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Meath V Dublin

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Replying To latouche25:  "The worrying thing is the amount of scores we conceded in every game. Not one player knows how to tackle. Just look at Harnans effort for the goal. It was abysmal then go back through his career and you will see ths same. You could pick similar efforts from every player throughout the league. Just look at Fentons first point took the ball from the kickout strolled forward and scored without any player coming within 5m of him. Colm needs to bring in someone who can teach them how to defend and tackle."
Yes agreed he needs to get help in several areas. I am sure he can see that now. We await developments in this area soon.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 20/03/2023 11:34:13    2465076


Replying To royaldunne:  "We beat cork last year too. Actually have we lost to cork since we both in same division? And they lost today aswell."
A few times in recent years people did what your doing now to O'Rourke when looking at Andy's record going out of their way to put a negative slant on it.
Basically this year we're going to finish mid table in division 2, pretty much where we always finish. It annoyed you when people did this to Andy but it is far worse doing this to O'Rourke now when it's so early in his time as Meath manager.

GreenMan1987 (Meath) - Posts: 47 - 20/03/2023 11:34:26    2465077


Replying To royaldunne:  "He needs a lot of people who actually know how to do modern game. Colm is stuck in the 80s 90s mindset and as much as we hate to admit it that won't cut it at this time."
Colm's natural characteristics have landed him in the spot of bother he is know in. The reality is , he has been a hurler on the ditch for too long, and has no clue the levels that Dublin have taken the game in the last 10 years or more. For someone who was paid to analyse for so long Self analysis, would not be one of his greatest traits, so he would have two critical flaws for the current is he would over estimate what he Could bring to the table , and two he would naturally think & feel that we are better than we are ., simply because he feels we "should be "....He needs to lose the over inflated view of himself & Us , and practice what he preached , but with a new sense of reality . His job is to put proper structures in Place over the next 2-3 years, proper communication, co ordination, , plans of action, sharing of information , inheritance plans that the next person in , their job is to puts us at the Top of division 2 , and take us into Div 1 ...with the Next Persons job after that , being to Keep us in Division 1 as a permanent member of that Club....and we are 5 years away from that

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 20/03/2023 11:50:42    2465092


Replying To latouche25:  "The worrying thing is the amount of scores we conceded in every game. Not one player knows how to tackle. Just look at Harnans effort for the goal. It was abysmal then go back through his career and you will see ths same. You could pick similar efforts from every player throughout the league. Just look at Fentons first point took the ball from the kickout strolled forward and scored without any player coming within 5m of him. Colm needs to bring in someone who can teach them how to defend and tackle."
Yes the tackling is a major issue, we are getting men back behind the ball but they seem to be marking spaces and 5 yards at least off their man.How many times did a Dublin player have a shot with no one within 5 yards of him,how many times did a Dublin players burst through 1/2 Meath lads.The second Dublin goal was a perfect example he should have been put over the end line but go by 2/3 lads so close to the end line.In fairness it was the same last year we defended the D let them have it and shot from there but that might work at a lower level but not inter county as the other day proved top most teams have lads that can put a ball over the bar outside the d.While management should take some of the blame the players decision making is poor alot of times,poor passes,silly pot shots , passing when a shot is on, weak in the tackle,bringing the ball into traffic.If we stop doing this even 30/50 percent less then things improve right there.Ot looks like to me the players aren't sure whether to kick it long or hold onto the ball and play the short game.We have mainly played the short game over the last few years and maybe they are finding it hard to adjust to a more kicking game.People saying COR is stuck back in the 80/90 s is not fair in my opinion.I think a balance of quick direct ball and off the shoulder running is the right way to go .Yes a plan just kicking it long all the time is not going to work but I believe we are trying to mix it up but lads are struggling with split second decisions.We got a bit of joy with quick direct ball but sometimes we should have kicked it quicker took another pass or 2 and then kicked it in when they had reset.I think it will come with time and we do have to be patient.I like many on here was very frustrated with the last few games but when I calmed down a bit we have to realise it's very early on and most teams we have played have management in place for a few years and lads all know what they are doing.Can management do better of course and I'm sure they know that.Could we get someone from maybe a rugby background in, a kicking coach and let him work with a free taker.If we had a lad who could kick even 6/7 out of 10 it would make a big difference as we need to keep the scoreboard ticking over.As the old saying goes Rome wasnt built in a day and hopefully Colm can build us back up.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 20/03/2023 11:56:45    2465094


Replying To royaldunne:  "He needs a lot of people who actually know how to do modern game. Colm is stuck in the 80s 90s mindset and as much as we hate to admit it that won't cut it at this time."
I think it is clear for everyone to see here that for whatever reason, you have an anti Colm O'Rourke and pro Andy McEntee bias which is a shame. My view is that basically the current management team has inherited an absolute mess from previous management in terms of quality players availability. Unfortunately looks like the process in identifying and inclusion of quality new players may not have been perfect either. It has been rightly mentioned that alot of emphasis was put on the regional championship which had its flaws in any case. This was an after thought end of year tournament generally played midweek played in parallel with U20 competitions in Meath. This meant that actually alot of the really good young players actually either didn't fully or partially participate at all. Really we should be looking at the best players between 19-23 years of each that have scope for alot of improvement. It was also mentioned that perhaps alot of senior club players were not looked at. I expect current Meath management to address alot of this within the coming year but again it won't be done overnight. There is young talent there but its about making a team out of them over time. Yes there have been some early mistakes but lets give this thing until end of year before deciding where we are going. Previous management were given 6 years.

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 568 - 20/03/2023 12:14:06    2465105


Replying To winatallcost:  "I think it is clear for everyone to see here that for whatever reason, you have an anti Colm O'Rourke and pro Andy McEntee bias which is a shame. My view is that basically the current management team has inherited an absolute mess from previous management in terms of quality players availability. Unfortunately looks like the process in identifying and inclusion of quality new players may not have been perfect either. It has been rightly mentioned that alot of emphasis was put on the regional championship which had its flaws in any case. This was an after thought end of year tournament generally played midweek played in parallel with U20 competitions in Meath. This meant that actually alot of the really good young players actually either didn't fully or partially participate at all. Really we should be looking at the best players between 19-23 years of each that have scope for alot of improvement. It was also mentioned that perhaps alot of senior club players were not looked at. I expect current Meath management to address alot of this within the coming year but again it won't be done overnight. There is young talent there but its about making a team out of them over time. Yes there have been some early mistakes but lets give this thing until end of year before deciding where we are going. Previous management were given 6 years."
Ok. You go ahead with that utter bs. I have a pro Meath view. Andy did his best. And he stayed a year too long. I said that over and over. He should have been got rid of prior to last year. But the cb waited until October or November when it was too late. Colm has come in and so far has been an absolute disaster. To say otherwise is pure lies. We have gotten worse in every aspect of the game. I have seen some bs about how it's an all a master plan to take Leinster by storm on another thread. I mean ffs are people that delusional?
I thought from day one his time had passed, I believe he probably should have been given it after boylan. But for some reason he wasn't. I had feared that his style of management was outdated. Trust me no one wants him to be a success more than me. He has had a baptism of fire and needs help big time. If you think that the last 4 matches couldn't have been managed better then I give up. Andy is gone and will not return I have no axe to grind with Colm. But he hasn't shown ANYTHING to suggest we appointed the right man. He has remainder of this year and all of next to hopefully prove me wrong. (I never wanted to be proved wrong so much). Until then he has my full support, however if the same mistakes happen over and over again then I am sure he will do the right thing for the county and step down. What I am doing is offering him advice (not that he'd read this or anything like it) to bring in a couple of new voices into background. What's wrong with that ?? I'll start him off. Connor Gillespie and Darren Fay. Both club managers who I'm sure would help out county team.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 20/03/2023 12:56:00    2465136


Replying To winatallcost:  "I think it is clear for everyone to see here that for whatever reason, you have an anti Colm O'Rourke and pro Andy McEntee bias which is a shame. My view is that basically the current management team has inherited an absolute mess from previous management in terms of quality players availability. Unfortunately looks like the process in identifying and inclusion of quality new players may not have been perfect either. It has been rightly mentioned that alot of emphasis was put on the regional championship which had its flaws in any case. This was an after thought end of year tournament generally played midweek played in parallel with U20 competitions in Meath. This meant that actually alot of the really good young players actually either didn't fully or partially participate at all. Really we should be looking at the best players between 19-23 years of each that have scope for alot of improvement. It was also mentioned that perhaps alot of senior club players were not looked at. I expect current Meath management to address alot of this within the coming year but again it won't be done overnight. There is young talent there but its about making a team out of them over time. Yes there have been some early mistakes but lets give this thing until end of year before deciding where we are going. Previous management were given 6 years."
Fair comment.........Yes give him time to get the boat off the rocks .As you say it will take a lot more time ! We have to play the ball not the man as you rightly say. If anyone can bring us back its COR. As manager or co-ordinator im sure he will review where and how needs are to be dealt with swifty.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 20/03/2023 13:00:13    2465138


Lads I dont know how you could have been at that game on Sat and not be extremely worried. Colm O Rourke simply does not know how to play the modern game. And I would be worried that he is too stubborn to admit that and get the help he needs in.

Meath10 (Meath) - Posts: 187 - 20/03/2023 13:08:26    2465146


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "Colm's natural characteristics have landed him in the spot of bother he is know in. The reality is , he has been a hurler on the ditch for too long, and has no clue the levels that Dublin have taken the game in the last 10 years or more. For someone who was paid to analyse for so long Self analysis, would not be one of his greatest traits, so he would have two critical flaws for the current is he would over estimate what he Could bring to the table , and two he would naturally think & feel that we are better than we are ., simply because he feels we "should be "....He needs to lose the over inflated view of himself & Us , and practice what he preached , but with a new sense of reality . His job is to put proper structures in Place over the next 2-3 years, proper communication, co ordination, , plans of action, sharing of information , inheritance plans that the next person in , their job is to puts us at the Top of division 2 , and take us into Div 1 ...with the Next Persons job after that , being to Keep us in Division 1 as a permanent member of that Club....and we are 5 years away from that"
I'd hope that it isn't a overinflated opinion of himself or us that he had. I looked at him on Saturday and he seemed lost, which is sad. He really I think put a lot of emphasis on playing dubs and he saw an average Dublin team compared to last decade not get out of second gear as they destroyed us. I think more than any other match that will have personally hurt Colm. A dub beside me said "easy lads u don't want him to start calling for us to be split in two again do ya". So I get ur point that he is under pressure than most of the managers in ire at the moment with exception of Farrell O'Connor and mcstay Colm would be next under the limelight. I just want him to steady the ship. Beat Kildare and get to Leinster final. Then he will have 3 top games to set us up for next year.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 20/03/2023 13:20:21    2465151


Replying To GreenMan1987:  "A few times in recent years people did what your doing now to O'Rourke when looking at Andy's record going out of their way to put a negative slant on it.
Basically this year we're going to finish mid table in division 2, pretty much where we always finish. It annoyed you when people did this to Andy but it is far worse doing this to O'Rourke now when it's so early in his time as Meath manager."
I wouldn't waste your time arguing the point with a brick wall that insists he's right about everything, that knows everything that's going on and knows the solution to everything. The same lad who gets on here regularly lambasting other posters for having an opinion on things… saying we all have an agenda…. Who states his opinion is a "fact"… The same person that's calling ad naseum for McGill and menton to be brought back… who's telling us the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results…..

Imagine getting on here at half time in a match you're at in Páirc Tailteann to register your disgust at a game, telling us what a shocking performance it is… what sort of a mindset must you have to think I must jump on Hoganstand and register my disappointment…

I didn't think reception in PT was that good, was he really there at all, or is that more of his bluff and bluster,…

Here's a quick trip down memory lane

Dublin 1-17 Meath 0-5

Half time v Dublin, with a Meath team including Conor McGill and Bryan Menton from….. that's right folks… last summer

2022 1-27 to 1-14
2021 2-16 to 1-13
2020 3-21 to 0-09
2019 1-17 to 0-04

Guess who over saw those results v Dublin with teams including multiple lads said poster wants back….

Aye the definition of insanity is right….

Btw I'm not knocking any of the players or managers involved, they did their best same as Saturday where there was a new team which had 5 starters in their first year on the panel… with a first year management team in place…

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 20/03/2023 13:21:56    2465154


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "Colm's natural characteristics have landed him in the spot of bother he is know in. The reality is , he has been a hurler on the ditch for too long, and has no clue the levels that Dublin have taken the game in the last 10 years or more. For someone who was paid to analyse for so long Self analysis, would not be one of his greatest traits, so he would have two critical flaws for the current is he would over estimate what he Could bring to the table , and two he would naturally think & feel that we are better than we are ., simply because he feels we "should be "....He needs to lose the over inflated view of himself & Us , and practice what he preached , but with a new sense of reality . His job is to put proper structures in Place over the next 2-3 years, proper communication, co ordination, , plans of action, sharing of information , inheritance plans that the next person in , their job is to puts us at the Top of division 2 , and take us into Div 1 ...with the Next Persons job after that , being to Keep us in Division 1 as a permanent member of that Club....and we are 5 years away from that"
Think you are eay off the mark with than analysis of COR. No hurler on the ditch, has been involved with many teams over the years and is fully aware of the levels Dublin and Ulster teams have taken the game to. You say he over estimated what he brings to the table and has an over inflated view of himself, simply not true, he comes across as very self aware an honest man who gave up a lot to at least try to make us better. You say his job is to put structures in place over a period of 2/3 years, well then give him that chance before trotting out slights on Colm as a person. What makes you think that what you expect in not happening? Its March in his first year, he said it again yesterday this is long term, but hopes to make us competitive in the short/medium timeframe. He took over a very poor setup and could be forgiven for using that as an excuse, so give him the time. For now its about current management, plenty of time to talk about distant future, I have no doubt by this time next year plans for succession will begin to take shape.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 20/03/2023 13:28:44    2465158


It's not fair to blame Colm, Andy or any of the previous managers for the mess we're in. In my opinion it lies solely on the shoulders of the minor board over the past 30 years. They did nothing to keep us at the top since the success of the early 90's. The shocking thing is these people all went on to lead the county board after they were finished with the minors. We have been left miles behind all the top county's at underage. There is no clear pathway for our underage lads to transfer through to senior. Sure people will come on here and talk about one of two lads but we need to have a far greater amount coming through.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 20/03/2023 13:41:23    2465165


Replying To Meath10:  "Lads I dont know how you could have been at that game on Sat and not be extremely worried. Colm O Rourke simply does not know how to play the modern game. And I would be worried that he is too stubborn to admit that and get the help he needs in."
Now be careful you will get accused of having an anti cor agenda. Like you I feel the exact same. But ur comment won't be highlighted as it goes against the narrative

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 20/03/2023 13:43:08    2465167


Replying To winatallcost:  "I think it is clear for everyone to see here that for whatever reason, you have an anti Colm O'Rourke and pro Andy McEntee bias which is a shame. My view is that basically the current management team has inherited an absolute mess from previous management in terms of quality players availability. Unfortunately looks like the process in identifying and inclusion of quality new players may not have been perfect either. It has been rightly mentioned that alot of emphasis was put on the regional championship which had its flaws in any case. This was an after thought end of year tournament generally played midweek played in parallel with U20 competitions in Meath. This meant that actually alot of the really good young players actually either didn't fully or partially participate at all. Really we should be looking at the best players between 19-23 years of each that have scope for alot of improvement. It was also mentioned that perhaps alot of senior club players were not looked at. I expect current Meath management to address alot of this within the coming year but again it won't be done overnight. There is young talent there but its about making a team out of them over time. Yes there have been some early mistakes but lets give this thing until end of year before deciding where we are going. Previous management were given 6 years."
How is it the previous managements fault for the lack of quality players available ??

Is it the previous managements fault that Menton isn't making himself available?

Is it the previous managements that Conor McGill was deemed surplus to requirements?

Is it the previous managements fault that the County has failed miserably at transferring the reasonable success we've had at minor level since 2017 up to u20 level and above?

Is it the previous managements fault that the standard of the football championships in Meath is at an all time low?

Is it the previous managements fault that the likes of Conor Nash and Cian McBride chose to pursue a career as professional athletes?

Is it the previous managements fault that the likes of Paddy O'Rouke walked away from the inter county game due to the insane demands put on the players these days ?

To somehow blame the previous management for the current managements short comings is absolutely ridiculous.

There are plenty of County teams who I would class as being worse than Meath like Louth who I don't believe have the talent we have but look twice the team we are

Why is this ? Because they are well drilled well coached well organized and every player knows their job and know the game plan and set up and the structure they are playing.

With Meath at the moment there is zero plan zero organisation zero structure it seems.

This is the current managements fault.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 20/03/2023 13:44:28    2465168


Replying To brian:  "I wouldn't waste your time arguing the point with a brick wall that insists he's right about everything, that knows everything that's going on and knows the solution to everything. The same lad who gets on here regularly lambasting other posters for having an opinion on things… saying we all have an agenda…. Who states his opinion is a "fact"… The same person that's calling ad naseum for McGill and menton to be brought back… who's telling us the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results…..

Imagine getting on here at half time in a match you're at in Páirc Tailteann to register your disgust at a game, telling us what a shocking performance it is… what sort of a mindset must you have to think I must jump on Hoganstand and register my disappointment…

I didn't think reception in PT was that good, was he really there at all, or is that more of his bluff and bluster,…

Here's a quick trip down memory lane

Dublin 1-17 Meath 0-5

Half time v Dublin, with a Meath team including Conor McGill and Bryan Menton from….. that's right folks… last summer

2022 1-27 to 1-14
2021 2-16 to 1-13
2020 3-21 to 0-09
2019 1-17 to 0-04

Guess who over saw those results v Dublin with teams including multiple lads said poster wants back….

Aye the definition of insanity is right….

Btw I'm not knocking any of the players or managers involved, they did their best same as Saturday where there was a new team which had 5 starters in their first year on the panel… with a first year management team in place…"
You are really pathetic. But a good laugh. You gone very quite lately, I wonder why ? You know what my cat knows more about football than you when you put up results against the greatest team of all time and compare them with the shadow of themselves. Thanks Bri. You are always good for a laugh. I needed that after Saturday , ahh Brian since you follow me on Instagram and Twitter you know I was at the match. But good try ;)

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 20/03/2023 13:47:52    2465170


Replying To winatallcost:  "I think it is clear for everyone to see here that for whatever reason, you have an anti Colm O'Rourke and pro Andy McEntee bias which is a shame. My view is that basically the current management team has inherited an absolute mess from previous management in terms of quality players availability. Unfortunately looks like the process in identifying and inclusion of quality new players may not have been perfect either. It has been rightly mentioned that alot of emphasis was put on the regional championship which had its flaws in any case. This was an after thought end of year tournament generally played midweek played in parallel with U20 competitions in Meath. This meant that actually alot of the really good young players actually either didn't fully or partially participate at all. Really we should be looking at the best players between 19-23 years of each that have scope for alot of improvement. It was also mentioned that perhaps alot of senior club players were not looked at. I expect current Meath management to address alot of this within the coming year but again it won't be done overnight. There is young talent there but its about making a team out of them over time. Yes there have been some early mistakes but lets give this thing until end of year before deciding where we are going. Previous management were given 6 years."
I agree that RD seems to have an anti Colm O'Rourke and pro Andy McEntee bias. It feels as if criticising now is a way to show how well Andy McEntee did.
It seems a funny way to look at things as even Andy's biggest supporters (I would not write nearly as many posts as some but a lot of mine were defending Andy) had no appetite for giving Andy a 7'th year.
It's a waste of energy trying to be over critical of O'Rourke just to make Andy look good, move on.
Andy got six years, COR is only starting out. COR is new to inter county management, he is on a learning curve also, give him a chance.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 20/03/2023 13:51:25    2465176


Replying To royaldunne:  "Down would have been safe last year if they had kilcoo lads. I don't think we'd beat Down in tailteann, think we'd struggle v Laois same v Longford Offaly, I think cavan would beat us. But I'd nearly bet on a draw pitting us against Antrim. And with Limerick I wouldn't be over confident either."
Assuming all teams in Tailteann take it seriously I agree that Cavan would probably beat us. I would fancy us in the other games you mentioned.
TBH I find it hard to know what the impact of playing in the Tailteann would be for Meath (or any team in it). Will most teams who play in it (inc Meath) take it seriously?, will a few up sticks, maybe play a bit ball in states for the summer?. If we took it seriously we would be one of the favourites for it but I could see a few of our lads feeling almost embarrassed to be playing in it.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 20/03/2023 14:01:34    2465185


Replying To royaldunne:  "Now be careful you will get accused of having an anti cor agenda. Like you I feel the exact same. But ur comment won't be highlighted as it goes against the narrative"
Yeah this narrative of being anti COR is ridiculous. I love the man and fully accept that it will take time for us to start improving and also fully accept that he is not a miracle worker . He also can't be blame for the lack of quality in the county.

The only I am blaming him for is the absolutely rudderless disorganized displays we have seen in the past few games . As I said I fully accept it will take time but by now we should be seeing some glimpses of a game plan or set up even if the players have not perfected. We are not seeing this at all.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 20/03/2023 14:12:17    2465190


Replying To Meath10:  "Lads I dont know how you could have been at that game on Sat and not be extremely worried. Colm O Rourke simply does not know how to play the modern game. And I would be worried that he is too stubborn to admit that and get the help he needs in."
We are a few months into new management, way too early to panic. Why do you think he would be too stubborn? He has 5/6 lads with him already and is on record saying if more expertise is needed it will be added. He took over a team in decline from a manager who did not want to let go. Who thought having three members of his family on panel was for the best of Meath football! This management team are no fools, like us they see whats it front of them. Of course most have concerns, however there is no quick cure, we finally have a chance to get things right after years of let downs, we either give them time or just face into another 20 years of failure.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 20/03/2023 14:18:51    2465194


Replying To GreenMan1987:  "A few times in recent years people did what your doing now to O'Rourke when looking at Andy's record going out of their way to put a negative slant on it.
Basically this year we're going to finish mid table in division 2, pretty much where we always finish. It annoyed you when people did this to Andy but it is far worse doing this to O'Rourke now when it's so early in his time as Meath manager."
What pointing out clear problems in the way we set up and playing? I have not once mentioned things like the whole Shane wouldn't be in team only who is father is that seadog, Brian and nobull went on about ALL THE TIME, and there is things that could be said. I have kept it very much to football and where we are at present. It's not the league standings it's the performances have been so bad. Even the two games we won particularly v clare. We are where we are but we gonna get a lot worse unless we rectify things. I am hoping against hope that Colm can see that too. I want him to be a success. We need him to be one. And by that I don't mean winning Leinster or all Ireland by that I mean been hard to beat, loosing to dubs but at least giving them a game, loosing to Derry but at least making them work for it. Next year we likely have Monaghan and either Donegal or Armagh we also have cavan and one of Fermanagh Down coming up. So we have four Ulster county's to contend with. The two coming up are better than the two going down imo and while we could argue about Donegal and Monaghan level at present we haven't beat either in years. Kildare are sure to kick on and so might cork. So all in all unless we sort out very basic things we are doomed for div 3 after next year. That's my fear going forward.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 20/03/2023 14:26:13    2465198
