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Morris And Flynn

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Hope the County Board are moving heaven and earth to get those two lads off. Sent off for really nothing. Maybe a ref trying to impress the Dublin Management for future events.

ManofSkryne (Meath) - Posts: 4 - 18/05/2022 11:06:30    2418327


Replying To ManofSkryne:  "Hope the County Board are moving heaven and earth to get those two lads off. Sent off for really nothing. Maybe a ref trying to impress the Dublin Management for future events."
Morris was petulant, but it was just a push and a very harsh straight red.

Flynn would have met cooper on the shoulder & knocked the ball away only for Cooper ducked back into him when he realized there was a player coming behind him. I definitely cant see how there could have been any intent of malice attributed to the lad for it.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 18/05/2022 11:24:08    2418336


Replying To Jinxie:  "Morris was petulant, but it was just a push and a very harsh straight red.

Flynn would have met cooper on the shoulder & knocked the ball away only for Cooper ducked back into him when he realized there was a player coming behind him. I definitely cant see how there could have been any intent of malice attributed to the lad for it."
Morris was idiotic, didn't need to do what he did. Its never a red card, but so idiotic from him that I'd never allow him pull on a Meath jersey again. Harsh i know but giving the crying eyes and wah wah at Gannon and shoving him over was terrible form. That's not a Meath player i could take too.

Flynn got carded based off Cooper's reaction more than anything. Decent player would've carried on, played the ball which he easily could have done, rubbed there jaw a bit and said that was sore. Instead he stopped and bawled at the referee for a card. Yes Flynn mistimed it but there was no malice, intent or meditated act in it and Cooper turned right into it through no fault of his own, Flynn was on his blind side but his over reaction was what got Flyn the line. Lost a lot of respect for Cooper after that.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 18/05/2022 12:12:34    2418351


Replying To Jinxie:  "Morris was petulant, but it was just a push and a very harsh straight red.

Flynn would have met cooper on the shoulder & knocked the ball away only for Cooper ducked back into him when he realized there was a player coming behind him. I definitely cant see how there could have been any intent of malice attributed to the lad for it."
There was no malice in Flynns but he did still catch him in the head and I'd be surprised if it is overturned, Morris, while absolutely pointless wasn't even warranting a yellow card and for this one I can't see how it isn't overturned

ratlag (Meath) - Posts: 560 - 18/05/2022 12:19:13    2418356


Replying To Jinxie:  "Morris was petulant, but it was just a push and a very harsh straight red.

Flynn would have met cooper on the shoulder & knocked the ball away only for Cooper ducked back into him when he realized there was a player coming behind him. I definitely cant see how there could have been any intent of malice attributed to the lad for it."
Exactly. Both reds must be rescinded immediately. As was said if cb not going all out they are a absolute disgrace

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/05/2022 12:54:51    2418367


Replying To brian:  "Morris was idiotic, didn't need to do what he did. Its never a red card, but so idiotic from him that I'd never allow him pull on a Meath jersey again. Harsh i know but giving the crying eyes and wah wah at Gannon and shoving him over was terrible form. That's not a Meath player i could take too.

Flynn got carded based off Cooper's reaction more than anything. Decent player would've carried on, played the ball which he easily could have done, rubbed there jaw a bit and said that was sore. Instead he stopped and bawled at the referee for a card. Yes Flynn mistimed it but there was no malice, intent or meditated act in it and Cooper turned right into it through no fault of his own, Flynn was on his blind side but his over reaction was what got Flyn the line. Lost a lot of respect for Cooper after that."
Oh brian. I can't let this pass, how many shoves was on Sunday ? 20/30? In both games. Same in every game, someone scores a point or a goal and they shoved on way back, Morris was hit prior to his reaction , he shoved gannon who in turn did a tieran mccann on it and started holding his head, the wah wah was brilliant and was probably the highlight of man a Meath supporter day, yes it was petulant but it was hilariously funny. . The things the likes of coyle geraghty, Lyons by 2, harnan, mcentee orurke etc did were probably lot worse. Remember Ollie Murphy goading the hill ? Geraghty putting the fist up after getting sent off? Lyons pulling up his shorts to show the ref his ass after been sent off for clocking a guy ?
Quite the opposite to ur opinion Jordan Morris has gone up hugely in my estimation. It wasn't a red card and he showed gannon up for been a diver, now if Morris had done what gannon did I'd wholeheartedly endorse him not playing again as simulated injury is a bloody disgrace. But not for what he did. It was legendary

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 18/05/2022 13:36:25    2418393


Replying To ratlag:  "There was no malice in Flynns but he did still catch him in the head and I'd be surprised if it is overturned, Morris, while absolutely pointless wasn't even warranting a yellow card and for this one I can't see how it isn't overturned"
Only saw them in real time, Morris, a yellow would have been fair enough. Flynn seemed to raise his elbow and connect, appeal should sort out if there was anything in it.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2157 - 18/05/2022 14:26:34    2418414


Replying To royaldunne:  "Exactly. Both reds must be rescinded immediately. As was said if cb not going all out they are a absolute disgrace"
Lads, Flynn deserved his red, he had is elbow raised and Cooper to his credit did not go down looking to get him sent off. Went looking for him to get him back if anything. It was a cheap shot which I for one have no time for.

As for Morris, he deserved that red for stupidity alone.

juicy (Meath) - Posts: 399 - 18/05/2022 14:40:05    2418423


Replying To juicy:  "Lads, Flynn deserved his red, he had is elbow raised and Cooper to his credit did not go down looking to get him sent off. Went looking for him to get him back if anything. It was a cheap shot which I for one have no time for.

As for Morris, he deserved that red for stupidity alone."
Yes pure stupidity. Game over and needed for qualifiers and does that. McEntee then arguing with Dubs player on the ground. And Shane McEntee pushing the Dubs player in the ground. Where was the fight early in the game?

NYRoyal (USA) - Posts: 31 - 18/05/2022 15:15:08    2418451


Replying To juicy:  "Lads, Flynn deserved his red, he had is elbow raised and Cooper to his credit did not go down looking to get him sent off. Went looking for him to get him back if anything. It was a cheap shot which I for one have no time for.

As for Morris, he deserved that red for stupidity alone."
Completely agree on the above. Cooper was caught high with an elbow, with no attempt to tackle the ball. It was dangerous and reckless. What Morris did was petulant and brainless. Also based on his performance on Sunday, he wouldn't exactly be guaranteed a starting place the next day anyway. The same can be said for the rest of the players barring three or four exceptions. Meath raised the white flag after ten minutes last Sunday and a lot of players played as individuals from then on.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 947 - 18/05/2022 15:20:32    2418454


Replying To royaldunne:  "Oh brian. I can't let this pass, how many shoves was on Sunday ? 20/30? In both games. Same in every game, someone scores a point or a goal and they shoved on way back, Morris was hit prior to his reaction , he shoved gannon who in turn did a tieran mccann on it and started holding his head, the wah wah was brilliant and was probably the highlight of man a Meath supporter day, yes it was petulant but it was hilariously funny. . The things the likes of coyle geraghty, Lyons by 2, harnan, mcentee orurke etc did were probably lot worse. Remember Ollie Murphy goading the hill ? Geraghty putting the fist up after getting sent off? Lyons pulling up his shorts to show the ref his ass after been sent off for clocking a guy ?
Quite the opposite to ur opinion Jordan Morris has gone up hugely in my estimation. It wasn't a red card and he showed gannon up for been a diver, now if Morris had done what gannon did I'd wholeheartedly endorse him not playing again as simulated injury is a bloody disgrace. But not for what he did. It was legendary"
RD i accept the point you're making but here's the thing all those legends you talk of earned the right to goad the hill. They played against and defeated the Dubs on multiple occasions, their actions shut the Hill up and made them sick to their stomach, they could give abuse but they took it on the chin just as well and regardless of what they did the Dubs and their supporters at least had plenty of respect for them when the left the Hill. Most on the Hill couldn't pick Morris out of a line up, maybe if he actually put his efforts into winning ball and not taking pots shots at goal all the time he might gain a little bit of respect and fear from the Hill.

Talk of Morris act being legendary, come on RD, it shows his personality to a tee.

Mentioning his name in the same breadth as legends as you have only serves to do those legends a complete disservice.

You have a habit of always blaming the other guy, that we were provoked. Like Morris you need to accept that these actions as you rightly say are part of the game and you have to move on from it. I'm not condoning Gannon, but you need to accept that the acts of Morris have consequences and they will be caught eventually. To shove a player with the linesman right beside you with a clear view of it shows his utter stupidity.

If the measure of a man "legendary" status is to be that stupid then jeez i dunno what to say.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 18/05/2022 17:00:51    2418503


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Completely agree on the above. Cooper was caught high with an elbow, with no attempt to tackle the ball. It was dangerous and reckless. What Morris did was petulant and brainless. Also based on his performance on Sunday, he wouldn't exactly be guaranteed a starting place the next day anyway. The same can be said for the rest of the players barring three or four exceptions. Meath raised the white flag after ten minutes last Sunday and a lot of players played as individuals from then on."
Well said Joe.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 18/05/2022 17:01:25    2418504


Replying To brian:  "RD i accept the point you're making but here's the thing all those legends you talk of earned the right to goad the hill. They played against and defeated the Dubs on multiple occasions, their actions shut the Hill up and made them sick to their stomach, they could give abuse but they took it on the chin just as well and regardless of what they did the Dubs and their supporters at least had plenty of respect for them when the left the Hill. Most on the Hill couldn't pick Morris out of a line up, maybe if he actually put his efforts into winning ball and not taking pots shots at goal all the time he might gain a little bit of respect and fear from the Hill.

Talk of Morris act being legendary, come on RD, it shows his personality to a tee.

Mentioning his name in the same breadth as legends as you have only serves to do those legends a complete disservice.

You have a habit of always blaming the other guy, that we were provoked. Like Morris you need to accept that these actions as you rightly say are part of the game and you have to move on from it. I'm not condoning Gannon, but you need to accept that the acts of Morris have consequences and they will be caught eventually. To shove a player with the linesman right beside you with a clear view of it shows his utter stupidity.

If the measure of a man "legendary" status is to be that stupid then jeez i dunno what to say."
Aww Brian cop yourself on with your comments. People like you sicken me, Morris done wrong I'm sure he knows that himself by now he doesn't need someone like you sitting behind a screen to tell him that. But your taking it to the extreme here. Would Meath be where they are without him? Hardly is the answer to that. You'd be the very man praising him the next day he's your top scorer yet again. Get your head out of your ****. People wonder why young fellas turn away from the GAA, it's because off people like you Brian.

Swingit (Cavan) - Posts: 8 - 18/05/2022 17:35:54    2418512


Replying To brian:  "RD i accept the point you're making but here's the thing all those legends you talk of earned the right to goad the hill. They played against and defeated the Dubs on multiple occasions, their actions shut the Hill up and made them sick to their stomach, they could give abuse but they took it on the chin just as well and regardless of what they did the Dubs and their supporters at least had plenty of respect for them when the left the Hill. Most on the Hill couldn't pick Morris out of a line up, maybe if he actually put his efforts into winning ball and not taking pots shots at goal all the time he might gain a little bit of respect and fear from the Hill.

Talk of Morris act being legendary, come on RD, it shows his personality to a tee.

Mentioning his name in the same breadth as legends as you have only serves to do those legends a complete disservice.

You have a habit of always blaming the other guy, that we were provoked. Like Morris you need to accept that these actions as you rightly say are part of the game and you have to move on from it. I'm not condoning Gannon, but you need to accept that the acts of Morris have consequences and they will be caught eventually. To shove a player with the linesman right beside you with a clear view of it shows his utter stupidity.

If the measure of a man "legendary" status is to be that stupid then jeez i dunno what to say."
Good man Brian, ever wonder why young fellas leave the GAA? People like you Brian are the reason. I've seen nothing but people on here and Facebook bad mouth the team, and the same men/woman giving out their team have no motivation, how would they listening to this *****. You'll be the very man praising Morris if he won you a game, at least he made the effort to put a hand on someone. And not giving him a jersey the next day, aww please and him the top scorer the last 2 years. Get a grip we'd be a long way to division 4 now without him.

Swingit (Cavan) - Posts: 8 - 18/05/2022 17:48:43    2418515


Replying To brian:  "Morris was idiotic, didn't need to do what he did. Its never a red card, but so idiotic from him that I'd never allow him pull on a Meath jersey again. Harsh i know but giving the crying eyes and wah wah at Gannon and shoving him over was terrible form. That's not a Meath player i could take too.

Flynn got carded based off Cooper's reaction more than anything. Decent player would've carried on, played the ball which he easily could have done, rubbed there jaw a bit and said that was sore. Instead he stopped and bawled at the referee for a card. Yes Flynn mistimed it but there was no malice, intent or meditated act in it and Cooper turned right into it through no fault of his own, Flynn was on his blind side but his over reaction was what got Flyn the line. Lost a lot of respect for Cooper after that."
I wouldn't have had much respect for Cooper to begin with, he's some man to be calling for a card for other players.

Richieq (Meath) - Posts: 3734 - 18/05/2022 18:36:59    2418523


Whatever about Flynn's red card, Morris' was ridiculous. You can't get a red card for petulance. It was an absolutely shameful dive by the Dublin player to what was a shove in the chest. You can imagine the uproar if it was the other way around and a Dublin player got a red. There'd be national campaigns to get it rescinded.

Ratoath Royal (Meath) - Posts: 1362 - 18/05/2022 19:35:05    2418530


Replying To Richieq:  "I wouldn't have had much respect for Cooper to begin with, he's some man to be calling for a card for other players."
You're right there Richieq and good to see you back, you've been missed around here recently.

You're spot on about Cooper, there's a lot of players who have reputations in the GAA and were involved in sendings off. Gleeson and Hegarty in the hurling can go a bit too far and they were both sent off on reputation at the weekend. Copper is a man always looking for cards for opponents and gives referees his full of it in terms of what he thinks. The better referees tell him to shut up but those like o'mahony at the weekend who don't get a lot of the top teams are strongly influenced.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 19/05/2022 09:56:23    2418590


Replying To Ratoath Royal:  "Whatever about Flynn's red card, Morris' was ridiculous. You can't get a red card for petulance. It was an absolutely shameful dive by the Dublin player to what was a shove in the chest. You can imagine the uproar if it was the other way around and a Dublin player got a red. There'd be national campaigns to get it rescinded."

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 19/05/2022 14:44:46    2418724


Replying To brian:  "You're right there Richieq and good to see you back, you've been missed around here recently.

You're spot on about Cooper, there's a lot of players who have reputations in the GAA and were involved in sendings off. Gleeson and Hegarty in the hurling can go a bit too far and they were both sent off on reputation at the weekend. Copper is a man always looking for cards for opponents and gives referees his full of it in terms of what he thinks. The better referees tell him to shut up but those like o'mahony at the weekend who don't get a lot of the top teams are strongly influenced."
Meath players have to own their mistakes, Flynn raised elbow and attempted to strike, Cooper is cute out and will try to influence ref. but pointless blaming Dublin players for our poor disicipline. Both I imagine have learned a lesson that will stand to them in years to come. Slightly off point, Flynn looks like a decent player.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2157 - 19/05/2022 15:52:34    2418754


Replying To seadog54:  "Meath players have to own their mistakes, Flynn raised elbow and attempted to strike, Cooper is cute out and will try to influence ref. but pointless blaming Dublin players for our poor disicipline. Both I imagine have learned a lesson that will stand to them in years to come. Slightly off point, Flynn looks like a decent player."
Oh i'm in no way saying Flynn shouldn't have been dismissed, it's an elbow and by the letter of the law it's a red. I don't think Flynn had an intention in it, clumsy more than anything, and as i said earlier it was coming from Cooper's blind side. He wasn't helped by Cooper acting like he'd been assaulted and demanding action.

I suppose I'm an older head and remember Lyons and the like rubbing the jaw and saying I'll get you later pal internally ;) if an incident like that happened. Nowadays first reaction is to always look for a card. Its a shame when lads actively look to get opponents sent off and carded.

Also yeah i'd agree Flynn looks decent from the cameos thus far....

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 19/05/2022 17:46:26    2418795
