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Meath Vs Tipperary

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Replying To Maestro:  "I was wondering what faults you would find with Colm after today's game.
There we have it, answering questions put to him by the media...."
Ok Brian

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 14/05/2023 15:26:02    2478346


Replying To bdbuddah:  "Played well but Tipp were bad.
Still I was happy just to see the players looked like they are taking it seriously.
Waterford will be probably worse the next day. It's probably not a bad thing the way the draw is in this competition to play 2 bad teams, get the confidence up before playing teams a bit better. If every team in the competition takes it serious we should get a few games against teams that are relatively close in standard, first time in a while we have played in a competition we have a realistic chance of winning."
It's about the Down game for me. Some choirboys here are getting very excited about beating a terrible tipp team. And wait until we beat Waterford. :).
But our first real game will come when we play Down. Only then will we know what if anything has changed. Hopefully it has.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 14/05/2023 15:28:22    2478349


Replying To royaldunne:  "It's about the Down game for me. Some choirboys here are getting very excited about beating a terrible tipp team. And wait until we beat Waterford. :).
But our first real game will come when we play Down. Only then will we know what if anything has changed. Hopefully it has."
Sorry but rowing in behind dunners on this ! Agree with him regarding orourke ! Hes been a disaster ! Beating tip wont take away from a woeful year ! If we played the dubs today would have a been beaten by 30 points !

grahamc9897 (Meath) - Posts: 1175 - 14/05/2023 16:03:53    2478355


Replying To royaldunne:  "Not denying he was right. I had posted earlier that the comments were a disgrace. Just I feel it was his answer. Just say I've my own priorities"
Thought it was a great answer myself but I am sure he will reading these forums and will take into account what you want him to answer in interviews going forward.

Maestro (Meath) - Posts: 571 - 14/05/2023 16:55:26    2478377


I think the biggest worry for me is how bad Tipperary were and how average we looked in the first half. It's easy to see how teams race into big leads against us, we were cut open at will early on.

If we don't tighten up, Down are going to be 8 or 9 ahead of us before we even start playing. A huge worry against the bigger teams.

We did what we had to do yesterday and we'll do something similar against Waterford - all about a big performance against Down

hyperache (Meath) - Posts: 235 - 14/05/2023 17:00:30    2478378


Replying To grahamc9897:  "Sorry but rowing in behind dunners on this ! Agree with him regarding orourke ! Hes been a disaster ! Beating tip wont take away from a woeful year ! If we played the dubs today would have a been beaten by 30 points !"
Don't think anyone is acting as if all is forgotten about but they're just giving credit where credit is due after watching the game because there has been much needed improvements.

I swear there's some clowns on this that hope Meath would lose by 30 points to Dublin just so you can bitch and whine.

Royal.1 (Meath) - Posts: 29 - 14/05/2023 19:12:02    2478445


Replying To hyperache:  "I think the biggest worry for me is how bad Tipperary were and how average we looked in the first half. It's easy to see how teams race into big leads against us, we were cut open at will early on.

If we don't tighten up, Down are going to be 8 or 9 ahead of us before we even start playing. A huge worry against the bigger teams.

We did what we had to do yesterday and we'll do something similar against Waterford - all about a big performance against Down"
Yes i agree those are the negatives and concerns but nice to see the positives also the Coffey,Grey, Lynch, and Thomas o Reilly ,and o Connor who have self selected at least for the next match. It cannot be ignored that was good work by management .It helps to illustrate that finding players takes longer than we would like. Its a slow burner and of course does contribute to instability and uncertainlty. Well done here to Colm and backroom I f ye can just have a look at the recipe to ensure we can improve on poor starting as well that would be nice.and necessary. Yesterday small step in the right direction .learning is taking place. A massive workload ahead a slow burner no doubt. Colm is the right man to fill the NEED we had for the type of person as manager ,as distinct from some people( well the odd one )
who just wanted a person to fill the job REGARDLESS. without much thought .

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 14/05/2023 19:12:16    2478446


Replying To brian:  "Well said…. Colm can do no right in the eyes of said poster… since he's been appointed.

Yesterday was progress but let's not talk about that… let's not talk about the fact that Colm was brave after a poor league and brought in Sean Coffey and Ronan Ryan and others from the development panel… that after Offaly he dropped Harry hogan, brought in Sean Brennan, Conor Gray and Aaron Lynch …. That Brennan, Coffey, Ryan,Gray and Lynch were amongst the best we had yesterday or that it shows Colm is willing to make hard calls and accept when he's been wrong…. No no no let's not talk about that at all…

Let's not talk about the fact that there was structure and a game plan there, that you could see what this team was trying to do, that both sides of the ball the plan was clear on what they were doing. Or that as the game developed that this team opened up their shoulders and kicked for home, that our kick outs looked functional for the first time in living memory… no no… let's not talk about that…

We're there faults, plenty of them… we left about 8-10 scores out there, that decision making at the start was poor, that we allowed some easy scores to be kicked with no pressure on the kicker wasn't good, that we gave the ball away a lot wasn't good,that Jordan Morris was again I'll disciplined and got himself sent off again was a poor look…. But as the game went on you could see the tension go out of the players and they played better with each passing minute…

None of that matters.. Points must be scored and let's talk about a question he was asked by media… let's not have a manager give his honest opinion…. But yet it was okay for our previous manager to have to be restrained by his own players from striking an official…. In fact I seem to remember said poster saying it's a pity the previous manager was held back…

This job was never ever going to be easy, Colm O'Rourke taking it on was only going to it… as the next generation of media pundits could now line up and get their speak in about Colm and what he's said about them or their counties in the Independent and on the Sunday game over the last 25 years. He might not have been the best choice but he's the man in charge right now and he deserves everyone's support…

Btw didn't said poster say he was going to go out and find some new players for the next manager for next year. Wonder how that's going for him. He missed out on seeing plenty of them last night in the likes of Coffey, Brennan, Lynch, Gray, O'Neill, O'Higgins and Ronan Ryan.

Last I think Meath should beat Waterford and secure a quarter final and hopefully from there as the team develops they can show their true ability. Winning 4-6 games in a row would be really good for this team going forward. Look at how Derry developed from division 4 with winning consistently and going up the divisions, that's what we needed and why I wasn't averse to playing Tailteann cup this summer. Build that winning habit and confidence going into 2024. As a great former manager (one Andrew McEntee) said losing can become a habit just as much as winning.."
Weird that you would mention andy after yesterday, can we not just move on from him and look forward as a county?

contributingtoamelee (Meath) - Posts: 52 - 14/05/2023 19:15:00    2478449


Good enough win yesterday, coffey being the standout.

If we are being real, Tipperary were absolutely atrocious but that dosen't mean we didn't play well. Some posters saying sickouts were much better is a bit ridiculous as most of Brennan's kick outs were to our corner back.

The amount of scores we got can only be a positive as we have struggled for years on that aspect of our game. That can only be seen as a positive.

While it is great for colm to get his first championship win, I think it is the down game that we should be looking at if we want to judge him. The level of quality was too big yesterday to judge anything. But a good win and good to see the lads having confidence.

contributingtoamelee (Meath) - Posts: 52 - 14/05/2023 19:19:50    2478451


Replying To contributingtoamelee:  "Good enough win yesterday, coffey being the standout.

If we are being real, Tipperary were absolutely atrocious but that dosen't mean we didn't play well. Some posters saying sickouts were much better is a bit ridiculous as most of Brennan's kick outs were to our corner back.

The amount of scores we got can only be a positive as we have struggled for years on that aspect of our game. That can only be seen as a positive.

While it is great for colm to get his first championship win, I think it is the down game that we should be looking at if we want to judge him. The level of quality was too big yesterday to judge anything. But a good win and good to see the lads having confidence."
Yeha it's a pity most kick outs went out to the full back line after bringing in Conor gray. Was great seeing a Meath midfielder fielding a clean high ball and then between him and jones they broke a lot of Tipperary kick outs( we struggled on the shorter ones taht were kicked to their half back line, there needs to be more work done there imo).

Royal.1 (Meath) - Posts: 29 - 14/05/2023 19:48:35    2478466


A bit like a curates egg, good in parts. Good parts first. Jones very good as usual. An excellent debut for Gray, he looked composed for such a young lad and with more confidence and his size and athleticism he could become the big midfielder Meath have been crying out for. Coffey outstanding and Jack O Connors pace and trickery featured strongly. Jordy looks like he has his mojo back. Lynch had a decent game but still not sure he is intercounty class. Ryan did very well at 3 but would love to see McGill return. Keeper did really well. The negatives. Don't think Harnan is the answer at 6. I rate Flynn but he didn't perform well yesterday. Have to get Costelloe on the ball more as he always seems dangerous when in possession but then disappears for long periods. There seemed to be a distinct lack of confidence early in the game but as game went on they settled into the task and probably should have won by a bigger margin as Tipp were atrocious. A match fit Walsh, the return of McGill and if Frayne can bring a bit of calmness to the forwards they might even have a chance to win this competition.

woodside (Wexford) - Posts: 12 - 14/05/2023 21:02:36    2478489


Didn't really learn a whole pile in this game. Tipperary are a poor side and their morale seems very low after losing Sweeney, Quinleven, Comerford and a few others. First half we were really poor for most of it with dreadful option taking and basic errors. We played a bit better in the second half and were much more accurate in front of goal. I wouldn't give much credence to Lynch and O'Reilly putting up a lot of scores when the game was done. Felt Lynch struggled to win his own ball in the first half when spaces were tighter, he has clever kickpasseses but between struggling to win his own ball and not being able to go by players I am yet to be convinced. Conor Gray done well and looked comfortable. Sean Coffey was our best player which was good and we haven't seen much of him before that. Brennan in goals done fine, would have liked us to be more aggressive on our own kickouts and try go long to get quicker attacks. He caught a high ball well but impossible to judge him when most kickouts were uncontested to the corner back. Hopefully Frayne and Caulfield aren't out injured long and we can see what they are like. Also hope Scully and Walsh aren't out long as they are key players if we hope to go far in the Tailteann cup. Waterford next week will be similar and it'll only be the Down game that tells us anything

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 15/05/2023 10:20:32    2478592


Our next match is very important in my view.........I believe we will beat Waterford. It should NOT be treated as a game where we will learn nothing. We have an ideal opportunity to address poor starting where the opposition are allowed build up a head of steam.We cant let that happen against Down. and we need to test out the potentially new midfield of Jones and Gray as fielders. Costello has to come into the game more,and show his undoubted ability. He is good fielder and can score. Go Matthew go! Our goalkeeper delivers every kickout to our midfielders . we detail a man to pick up breaking ball.Our forwards primed for quick delivery come in here Stephen Bray. Freetaking for this match same player takes all frees within scorable distance. Thomas o Reilly given freedom to move around within forwards looking for open space delivery from defence No player will be substituted before half time unless injured. All of this is a one off experiment for learning !
In an attempt to deal with slow starting and allowing odds to the opposition i would focuss on this at next training sessions.every player has to buy in and contribute by answering are you fully commited to address this shortcoming. The ATTITUDE has to be the game starts 3 minutes before throw in. Relaxation and concentration delivering maximum workrate from the throw in . no let standing back ,ref is in charge dont get yourself into trouble with ref Players are in charge in terms of their contribution to the team .Overall ATTITUDE has to be we take charge of our performance. Victimhood attitude is a waste of time We make it Happen. We make our own luck. After the game each player answers how can i improve further ?
Some people (well the odd one) will say that too high fallutin. Thats me its common sense ! Colm O Rourke wont be reading this of course .He doesnt need the distraction ! Anyway Colm is not short on common sense. i KNOW this is oppinion based chat amongst "lay" people We can see the road ahead at least Its early days we know ,but i do think it wont be long before the "fasten the seatbelts " sign goes up ! Keep her lit Colm and team!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 15/05/2023 10:55:19    2478613


Replying To Proudroyal:  "Was talking to a lad from st Pat's at the game and he said hes'sgot a serious eye injury.Again not sure if that's true but that's what he said."
Bad eye injury which is why he missed the Dublin U-20 game

Meath10 (Meath) - Posts: 187 - 15/05/2023 11:24:34    2478633


Replying To nobull456:  "Our next match is very important in my view.........I believe we will beat Waterford. It should NOT be treated as a game where we will learn nothing. We have an ideal opportunity to address poor starting where the opposition are allowed build up a head of steam.We cant let that happen against Down. and we need to test out the potentially new midfield of Jones and Gray as fielders. Costello has to come into the game more,and show his undoubted ability. He is good fielder and can score. Go Matthew go! Our goalkeeper delivers every kickout to our midfielders . we detail a man to pick up breaking ball.Our forwards primed for quick delivery come in here Stephen Bray. Freetaking for this match same player takes all frees within scorable distance. Thomas o Reilly given freedom to move around within forwards looking for open space delivery from defence No player will be substituted before half time unless injured. All of this is a one off experiment for learning !
In an attempt to deal with slow starting and allowing odds to the opposition i would focuss on this at next training sessions.every player has to buy in and contribute by answering are you fully commited to address this shortcoming. The ATTITUDE has to be the game starts 3 minutes before throw in. Relaxation and concentration delivering maximum workrate from the throw in . no let standing back ,ref is in charge dont get yourself into trouble with ref Players are in charge in terms of their contribution to the team .Overall ATTITUDE has to be we take charge of our performance. Victimhood attitude is a waste of time We make it Happen. We make our own luck. After the game each player answers how can i improve further ?
Some people (well the odd one) will say that too high fallutin. Thats me its common sense ! Colm O Rourke wont be reading this of course .He doesnt need the distraction ! Anyway Colm is not short on common sense. i KNOW this is oppinion based chat amongst "lay" people We can see the road ahead at least Its early days we know ,but i do think it wont be long before the "fasten the seatbelts " sign goes up ! Keep her lit Colm and team!"
Haha. And you use to call me the delusional one. Fair play. I hope ur right. I really do. But I think after the next game we will be brought Down to earth. Again I hope you right and I'm wrong.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/05/2023 16:02:24    2478732


Replying To Meath10:  "Bad eye injury which is why he missed the Dublin U-20 game"
That's shocking news. I did hear he was injured that's why he wasn't involved, someone I think that can be a real star for Meath in the future.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/05/2023 16:03:50    2478734


Anyone thinking Frayne is the messiah will be disappointed because he's not. We have no consistent forward and no consistent free taker also. Their looks to be at least 4 teams better than us in the Tintop cup and that's how bad we are.

AthboyCelt (Meath) - Posts: 148 - 15/05/2023 16:49:03    2478758


Replying To royaldunne:  "Haha. And you use to call me the delusional one. Fair play. I hope ur right. I really do. But I think after the next game we will be brought Down to earth. Again I hope you right and I'm wrong."
I doubt we will be brought down to earth after the next game! Waterford are one of the weakest teams in the country.

Maybe you had intended to say after the Down game we will be brought down to earth - and perhaps you are right on that!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 504 - 15/05/2023 16:54:30    2478762


Replying To royaldunne:  "That's shocking news. I did hear he was injured that's why he wasn't involved, someone I think that can be a real star for Meath in the future."
in the gym apparently and a guy beside him was using a band that snapped and hit him in the eye

Tinchy1 (Meath) - Posts: 63 - 15/05/2023 16:57:25    2478763


Replying To AthboyCelt:  "Anyone thinking Frayne is the messiah will be disappointed because he's not. We have no consistent forward and no consistent free taker also. Their looks to be at least 4 teams better than us in the Tintop cup and that's how bad we are."
Did anyone say he was the messiah?

He is one of a number of options - it is clear that we have no stand out players and all of our forward options have flaws. In my opinion our focus needs to be on identifying the best system for the players we have and get a consistent way of playing and having alternatives for when our first options get injured or lose form / suspended.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 15/05/2023 17:00:54    2478766
