Meath Forum

Meath V Dublin

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Replying To Harnan6:  "I'm amazed by your lack of knowledge of how teams progress and improve with all the game you go to.
Galway have Comer and Walsh and alot of top class footballers.
Derry have Glass Mcguigan and plenty others.
Name the Meath players you think are at this level.
I appreciate all the efforts the Meath lads put in and I won't criticise them or the management. This is where we are with players and management, time for you to open your eyes and stop been so critical.
Be a supporter not a critic."
We had players of that quality too. Menton and McGill. Prime examples. Btw I am not the only poster been critical of management and players. But you seem to ignore that. Anyway when someone wants to only highlight positives and not be critical of where we can improve then I give up as that is a silly argument

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 19/03/2023 08:39:22    2464632


Watched game last night and tbh it looked worse on tv than been there. It really was senior against junior b stuff.
Things that can be done straight away.
1, have a game plan, and have a plan b.
2, transition ball quicker,
3, have a designated free taker, if it's to be Harry from 45 line then have him practice like he was doing last year.
4, use the forwards to our advantage, too many pot shots.
5, have players play with their heads up.
They have 5 things we could do straight away that would improve us going forward.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 19/03/2023 08:48:16    2464633


And Westmeath can't make the top two in Division 3 now, so Tailteann Cup looking more likely.

Meathball (Meath) - Posts: 140 - 19/03/2023 08:50:04    2464635


Replying To TobinsBeard:  "A Minor thing , but It baffles me why they are persisting with Harry Hogan on 45s.. when was the last time he actually put one over in a game ? I think it was Two years ago ? You'd wanna be scoring them.more often than not at this level."
Agreed. Is that three in a row 45's that he has missed?

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 19/03/2023 09:59:50    2464644


Sad to say but reading the teams in the programme yesterday I just couldnt see any way the meath team could win. As someone said yesterday that Meath team would struggle against a number of Dublin club teams.

We were just too open and no intensity. They took their points well but we didn't pressurise them enough on the ball. Coaching and tactics must be questioned at this stage.

I'd agree with RD - under 20's is where the focus needs to be this year - we need to win Leinster this year and next at that level and hopefully bring in 3 players at least from each team.

And one last gripe, the PA system in the stand was a disgrace yesterday - you could not hear a word said.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 19/03/2023 10:08:40    2464645


Yesterday was no different than the maulings we received from Dublin over the last number of years.
People need to realise what ORourke has inherited and that after a half decent start the previous manager after 5 years had failed to change the downward spiral that we have been in for 20 years .
It wasn't Mcentees fault or Dowds or anyone else's Meath football is just poor club football in Meath is poor and its soft .
I admire any lad that togs out for the county and hopefully in time this young team will be able to compete at the top level but at the moment a year in the Tailtean Cup would benefit them better than a hammering at some stage in the Sam Maguire .

On football in general I think it has become one of the worst field sports in the world to watch yesterday was deplorable and most games are the same .
Hand pass after hand pass the ball been kicked backwards more than forward the game has been destroyed and the gaa are doing nothing to stop it .
The game is depressing to watch I've never been at a game with such little atmosphere as yesterday .
GAA football needs a massive overhaul and I would start with 3 simple rule changes 1. frees must go forward 2 goalkeepers are goalkeepers 3 When a team takes the ball into the opponents half they can't come out of it that will make teams get the ball into forwards quicker before teams set up a blanket defence.

mmc (Meath) - Posts: 280 - 19/03/2023 12:18:49    2464670


Replying To Meathball:  "And Westmeath can't make the top two in Division 3 now, so Tailteann Cup looking more likely."
Good that's the level we are at .
If we can't get to a leinster final why would we think that playing for the Sam maguire and getting a hammering at some stage benefit this team .
It would be way more beneficial for these young players playing 5 games in the Tailtean Cup winning games and winning a competition something Meath haven't done in a long time.
I wouldn't be even sure on our league form that we would win the Tailtean Cup .

mmc (Meath) - Posts: 280 - 19/03/2023 12:28:11    2464675


Replying To Harnan6:  "I'm amazed by your lack of knowledge of how teams progress and improve with all the game you go to.
Galway have Comer and Walsh and alot of top class footballers.
Derry have Glass Mcguigan and plenty others.
Name the Meath players you think are at this level.
I appreciate all the efforts the Meath lads put in and I won't criticise them or the management. This is where we are with players and management, time for you to open your eyes and stop been so critical.
Be a supporter not a critic."
You are spot on, apart from DK and DM we have faiiled to produce any top class players in a very long time and its looking like this will continue for foreseeable future, who knows how recent minors will progress. The 2021 minor captain played for Gonzaga in their recent Leinster Cup win, will be snapped up by Leinster if he is as good as reports suggest. Little point in laying blame, not going to make them better. Hopefully given time things will improve, lots of young lads trying their best and hopefully management take on board their mistakes, not ideal to learn on the job, however, no experienced coaches were rushing to put names forward. Whats the alternative? Go on to the main forum, suck up to the Dubs and continue to put your county down. Thankfully this applies to a very small minority. Have been supportimg Meath for fifty years or more, there have been great days, but equally many poor days, we just have take the good with the bad and continue supporting any lad willing to put on our jersey and manager who was willing to put his rep. on the line when things were so bad.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 19/03/2023 14:33:00    2464717


Replying To Meathball:  "And Westmeath can't make the top two in Division 3 now, so Tailteann Cup looking more likely."
It doesn't matter who is in the top 2 in Division 3, they will be in the Tailtean Cup unless they get to a provincial final or Westmeath who have already qulafied.

Maestro (Meath) - Posts: 571 - 19/03/2023 15:03:23    2464737


Another bad Meath performance yesterday but I wasn't expecting too much.
This Meath team is on the decline and could clearly be seen in McEntees last year. We won 2 games in the league last year and this was McEntee building this team for the previous 5 or 6 years.
Our best players over the last few years like Keoghan, O'Sullivan, McGill and Menton are either finished or are not near the same players they once were. The players that have come in so far are not at this level yet.
It will take a few years to build a decent team and hopefully the u20 can go far and we can get 4 or 5 players from this team to progress onto the seniors.

Maestro (Meath) - Posts: 571 - 19/03/2023 15:14:58    2464743


Replying To Maestro:  "It doesn't matter who is in the top 2 in Division 3, they will be in the Tailtean Cup unless they get to a provincial final or Westmeath who have already qulafied."
The problem with tailteann is would we win any game ? Who could we fancy our chances against? , a very poor Limerick team with a manager they'd already decided to dump ran rings round us. We couldn't match them in fitness. Again why ? We were far fitter last year with the vast majority of the same players I don't understand what has changed. Btw we will be lucky to keep our top 4 seeding in Leinster this year I think both louth and Westmeath would beat us. But at least that would be in semis , Offaly will will fancy their chances against what must be one of the worst Meath teams in living memory.
Unbelievable. But sure some on here remind me of the lad in the milk (or whatever) ad sure look we lost 17 nil. But it's all about enjoying ourselves. Pathetic

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 19/03/2023 15:19:25    2464745


Replying To seadog54:  "You are spot on, apart from DK and DM we have faiiled to produce any top class players in a very long time and its looking like this will continue for foreseeable future, who knows how recent minors will progress. The 2021 minor captain played for Gonzaga in their recent Leinster Cup win, will be snapped up by Leinster if he is as good as reports suggest. Little point in laying blame, not going to make them better. Hopefully given time things will improve, lots of young lads trying their best and hopefully management take on board their mistakes, not ideal to learn on the job, however, no experienced coaches were rushing to put names forward. Whats the alternative? Go on to the main forum, suck up to the Dubs and continue to put your county down. Thankfully this applies to a very small minority. Have been supportimg Meath for fifty years or more, there have been great days, but equally many poor days, we just have take the good with the bad and continue supporting any lad willing to put on our jersey and manager who was willing to put his rep. on the line when things were so bad."
I do think that any ctitisism offered in a constructive way EVEN at this early stage should be seen as just that. Not talking about so called supporters waiting for things to go wrong and "i told you so" begrudgery with an agenda against O Rourke , because they are on record as saying they never wanted him anyway. Who cares what an individual like that thinks anyway?? Well maybe there is a comic value there if you can accept twisted logic .
EVEN now at this very early stage this poster refuses to accept the recurring sily mistakes over the last few matches in the basic stuff.. Down to coaching or lack of it Someone said here the standard would not be acceptable in a Dublin club never mind inter county. Colm carries the can here .Even now Colm YOU can do better . I am one who wanted you to get the job ,and i want you to continue ( you may have to look again at your 2 year target though) at this rate. You always said it as you saw it as a pundit Now go and do it. Insist on standards being met. Dont mind the nice jovial guy bit .Get stuck in! coaching areas have been below par for years. Dont know anything about how Colm uses delegation . Plenty of resourses available use them!! Colm cant be happy with early stages of recovery. Nobdy knows better than COR what needs to be done NOW
I dont feel one bit disloyal in saying this . I am a full blooded supporter under Colm O Rourke. who just wants him to continue as we know he can and put the pundits theory into practise. The best of luck and take whatever time it takes ! Not expecting a victory against Dublin or any of the top 6 anytime soon .Impovement that can be seen in the basics on a consistent basis will do for now.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 19/03/2023 16:04:33    2464771


There are no benefits in focusing on the players and about their seeding, or their quality etc and statements about how bad they are, and stuff like that. Its not fair game. At the end of the day, these are young men in the best days of their lives who are sacrificing essential time to be there and play the game and wear the t-shirt. Thats enough for my respect. Play the ball, not the man.

The reality is that they are a mediocre team with an aging hardcore who are moving on and ultimately aren't going to last a lot longer, which will greatly weaken the squad further. There are talented players for sure, but more experimentation is needed, in my view, to seek further progression, and this is not a guarantee. If Meath end up in the Tailteann, they could come together and focus their effort and in all likelihood would come close to winning the tournament. Thats reality. I think a silent majority of Meath supporters would accept some days out in far flung parts of the country in the Tailteann Cup as well, rather than the usual 2/3/4 Sam Maguire outings and out come May/June for another autopsy. A team this young, and with a staff this new to the job need tangible progress. That progress will only come by winning games of any nature and as things stand Meath are as far off winning knock-out Sam Maguire football as I have seen them in my 30 years. Thats not to be critical of the players or the management, but its about accepting reality.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 19/03/2023 16:16:28    2464781


On a separate note. Well done to our previous manager Andy on retaining div 3 status with Antrim. Meath men doing well no matter with who , should be acknowledged. I seen a couple of clips and it meant so much to the players fans and the sideline. Some achievement to beat cavan after what happened in Mullingar. So well done to all

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 19/03/2023 16:21:17    2464785


Replying To royaldunne:  "The problem with tailteann is would we win any game ? Who could we fancy our chances against? , a very poor Limerick team with a manager they'd already decided to dump ran rings round us. We couldn't match them in fitness. Again why ? We were far fitter last year with the vast majority of the same players I don't understand what has changed. Btw we will be lucky to keep our top 4 seeding in Leinster this year I think both louth and Westmeath would beat us. But at least that would be in semis , Offaly will will fancy their chances against what must be one of the worst Meath teams in living memory.
Unbelievable. But sure some on here remind me of the lad in the milk (or whatever) ad sure look we lost 17 nil. But it's all about enjoying ourselves. Pathetic"
Was the team that were knocked out of Leinster in 2018 by Longford under McEntee any worse. What about the Meath team that was 17 points down to Limerick with 12 minutes to go in 2008.
You don't have to look too far back to see terrible Meath teams.

Maestro (Meath) - Posts: 571 - 19/03/2023 16:50:16    2464807


Replying To Maestro:  "Was the team that were knocked out of Leinster in 2018 by Longford under McEntee any worse. What about the Meath team that was 17 points down to Limerick with 12 minutes to go in 2008.
You don't have to look too far back to see terrible Meath teams."
Believe it or not those teams seemed to have passion and looked genuinely hurt by them defeats. While I really can't see any passion or pride in majority of team this year. It looks just like turning up for the sake of it, coyle and mcentee were both livid on sidelines, yesterday Colm stood with arms folded looking like a deer caught in headlights. I will give credit though to a few of the players yesterday who actually looked like it mattered to them, particularly jones who while laying flat of the ground tried to play ball with his head to keep possession. More of that type of attitude is what's needed. And for the love of god Will someone anyone ask why we so unfit?

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 19/03/2023 17:15:51    2464823


Replying To nobull456:  "I do think that any ctitisism offered in a constructive way EVEN at this early stage should be seen as just that. Not talking about so called supporters waiting for things to go wrong and "i told you so" begrudgery with an agenda against O Rourke , because they are on record as saying they never wanted him anyway. Who cares what an individual like that thinks anyway?? Well maybe there is a comic value there if you can accept twisted logic .
EVEN now at this very early stage this poster refuses to accept the recurring sily mistakes over the last few matches in the basic stuff.. Down to coaching or lack of it Someone said here the standard would not be acceptable in a Dublin club never mind inter county. Colm carries the can here .Even now Colm YOU can do better . I am one who wanted you to get the job ,and i want you to continue ( you may have to look again at your 2 year target though) at this rate. You always said it as you saw it as a pundit Now go and do it. Insist on standards being met. Dont mind the nice jovial guy bit .Get stuck in! coaching areas have been below par for years. Dont know anything about how Colm uses delegation . Plenty of resourses available use them!! Colm cant be happy with early stages of recovery. Nobdy knows better than COR what needs to be done NOW
I dont feel one bit disloyal in saying this . I am a full blooded supporter under Colm O Rourke. who just wants him to continue as we know he can and put the pundits theory into practise. The best of luck and take whatever time it takes ! Not expecting a victory against Dublin or any of the top 6 anytime soon .Impovement that can be seen in the basics on a consistent basis will do for now."
Can I have some of what you smoking??

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 19/03/2023 17:21:26    2464825


I'm amazed by some of the posts here. O'Rourke is only 6 competitive games into his stint as Meath manager. Things are bad in last few games but hearing people saying that there has been a huge drop off in standards are delusional, mid table in division 2 has been our typical standard for many many years.
Some of the criticisms managers take is over the top, I stood up for McEntee when he was on the receiving end but it is completely bizzare to see this level of criticism this early. O'Rourke is new to this level of management, I do think he is on a bit of a learning curve, I expect his game plan to evolve over time.
The disappointing thing at the moment for O'Rourke is that the promising start against Cork has proven, so far to be an outlier. It's not that we are worse than before he came in, more so far it's hard to see things have improved.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 19/03/2023 17:56:49    2464844


Replying To nobull456:  "I do think that any ctitisism offered in a constructive way EVEN at this early stage should be seen as just that. Not talking about so called supporters waiting for things to go wrong and "i told you so" begrudgery with an agenda against O Rourke , because they are on record as saying they never wanted him anyway. Who cares what an individual like that thinks anyway?? Well maybe there is a comic value there if you can accept twisted logic .
EVEN now at this very early stage this poster refuses to accept the recurring sily mistakes over the last few matches in the basic stuff.. Down to coaching or lack of it Someone said here the standard would not be acceptable in a Dublin club never mind inter county. Colm carries the can here .Even now Colm YOU can do better . I am one who wanted you to get the job ,and i want you to continue ( you may have to look again at your 2 year target though) at this rate. You always said it as you saw it as a pundit Now go and do it. Insist on standards being met. Dont mind the nice jovial guy bit .Get stuck in! coaching areas have been below par for years. Dont know anything about how Colm uses delegation . Plenty of resourses available use them!! Colm cant be happy with early stages of recovery. Nobdy knows better than COR what needs to be done NOW
I dont feel one bit disloyal in saying this . I am a full blooded supporter under Colm O Rourke. who just wants him to continue as we know he can and put the pundits theory into practise. The best of luck and take whatever time it takes ! Not expecting a victory against Dublin or any of the top 6 anytime soon .Impovement that can be seen in the basics on a consistent basis will do for now."
On a positive note, after todays results we have retained our Div 2 status for next year. Management will get critisism which comes with the job, however, such opinions should take into account where we have come from and not just an oppertunity to knock the men who had the courage to accept a poision chalice. I have no doubt management will review situtation when league ends next week and not shy away from what needs to be done. COR is man calling the shots and if change in coaching is needed or more expertise in certain areas, then he has to make the hard calls. Retention of Div 2 status is important for development, once down it can be very difficult to get back up. I understand the view we might be served better playing at a lower level, but if we end up Div 3 and TC, it will be very difficult to really improve playing at lower standard. No amount of training sessions can prepare us for the better teams. New blood has been introduced, midfield has improved, kickouts are better and hopefully our u20s throw up a few lads for next year.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 19/03/2023 18:03:29    2464846


Replying To royaldunne:  "The problem with tailteann is would we win any game ? Who could we fancy our chances against? , a very poor Limerick team with a manager they'd already decided to dump ran rings round us. We couldn't match them in fitness. Again why ? We were far fitter last year with the vast majority of the same players I don't understand what has changed. Btw we will be lucky to keep our top 4 seeding in Leinster this year I think both louth and Westmeath would beat us. But at least that would be in semis , Offaly will will fancy their chances against what must be one of the worst Meath teams in living memory.
Unbelievable. But sure some on here remind me of the lad in the milk (or whatever) ad sure look we lost 17 nil. But it's all about enjoying ourselves. Pathetic"
If in Tailteann yes I would expect to win majority of games based on the fact that we are in division 2, most teams we play would be lower division.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 19/03/2023 18:07:47    2464848
