Meath Forum


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Replying To Jinxie:  "The seats in Ennis are something else.... There in the spring and if you've to move past people who are sitting its near impossible.

Giving great weather tho so I think the terrace will do the job fine on Saturday.

6pm isn't ideal for a spin home but I do think in general its a great time for a game & gets better crowds. The GAA should be doing more 6/7pm Saturday evening games. They have great crowds and do wonders for the local bussiness in the town in question."
Don't go into the stand , it's a joke to be honest if the evening is fine the side is grand but you will be looking through the wire fence

The standing stand is perfect there won't be a big crowd from clare I'd say, minor hurlers v Laois early in the day in the same venue they didn't make it a double header and the munster final Sunday

RoyalBanner (Meath) - Posts: 2 - 03/06/2022 11:02:58    2421927


Replying To brian:  "You're right Jinxie, lets talk about Clare

Change's i'd consider

Muldoon for either corner Back, both were roasted. We badly need corner backs and I'm not even sure if Muldoon is suitable for that

Ryan and McEntee both out for me. If Harnan is fit I'd start him at 6, think RD mentioned Andy isn't a fan of his pace for 6 but he's the best we have for the position. Had hopes for Ryan but not doing much to prove he needs to be in the 15. Scully if fit also needs to come in at whb/whf.

Jones is lucky Flynn is suspended as he would be starting

Personally were weakest in the forwards and if we started 6 new lads this weekend I wouldn't be averse to it.

I think he'll go


I'd go

Hickey-Harnan/ G McGowan-Keoghan
Cillian-O'Connor-A Lynch

I know lots will decry Morris not being there but for me needs to learn a lesson and understand the discipline required for a Meath jersey. That he needs to be a lot smarter on the ball and off it too. Too many pot shots, sky balls and wastes of possession"
Id agree with all of your first half of your post Brian.
Muldoon in - deserves a shot & neither corner back can shout too loud after the Dublin game.
Ryan was inefficient v Dublin, and I feel he may be slipping into that role of stop gap between 2-7 whenever needed which is unfortunate if thats whats happening as he seems to be a very committed guy, but just seems to be the stop gap for injuries & suspensions. I think he's played every position in defence this year so far, but doesn't seem to have his own position.

On Jones. I think we need to keep playing him. I was dissapointed with him v Dublin myself, but I think he'll bounce back. Mento would be around forever & Jones will probably be the guy partnering Flynn (if he progresses), o I think its games & development that Jones needs.

On Morris. For me he starts. No question. He's not a marque forward yet, but he's the best of the ingredients we currently have to make one. He's a massive confidence player, and for that reason (probably a job more for 2023) I'd be giving him the free's, put the work into him, ala Dean Rock (Anyone who remembers Rock Circa 13/14 & into 15, he was coming off the bench to tap over 14yd free's when 10 points up, he wasn't reliable enough to start, although Dublin had such strength they could make that call. But he became the machine he is over time, extra work & persistence). Now I'm not saying he'll be the next Rock, but I do think he can become better & improve & everything should be done to facilitate that. I also think he's more of an arm around the shoulder type of guy than a tough love approach. I think he'll know he shouldn't have pushed Gannon, it was pure frustration and he'll have had a few ****** days after the game mulling it over. I think if the managment decided to punish him (after contesting the GAA's punishment) it would be a poor message to him. I think he knows where he stands on the Dublin game, now here's your Jersey and go ount and show us what you have and make things right.
That'd be my view on it anyway.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 03/06/2022 11:27:54    2421937


Replying To brian:  "You're right Jinxie, lets talk about Clare

Change's i'd consider

Muldoon for either corner Back, both were roasted. We badly need corner backs and I'm not even sure if Muldoon is suitable for that

Ryan and McEntee both out for me. If Harnan is fit I'd start him at 6, think RD mentioned Andy isn't a fan of his pace for 6 but he's the best we have for the position. Had hopes for Ryan but not doing much to prove he needs to be in the 15. Scully if fit also needs to come in at whb/whf.

Jones is lucky Flynn is suspended as he would be starting

Personally were weakest in the forwards and if we started 6 new lads this weekend I wouldn't be averse to it.

I think he'll go


I'd go

Hickey-Harnan/ G McGowan-Keoghan
Cillian-O'Connor-A Lynch

I know lots will decry Morris not being there but for me needs to learn a lesson and understand the discipline required for a Meath jersey. That he needs to be a lot smarter on the ball and off it too. Too many pot shots, sky balls and wastes of possession"
Is Aaron Lynch even on the panel?

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 910 - 03/06/2022 15:22:44    2422023


Best wishes to Andy Cillian and the lads today! Not the greatest crowd today and that's a pity. These lads need all the support we can give them. Great opportunity to get to an All Ireland final. Less games, handy draw or 3 and a bit of luck.

Feel we are better now from that Dublin chastening. We know where we stand. Whereas if we beat Dublin we would have learned nothing from it.

Just watching the warm up here and we look sharp. We are a fair weather team built for days like this. Big pitch in Ennis will suit us. Just need to start utilising the long diagonal hand pass into Morris and watch him make hay.

Hon the Royals!

Evernal (Meath) - Posts: 74 - 04/06/2022 17:36:48    2422148


Jaysus. That was a poor first half.
It's gone very dark, only hoe is the heavens open and Clare get scrappy to match all the dropped passes and fumbles we are having.

May bring on Morris, don't see the point in appealing the card and not playing him. We need scores, we need someone to offer something inside for lads to kick it in to.

Big 35 minutes for a few men's Meath careers ahead ...

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 04/06/2022 18:45:26    2422180


And so our painful season end's, Hogan saves us from total humiliation

royler (Meath) - Posts: 259 - 04/06/2022 19:43:56    2422201


Terrible year is right . Players looked not right compared to other years fitness wise. No game plan again and some of the passing was an utter disgrace for a county team.

SheridansTry (Meath) - Posts: 180 - 04/06/2022 19:50:31    2422205


Replying To royler:  "And so our painful season end's, Hogan saves us from total humiliation"
No real surprise to be honest.

Just need to move on and put a plan together.

Only way is up

thelutch (Meath) - Posts: 1056 - 04/06/2022 19:56:54    2422208


Line drawn.

Game neither deserves nor needs analysis.

Get the club championship rolling, get a new set up in place and I'll see ye all in January. Some turn the lights off

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 04/06/2022 19:58:46    2422209


With Meaths good record against Clare i thought they'd have enough to edge it but not only did Clare deserve their win they really should have won by more but for the penalty save and another goal chance late on wasted. That should be the end of McEntee now probably stayed on a year longer than he should.

Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3418 - 04/06/2022 20:03:05    2422210


Replying To royaldunne:  "No. You heard one of the men been named as possible next manager saying it won't change anytime soon. So if he takes over Meath will he change that ? The fact is apart from one or two players no Meath player in senior or u20 would get on the Dublin panel. So what can we do ?"
Royaldunne, I hope u don't mind Mr asking. But who is this possible manager for us after McEntee who said it wouldn't change anytime soon. No top class manager Horan McGuinness Gavin or great manager Boylan Dwyer Hefferanan Harte if they were in charge of Carlow would say that. You might think it, but any manager worth his salt his first job is to instill confidence in the players. Is it Robbie Brennan. If you don't want to say yes or no. I understand. But it you the name year Meath first won Sam in your answer I will take that as a yes. I think this is very important information that's needs to be known. If the next manager has defeatist attitude before he even take over.

Furlong1949 (Meath) - Posts: 1067 - 04/06/2022 20:14:07    2422214


Should have been worse, Clare kicked about a dozen wides in the second half alone and Hogan the Meath keeper had a good showing. Clare were full value for their win and their win v. Meath has been coming for years.

I said it during the league and I'll say it again - the year is a write off. I'll be fascinated to see what or where Meath goes from here, because it seems the county is at a crossroads.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 595 - 04/06/2022 20:25:20    2422223


Watched on GAAGo and in the first half the team played as if they knew whoever they'd got in R2 of the Qualis then they'd get beaten, the hand over rather than goal though . . . . we'd have won had that gone in.

McEntee hasn't taken the side forward, despite a great effort & for my two cents has to go - or has to re-apply to the board with a plan.

Could we beat Offaly say if we had to play them in the form they in? On this form, no. Remember, Clare got beat by Limerick.

EMeathperson (Meath) - Posts: 6 - 04/06/2022 21:01:11    2422239


Team didn't look like they wanted to be there. Better off out. No room for excuses, we were beaten by Clare. Players have lost all Self belief.
A new voice with fresh ideas will make a massive difference

atta (Meath) - Posts: 703 - 04/06/2022 21:45:38    2422267


Replying To royaldunne:  "
Replying To brian:  "RD i'm not trying to have a go at you when i ask the below.

You say only one or two of our players would get on the Dublin panel (and i agree with that) but you told us in the run into the Dublin match the game was 50:50, Dublin were coming back to the pack, we were better than we are, we'd run them close cos we are Meath etc etc. Was that all hyperbole and hype trying to build us or yourself up in the run into the game? Plenty of us on here were rightly very worried in the run and feared the result that would come our way and which did materialise. Some of us and I'll say myself in particular said we're not top 16 and we're laughed at for saying the league masked our true position.

From the sounds of things you're pretty much in the camp with the rest of us now and can see the huge level of work that needs to be done to get us back to even close to be good enough to compete or maybe I'm wrong? I think you're now realising that we are Meath is just not true and hasn't been for years.

Look at Derry yesterday, style of play, patterns and people playing to a system. They've come from Division 4, built eaach year under Rory Gallagher and beaten 3 first division teams to win their first Ulster in 24 years. Meath have none of that organisation and unless that is fixed we'll be going nowhere.

I assume the "one of the men been named as possible next manager saying it won't change anytime soon" is Robbie Brennan, and if that's the case then he's not right for the job and shouldn't even be in the running or brought for consideration."
Also on the Derry thing Meath had them beat easily in a dead rubber for us a must win for them not too long ago only for a calamity gk error.
Also I would actually love to see the posts on here if Meath played basketball like Derry and Donegal did yesterday. Now that would be funny."
Woulda, coulda, shoulda, didn't!

jackmeyhoffer (USA) - Posts: 148 - 04/06/2022 22:02:20    2422272


Replying To atta:  "Team didn't look like they wanted to be there. Better off out. No room for excuses, we were beaten by Clare. Players have lost all Self belief.
A new voice with fresh ideas will make a massive difference"
The RIGHT VOICE with the RIGHT IDEAS will make a difference. If that new voice is worse manager than Andy that voice is no good to us. A better manager than Andy is the right voice for us. That voice should be a top class manager. With top class CV at the highest level. One of the best managers in the country, one of the best managers of his generation. That is Malachy O Rourke. Give the players the best option out there. The best availabile option by a metric mile is Malachy O Rourke. Malachy O Rourke is the outstanding choice, outstanding candidate for to be next Meath manager. Look at his CV and you will see if Meath appoint Malachy O Rourke next year. Meath will have one best managers in the country. I would personally say O Rourke is in top 2 or 3 managers in the country in next years championship if we appoint him next year. I rate him over James Horan. If he was Meath mananager next year in the championship for me I don't think there is manager that has done better job in last 10 to 12 years who would be managing next year than O Rourke. I rate O Rourke better than Glen Ryan McGeeney Joyce Bonner Banty Maughan. I rate him higher than Farrell. Look at all the resources Farrell has. Would Farrell turn Monaghan into one of the best teams in the country. I doubt it. Only Horan in my view could be considered a better manager. In that if we appoint O Rourke as manager in next years championship we and Mayo would have the two best managers in the country. Yes Harte is greater manager overall but in last 12 years O Rourke has been better manager than Micky Harte. We could have one best managers in the country next year. He is available ask him quickly like Louth did with Harte. If he says no. Robbie Brennan at the moment from what I can see is not thd answer. There is good chance Andy is better manager than Brennan. Why not go for one of the best managers or his generation. Malachy O Rourke is the outstanding choice to be next Meath manager.

Furlong1949 (Meath) - Posts: 1067 - 04/06/2022 22:03:59    2422274


Imagine there are lads on here that thought we could beat Dublin.

Ed2010 (Meath) - Posts: 103 - 05/06/2022 09:29:16    2422292


And the experts on here wanted tyrone!

Its no wonder this forum is gone so quiet with the delusional nonsense posted on here.
Helps nobody when a section of supporters are so detached from reality.

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 418 - 05/06/2022 09:59:21    2422303


Gutted. No passion no heart. Draw a line under it and move on. The cb must from this morning start the process of looking for a new management team, not just one person , it must be a professional set up with tactical astute people, that can trawl through county to look for players who give it their all. Cause there is plenty of players on that team yesterday that certainly didn't and it should be made clear to them that if they don't give it all then they need not return.
On Andy. I feel sorry for him, he is a passionate dedicated man, who was by far the most qualified person in county to take over at the time, he brought us on, definitely but then things stagnated and this year regression set in. I wish him well in the future and thank him for his time. But his time is now over. We must look forward. One positive is we have a hell of a good gk in hogan. We move on and start again. Disappointed that we have no county games until January. But it is what it is. I look forward with excitement to see new management and new team in league pushing for promotion.
Hon the royal

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 05/06/2022 10:03:14    2422304


Replying To Furlong1949:  "Royaldunne, I hope u don't mind Mr asking. But who is this possible manager for us after McEntee who said it wouldn't change anytime soon. No top class manager Horan McGuinness Gavin or great manager Boylan Dwyer Hefferanan Harte if they were in charge of Carlow would say that. You might think it, but any manager worth his salt his first job is to instill confidence in the players. Is it Robbie Brennan. If you don't want to say yes or no. I understand. But it you the name year Meath first won Sam in your answer I will take that as a yes. I think this is very important information that's needs to be known. If the next manager has defeatist attitude before he even take over."
No point I guess in keeping it a secret at this stage, as it is online on RTÉ player. It's Colm Orurke who said it. So imo that rules him out.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 05/06/2022 10:05:42    2422306
