Meath Forum

Tailteann Cup

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Replying To Jinxie:  "Current manager for me...
Some may not agree but I think it's madness to change ot before hrs gotten a real **** at rebuilding it. That can only start next year really.

We are where we've been for a few years now, I think we have to accept it for what it is and build from a smaller base. Colm is a smart man and a good manager, he's proven this already.

I think leave ot as it is to build it back up.

I would however make a couple of additions to the back room. I think a change of coach, a Stephen Rochford/cian O'Neill type of addition would help.

Garrigan has done great work wherever he's been, but it donest seem to have clicked here. Yet anyways."
Personally I'd go for O'Bric. I really think if we stick we could be in danger of slipping further down. Both in league and championship.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 08/05/2023 16:34:09    2476799


Replying To seadog54:  "In a way its our own fault for having any interaction with him, we only give oxygen to his spiteful rants. There is no way this poster is a supporter of Meath football, just one of the bluffers most teams have. No idea about the game, we must remember he thought Eamon Murrey was the man for the job, despite the man having little interest in the mens game. Large majority of his posts are fairytales at best, and often out and out lies. Hopefully none of the management or players read the tripe he (could be a she) posts, as no one willing to give up their time to Meath football deserve this. So time to remove the oxygen and ignore the spite and fabrications."
Here I'll gladly meet you for a drink prior or after game in navan for a chat and we can discuss our different opinions. No need for all the nasty keyboard warrior stuff. Meet face to face

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 08/05/2023 17:24:08    2476824


Replying To Jinxie:  "Current manager for me...
Some may not agree but I think it's madness to change ot before hrs gotten a real **** at rebuilding it. That can only start next year really.

We are where we've been for a few years now, I think we have to accept it for what it is and build from a smaller base. Colm is a smart man and a good manager, he's proven this already.

I think leave ot as it is to build it back up.

I would however make a couple of additions to the back room. I think a change of coach, a Stephen Rochford/cian O'Neill type of addition would help.

Garrigan has done great work wherever he's been, but it donest seem to have clicked here. Yet anyways."
How could you justify getting rid of Garrigan? Do you honestly believe that garrigan would set a team up to go 15 on 15 against Dublin? Do you think Garrigans sole attacking plan would be the kick the ball in? He has been successful everywhere he has gone. Getting rid of him would be the worst thing you could possibly do.

contributingtoamelee (Meath) - Posts: 52 - 08/05/2023 18:58:26    2476860


Replying To seadog54:  "Dublin game was over by half time, for whatever reason we raised our game in second half for about 20 minutes, then ran out of steam. Was it down to Dublin taking their foot off the gas, was it what was said in dressing room or did players take matters into their own hands and go out and give it a lash? Your guess is as good as mine. Both MH and RG have been given time to get things right. Derry have top class players all over the team and Louth have some very good forwards who can kick points from distance. Both teams seem to have plenty of on field leaders something we lack. Not sure what pundits have said Colm is in over his head, some have questioned our style of play which is fair enough. As for McGill, why is the odd one out? If treated so badly I imagine his clubmates would have stood by him. Door is open, as seen by return of James Mac. We have been flirting around the edges for years, scraping enough points to remain in Div Two so its difficult to know where we stood, somewhere between 12th on a good day to 18th on a bad day, this day has been coming and little surprise to anyone. As for playing against better teams and that the way to make us better, it did not work in the past, super 8s and league one seemed to have oppisite effect. This year TC is where we belong ( look at Clare yesterday) and hopefully lessons learned will stand to us going forward. Dont worry about Meath been a laughing stock, truth is no one gives us a second thought. The penny has dropped, we are a county in serious trouble and I have no intrest in returning to misery of last number of years, a team just about hanging on. Change is going to take time and for me current management is just a starting point. Not ideal they are learning on the job and plenty of mistakes have been made and additions to backroom team will be needed in off season. They had little to work with from start and its now about building a panel that can compete, Too early to make judgements, we have a chance to get things right and put us on road back. No surprise some want instant success but another sticking plaster is the last thing Meath football needs."
Don't think you can say a game was over at halftime. If football was to work like that then every comeback would be invalid. Westmeath came back at us In 2016 and beat us in what is regarded as one of their best ever results, so I think it is unfair to say the game was over at half time. Mcgill is the odd one out because he consistently been one of our best players in last 6 years and won club footballer of the year. Our full back line all year has been roasted and the best full back in meath isn't there. Also in 21 we absolutely annihilated longford in pairc tailteann before the Dublin game, the offaly team that we lost to this year only beat longford by a point. Derry have top class players now because Gallagher is a top class coach, louth have no better forwards than us, maybe mulroy but on the balance not much separates. Think it's also a touch foolish to say that no one gives us a second thought, the week after the offaly game we were laughed at on most radio stations and tv stations. Does the fact that you admit management are learning on the job not extremely worry you? They had more than enough to beat louth limerick and a Kildare team that were in disarray, and an Offaly team. Even after that I parked the league and said okay lets see what championship had to offer, look at the difference in performances between both Kildare and meath, both teams who struggled heavily in the league. Kildare put in two huge shifts while we got embarrassed in tullamore. I do want this management team to succeed, but there are huge red flags everywhere.

contributingtoamelee (Meath) - Posts: 52 - 08/05/2023 19:11:40    2476862


Me : wondering what the lads are saying about the game this Sunday

Me 20 minutes later : what the **** did I just read

WhyTheLongFace (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 08/05/2023 19:55:12    2476872


Replying To royaldunne:  "Personally I'd go for O'Bric. I really think if we stick we could be in danger of slipping further down. Both in league and championship."
I do t think you'd be any better off woth cathar to be honest.
I know that not everyone is a fan of Colm O'Rourke, be he still deserves the time and space to do the job he came in to do. And that job was to just get a bounce out of the panel that's there.
And I think that's the thing some people, including yourself Rd if you don't mind me saying (just my perspective), are mixing up with all this. We'd all love to have finished higher in the league, beaten offaly and still be in the same maguire. No question at all that we'd have all wanted that, including the current management. But in the overall profile of the job he's in their to do, and where he has to get meath football to.. then this year may have had to be seen as collateral damage.

There's 2 types of managers that could have came in. One is what I call a bounce manager, a Davy Fitz, banty type character who will have lads spitting flames and absolutely maxing out all potential. That's the bounce. They get that high intensity return, but it generally burns bright, but not for very long.... 2 seasons in and the spark is gone, the managers is done and your worse of than you started in the overall scheme of things, the players are flogged and finished and very little focus on what's to come in and replace them.

The other type is the long game. Which I believe what O'Rourke is in there for. I believe it was thought out long and hard about what way this had to be done, and it was probably accepted that it'd get a little worse before the improvement started to come... as has came to pass.

I'd believe that before the year even started, he knew he hadn't the final panel he wanted (u20's not involved and a few positions he needs strengthening). The other side of that was that there were players who'd been there for a few years who he possibly doesn't rate, but has to let them show their worth, or lack of before dropping them. Sorted letting a guy destroy himself being continually playing poorly rather than drop him and have any doubt whether he should still be there or not.
And between that and having to wait for the 20's, that's pretty much already accounted for this year.

As for style of play and shape, I'd agree that that has been a concern. He started woth a kicking game which was bringing relative success, albeit leaving us exposed at the back, but done against derry who would eat up even kerry of they tried that, and seem to take such a hit from it that it was abandoned or very curtailed at least. That for me os a black mark against him, but I'd be willing to allow him to fix it first.
I'd also lay much of the blame there woth the team coach, he is after all, the person who trains this system and sets it up, and for whatever reason, its not yielding the success it has for him in other places. I'd expect either a change, or an addition to this part of the backroom over the winter.

The final thing that I believe is being worked on is the culture within the squad. And that's a difficult and sometimes slow thing to change. Lads have a culture of not winning, and in plenty of cases, not being fully professional about it, and the not winning is linked to that.
McGuinness's donegal had a new culture by the time their success came, galvin had to create a new culture in Dublin, even with all their talent. Gallaghers derry has a much different culture than in his first year. That all takes time, and I do believe it will change with our team too.
Whether it comes in the tailteann cup , next year's league or a leinster championship game I don't know, but I do think we'll see that day where the attitude and application of all the players is fully there, and the rest will fall into place.

I could be wrong on all of the above, it's literally just one man's opinion, but I do believe O'Rourke is the right man to do this job at this minute in time. And maybe even I'm the right man to get you to believe he is too...;-)

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 08/05/2023 20:38:54    2476884


Replying To Jinxie:  "Bang on. Accurate post and a sou d reflection of where we are, and are going.

We are probably bottoming out at the minute, and the rebuild then starts."
Yes have to agree......"BOTTOMING OUT" ..i like that ! It took several years to get to the bottom. The last managers did the best they knew how to improve things but could not halt the slide. It will take time to even get lift off again it seems. .We dont want sticking plaster solutions anyway .We saw what happened when push came to shove when trying to find a manager that might fit the role almost no response . Plenty of shapes and name dropping and game playing. Then Colm O Rourke was approached and it seems with some reluctance said he will give it 2 years , and if no real improvement will walk away.I believe him ! We know he being a great player it does not follow he will make a great manager. We do know the personal qualities he displayed as a player of inteligence, courage, determination, leadership,refusal to give in have a currency in the role of manager.

The time factor .Is it fair to assess him after a few months. Of course its not ! I am as guilty as the next at showing impatience at lack of progress at this early stage. My impatience is my problen not Colm O Rourkes Any supporter has the right to question and offer constuctive critisism . My twopence worth is that management needs to be much stronger and specifically in all areas of coaching. The book stops with Colm here.I believe he needs changes in his backroom team and that will happen at least. I am actualy banking on his intelligence and ability to learn here. He said he does not have all the know how anyway. As manager the ability to co ordinate and oversee is vital That to me needs attention .I think that will happen Should Colm O Rourke be questioned about possible devepoments and clarity for example ? Of course he should but by the county board. who in my view should show more vision. They have learned how difficult it is to fine a manager So grow your own. Why not have a body in an apprenticeship role at the same time ? I can hear it already "ah sure we cant etc. That for me is where the real problem is ATTITUDE starting at the top. It is hard to accept the lack of competion for positions at the top table .The word vision has little real meaning then Using the recipe of acting on lessons learned, courage, ruthlessnes (if necessary) co ordinating and using resourses as required, reviewing and overseeing training sessions to meet training needs etc. I do believe Colm O Rourke is the man for the role (even after a slow start in my view) I wish him and his team the very best in a massive task .I give him 100% support

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 08/05/2023 21:11:35    2476892


Lads I think this is all getting ridiculous now and completely off point, royaldunne you need to stop loading the cannons that there using to fire at you and get behind this meath team both management and players.

For those that take great pleasure in winding him up about his loyalty to meath you need to lay off, Royaldunne like the rest of us is disappointed how our year has unravelled especially after the bright start we got down in Cork but we are were we are. And one thing is certain I'm confident royaldunne will be there in navan supporting meath.

Its not all doom and gloom and the tailtean cup is a tournament that we have a chance of winning, I havnt heard of any players dropping of the panel, so that's encouraging and if anything possible proof that there still all behind colm and taking our current situation serious, all managers deserve time and colm is no different. He deserves at the least two years if not the three to turn things around, look at kildare they also had a terrible league but now after a encouraging performance against dublin look like they might have a decent championship.

Two good things that colm has helped to set up so far in his rein as meath manager, which are very positive is a regional competition and a development squad to try and find the right players for meath now and in the future, I'm confident meath will start to show signs of improvement soon and I'm actually looking forward to the tipp game now, meath by 4 to 8 points.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 08/05/2023 21:54:31    2476902


Replying To Jinxie:  "Current manager for me...
Some may not agree but I think it's madness to change ot before hrs gotten a real **** at rebuilding it. That can only start next year really.

We are where we've been for a few years now, I think we have to accept it for what it is and build from a smaller base. Colm is a smart man and a good manager, he's proven this already.

I think leave ot as it is to build it back up.

I would however make a couple of additions to the back room. I think a change of coach, a Stephen Rochford/cian O'Neill type of addition would help.

Garrigan has done great work wherever he's been, but it donest seem to have clicked here. Yet anyways."
Very unfair to judge Garrigan on what has gone on. All very positive comments from players. His role has been very minor so far this year. The coaching setup is very messy. He hasn't got near the same input as he had with ladies team. He was 1st in charge with ladies and is 3rd in charge with men now. Will be quite a few changes in backroom team at the end of the season. Hopefully Garrigan gets more input as by all accounts the other lads are out of their depth.

royal11 (Meath) - Posts: 99 - 08/05/2023 23:44:24    2476911


Replying To Jinxie:  "Current manager for me...
Some may not agree but I think it's madness to change ot before hrs gotten a real **** at rebuilding it. That can only start next year really.

We are where we've been for a few years now, I think we have to accept it for what it is and build from a smaller base. Colm is a smart man and a good manager, he's proven this already.

I think leave ot as it is to build it back up.

I would however make a couple of additions to the back room. I think a change of coach, a Stephen Rochford/cian O'Neill type of addition would help.

Garrigan has done great work wherever he's been, but it donest seem to have clicked here. Yet anyways."
It hasn't clicked with Garrigan yet because his hands are tied. He is not being allowed to implement his set up and style on the team.

Who's fault is that?

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 09/05/2023 10:19:45    2476937


Replying To Blackspot09:  "It hasn't clicked with Garrigan yet because his hands are tied. He is not being allowed to implement his set up and style on the team.

Who's fault is that?"
Thats a very good question ! On field performance confirms its very poor. If that question was answered accurately and honestly it might unravel or untie the knot.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 09/05/2023 10:39:42    2476953


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Lads I think this is all getting ridiculous now and completely off point, royaldunne you need to stop loading the cannons that there using to fire at you and get behind this meath team both management and players.

For those that take great pleasure in winding him up about his loyalty to meath you need to lay off, Royaldunne like the rest of us is disappointed how our year has unravelled especially after the bright start we got down in Cork but we are were we are. And one thing is certain I'm confident royaldunne will be there in navan supporting meath.

Its not all doom and gloom and the tailtean cup is a tournament that we have a chance of winning, I havnt heard of any players dropping of the panel, so that's encouraging and if anything possible proof that there still all behind colm and taking our current situation serious, all managers deserve time and colm is no different. He deserves at the least two years if not the three to turn things around, look at kildare they also had a terrible league but now after a encouraging performance against dublin look like they might have a decent championship.

Two good things that colm has helped to set up so far in his rein as meath manager, which are very positive is a regional competition and a development squad to try and find the right players for meath now and in the future, I'm confident meath will start to show signs of improvement soon and I'm actually looking forward to the tipp game now, meath by 4 to 8 points."
Colm didn't help set up the regional competition at all, this was in the pipeworks pre-covid and should have been there for Andy Mc's last two years

ratlag (Meath) - Posts: 575 - 09/05/2023 10:59:51    2476962


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Lads I think this is all getting ridiculous now and completely off point, royaldunne you need to stop loading the cannons that there using to fire at you and get behind this meath team both management and players.

For those that take great pleasure in winding him up about his loyalty to meath you need to lay off, Royaldunne like the rest of us is disappointed how our year has unravelled especially after the bright start we got down in Cork but we are were we are. And one thing is certain I'm confident royaldunne will be there in navan supporting meath.

Its not all doom and gloom and the tailtean cup is a tournament that we have a chance of winning, I havnt heard of any players dropping of the panel, so that's encouraging and if anything possible proof that there still all behind colm and taking our current situation serious, all managers deserve time and colm is no different. He deserves at the least two years if not the three to turn things around, look at kildare they also had a terrible league but now after a encouraging performance against dublin look like they might have a decent championship.

Two good things that colm has helped to set up so far in his rein as meath manager, which are very positive is a regional competition and a development squad to try and find the right players for meath now and in the future, I'm confident meath will start to show signs of improvement soon and I'm actually looking forward to the tipp game now, meath by 4 to 8 points."
Colm had nothing to do with regional championship, was a county board initiative, was supposed to be in place before covid hit

contributingtoamelee (Meath) - Posts: 52 - 09/05/2023 11:08:43    2476967


Replying To nobull456:  "Thats a very good question ! On field performance confirms its very poor. If that question was answered accurately and honestly it might unravel or untie the knot."
The manager decides how we play, he came out when he got the job saying were going to kick the ball and 'not reinvent the wheel', garrigans whole success with ladies was funnelling players back and hitting teams on the break through a running game. Not going 15 on 15.

contributingtoamelee (Meath) - Posts: 52 - 09/05/2023 11:10:25    2476968


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Lads I think this is all getting ridiculous now and completely off point, royaldunne you need to stop loading the cannons that there using to fire at you and get behind this meath team both management and players.

For those that take great pleasure in winding him up about his loyalty to meath you need to lay off, Royaldunne like the rest of us is disappointed how our year has unravelled especially after the bright start we got down in Cork but we are were we are. And one thing is certain I'm confident royaldunne will be there in navan supporting meath.

Its not all doom and gloom and the tailtean cup is a tournament that we have a chance of winning, I havnt heard of any players dropping of the panel, so that's encouraging and if anything possible proof that there still all behind colm and taking our current situation serious, all managers deserve time and colm is no different. He deserves at the least two years if not the three to turn things around, look at kildare they also had a terrible league but now after a encouraging performance against dublin look like they might have a decent championship.

Two good things that colm has helped to set up so far in his rein as meath manager, which are very positive is a regional competition and a development squad to try and find the right players for meath now and in the future, I'm confident meath will start to show signs of improvement soon and I'm actually looking forward to the tipp game now, meath by 4 to 8 points."
The regional championship?? He literally had nothing whatsoever to do with it. It was due to start a few years ago but due to covid it was put on hold. And again this year he had absolutely no involvement in it at all.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 09/05/2023 11:39:35    2476979


Replying To contributingtoamelee:  "The manager decides how we play, he came out when he got the job saying were going to kick the ball and 'not reinvent the wheel', garrigans whole success with ladies was funnelling players back and hitting teams on the break through a running game. Not going 15 on 15."
Then that may have been a bit of oversteer on Colms part,and will be adjusted. The proof of the pudding. etc. The standard of coaching so far is not acceptable. Colm is around long enough and knows that needs to be on the agenda as well as an audit of training sessions to establish if they are geared to meet clearly identified training needs I believe this is constructive critism that does make me any less of a supporter of Colm

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 09/05/2023 11:49:44    2476985


Replying To seadog54:  "Times like this the team needs supporters to get behind them. Strange protest, willing to put your disgust to one side if we make semi or final. Not acceptable to be in TC is the attitude that has us where we are. Years thinking we are bettet than all evidence suggests. Thats what year has been about, the blooding of new players with the focus on the future."
I disagree. Now that we are in the TC, my approach is the same as it is for the second team in my club! If they get to a semi, I might attend. I won't be wasting my time attending those putrid group games however! Yes, this can be considered, sadly, as my acceptance (finally) that Meath have dropped beyond that certain level of repectability, that we have been vainly hanging on to! We have all been guilty of that!

Tweety (Meath) - Posts: 31 - 09/05/2023 14:35:18    2477037


Replying To Tweety:  "I disagree. Now that we are in the TC, my approach is the same as it is for the second team in my club! If they get to a semi, I might attend. I won't be wasting my time attending those putrid group games however! Yes, this can be considered, sadly, as my acceptance (finally) that Meath have dropped beyond that certain level of repectability, that we have been vainly hanging on to! We have all been guilty of that!"
Don't need fans like you.

atta (Meath) - Posts: 703 - 09/05/2023 14:59:00    2477043


Replying To contributingtoamelee:  "Don't think you can say a game was over at halftime. If football was to work like that then every comeback would be invalid. Westmeath came back at us In 2016 and beat us in what is regarded as one of their best ever results, so I think it is unfair to say the game was over at half time. Mcgill is the odd one out because he consistently been one of our best players in last 6 years and won club footballer of the year. Our full back line all year has been roasted and the best full back in meath isn't there. Also in 21 we absolutely annihilated longford in pairc tailteann before the Dublin game, the offaly team that we lost to this year only beat longford by a point. Derry have top class players now because Gallagher is a top class coach, louth have no better forwards than us, maybe mulroy but on the balance not much separates. Think it's also a touch foolish to say that no one gives us a second thought, the week after the offaly game we were laughed at on most radio stations and tv stations. Does the fact that you admit management are learning on the job not extremely worry you? They had more than enough to beat louth limerick and a Kildare team that were in disarray, and an Offaly team. Even after that I parked the league and said okay lets see what championship had to offer, look at the difference in performances between both Kildare and meath, both teams who struggled heavily in the league. Kildare put in two huge shifts while we got embarrassed in tullamore. I do want this management team to succeed, but there are huge red flags everywhere."
Yes we beat Longfort with ease that year, they overturned us last time. Offaly ran us very close in Navan and we also got a very lucky draw against them in league, so little between us in recent meetings. As I said before door is open for all, simply do what management require and issues disappear. Full back line this year have been under severe pressure, however, some blame must go to the way we are set up, little or no protection. Full back line under previous manager also got regular roastings and that with a lot more protection. Louth have forwards who can kick scores from distance, our ratio of scores from distance is dreadful.
Learning on the job has drawbacks no doubt and I thought this year may be a write off. What was the option, where were the experienced managers or coaches when post was advertised? Again I say, dont be worried by pundits taking cheap shots, we also had this during the good years, always felt a thick skin is required of Meath supporters..There is no embarrassment in losing to a team more or less on our level. Its the way of sport. Same negative things were said about SB and many other managers in various sports, recently many the expert wanted rid of Andy Farrell from Irish rugby, look where we are now. Success comes with time and patience, what would you suggest, change manager less than a year in? I know its what some want, for me its insanity. Good to see divisional system up and running, add in development squad and closer links with u2o, all give players a clear path to intercounty football, now is not the time to panic, structures are in place give them a fair chance to work.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 09/05/2023 14:59:16    2477044


Replying To nobull456:  "Then that may have been a bit of oversteer on Colms part,and will be adjusted. The proof of the pudding. etc. The standard of coaching so far is not acceptable. Colm is around long enough and knows that needs to be on the agenda as well as an audit of training sessions to establish if they are geared to meet clearly identified training needs I believe this is constructive critism that does make me any less of a supporter of Colm"
I do hope it is adjusted, but time was there after the league to adjust it and it didn't happen. Look at how Kildare adjusted they're gameplan for Dublin, it really doesn't take that long to do. Hopefully it is for TC, if its not, we probably won't get as far as we would like

contributingtoamelee (Meath) - Posts: 52 - 09/05/2023 15:40:08    2477060
