Meath Forum

Meath Vs Kildare

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Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "The Problem with COR is , the time warp he is in is dominated with a fixation On Dublin . This may be the very rock he perishes on, unless he starts to analyse (as another poster suggested) this mess very quickly & very honestly. Dublin should never have been the benchmark...Kildare, Clare , Cavan, ...any team who is not a perennial Division 1 Team is our benchmark and has been for 10 -15 . Its arguable that Andy also suffered a bit form the same allusion . And if you don't have a clear understanding of your starting position, how then do you build & plan and target, motivate etc...We are a middle tier two team, & county, that has to get EVERYTHING right just to get a chance to dine in the same Company as the lower tier 1 Counties.... Allusions of past granduer are killing us.....and ironically, (and wait till you see key boards hoping when lads mishear me now) many ways ,, underage success has been a contributing factor to this allusion of who we think we are, continuing for longer than it should
COR will prove to be the wrong guy at the wrong time...that is not his finish on a will not take much to Fix this....but the starting point is , a serious understanding of where we reside in the pecking order ...and from that comes the answer to the questions of why we reside thing i always hate is the BS of .."we don't have the players" ....that is a line thrown out by those to hide something ...most likely their won shortcomings ...for taht line to have any credability ...there has to be something added to it dont have the players currently to Win an All Ireland....that is a reasonable statement ....but we don't have the players to compete with Kildare...i don't accept that .."
In fairness It would seem like your the one with the hang up. What timewarp or fixaction, he and many other managers and pundits alike have put Dublin forward as the benchmark for success. Therefore aim for that standard and by doing so we reach and surpass the teams you mention. Do you really think its good management strategy to select your panel and tell they our goal is to be as good as Clare, Cavan and Kildare? You go on to say it will not take much to fix this, really? Have you watched Meath over the last number of years, we are way behind the curve. One thing COR has brought - the very thing you ask for - is an understanding of exactly where Meath stand, no illusions of grandure or living on past glory, just an honest summation on the very poor state of Meath football. As things stand Kildare have more quality players, than us, especially forwards, with more to come back from injury. Its up to you to accept it or not, however evidence suggests otherwise.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 27/03/2023 21:00:17    2467189


Replying To Analyst:  "Which players from Cilles you think should be in ? Also i think the whole regional competition is totally misunderstood by most people, this competition was planned three years ago so as to give Junior and Intermediate players a chance to play with best players from other clubs. This had nothing to do with COR or with finding players for new management"
Well first off James Conlon. The best forward in county.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 27/03/2023 21:06:50    2467194


Replying To nobull456:  ""SERIOUS QUESTIONS HAVE TO BE ASKED "as you said .Whats the difference in that and what i said we have to have a serious" REVIEW" ? I expect COR to initiate a FULL HONEST review now. Any Manager in anything will have a review at critical points when " things dont look right" and basic standards are still not being met. Not rocket science its a key part of management . Any manager who would not do this critical work is simply NOT managing. COR or anybody else will not be made to measure so he is wise and experience enough to see it as learning for himself and others. Colm will not be happy himself at this point even at this stage. Using the last few months as a learning exercise is quite acceptable to me.His first REAL test of his management skills starts with with this review. I believe he will do the business but yes it will take years from where we started. Some poster said the cb should be getting involved .I say certainly not at this point .Let him complete the full cycle of as and report to cb i assume that will take the 2 years colm mentioned. ANY manager in the circumstances deserves the right and freedom to revise and implement as required plans to adjust and improve. I am 100% behind him . I believe it will take bottle to move things from here . O Rourke has plenty of that. I just have to keep reminding myself this will take time."
So division 3 then ?

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 27/03/2023 21:21:20    2467198


Replying To latouche25:  "You are rattling on about a review, he has the job for 2 years so what are you on about. He has no intention of reviewing anything this is his team and the dogs on the street can see it's a mess. What's Boylans role in it apart from signing autographs and taking photos with supporters. The great motivator looks like he has no imput at all. There has to be serious questions about the panel of people who came up with Colm as the only choice in the first place."
Relax, of course management will review, we are seven games in. Colm has the integrity and honesty we hope for in a manager. The blame will stop with him, players will be protected, not thrown under the bus, there will be no blame laid on CB or moaning to media. He took on a job no one wanted, he was approached, did not seek it out so he is fully intitled to complete the full term. Whats the problem with SB? If he brings a bit of feelgood to supporters by giving up his spare time whats the harm, doubt he has any imput into training, more as a mentor to the younger lads. Panel could come up with any amount of names, but who outside county would want to stake their reps. , everyone witnessed the fallout from last year, the bad blood and general bad state of Meath football and quickly made up their minds. CB put him in this position, the very least he deserves is their backing for agreed period.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 27/03/2023 21:28:12    2467199


I have been following Meath for over 40 years now. I won't embarrass myself or bore posters by going on about the number of games I've been to or missed. Nor will I look for plaudits by listing the round trips I do following Meath. These things are a given for loyal supporters. Over the years I have been content to visit this forum, particularly after a hard fought win or when we beat the odds, just to see the buzz of our supporters and maybe dream a little with them.

Like all posters on here it is sad to see where we are at this moment. Tough for the young men who dedicate their time and effort to play for Meath. Tough for the dedicated men tasked with coaching these young men. It is time now for the 'real' supporters to get behind these men. We need a united effort to get things back on track NOT engage in divisive tactics like instigating young men to rise up and oust the management and backroom staff!!
We have all seen the sustained attacks on a previous dedicated Meath man. The agenda has started a lot earlier on our current Manager and is nothing but divisive. We need to give these men time, God knows we've been in decline for years. COR didn't bring us to where we are in just a few months!!

Lets get behind the team and management when they really need it real Meath supporters!

royalproxy (Meath) - Posts: 40 - 28/03/2023 09:21:57    2467219


Replying To royaldunne:  "Well first off James Conlon. The best forward in county."
I have to disagree with you on this one. He may be the best forward in the county at club level but unfortunately he struggled regularly at IC level against teams in Div 1 and the top end of Div 2. Size and strength went against quite often and I don't think he would make a huge amount of difference to the panel to be honest.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 28/03/2023 10:49:19    2467247


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I have to disagree with you on this one. He may be the best forward in the county at club level but unfortunately he struggled regularly at IC level against teams in Div 1 and the top end of Div 2. Size and strength went against quite often and I don't think he would make a huge amount of difference to the panel to be honest."
Totally agree, who was the other @Royaldunne ?

Analyst (Meath) - Posts: 1480 - 28/03/2023 11:14:31    2467249


Replying To royaldunne:  "A very fair and honest assumption.
But can I ask how long do we persist with Colm ? Really I think cb should act IF (and I hope and pray we do improve) but IF WE DONT .? Do we waste another year with this current set up or do we go for a temporary measure until we get McCarthy and O'Bric in ?"
Sorry,so we get rid of o Rourke and we get McCarthy or o bric in and we give them what 7 games and if they dont win them do we get rid of them as well?Really dont see the point in that as we need a bit of stability.Sacking managers after little time in charge is going to get us nowhere.I get you're frustrated as we all are and of course voice your opinion and concerns but it seems from very early on you have an issue with O'Rourke.You were on here defending Andy mac (which is your opinion fair enough)and asking people to be patient but now you want the players to have a meeting and get rid of o Rourke after 6 months in charge.You have mentioned some players aren't happy with o Rourke but you're always going to have clashes of personalitys in football (team sports) and probably more so at higher levels.Ive played football all my life and have got on with some managers and others not so much.You might not agree with the manager decisions or tactics but you either knuckle down work hard or you leave as the book stops with them.Now you may well be right maybe he isn't right for the job but give the man sometime and see.Im sure after the summer he will decide what he thinks is right for Meath football.Like Mick o dowd, Andy mac, he has put himself out there and is trying to get Meath back up the ladder,so the least he deserves is our support and respect.Ive got concerns as well as last Sunday was a hard watch and things certainly need to improve but he I'm sure knows that himself.Not doubting your support for all things Meath but asking players to get rid of Management is not a road I'd go down and I dont think it fair.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 28/03/2023 11:40:26    2467260


Heard that a few players were dropped from the squad post the game in Newbridge. A lot of rumours going round as to how they were told and if there true then we are even in a worse place. Lads training 4 to 5 times a week and then told on a bus that your dropped. Would have taught that players would be respected and we would put their well being first.

199710 (Meath) - Posts: 120 - 28/03/2023 12:26:52    2467285


Replying To Proudroyal:  "Sorry,so we get rid of o Rourke and we get McCarthy or o bric in and we give them what 7 games and if they dont win them do we get rid of them as well?Really dont see the point in that as we need a bit of stability.Sacking managers after little time in charge is going to get us nowhere.I get you're frustrated as we all are and of course voice your opinion and concerns but it seems from very early on you have an issue with O'Rourke.You were on here defending Andy mac (which is your opinion fair enough)and asking people to be patient but now you want the players to have a meeting and get rid of o Rourke after 6 months in charge.You have mentioned some players aren't happy with o Rourke but you're always going to have clashes of personalitys in football (team sports) and probably more so at higher levels.Ive played football all my life and have got on with some managers and others not so much.You might not agree with the manager decisions or tactics but you either knuckle down work hard or you leave as the book stops with them.Now you may well be right maybe he isn't right for the job but give the man sometime and see.Im sure after the summer he will decide what he thinks is right for Meath football.Like Mick o dowd, Andy mac, he has put himself out there and is trying to get Meath back up the ladder,so the least he deserves is our support and respect.Ive got concerns as well as last Sunday was a hard watch and things certainly need to improve but he I'm sure knows that himself.Not doubting your support for all things Meath but asking players to get rid of Management is not a road I'd go down and I dont think it fair."
I admire him for putting himself forward. The problem I have is that as much as mod wasn't a ic manager he at least had a game plan he brought in the wallace's Shane Mac etc to have the Lacey forwards attacking. Now it never worked but you could see what he was trying to do, and there was effort from the players , same with Andy he tried to defensive method with the running game it worked against some teams but the top 6 it never did. And towards the end you could see the players didn't but into it anymore and that's why he had to go. But no one and I mean no one can tell me what Colm's game plan , not even the players. It's not about getting rid of a manager early it's about getting something done. If Colm doesn't improve then the team doesn't. We seem to be in free fall with the bottom looking further and further away. What happens IF (and everything I wrote earlier was based on a IF, so the point about wanting him gone now is not valid) but IF , we get beat by Offaly? Or more likely louth or Westmeath, and we fail to make all ire, AND we don't win Tc or even get to a final or semi final. IF all that happens SHOULD WE PERSIST FOR ANOTHER YEAR. ? I'm only asking the question. I have zero problem with Colm continuing for his 2 years once we see some improvement even back the where he took over. That is all

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 28/03/2023 13:36:01    2467314


Replying To Analyst:  "Totally agree, who was the other @Royaldunne ?"
Ben Brennan wasn't given a fair shot under Andy. Definitely had more to offer and was scapegoated for the performance v dubs. Would add steel to half forward line. And is Conlon any worse that moriarty Curtis or lynch ?

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 28/03/2023 13:45:13    2467317


Replying To 199710:  "Heard that a few players were dropped from the squad post the game in Newbridge. A lot of rumours going round as to how they were told and if there true then we are even in a worse place. Lads training 4 to 5 times a week and then told on a bus that your dropped. Would have taught that players would be respected and we would put their well being first."
Any news on which players may be involved here. I think it was probably too early last November to have a fixed panel in any case but going to be hard for any new guys to get totally up to speed. However, the standard during the league couldn't be considered acceptable.

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 568 - 28/03/2023 13:46:55    2467318


Replying To royalproxy:  "I have been following Meath for over 40 years now. I won't embarrass myself or bore posters by going on about the number of games I've been to or missed. Nor will I look for plaudits by listing the round trips I do following Meath. These things are a given for loyal supporters. Over the years I have been content to visit this forum, particularly after a hard fought win or when we beat the odds, just to see the buzz of our supporters and maybe dream a little with them.

Like all posters on here it is sad to see where we are at this moment. Tough for the young men who dedicate their time and effort to play for Meath. Tough for the dedicated men tasked with coaching these young men. It is time now for the 'real' supporters to get behind these men. We need a united effort to get things back on track NOT engage in divisive tactics like instigating young men to rise up and oust the management and backroom staff!!
We have all seen the sustained attacks on a previous dedicated Meath man. The agenda has started a lot earlier on our current Manager and is nothing but divisive. We need to give these men time, God knows we've been in decline for years. COR didn't bring us to where we are in just a few months!!

Lets get behind the team and management when they really need it real Meath supporters!"
Thank you Brian.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 28/03/2023 13:53:30    2467322


Replying To royalproxy:  "I have been following Meath for over 40 years now. I won't embarrass myself or bore posters by going on about the number of games I've been to or missed. Nor will I look for plaudits by listing the round trips I do following Meath. These things are a given for loyal supporters. Over the years I have been content to visit this forum, particularly after a hard fought win or when we beat the odds, just to see the buzz of our supporters and maybe dream a little with them.

Like all posters on here it is sad to see where we are at this moment. Tough for the young men who dedicate their time and effort to play for Meath. Tough for the dedicated men tasked with coaching these young men. It is time now for the 'real' supporters to get behind these men. We need a united effort to get things back on track NOT engage in divisive tactics like instigating young men to rise up and oust the management and backroom staff!!
We have all seen the sustained attacks on a previous dedicated Meath man. The agenda has started a lot earlier on our current Manager and is nothing but divisive. We need to give these men time, God knows we've been in decline for years. COR didn't bring us to where we are in just a few months!!

Lets get behind the team and management when they really need it real Meath supporters!"
Actually do you know what's really embarrassing about this post ? Is that someone actually went to the bother of setting up another account from the one the normally post from to try and have a few digs at me and then go on about getting behind a what can only be called abject failure so far. Well I'll tell you one thing the supporters around me on Sunday all felt the same and said worse about management than I did or would. But you keep ur head in the sand and talk absolute ******

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 28/03/2023 13:57:02    2467323


Replying To 199710:  "Heard that a few players were dropped from the squad post the game in Newbridge. A lot of rumours going round as to how they were told and if there true then we are even in a worse place. Lads training 4 to 5 times a week and then told on a bus that your dropped. Would have taught that players would be respected and we would put their well being first."
Didn't hear this. Any names of alleged been dropped ? Only thing I heard was Morris is supposed to be not on panel anymore. If that is true or not I don't know.
But if what you are saying is true then we are in a lot more trouble than I thought. And cb or I'd say more likely the players may have to stand up and be counted

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 28/03/2023 14:19:11    2467334


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I have to disagree with you on this one. He may be the best forward in the county at club level but unfortunately he struggled regularly at IC level against teams in Div 1 and the top end of Div 2. Size and strength went against quite often and I don't think he would make a huge amount of difference to the panel to be honest."
I actually think he would. I don't think he really ever got a fair shot at county and I blame Andy for that, he got destroyed v dubs but I do think he is better and more likely to get points than what is there at the minute

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 28/03/2023 14:21:52    2467336


Replying To 199710:  "Heard that a few players were dropped from the squad post the game in Newbridge. A lot of rumours going round as to how they were told and if there true then we are even in a worse place. Lads training 4 to 5 times a week and then told on a bus that your dropped. Would have taught that players would be respected and we would put their well being first."
As you say a lot of rumours, is there any facts to back them up? At pesent between senior, development and u20s we have 90 lads in training. Some from senior panel have released back to their clubs, not dropped, management feel, for now, this is best for all concerned. A new panel which may include some players from development squad who have done well and a few u20s will also join panel, u20s will play with their own group as long as they remain in championship. We have many good coaches working across this long term project, all with the same aim, the betterment of Meath football. Results to date have been poor, however, this young squad are no fools and realise the are on a journey, they have seen for themselves the state of Meath football and its fantastic to see so many willing to buy into this project.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 28/03/2023 14:27:22    2467342


Replying To 199710:  "Heard that a few players were dropped from the squad post the game in Newbridge. A lot of rumours going round as to how they were told and if there true then we are even in a worse place. Lads training 4 to 5 times a week and then told on a bus that your dropped. Would have taught that players would be respected and we would put their well being first."
Things are bad enough as it is without posters making up stories like this, yes o rourke will be making changes to the panel he said himself the players will have a week off and him and his selectors will decide during the week what changes are needed, I never understand why people feel the need to spread vicious lies like this, honestly it feels sometimes that people want o rourke to fail.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 28/03/2023 14:53:31    2467351


Replying To royaldunne:  "Ben Brennan wasn't given a fair shot under Andy. Definitely had more to offer and was scapegoated for the performance v dubs. Would add steel to half forward line. And is Conlon any worse that moriarty Curtis or lynch ?"
Ah give me a break Royaldunne, Ben Brennan was given more than enough chances and is nowhere near the level required, I could name 15-20 better forwards than him within the county at the minute. James Conlon is the same as Joey Wallace, two excellent club forwards that are well able to score, but for whatever reason have not been able to replicate club form on the county stage

ratlag (Meath) - Posts: 575 - 28/03/2023 15:15:18    2467357


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Things are bad enough as it is without posters making up stories like this, yes o rourke will be making changes to the panel he said himself the players will have a week off and him and his selectors will decide during the week what changes are needed, I never understand why people feel the need to spread vicious lies like this, honestly it feels sometimes that people want o rourke to fail."
I was thinking that would be a very bad way to handle things. Actually it would be a immediate sacking offence so glad to hear it's not true

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 28/03/2023 15:21:09    2467361
