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New Meath Manager

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Delighted with Colm ! Great to finally see him given a chance

grahamc9897 (Meath) - Posts: 1175 - 25/07/2022 18:28:33    2434407


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Yep he will pick the best players regardless of where they are from. As did Andy and as did the 5 managers before him since Seany Boylan finished.

Best of luck to COR"
Don't be talking sense now. :)

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 25/07/2022 21:02:44    2434429


Best of to Colm O'Rourke. An absolute Meath legend.

redser123 (Meath) - Posts: 404 - 25/07/2022 21:13:55    2434431


I've stayed off for a while now and waited in hope for a positive appointment as I didn't want to get into hearsay and conjecture.

I have to say that I'm very pleased with this news. Always felt Colm should have got this long ago but a shortsighted CB did not want to fund the team and structure required to compete at county level.

Colm was an absolute warrior on the field and I'm delighted to have witnessed him turn games at will and with a couple more minutes in 91 would've completed another famous Royal comeback.

You'd have to think that any player would also be inspired by the news and hoping to be called into the setup. Stephen Bray a great choice too and always thought he was unlucky in the era he played, a guy that would make the great Meath sides, Barry also seems to have a good track record.

It's refreshing to see that everyone here is genuinely pleased with this announcement and hopefully this goodwill should bring all our supporters on board to get behind our manager and team.

Onwards and upwards. Come on the Royals, can't wait for the league now.

RoyalSteel (Meath) - Posts: 18 - 25/07/2022 21:42:05    2434432


A great appointment for all involved I think, Colm is no fool and would not take the role under wrong conditions or if he didn't think we had talent in the county to work with. Colm has always tried to help Meath gaa at some level and the lack of negative comments on here (I mean that not snidely) shows there will be a clean slate and good will. I dare dare clubs managers will notice more effort now at training as Colm will watch as many club games as he can. Now if he could just pull his club mate nash back from aus we might be motoring

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 25/07/2022 22:04:31    2434438


Replying To Oldsam:  "Best of luck to COR, good appointment by county board , hopefully county gets behind him and we can start to rebuild an empire , but it wont be easy.On the sponsorship whispers are that Devenish have pulled the plug!"
Hold on what have the county board to do with it. Liam Keane Sean Kelly and ODonoghue came up with the appointment.
Knowing our county management committee they might not ratify Colm ……

Brownepat (Meath) - Posts: 532 - 26/07/2022 07:23:34    2434439


Obviously wish Colm all the best but he'll be under a fair amount of pressure and scrutiny from the get go given how much he had to say about previous managers and Meath sides. No hiding place now!

GlasgowRoyal (Meath) - Posts: 293 - 26/07/2022 07:45:42    2434441


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "A great appointment for all involved I think, Colm is no fool and would not take the role under wrong conditions or if he didn't think we had talent in the county to work with. Colm has always tried to help Meath gaa at some level and the lack of negative comments on here (I mean that not snidely) shows there will be a clean slate and good will. I dare dare clubs managers will notice more effort now at training as Colm will watch as many club games as he can. Now if he could just pull his club mate nash back from aus we might be motoring"
Don't think we'll be seeing Nash in a hurry, much and all as we'd like it. Think he signed a two year extension with hawthorn. There's more chance we might get Cian McBride back first.

Great words as always Joe and as you say he's not a fool and can see there's talent coming and hopefully he'll be the right man to stitch it all together. And that's what really needed is someone who can keep Keoghan and Menton about, work with the minors of 2012 and then bring on the 3 successful minor teams from 2018 to 2021. Colm might be gone when the success comes but hopefully he'll be there for long enough to bring unity, a purpose and an identity back to Meath football.

I would hope with the talk of Fitzmaurice and Buckley coming in and Eivers as the S&C guy that we'll see a return to a bit more of a traditional Meath game. If you look at the two teams on Sunday, they're known and have always played attacking football and kicking the ball. Whilst they've brought in parts of the modern game you still know what the want to do and I would hope to see Meath going back to that style of football. I'm not trying to have a dig at MOD or Andy in saying that, they had a certain player that was more built towards athleticism and speed, but you know what nothing travels faster on a GAA pitch than a kicked ball, so hopefully we'll see some of that.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 26/07/2022 09:57:09    2434460


Replying To Brownepat:  "Hold on what have the county board to do with it. Liam Keane Sean Kelly and ODonoghue came up with the appointment.
Knowing our county management committee they might not ratify Colm ……"
Agreed with this. Surely they'll ratify him but the best things tend to happen when the county board and the democratic route is thrown out the window with the Meath county board. When I heard O'Donoghoe and Kelly on it I trusted that they wouldn't make a poor decision. Now let's hope the coach for O'Rourke is another exciting appointment

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 26/07/2022 10:24:08    2434466


Good appointment pending the rest of backroom team being named as rumoured. Colm will command respect across the board and there will 100% be supporters who abandoned the team over last few years now dusting off their Meath attire to attend matches and actually watch football being played. I suspect a lot of players who had no interest will now also have rekindled spirit and will want to be part of this squad going forward. Co board get a lot of undue bad press, people should remember that almost all of these people give their time up for Meath Gaa. I would urge anyone getting over excited to calm a bit as this is a big task and will take time to see real progress. Best of luck to all involved.

Ps will Shane o Rourke get captaincy ?

Analyst (Meath) - Posts: 1480 - 26/07/2022 11:09:19    2434483


Replying To Analyst:  "Good appointment pending the rest of backroom team being named as rumoured. Colm will command respect across the board and there will 100% be supporters who abandoned the team over last few years now dusting off their Meath attire to attend matches and actually watch football being played. I suspect a lot of players who had no interest will now also have rekindled spirit and will want to be part of this squad going forward. Co board get a lot of undue bad press, people should remember that almost all of these people give their time up for Meath Gaa. I would urge anyone getting over excited to calm a bit as this is a big task and will take time to see real progress. Best of luck to all involved.

Ps will Shane o Rourke get captaincy ?"
I had the nepotism joke ready to go analyst but said I'd give it a day more, fair play to ya

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 26/07/2022 11:16:10    2434487


Replying To Analyst:  "Good appointment pending the rest of backroom team being named as rumoured. Colm will command respect across the board and there will 100% be supporters who abandoned the team over last few years now dusting off their Meath attire to attend matches and actually watch football being played. I suspect a lot of players who had no interest will now also have rekindled spirit and will want to be part of this squad going forward. Co board get a lot of undue bad press, people should remember that almost all of these people give their time up for Meath Gaa. I would urge anyone getting over excited to calm a bit as this is a big task and will take time to see real progress. Best of luck to all involved.

Ps will Shane o Rourke get captaincy ?"
Well said Analyst, the humble pie is quite tasty ;) Fair play to the county board, as you say if the rest of the backroom is as rumoured, that's as good as a management team in the country. I gave them plenty of doubt of the last while but they've done a great job here, the fact we knew nothing til we knew almost everything shows they're changing and growing. And long may that continue.

Hmmmmmmmm Shane as captain i think is a certainty ;) Myself and joe have known about this for weeks but we didn't want to share this and get you too excited, but given the current god mood why wouldn't we. And Paddy will be back in goals too,but will have licence to sally up the field and get scores ;) Harry hogan will play corner back and drop into nets when Paddy goes upfield ;)

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 26/07/2022 11:21:25    2434488


Replying To Analyst:  "Good appointment pending the rest of backroom team being named as rumoured. Colm will command respect across the board and there will 100% be supporters who abandoned the team over last few years now dusting off their Meath attire to attend matches and actually watch football being played. I suspect a lot of players who had no interest will now also have rekindled spirit and will want to be part of this squad going forward. Co board get a lot of undue bad press, people should remember that almost all of these people give their time up for Meath Gaa. I would urge anyone getting over excited to calm a bit as this is a big task and will take time to see real progress. Best of luck to all involved.

Ps will Shane o Rourke get captaincy ?"
Any supporter who abandoned the team over the last few years can stay at home IMO.

I am also interested to see how all these players who apparently wouldn't play under the previous manager get on. I suspect that will be another myth busted by this time next year. There may have been some but at the very most they were only as good as what was already in the squad and no better than certainly the first 20 odd. Also that myth has been been thrown around from pretty much day 1 of Andys reign which was nearly 7 years ago so even if true a lot of them would in their 30s now and drafting in lads 30 or over is not the way to go for Meath.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 26/07/2022 11:48:35    2434501


Replying To Analyst:  "Good appointment pending the rest of backroom team being named as rumoured. Colm will command respect across the board and there will 100% be supporters who abandoned the team over last few years now dusting off their Meath attire to attend matches and actually watch football being played. I suspect a lot of players who had no interest will now also have rekindled spirit and will want to be part of this squad going forward. Co board get a lot of undue bad press, people should remember that almost all of these people give their time up for Meath Gaa. I would urge anyone getting over excited to calm a bit as this is a big task and will take time to see real progress. Best of luck to all involved.

Ps will Shane o Rourke get captaincy ?"
And with comments like this no wonder Colm taking his time

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 26/07/2022 12:04:27    2434509


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Any supporter who abandoned the team over the last few years can stay at home IMO.

I am also interested to see how all these players who apparently wouldn't play under the previous manager get on. I suspect that will be another myth busted by this time next year. There may have been some but at the very most they were only as good as what was already in the squad and no better than certainly the first 20 odd. Also that myth has been been thrown around from pretty much day 1 of Andys reign which was nearly 7 years ago so even if true a lot of them would in their 30s now and drafting in lads 30 or over is not the way to go for Meath."
Agree with your point re supporters there Blackspot.

On players, I see the point you are making about them. But i know for certain that a new panelist last year dropped himself off the panel after spending some time being involved. He couldn't get on with Andy, and looked there's nothing Andy could've done about that. Now i'm not saying the player in question is better or worse than what's there, but in his first period on the panel to drop yourself off that quickly....

Looked every manager will always rub someone up the wrong way, I'm sure it'll happen with Colm too, you can't please everyone but like Andy he played with the hand that was dealt and the players who made themselves available.

And looked it can be the player themselves that the issue lies with, inter county isn't for every player. You're joining a panel where you've to work twice as hard for a lot less of a chance of playing time and its not for everyone. So it's never entirely on the manager if a certain player doesn't work out. There's always two sides of too a story

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 26/07/2022 12:24:28    2434522


Replying To brian:  "Don't think we'll be seeing Nash in a hurry, much and all as we'd like it. Think he signed a two year extension with hawthorn. There's more chance we might get Cian McBride back first.

Great words as always Joe and as you say he's not a fool and can see there's talent coming and hopefully he'll be the right man to stitch it all together. And that's what really needed is someone who can keep Keoghan and Menton about, work with the minors of 2012 and then bring on the 3 successful minor teams from 2018 to 2021. Colm might be gone when the success comes but hopefully he'll be there for long enough to bring unity, a purpose and an identity back to Meath football.

I would hope with the talk of Fitzmaurice and Buckley coming in and Eivers as the S&C guy that we'll see a return to a bit more of a traditional Meath game. If you look at the two teams on Sunday, they're known and have always played attacking football and kicking the ball. Whilst they've brought in parts of the modern game you still know what the want to do and I would hope to see Meath going back to that style of football. I'm not trying to have a dig at MOD or Andy in saying that, they had a certain player that was more built towards athleticism and speed, but you know what nothing travels faster on a GAA pitch than a kicked ball, so hopefully we'll see some of that."
I think everybody in Meath would love to playing a kicking and fast moving style coupled with great physicality. But Kerry and Galway have top quality forwards who can win their own ball, take on their man and score off both feet. And also in John Daly and Paudie Clifford/David Moran great kick passers into the forward line. I don't see that in Meath. Maybe Matt Costello or Daragh Campion could be that player delivering in the ball. But in terms of winning the ball I'm hoping Shane Walsh's poor form post 2019/2020 league are confidence related and it can be brought out of him. But outside of that I don't really see the player it could be until Eoghan Frayne matures. Anybody have any ideas?

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 26/07/2022 12:44:57    2434528


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "I think everybody in Meath would love to playing a kicking and fast moving style coupled with great physicality. But Kerry and Galway have top quality forwards who can win their own ball, take on their man and score off both feet. And also in John Daly and Paudie Clifford/David Moran great kick passers into the forward line. I don't see that in Meath. Maybe Matt Costello or Daragh Campion could be that player delivering in the ball. But in terms of winning the ball I'm hoping Shane Walsh's poor form post 2019/2020 league are confidence related and it can be brought out of him. But outside of that I don't really see the player it could be until Eoghan Frayne matures. Anybody have any ideas?"
I'd be seeing if Frayne can step up this year and give him a taste to be honest, I think he is well able.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 26/07/2022 13:20:54    2434547


Replying To brian:  "Agree with your point re supporters there Blackspot.

On players, I see the point you are making about them. But i know for certain that a new panelist last year dropped himself off the panel after spending some time being involved. He couldn't get on with Andy, and looked there's nothing Andy could've done about that. Now i'm not saying the player in question is better or worse than what's there, but in his first period on the panel to drop yourself off that quickly....

Looked every manager will always rub someone up the wrong way, I'm sure it'll happen with Colm too, you can't please everyone but like Andy he played with the hand that was dealt and the players who made themselves available.

And looked it can be the player themselves that the issue lies with, inter county isn't for every player. You're joining a panel where you've to work twice as hard for a lot less of a chance of playing time and its not for everyone. So it's never entirely on the manager if a certain player doesn't work out. There's always two sides of too a story"
I agree re players dropping off panels and and I'm denying it happened during Andys reign but my main point is that I believe there was way too much made of it for the simple reason that the players in question would not have improved the team at all. At best were the same level as what was already there.

There is no Paul Mannion types out there not making themselves available or if you look at the situation up in Down with Kilcoo where probably 6 or 7 of those lads would go in and automatically improve the down team. That isn't the case in Meath and I just hope Meath supporters aren't expecting some magical turnaround driven by all these players who wouldn't play under Andy who will now come in under the legend that is COR .

The successful underage teams we've produced over the last 4 or 5 years is where our focus needs to be and forget about lads pushing 30 who turned down the opportunity to play for their county over the last 5/6 years for whatever reason.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 26/07/2022 13:35:10    2434561


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "I'd be seeing if Frayne can step up this year and give him a taste to be honest, I think he is well able."
Would be thinking same. He's a big man, possibly the closest of the under age lads to the physical requirements of Senior Intercounty football and the experience could bring him on even further.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 26/07/2022 13:56:24    2434564


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I agree re players dropping off panels and and I'm denying it happened during Andys reign but my main point is that I believe there was way too much made of it for the simple reason that the players in question would not have improved the team at all. At best were the same level as what was already there.

There is no Paul Mannion types out there not making themselves available or if you look at the situation up in Down with Kilcoo where probably 6 or 7 of those lads would go in and automatically improve the down team. That isn't the case in Meath and I just hope Meath supporters aren't expecting some magical turnaround driven by all these players who wouldn't play under Andy who will now come in under the legend that is COR .

The successful underage teams we've produced over the last 4 or 5 years is where our focus needs to be and forget about lads pushing 30 who turned down the opportunity to play for their county over the last 5/6 years for whatever reason."
I agree with you Blackspot. The players who left the panel during Andys reign would not have significantly improved the team. Padraig McKeever, for example, was one of the best forwards in club football but he never hit those heights in a Meath jersey. Donal Lenihan likewise. Both of these lads are now 31/32 so unlikely they will be brought back into a team that is rebuilding. Also, regardless of who the manager is, certain players may not wish to make the considerable sacrifice that is needed for inter county football. The most important appointment for this management team is the coach, to get the most out of the current panel and develop the young players coming through.

kingofclubs (Meath) - Posts: 326 - 26/07/2022 14:17:41    2434579
