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Replying To Furlong1949:  "The RIGHT VOICE with the RIGHT IDEAS will make a difference. If that new voice is worse manager than Andy that voice is no good to us. A better manager than Andy is the right voice for us. That voice should be a top class manager. With top class CV at the highest level. One of the best managers in the country, one of the best managers of his generation. That is Malachy O Rourke. Give the players the best option out there. The best availabile option by a metric mile is Malachy O Rourke. Malachy O Rourke is the outstanding choice, outstanding candidate for to be next Meath manager. Look at his CV and you will see if Meath appoint Malachy O Rourke next year. Meath will have one best managers in the country. I would personally say O Rourke is in top 2 or 3 managers in the country in next years championship if we appoint him next year. I rate him over James Horan. If he was Meath mananager next year in the championship for me I don't think there is manager that has done better job in last 10 to 12 years who would be managing next year than O Rourke. I rate O Rourke better than Glen Ryan McGeeney Joyce Bonner Banty Maughan. I rate him higher than Farrell. Look at all the resources Farrell has. Would Farrell turn Monaghan into one of the best teams in the country. I doubt it. Only Horan in my view could be considered a better manager. In that if we appoint O Rourke as manager in next years championship we and Mayo would have the two best managers in the country. Yes Harte is greater manager overall but in last 12 years O Rourke has been better manager than Micky Harte. We could have one best managers in the country next year. He is available ask him quickly like Louth did with Harte. If he says no. Robbie Brennan at the moment from what I can see is not thd answer. There is good chance Andy is better manager than Brennan. Why not go for one of the best managers or his generation. Malachy O Rourke is the outstanding choice to be next Meath manager."
"Quick Fix" seems to your suggestion by grabbing an AVAILABLE candidate. Not sure how you know he is available !!! Nothing against Malachy o Rourke !. I n doing as you suggest by grabbing the "available" candidate will that change the culture of incompetence at the top table ?? The examples are many The Bernard Flynn treatment and fiasco!!! The REVIEW fiasco !!! I supported the appoinment of Andy and he brought things on for about 3 years and then everything went into decline excuses excuses What did the top table do to monitor and correct NOTHING .No need to repeat the examples again here .In essense we became amost a joke , We wont even mention the flood lights etc. QUICK FIX mentality is out. !!!! well not if we want more of the same as outlined
I will not canvas for anyone although i think a COLM o ROURKE (TYPE) would be helpful MAYBE . Challenge the status quo is a definite requirement and in my view that gives him a "cutting edge" However, The point is avoid MORE OF THE SAME. . Dont,allow the top table get off the hook. Pressurise them to take stock INSTALL proper objectives,proper corrective action. Ensure that manager clearly understands whats expected INCLUDING from the backroom team CB look at the role with assistance if necessary TAKE THE LEAD in stating clearly WHAT is wanted. Then with proper discussion with all potential candidated see to they fit the NEEDS . Forget about the WHO bit . To me we have a major ATTITUDE PROBLEM. We seem to fear change . We take the easy option of a behaviour where "ah sure it will be all right , BEHAVIOUR change is easy just do it because we always did it that way/ ATTITUDE provokes challenge WHY do it that way? Can we do better ? etc. NO now is the time for the county board to get serious by NOT taking the EASY option Rather foster a culture that will always TAKE STOCK, LEARN,CORRECT, set targets , and above all full accountibility at every level In my view the review fiasco last year by the top table was a straight red card offence by them. Thats the starting point we do need people who have a sense of responsility and learn from mistakes !! Lets see are they really serious in trying to get out of this shambles for the longer term ??

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1246 - 05/06/2022 10:35:52    2422318


Replying To royaldunne:  "No point I guess in keeping it a secret at this stage, as it is online on RTÉ player. It's Colm Orurke who said it. So imo that rules him out."
If i remember correctly he said it would be a long haul .I agree with that .I dont see that as negative . Anyway perhaps we can replay his comments on here to clarify . Better still maybe Colm as a proud Meathman who may or may not read this would help.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1246 - 05/06/2022 10:45:34    2422327


Replying To hurlit:  "And the experts on here wanted tyrone!

Its no wonder this forum is gone so quiet with the delusional nonsense posted on here.
Helps nobody when a section of supporters are so detached from reality."
Can only assume that veiled jibe is aimed at myself as I was the first to post saying I'd like Tyrone in navan.
I gave my reasoning at the time, that it'd either provoke a response (and that Tyrone were in a poorer state this year than last) or it would see the year over and done with. I still stand by that line if thought. It's a regular facet of all sport that people/teams rise to bigger challenges. So that was my reason for suggesting that draw.

I have given a reason and thinking behind my post, so say it's dillusional nonsense, while having offered nothing yourself, probably says more about one of us than about the other.

As for supporters being this detached from reality as being the problem?? If you think that's the reason Meath are out if the championship, and not issues on the sideline or on the pitch..... Well let's just say we don't have much to debate.

I also notice that while people were actually discussing the game during the week you had no input, but rather waited for a defeat to jump on and aim shots at other supporters to point score.
You only contribution has been to make petty jibes at someone trying to discuss the games rather than offer anything on it yourself. One of those people who sees gaining that upper ground to pontificate from this morning as some sort of Victory for themselves. In that case, well done and co gratulations to you on your self flagellation. Enjoy every minute of it.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 05/06/2022 11:39:56    2422355


Replying To Ed2010:  "Imagine there are lads on here that thought we could beat Dublin."
Think it was wind up merchants or from other counties having a laugh.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 05/06/2022 13:14:19    2422395


Well where do you start!!! Just glad I didn't travel down and was only out the 10 euro for GAAGO. Seriously after 5 years we still have no designated free taker, or at least yesterday it seemed to be whoever wanted to take it. Our full back taking a penalty, never seen the likes of it before, in the name of God how did they not press up on the Clare kickout in the first half?. In truth better to go out now as any team worth their salt would give us a hiding, even Kildare would beat us comfortably.

AthboyCelt (Meath) - Posts: 148 - 05/06/2022 13:26:41    2422399


As someone earlier said there is not much point in doing an analysis of this game. It was our worst fears realised.

In fairness to Andy and the management team I think they should be give a little time to reflect on their position and I think that should result in them stepping down. We will probably get confirmation over the coming weeks.

At the same time the County Board should be considering their next options should Andy quit or should he decide to try and stay on (I would be amazed if he did). Either way the County Board should appoint a small team to source the new manager whenever Andy's tenure ceases.

Perhaps its Malachy O' Rourke or Jimmy McGuinness or someone else. But the process does need to be swift.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 05/06/2022 13:51:23    2422406


Replying To stillaroyal:  "As someone earlier said there is not much point in doing an analysis of this game. It was our worst fears realised.

In fairness to Andy and the management team I think they should be give a little time to reflect on their position and I think that should result in them stepping down. We will probably get confirmation over the coming weeks.

At the same time the County Board should be considering their next options should Andy quit or should he decide to try and stay on (I would be amazed if he did). Either way the County Board should appoint a small team to source the new manager whenever Andy's tenure ceases.

Perhaps its Malachy O' Rourke or Jimmy McGuinness or someone else. But the process does need to be swift."
That's a fair post and assesment really.

While I think this management set up has reached the end, I think the deserve thanks for their efforts. While they have plenty of critic's, nobody can deny they commitment to Meath o er the past 6 years, the huge amount of hours put in, most of which is away from the glossy surrounds of championship games. So I'm that respect, a thank you and fair play for the efforts.

I'd also agree with you that the co board do need to be at very least meeting internally and planning their next few steps.
By 6pm this evening, 4 countys from d1&2 are out of the championship. We are looking for a new manager, but some of those may not be too far behind, and as the weekends role on, other counties will be joining that search, so hopefully they see the need to be proactive and not wait until November....

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 05/06/2022 14:31:25    2422413


This group of players have checked out, seems to be the norm when management cycle is coming to an end. To me, we have come full circle, the decline started when we beat Clare to make Super 8s, from there on we have regressed year on year and 2022 we are very close to rockbottom. Script could easily be written for yesterdays shambles, evidence has been there to see, but CB have chosen to ignore and plough on regardless. Could have been a 8/10 point loss yesterday only for Hogan and poor Clare shooting. Fair play to Clare deserving winners and though its not nice to hear they did us a favour yesterday.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2157 - 05/06/2022 14:48:06    2422416


Last yesterday was a shambles ! From start to finish.Wrong team picked to start ! How many balls kicked away and how many players lost the ball taking it into contact ! 4 or 5 lads trying to take frees ! A bloody full back taking a penalty ! Like shows the forwards confidence when the called McGill up ! In fairness he took it well but why was he taking it ! They let the clare goalie pick out a teammate easily the entire game ! Lord just push up and go man for man ! Launching balls into small forwards over and over without and joy ! Id say Keoghan Menton McGill were thinking whats the point anymore ! Fair play to Hogan he made some great saves ! His kickouts were dodgy at times though ! No matter what manager comes in this group wont do a thing next year ! They have gone back so much since 2019 !

grahamc9897 (Meath) - Posts: 1174 - 05/06/2022 18:12:32    2422502


Replying To seadog54:  "This group of players have checked out, seems to be the norm when management cycle is coming to an end. To me, we have come full circle, the decline started when we beat Clare to make Super 8s, from there on we have regressed year on year and 2022 we are very close to rockbottom. Script could easily be written for yesterdays shambles, evidence has been there to see, but CB have chosen to ignore and plough on regardless. Could have been a 8/10 point loss yesterday only for Hogan and poor Clare shooting. Fair play to Clare deserving winners and though its not nice to hear they did us a favour yesterday."
To give them a tiny amount of credit, the actual county executive voted to reject McEntee as manager for this year. It was the democratic expressed wisdom of the clubs who voted to keep him on....

CastleBravo (Meath) - Posts: 1656 - 05/06/2022 20:46:57    2422593


Bitterly disappointing year but the sad thing is not really a disappointing last game as it had been flagged well in advance by poor performances. In 10 games this year (12 including O'Byrne cup if you want to) there was only one good performance which was Cork in the league. Derry was good for the first 50 mins and Wicklow 2nd half was okay. Apart from that it was all below par. I don't know was it the vote last October to get rid of management that hampered things or would it have happened anyway as it was year 6 and with the best will in the world players can stop believing the message from management. If there is to be a new manager search which I presume there will be it has to happen now. Inform the current management of the decision and then get moving right away no repeat of last years farce. Unfortunately I have 0 trust in the county board to hire the right man or to run the process in a good way. Just a disaster all around unfortunately. Seeing counties who have been relatively in the doldrums like Derry, Galway and Armagh have big days recently makes it all the worse. When are we even going to get another great day never mind a great year again

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1490 - 06/06/2022 10:12:30    2422680


Replying To CastleBravo:  "To give them a tiny amount of credit, the actual county executive voted to reject McEntee as manager for this year. It was the democratic expressed wisdom of the clubs who voted to keep him on...."
Fair point, 7/8 went on an evidence based decision and tried to do the right thing for Meath football, timing could have been better, but never a wrong time to do the right thing. Instead it was allowed drag on, doing no favours to all involved. Some on here wanted them named and shamed for putting the good of Meath football to the fore. Hopefully they have set an example for rest to follow in the upcoming process.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2157 - 06/06/2022 13:15:12    2422760


Replying To seadog54:  "Fair point, 7/8 went on an evidence based decision and tried to do the right thing for Meath football, timing could have been better, but never a wrong time to do the right thing. Instead it was allowed drag on, doing no favours to all involved. Some on here wanted them named and shamed for putting the good of Meath football to the fore. Hopefully they have set an example for rest to follow in the upcoming process."
Yeah let's do it in November, I think you will find their decision was the main reason for this years performance. Destroyed the whole team.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 07/06/2022 08:13:12    2422818


A poor performance to round off a poor year. Seemed almost scared to commit to attacking them for the first 20mins and played almost 15 behind the ball which was crazy and when they finally did attack them the could have gone 5-6 points ahead had McGowans point been struck slightly lower and then Keoghan went through on goal only to be stopped by an excellent tackle to be fair. Either way we were second best and the result was fair. I will never understand why people seem to think its "crazy" for anyone outside of the forwards to take penalties of frees. If he's the best man for the job then so be it, I know at least 2 if not 3 other lads on that pitch who would have been happy to take it but if McGill is the best at them (and anyone who knows him will tell you has a good penalty taker) the happy days, plus he scored it so why would any even bring it up to complain??
Andy has stepped down now and I would fully thank him for his time, effort and all he has brought to Meath football, sadly the last 2 years or so we have got back from where he had brought us and its now simply time for a fresh face. Hopefully the CB will have this done before August and the new man can get to some championship games and have a look at lads before he gets in with them for pre season.
With regards players leaving, I would think from our main starters Keoghan and Menton are the only 2 maybes and both are still only about 30 so may be happy to give another year under a new manager and vision to see where it goes, either way we will just have to wait and see.

ratlag (Meath) - Posts: 560 - 07/06/2022 11:39:19    2422926


Replying To royaldunne:  "Yeah let's do it in November, I think you will find their decision was the main reason for this years performance. Destroyed the whole team."

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2157 - 07/06/2022 12:17:09    2422960


Replying To royaldunne:  "Yeah let's do it in November, I think you will find their decision was the main reason for this years performance. Destroyed the whole team."
Do you honestly believe that ???
What was the excuse last year and the previous year .
If anything if the team was fully behind the management something like that should have spured them on to prove the CB wrong but that didn't happen .

Royalmc (Meath) - Posts: 15 - 10/06/2022 17:36:28    2423824


What complete waste of year. Andy was voted out by CB. But Andy would not go stayed on via club delegates who have no clue what is going on a close quarters. And are rightly more interested in the own club affairs than the Meath manager. Andy should have stepped away but no we wasted a year. A complete shambles. Hard to believe how badly we where setting up in defense. shocking, exciting years players Morris Hickey and Scully etc. who where making a big impact a few years ago. Not making team, confidence shot to pieces. Natural flare seem to coached out of them.
I feel sorry for Kegohan and Menton etc given up the last two years for the shambles they had to put up they deserved a lot better.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1263 - 10/06/2022 20:37:34    2423841


Meath Football will never progress when you have people involved in the county board like those who voted to get rid of a management team one month before a season starts after sitting on their hands for nearly four months previously. As Andy said, one would have to be suspicious of their motives. They are in it for there own ego and power trips, nothing else. Either everyone rows in the one direction or else the boat is just going round in circles.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 947 - 10/06/2022 21:58:51    2423851


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Meath Football will never progress when you have people involved in the county board like those who voted to get rid of a management team one month before a season starts after sitting on their hands for nearly four months previously. As Andy said, one would have to be suspicious of their motives. They are in it for there own ego and power trips, nothing else. Either everyone rows in the one direction or else the boat is just going round in circles."
That line alone say a lot about the man " suspicious about their motives " is that what he really thought.
Yes it was the wrong time but certainly after the couple of years results and the carry on with his back tracking on an agreement with the u20s I can understand their motive .
I heard from a very reliable source some of the things that was said to Flynn and country chairman Sat back and allowed it im not suprised there was a split in the CB Bernard Flynn and Graham Geraghty two of our all tine greats deserved better and thankfully some of our CB backed them .

Royalmc (Meath) - Posts: 15 - 11/06/2022 11:14:10    2423882


Replying To Royalmc:  "That line alone say a lot about the man " suspicious about their motives " is that what he really thought.
Yes it was the wrong time but certainly after the couple of years results and the carry on with his back tracking on an agreement with the u20s I can understand their motive .
I heard from a very reliable source some of the things that was said to Flynn and country chairman Sat back and allowed it im not suprised there was a split in the CB Bernard Flynn and Graham Geraghty two of our all tine greats deserved better and thankfully some of our CB backed them ."
Bernard Flynn WAS an unbelievable servant and player for Meath, no questions asked, but has never coached/managed a team before and the one big job he got (meath U20's) he threw in the towel before the first round of the championship over a petty issue that had gone on in a lot of other counties since the creation of the U20 grade. The only difference is that those counties didn't air their dirty laundry in public. You should ask the U20 players effected what they felt about being put in that situation at the time.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 947 - 11/06/2022 12:16:13    2423898
