be interested in making the step up.

UsernameInvalid (Meath) - Posts: 388 - 14/08/2024 22:10:43    2565162


Seems like Orourke is all but out now. Not sure if he's inside or outside but I think Robbie Brennan should be strongly considered too. Cathal O'bric would be my choice but I'd be fairly open on this. Mickey harte had some sort of talks on the Kildare vacancy so he seems to be available. Not sure if James Horan or Eamon fitzmaurice would take a job outside of their own county but why not at least try.

Sheridan2010louth (Meath) - Posts: 176 - 15/08/2024 08:17:01    2565177


I like the idea of getting someone with experience (outside) Does it really work giving the job to someone who has done well with a club team. There is a massive step up in everything you do both on and especially off the field at senior intercounty level. Intercounty manager will scout and look at players, they select them based on what they see at their club then when they are in the setup the traits/skills that got them noticed in the first placed is coached out of them. They are asked to be something that they are not and in COR case this appears to be evident. Just take the Kerry game for example, Louth in week one we were offensive and lost badly, week two we parked the bus and focused on the Kerry forward but forgot about their defenders who on there own won the game. A switch in style like that is not possible in a week and does that not tell you something about the whole management team. 1, that they thought it would work and 2, deflects what was done by saying we don't have the players and it will take five years. Was at a lot of games last weekend and some of the county lads who were involved with the Meath setup this year were absolutely terrible and i know some of them and they are great players but they have had there confidence severely dented. Finally we need to park that COR was a great servant to Meath football, yes agree as a player but great players don't always make great coaches or managers. He hadn't had a lot of success when he managed the under age teams so maybe there was a reason why he never actually got the gig. Id be brave and approach Kieran Donaghy, flash the cash.

Nothingbutthetruth (Meath) - Posts: 53 - 15/08/2024 09:02:09    2565183


Robbie Brennan would be a good shout.

I hear Jason Sherlock is looking for a county managers role. He has experience with both Dessie and Jim Gavin so he has first hand experience of preparing the very best team in the country to win all irelands. He knows the standards that have to be met. We definitely should consider him even if it would be a hard pill to swallow having a Dub in charge but look where Louth are going under Ger Brennan as an example.

LoyalRoyal (None) - Posts: 464 - 15/08/2024 09:11:12    2565189
