Meath Forum

Meath V Dublin

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Replying To royaldunne:  "Let me tell you lad. I have gone to every Meath senior game With exception of 6 games since 1984. Including flying in from London for matches and flying back out in the early 90s I go to every obc league and championship games. And guess what, I don't even live in county anymore so a home game is a 100km round trip for me. So don't you dare question my support for the county.
You want to be an excuse for management then fair play. But let me be very clear Colm has to take the responsibility for that disaster today and against Limerick and Derry and louth the man down thing won't wash. I wish him every success. But his report card so far reads MUST TRY HARDER"
6 matches in to a management and you have decided he is not up to it!
This is not premier league, let's give a bit of time and see how Colm does.
For me I don't think players are there for us to compete against the top teams.
FYI, a supporter is someone who supports a team ( players and management) in good and bad times.

Harnan6 (Meath) - Posts: 35 - 18/03/2023 20:43:21    2464576


Dublin are good but don't look unbeatable anymore.
Meath could take them in Leinster. But put out the first team and get a good back up development squad for lads with potential.

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 18/03/2023 20:50:35    2464580


Replying To Harnan6:  "Give the man a couple of years, there was no Dublin or Derrys( All Ireland candidates) in Division 2 during Andy's tenure. We are not at that standard. Man down against Louth for majority of match. Limerick match was disappointing. I question whether you are real supporter or just a critic of Colm?"
Hopefully he will get the time, we have not found ourselves in this position by chance, we have been on a downward curve for years and will take an almighty effort to halt the slide. No doubt tatics today were poor, as was skill level and worst of all effort by some was questionable. You see it in every county, lads taking great pleasure in teams missfortunes, while expecting us to believe what a great supporter they are. Its the same in all walks of life.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 18/03/2023 20:53:59    2464581


Replying To royaldunne:  "Also all ire standard ? Derry not Dublin have a hope of an all ire. Btw we had mayo and Galway in andys time. Now they are all ire standard"
How did we fare again Galway last year?

Harnan6 (Meath) - Posts: 35 - 18/03/2023 20:55:31    2464582


Replying To Harnan6:  "6 matches in to a management and you have decided he is not up to it!
This is not premier league, let's give a bit of time and see how Colm does.
For me I don't think players are there for us to compete against the top teams.
FYI, a supporter is someone who supports a team ( players and management) in good and bad times."
I do. But not blindly. He has made error after error. To give constructive criticism is not akin to not been a supporter.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/03/2023 21:02:09    2464590


Replying To seadog54:  "Hopefully he will get the time, we have not found ourselves in this position by chance, we have been on a downward curve for years and will take an almighty effort to halt the slide. No doubt tatics today were poor, as was skill level and worst of all effort by some was questionable. You see it in every county, lads taking great pleasure in teams missfortunes, while expecting us to believe what a great supporter they are. Its the same in all walks of life."
You were on here week after week baying for andys blood. So in nicest possible way ur opinion means less than what I stood in today

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/03/2023 21:03:37    2464591


Replying To Harnan6:  "6 matches in to a management and you have decided he is not up to it!
This is not premier league, let's give a bit of time and see how Colm does.
For me I don't think players are there for us to compete against the top teams.
FYI, a supporter is someone who supports a team ( players and management) in good and bad times."
Well then there is a lot of poor Meath supporters out there so because the amount of so called supporters who left with between 20 and 25 minutes gone in the 2nd half was an absolute joke

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 18/03/2023 21:10:06    2464595


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I don't see anyone Saying he should go so don't be ridiculous.

Of course he should be given time and of course people need to be realistic because of the standard of player that is available in the county but even at this early stage of his tenure there is some red flags for me.

We are coming up on what must be 10 or so competitive games along with whatever challenges the team has played and while we shouldn't expect everything to be perfect in my opinion after probably over a dozen games under this management we should be seeing signs of what the plan is... Some signs of a defensive set up and structure... Signs of an overall general game plan.. I do not and have not seen it in any of the games in fact as the league has gone on we are looking more and more disorganised and more and more like the team is just playing off the cuff.

I totally accept it takes time for a new management to put in place their ideas and philosophy to the players and it would take time to get it down to a tee so that they players are excuting it properly on the pitch but I don't accept they after probably 15 games you would see pretty much zero evidence of what they are trying to do.

I am seriously concerned."
This all I or anyone I was talking to today want. No one is expecting things to change over night or after 6 games. He will rightly be given until review after NEXT YEAR. However that does not mean that the paying supporters cannot legitimately raise concerns about how things are looking. We don't want to be looking for a new manager after next year, so this is why we raising concerns. The aspects you raised must be rectified asap

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/03/2023 21:12:55    2464598


While I know it's very early 6 games to judge, I honestly dont what sort of gameplan we have.Handpaas handpass side to side and backwards.We let teams reset and then kick hospital balls in when if we stop with so many hand passes an earlier ball in gives us a chance.When we hit early direct ball into space we got a bit of joy.Free taking is a mystery.Why is Hogan kicking frees when his strike rate is about 2 out of 10.I dont understand why Flynn who kicked a 45 didnt then kick a free a couple of minutes later Its mindbogling.Our tackling is very poor how many times did a Dublin player burst through 2/3 of our lads and not a proper hit or tackle going in.The last goal is an example he goes by at least 2 lads on the goal line should have been put over the line with a shoulder but no waltz through.We half pushing up on their kickouts not touch tight but yards off our man.I actually felt sorry for our full back line no protection from out field at all.They had all the time in the world to kick the ball into probably 2 of the top 5/6 forwards in the country.No pressure on the kicker everyone back marking spaces but not near the man.Then we kept running into traffic and getting turned over and against the better teams you get punished for it.How many times did we kick the ball over the sideline or give it away.The last goal came from a terrible kick just straight into the air to three Dublin lads when he had players in support.I hate going on about it I know the lads put so much time and effort in but that was hard to watch today.I dont mean to be so negative but it was poor for most of the game.I suppose a couple of positives was Hogans kickouts were a bit better, Flynn and Jones won a bit in midfield v probably one of the best midfield s in the country, Adan lynch showed well when he came on and Hickey looked alot better than lately.Dust ourselves down now for probably the biggest match of the year so far have to avoid defeat and stay in the Sam Maguire v Kildare.Some might say Tailteann cup would be better who knows they might ne right but I think we would be better off in the sam and get three more games v better teams in our legs.Very disappointed with today I didnt think we'd beat Dublin but thought we would at least give them a game but no game was over at half time and at home that is not good enough.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 18/03/2023 21:16:45    2464601


Replying To royaldunne:  "I do. But not blindly. He has made error after error. To give constructive criticism is not akin to not been a supporter."
Let's try keep it at constructive criticism and not personal attacks

Harnan6 (Meath) - Posts: 35 - 18/03/2023 21:21:35    2464604


I'm seeing a lot of posts here lads, and Im bemused to why some of you seem so surprised. A loss by 10/15 points was always on the cards here.

Agree with a few of you on the panel, we have maybe 10 lads who are able to compete and plenty of triers outside that, thats where we are. We also have a team of younger players who arent conditioned to the highest standards.

Today Meath kicked too many wides (again), no one to kick frees or 45's reliably, and players who can't take the ball into contact. They played better in the last 10/15 minutes and kicked over a few scores when they knew the game was over and the Dubs let the pressure ease down. In my own opinion, and this is my own raw and honest opinion, they tried and tried, but just arent at the races, which we already knew. No surprises.

Look, moving on... again my own opinion - this Meath panel and management need a season in Division 3 and they need a worthwhile championship run (Tailteann Cup). Time for people to get real in this county.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 18/03/2023 21:25:01    2464605


Replying To seadog54:  "Hopefully he will get the time, we have not found ourselves in this position by chance, we have been on a downward curve for years and will take an almighty effort to halt the slide. No doubt tatics today were poor, as was skill level and worst of all effort by some was questionable. You see it in every county, lads taking great pleasure in teams missfortunes, while expecting us to believe what a great supporter they are. Its the same in all walks of life."
Ah i dont think the time factor will be an issue. The last 2 managers were given a generous time to make an impact. Colm says he will give it 2 years before making a judgement He has a massive job to do and from where he picked us up at the basement level he may revise that time Time alone will tell. Most fair minded people will give him a fair chance anyway. Some of us will critisize him as we go for the good of Meath football as we see it. Thats fair .i think . Hopefully we may be surprised by how the speed of learning will increase by management team also. A few new players with intercounty potential would be nice also.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 18/03/2023 21:38:32    2464611


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Well then there is a lot of poor Meath supporters out there so because the amount of so called supporters who left with between 20 and 25 minutes gone in the 2nd half was an absolute joke"
I stayed until the final whistle after the salt was truly rubbed in with the last goal.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/03/2023 21:42:15    2464612


Replying To Harnan6:  "Let's try keep it at constructive criticism and not personal attacks"
Where have I gave him personal criticism?

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/03/2023 21:42:38    2464613


Replying To Harnan6:  "How did we fare again Galway last year?"
Exactly they were real all ire contenders. Btw what did Galway do to Derry last year ?

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/03/2023 21:43:43    2464615


A Minor thing , but It baffles me why they are persisting with Harry Hogan on 45s.. when was the last time he actually put one over in a game ? I think it was Two years ago ? You'd wanna be scoring them.more often than not at this level.

TobinsBeard (Meath) - Posts: 126 - 18/03/2023 21:45:23    2464617


That was very disheartening today. I think a lot of the blame has to go the management team. There are some great players in that Meath squad but they need to be given a game plan that will allow them to still be in a game with 50 minutes gone. It was arrogance that made management think you could have a full back line all in their first year going man to man with no protection against a full forward line with Con and Cormac Costelloe and end up fine.

Composure comes from the top and decision-making improves when players know what's expected of them. One of the other biggest differences between the teams is that Dublin always have an out ball to their half forward line. They are able to create space for themselves so they can transition quickly. We didn't have that and that's where the lateral hand passing comes in. Serious credit should go to Matthew Costello, Flynn and Ronan Jones for the amount of work they put in today. They can hold their heads up.

meathfan1 (Meath) - Posts: 231 - 18/03/2023 21:56:59    2464623


Replying To royaldunne:  "Exactly they were real all ire contenders. Btw what did Galway do to Derry last year ?"
I'm amazed by your lack of knowledge of how teams progress and improve with all the game you go to.
Galway have Comer and Walsh and alot of top class footballers.
Derry have Glass Mcguigan and plenty others.
Name the Meath players you think are at this level.
I appreciate all the efforts the Meath lads put in and I won't criticise them or the management. This is where we are with players and management, time for you to open your eyes and stop been so critical.
Be a supporter not a critic.

Harnan6 (Meath) - Posts: 35 - 18/03/2023 21:57:00    2464624


The whole thing is confusing at this stage. Colm will be given the two years. Then we will see where we are at. Has there been any improvement etc. two years is plenty of time to see where we at. is the succession plan still in effect?
We really need now to concentrate on the u20s. This is a pivotal year for them this is the future .

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/03/2023 21:58:08    2464625


Replying To Diego:  "Colm O' has made a lot of the regional championship and the players he got to see and the players he got from it. Big mistake was not including Senior club players. They didn't get a chance to impress so there are probably better players out there."
Wholeheartedly agree. Way too much was made of it - I was really suprised that they were being considered as trials for senior team. Should have had a regional championship with all levels included if doing trials like that. For example Dunboyne and N'a Fianna have some tenacious defenders who would really stand out in the intermediate championship. They are now seemingly overlooked.

I saw Harnan (a good player) being roasted for pace in Croke Park under Mick O Dowd. 10 years later he's still center back against Dublin while Dublin produced a few more winning teams in the meantime. It's really stark.

And ffs COR, still no fcking free taker. Just put a jersey on Barry Dardis or Eoghan Frayne. I don't care what age they are, it's utterly embarrassing.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 19/03/2023 08:35:37    2464631
