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Of course he is, I said this is previous post and cannot understand why CB did not address this issue head on. There has to be a paper trail that will clear this up, one way or another. If none exists then a statement from CB that no such agreement was made should suffice. Then the question, why is BF being interview for post if he damaged the rep. of not only previous manager but Chairman and Meath football in general? Surely BF realised this issue would be front and centre in his attempt to become senior manager and therefore would have to be on very solid ground going forward.
seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2212 - 19/07/2022 11:19:58 2432887 Link 10 |
There is no evidence he didn't. There is also no evidence he did. So as I said nobody should be on here claiming he reneged on an agreement or didn't renege on an agreement without any evidence which none of us do because none was provided. Congratulations you just hammered home my point for me. Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 1049 - 19/07/2022 11:25:56 2432888 Link 0 |
If there wasn't an agreement in place I actually think the CB made the right call in saying nothing rather than getting into a back and forth in the media. And lets be honest if there was such an agreement in place and down in writing the other party involved would not have been slow to leak it to the media. My opinion on him going forward for an interview is the CB and 3 man Committee were hoping to just tick a box by allowing him to go for it but had no intention of giving it to him because they probably assumed like we all did that there would be much more interest from more qualified people. This may not be the case now and they may end up having to offer him the job. Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 1049 - 19/07/2022 11:53:56 2432901 Link 0 |
bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1813 - 19/07/2022 12:20:23 2432910 Link 0 |
The whole thing does not look promising for Meath going forward if the man in question is the only worthwhile candidate.
kingofclubs (Meath) - Posts: 332 - 19/07/2022 12:48:21 2432916 Link 2 |
I agree
Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 1049 - 19/07/2022 13:40:37 2432932 Link 1 |
If Bernard Flynn gets the job I give up grahamc9897 (Meath) - Posts: 1176 - 19/07/2022 20:32:54 2433015 Link 14 |
If Bernard Flynn gets the job I give up atta (Meath) - Posts: 704 - 20/07/2022 10:48:53 2433064 Link 1 |
If there's no announcement by Friday, I'll do it myself. Fed up waiting on news at this stage. Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 20/07/2022 10:57:22 2433068 Link 1 |
Seriously anyone using the Sean Boylan example as an argument for a completely unqualified manager to get the Meath job need to give their head a wobble. That was almost 40 years ago. The game has changed massively since then so it cannot be used as an example. Whoever gets it I'm sure we'll all get behind but that doesn't mean we can't voice our opinion that someone with pretty much zero managerial experience should not be getting the job.
Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 1049 - 20/07/2022 11:01:55 2433078 Link 2 |
Sean boylan was once in a lifetime ! Pretty much all disasters since ! On what basis should flynn get the job
grahamc9897 (Meath) - Posts: 1176 - 20/07/2022 11:32:42 2433091 Link 12 |
I don't care if Flynn gets the job. atta (Meath) - Posts: 704 - 20/07/2022 14:28:59 2433146 Link 2 |
Pointing out the game has moved on in the last 40 years is nonsense? Yet you claim outsiders are ALWAYS put for themselves. So every single outside manager in the history of GAA has been out for himself?? The irony of you calling some comments nonsense and then coming out with that.
Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 1049 - 20/07/2022 14:49:01 2433154 Link 2 |
Stating the obvious. Everyone has to do whats good for themselves to some extent at least.
Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 560 - 20/07/2022 15:01:03 2433162 Link 0 |
I'll join the back room team. My info has totally dried up. Not a sausage. It would appear that there is more people who wouldn't go near the job than wants it. Apparently (and this is just my detective bit) even those who went for interviews have since asked not to be considered
royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 20/07/2022 15:21:59 2433169 Link 0 |
royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 20/07/2022 15:23:02 2433170 Link 0 |
I hope your referring to packie.... Maybe as a gk coach. Otherwise I'm back in contention for it... DB wouldn't be an option for me at all Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 20/07/2022 15:56:56 2433185 Link 2 |
Oh dear lord no, please don't even suggest that, the mere thought gives me palpations
Richieq (Meath) - Posts: 3746 - 20/07/2022 16:18:43 2433191 Link 13 |
Has it come to the stage that our county is not good enuf or beneath some these coaches. Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 499 - 20/07/2022 16:31:24 2433196 Link 0 |
Think the Donegal CB might have had a word in his ear.
seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2212 - 20/07/2022 16:34:27 2433201 Link 5 |