Meath Forum

New Club "Eastern Gaels"

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Replying To seasiderblues:  "The rumour over these parts is that they cannot field. If that is the case then that leads to an awful lot of questions on how the idea was allowed to come to pass in the first place. Looking at it coldly, it seems to me that the County Board did not do enough work here and that all of the clubs over here, each of which predicted this and were opposed to it were ignored. Everyone over here knew the craic"
The club is about 3 weeks old lad. I would say them not being able to field in the adult leagues (if true) if not a big issue at all.

No surprise that a cilles man is hoping they fail but to say there should be questions asked after a few weeks of the club being in existence and to imply the club is failing after being only a few weeks old is absolutely laughable and wishful thinking on your part.

It will take time to get up and running and I would imagine the majority of their time and efforts will be spent on getting the underage section up and running over the next few years.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 01/03/2023 12:38:45    2461174


Replying To Blackspot09:  "The club is about 3 weeks old lad. I would say them not being able to field in the adult leagues (if true) if not a big issue at all.

No surprise that a cilles man is hoping they fail but to say there should be questions asked after a few weeks of the club being in existence and to imply the club is failing after being only a few weeks old is absolutely laughable and wishful thinking on your part.

It will take time to get up and running and I would imagine the majority of their time and efforts will be spent on getting the underage section up and running over the next few years."
There is no underage section lad. It is an adult club

seasiderblues (Meath) - Posts: 349 - 01/03/2023 16:56:45    2461260


Replying To seasiderblues:  "There is no underage section lad. It is an adult club"
You may want to do your research lad and don't be so naive.

They are on record saying they hope to have their academy for 5 to 9 year old up and running by April.

Getting their underage up and running with good structures is obviously their number 1 priority as it is the only way to ensure longevity for them as a club.

I doubt they will lose too much sleep over having to give a few walkovers in some division 3b league games this year with club a few weeks old.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 01/03/2023 19:51:15    2461322


Its seems the whole deal was to get a New Club set up by the people involved in that area. Word is they have no players as they didn't realize that they had to get players transferred in, while a number of potential players signed to say they would join the new club the personal that set it up never got transfers in !!!
But Club has affiliated and will get going at some time but probably not til 2024

noelpconnon (Cavan) - Posts: 214 - 02/03/2023 09:18:10    2461343


Replying To seasiderblues:  "The rumour over these parts is that they cannot field. If that is the case then that leads to an awful lot of questions on how the idea was allowed to come to pass in the first place. Looking at it coldly, it seems to me that the County Board did not do enough work here and that all of the clubs over here, each of which predicted this and were opposed to it were ignored. Everyone over here knew the craic"
The clubs who voted could only go on the information given to them. Eastern Gaels made it their business to contact every club in person and outline their plans months in advance.
Colmcilles didn't contact clubs until a couple of days before the meeting. Many clubs had met and made a decision as to which way they wanted to vote by then.
On the night, Eastern Gaels gave a very polished presentation whereas Colmcilles wasn't near as good. None of the facts you mention above was communicated to the clubs, How were they expected to just know the craic?

LettuceBFrank (Meath) - Posts: 19 - 02/03/2023 17:37:37    2461478


No concerns on EG not fielding. They have about 10-15 new playing members and are waiting on a few transfers to come through.

My guess would be that anyone from Cilles, Pats or Duleek looking to go to EG won't have the transfers approved by their club so it will have to go to the county board or even Leinster Council and would be the end of the month before it is sorted.

UsernameInvalid (Meath) - Posts: 388 - 03/03/2023 10:09:56    2461527


Replying To seasiderblues:  "The rumour over these parts is that they cannot field. If that is the case then that leads to an awful lot of questions on how the idea was allowed to come to pass in the first place. Looking at it coldly, it seems to me that the County Board did not do enough work here and that all of the clubs over here, each of which predicted this and were opposed to it were ignored. Everyone over here knew the craic"
You obviously have an agenda . They are only up and running and you can't build an adult team over night. Nobody else cares whether they field this year or next or whenever. What difference does it make?

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 03/03/2023 12:32:54    2461560


Replying To Crinigan:  "You obviously have an agenda . They are only up and running and you can't build an adult team over night. Nobody else cares whether they field this year or next or whenever. What difference does it make?"
Yep clearly has an agenda. Spreading false info about them just being an adult club when that is not the case

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 03/03/2023 13:33:59    2461576


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Yep clearly has an agenda. Spreading false info about them just being an adult club when that is not the case"
Will be a good while yet before they have their academy up and running so leave them searching for adult players so they can fulfill their fixtures and the academy will come in due course, in theory?

Royalman11 (Meath) - Posts: 29 - 03/03/2023 13:42:00    2461582


Replying To Royalman11:  "Will be a good while yet before they have their academy up and running so leave them searching for adult players so they can fulfill their fixtures and the academy will come in due course, in theory?"
Academy up and running next month they are hoping for

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 03/03/2023 14:47:09    2461606


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Academy up and running next month they are hoping for"
That's the theory anyway…

Royalman11 (Meath) - Posts: 29 - 03/03/2023 14:51:28    2461608


Replying To Royalman11:  "That's the theory anyway…"
Yep. Just some bitterness from people from other clubs in the area.

Those people would be better served concentrating on making sure the brilliant work clubs they are doing underage continues and not worrying about any other club.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 03/03/2023 14:59:47    2461614


I think a really important point is being missed here. In the GAA Official Guide, its clearly spelt out that for any new Club Affiliations, a signed list of prospective (and eligible) playing members must be provided (at least 15). So Eastern Gaels would have had to provide that list.

This raises some serious questions - most important one is where are these players?

RoyalAndLoyal (Meath) - Posts: 2 - 03/03/2023 15:33:25    2461623


I can't get over the negative attitude towards Eastern Gaels from so many. Of course I understand that Colmcilles must be annoyed that another club are in their 'parish' that includes the bit of annexed Louth. Any club would, but Leinster Council did mark it out as an area in need of another club. Probably they thought it was a couple of years away but what can you do.
It is a really positive thing that we have a new club in Meath, a few are under real pressure as it is with numbers and we could see an amalgamation or two in the years ahead.
The fact that they said they had 15 or 20 players and are struggling to field now is no big issue, A couple of injuries or waiting on a transfer to be signed does that.
Word is that they won't field in the first two rounds of the league and are hopeful of kicking off after that. Best of luck to them if they do.
Many new clubs just start from underage and build from there. Gaels said they will have adult ladies and mens team this year, that alone would be some achievement if it comes to pass.

Roger (Meath) - Posts: 478 - 03/03/2023 15:56:30    2461635


Replying To RoyalAndLoyal:  "I think a really important point is being missed here. In the GAA Official Guide, its clearly spelt out that for any new Club Affiliations, a signed list of prospective (and eligible) playing members must be provided (at least 15). So Eastern Gaels would have had to provide that list.

This raises some serious questions - most important one is where are these players?"
Has your club never being missing players for league games ?? If they only needed 15 and only got 15 its not that much of surprise that they can't field . Be normal enough for clubs to be missing players for the league.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 03/03/2023 16:09:04    2461638


Replying To Roger:  "I can't get over the negative attitude towards Eastern Gaels from so many. Of course I understand that Colmcilles must be annoyed that another club are in their 'parish' that includes the bit of annexed Louth. Any club would, but Leinster Council did mark it out as an area in need of another club. Probably they thought it was a couple of years away but what can you do.
It is a really positive thing that we have a new club in Meath, a few are under real pressure as it is with numbers and we could see an amalgamation or two in the years ahead.
The fact that they said they had 15 or 20 players and are struggling to field now is no big issue, A couple of injuries or waiting on a transfer to be signed does that.
Word is that they won't field in the first two rounds of the league and are hopeful of kicking off after that. Best of luck to them if they do.
Many new clubs just start from underage and build from there. Gaels said they will have adult ladies and mens team this year, that alone would be some achievement if it comes to pass."
Not trying to be negative towards Eastern Gaels - as pointed out, they have a huge amount of work ahead to get their club up and running and best of luck to them.

I do think it is reasonable to point out facts however - the fact is that a key component of setting up a new club is being able to show the ability to field a team. Eastern Gaels would have provided evidence of this and now cant back that up when required. That's just a clear statement of the facts here and does cast doubt on the validity of the information provided.

Again, not trying to be negative - just stating the current position!

RoyalAndLoyal (Meath) - Posts: 2 - 03/03/2023 16:56:39    2461649


Replying To Roger:  "I can't get over the negative attitude towards Eastern Gaels from so many. Of course I understand that Colmcilles must be annoyed that another club are in their 'parish' that includes the bit of annexed Louth. Any club would, but Leinster Council did mark it out as an area in need of another club. Probably they thought it was a couple of years away but what can you do.
It is a really positive thing that we have a new club in Meath, a few are under real pressure as it is with numbers and we could see an amalgamation or two in the years ahead.
The fact that they said they had 15 or 20 players and are struggling to field now is no big issue, A couple of injuries or waiting on a transfer to be signed does that.
Word is that they won't field in the first two rounds of the league and are hopeful of kicking off after that. Best of luck to them if they do.
Many new clubs just start from underage and build from there. Gaels said they will have adult ladies and mens team this year, that alone would be some achievement if it comes to pass."
Of course the Cilles are annoyed as would anyone if a new club starts up in their area..It could easily happen in Ratoath,Trim,Ashbourne etc.and I'm sure those clubs would be giving out.They have no pitch at the minute I believe the one they earmarked is a wildlife sanctuary and wont get planning for it so I've heard.One of the reason they set up is they say they want football for everyone?I think in fairness to the Cilles they have 4 adult teams and have won a bit the last few years with the 2,3, and 4th teams so there is options for anyone who wants to play.So is there a need for a new club at Adult level now?personally I dont think so but there probably will be a need for the club in a few years.The Cilles are bursting at the seams at underage level and are struggling for facilities to cater for them all.This could come back and haunt the Cilles as if they had enough pitches etc the new club may not happen.They will see a new club as a threat and rightly so.As another poster said did they do enough to stop it and explain to clubs why they should vote against it?it seems maybe not.It will be interesting to see how the new club get on and if it can last the first couple of years as they will be the hardest.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 03/03/2023 17:03:10    2461651


Replying To RoyalAndLoyal:  "I think a really important point is being missed here. In the GAA Official Guide, its clearly spelt out that for any new Club Affiliations, a signed list of prospective (and eligible) playing members must be provided (at least 15). So Eastern Gaels would have had to provide that list.

This raises some serious questions - most important one is where are these players?"
It's easy to provide a list of 15 players, come the weekend of a match they might only have 12 or 13 available.

My understanding is they are waiting for a 5 transfers to come through at the end of the month (my source is not the most reliable);which should allow them to field for most games.
Next year they should also have another 4/5 players who are living in the area but playing with clubs in Dublin/Louth.

UsernameInvalid (Meath) - Posts: 388 - 03/03/2023 18:01:11    2461664


It's fairly embarrassing that they couldn't field a team and are now excluded from the rest of the league. With the numbers in that part of the county, the county board should have said they can create a new club if they start up underage for all 4 codes. Starting with a senior team first has put the cart before the horse and now the horse is nowhere to be seen. Reflects badly on the new club and the county board for letting this go ahead.

royal11 (Meath) - Posts: 99 - 06/04/2023 09:17:44    2469189


Replying To Proudroyal:  "Of course the Cilles are annoyed as would anyone if a new club starts up in their area..It could easily happen in Ratoath,Trim,Ashbourne etc.and I'm sure those clubs would be giving out.They have no pitch at the minute I believe the one they earmarked is a wildlife sanctuary and wont get planning for it so I've heard.One of the reason they set up is they say they want football for everyone?I think in fairness to the Cilles they have 4 adult teams and have won a bit the last few years with the 2,3, and 4th teams so there is options for anyone who wants to play.So is there a need for a new club at Adult level now?personally I dont think so but there probably will be a need for the club in a few years.The Cilles are bursting at the seams at underage level and are struggling for facilities to cater for them all.This could come back and haunt the Cilles as if they had enough pitches etc the new club may not happen.They will see a new club as a threat and rightly so.As another poster said did they do enough to stop it and explain to clubs why they should vote against it?it seems maybe not.It will be interesting to see how the new club get on and if it can last the first couple of years as they will be the hardest."
For me I think it would be a great thing if more new clubs were set up in the areas where there has been huge population growth, it would mean far more players having a chance to play with a first team for a club, ultimately would probably mean more people playing.
Hopefully likes of Ashbourne and Ratoath can get new clubs. Kerry is the best football county in the country. Historically their county board have not been afraid to do things a bit differently down there for the overall good. Up to 1927 Tralee had 1 club until the county board decreed that in line with the towns large population of the club would be split into 3 clubs. (They also do things differently in allowing amalgamated intermediate/ junior clubs from a region play in the senior championship).

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 08/04/2023 09:01:51    2469507
