Meath Forum

After Andy

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Replying To Jinxie:  "Quite possibly, and I suspect your probably right that he won't want it. Bit my question was asking why he should be ruled out of contention RD had said. I don't think he should be. That's all"
I would have no probs with him taking the job ! But he wont simple as !

grahamc9897 (Meath) - Posts: 1174 - 06/06/2022 11:30:10    2422719


Replying To CMAN1570:  "Anyone who suggest colm o rourke is very out of touch with what we need. He isn't the man to fix the issue. We need someone from outside the county someone who has the forward thinking that o rourke doesn't possess.. the good old days of meath been a super power and us holding them on a pedestal are over. We need to build a playing style, not be hoping to play like we did in the 90s or 00s. This style needs to be incorporated from u14 academy all the way up to senior. We need to create a identity or a philosophy of how we play the game!... Andy can't harbour all the blame, some must fall at the players feet aswell. We need a culture change and that will not come from within their isn't any manager in meath good enough or experienced enough to take it. We need to head hunt and pay a top class manager"
To me it seems a bit odd to say the next county manager has to be from outside the county. There is no guarantee that a top manager from outside the county would be available/ interested.
One benefit of a manager who is from Meath is they would likely know the club scene here well which is of benefit when selecting players for the county.

GreenMan1987 (Meath) - Posts: 38 - 06/06/2022 11:32:52    2422720


Replying To grahamc9897:  "Colm wouldnt go near this job ! He would be mad to get involved with this lot"
Well Graham,while I dont think Colm o Rourke will even apply for the job,just wondering why you would say he would be mad to get involved with this lot.If you are on about the county board then yes I can see your point to an extent but if you mean the players?While I agree they may not have covered themselves in glory,they put in a serious amount of effort,commitment and sacrifices to play for the county.Is it there fault they are going out without a plan?So if you are talking about the players I think it's unfair.While I will also say fair play to Andy for commitment,effort and passion for Meath, I think (just my opinion)he hasn't got the best out of this team.We all know the basics he has got wrong not going over all that again.Some people say who would want this job but I'd argue why wouldn't they.We are in division 2 (I know very tough one next year)of the league,we have an all Ireland winning minor team coming through plus some promising under 20 lads who if are nourished right could be on the senior team in a year or two.We need to be thinking long term here no point appointing someone then changing them in a year or two.The next manager needs to be given time to put his stamp on the team.Its vital we get this right,we may not see much progress (results)at first but we have to give the manager time.i still think with the right manager in, we can compete against most teams.We have a mainly football county(no disrespect to the fine hurling people doing a good job here)a sizeable following which would grow if results improve.We have a good proud football history.We have some fine players at the minute with a few young lads with massive potential.Their has been some good work put in right through the underage system more to do I know.Its a big challenge yes but I'd say people would be interested in it.A good coach would be thinking if I can get Meath into division 1,keep them there,get top games into young lads and improve them,that would be huge success.Not easy but not impossible then that should see us improve in the championship.So while I agree it's a big challenge it's not like taking over a team (county)who is winning cups and championships.Derry division 4 successful promotions and now Uslter champions.Why could Meath not have the same success.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 276 - 06/06/2022 11:49:49    2422724


Replying To Jinxie:  "Why would it rule out orourke?
2 sfc titles in the past few years? Very much in touch with the club scene in Meath. Would command respect and has the intelligence to build a strong back room team.

Don't see why he should be ruled out."
The only thing that rules him out is his recent comments on sg. When he stated that Dublin will not be beat in Leinster anytime soon. And will continue to dominate it.
I think if I was a player giving my all for county having a manager who doesn't think we can do that would be detrimental to any player. That's just my opinion. But I'd prefer someone to say why the hell can't we beat them ? You put in as much effort as them, you are trained as good as them and bloody hell they won't know what hit them. Defeatist attitude from management will sink down to players regardless of how one tries to cover it up. So imo anyone who thinks like that is a no no. Can you imagine Mc Guinness thinking like that ?

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 07/06/2022 08:08:16    2422817


That's that, Andy gone as was inevitable. He dedicated every bit of himself to it was 100% committed at all times. I think it's clear to see from current and former players (including ones that some on here have said he fell out) supporting Andy amid the abuse that he never lost the panel and his man management wasn't an issue. I think in the end his brand of football was limited and lacked spark to keep it going once. Two things can be true, Andy was incredibly dedicated to Meath football and the players played for him but unfortunately he has very limited in some aspects tactically and was unable to solve some of the glaring issues like free taking or GK.

A new man needs to be appointed asap, Malachy o rourke ticks all boxes but I would think the CB will keep it internal and go for a combo of ex players led by Brian Farrell as it was rumoured he was the one to take over last year if they get Andy out. Personally If they go down that line with Farrell and the Reilly's etc I think hindsight will be kind to Andy.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 07/06/2022 09:21:29    2422833


Replying To royaldunne:  "The only thing that rules him out is his recent comments on sg. When he stated that Dublin will not be beat in Leinster anytime soon. And will continue to dominate it.
I think if I was a player giving my all for county having a manager who doesn't think we can do that would be detrimental to any player. That's just my opinion. But I'd prefer someone to say why the hell can't we beat them ? You put in as much effort as them, you are trained as good as them and bloody hell they won't know what hit them. Defeatist attitude from management will sink down to players regardless of how one tries to cover it up. So imo anyone who thinks like that is a no no. Can you imagine Mc Guinness thinking like that ?"
I think that statement was him being realistic and honest. Thats the reality like it or not. All one can ever expect from any manager is to get the team to play to its full potential consistently. Then see where that brings us. Of course you have to study the opposition and trends etc. Above all else a culture of self improvement and encouragement is critical. I see his words as challenging and honest and most definately does NOT rule him out for consideration for the role of manager However, i do not see him as entering the race . I would think Th CB could consider him as a resourse with others in selection criteria for the new man. I hope sticking plaster remedies are not even considered because of where we are now. We have the time to complete the process of selecting a manager . Again thanks Andy for giving it your best shot. Over to The CB now to demonstrate a new beginning by giving the selection of manager all the attention it deserves on an ongoing basis

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1246 - 07/06/2022 10:23:59    2422873


Replying To royaldunne:  "The only thing that rules him out is his recent comments on sg. When he stated that Dublin will not be beat in Leinster anytime soon. And will continue to dominate it.
I think if I was a player giving my all for county having a manager who doesn't think we can do that would be detrimental to any player. That's just my opinion. But I'd prefer someone to say why the hell can't we beat them ? You put in as much effort as them, you are trained as good as them and bloody hell they won't know what hit them. Defeatist attitude from management will sink down to players regardless of how one tries to cover it up. So imo anyone who thinks like that is a no no. Can you imagine Mc Guinness thinking like that ?"
Hi RD, I certainly see where you are coming from. He probably said it in his position as an analyst and if you looked at the bookies odds it probably would hold up that view.

However, he is a manager that has achieved at club, schools and at aussie rules level and knows what was required to come from a low base in the '80's to dominate in Ireland. So I would probably cut him some slack on that one myself.

That said, he probably wont go for it.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 07/06/2022 10:27:58    2422878


Replying To royaldunne:  "The only thing that rules him out is his recent comments on sg. When he stated that Dublin will not be beat in Leinster anytime soon. And will continue to dominate it.
I think if I was a player giving my all for county having a manager who doesn't think we can do that would be detrimental to any player. That's just my opinion. But I'd prefer someone to say why the hell can't we beat them ? You put in as much effort as them, you are trained as good as them and bloody hell they won't know what hit them. Defeatist attitude from management will sink down to players regardless of how one tries to cover it up. So imo anyone who thinks like that is a no no. Can you imagine Mc Guinness thinking like that ?"
To be fair to him, I don't think he meant it in that context.

I know if I was asked about the current outlook of the Leinster Championship, Id be pretty pessimistic of it and indeed playing it up a little to try and entice a debate around change.

Regarding a stand alone fixture against Dublin, or indeed anyone, I don't think he believes we couldn't win, in the same way most of us as supporters would always live in hope.

For me anyway, it wouldn't merit ruling him out of contention. Although I reckon he will rule himself out anyway.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 07/06/2022 10:33:41    2422883


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "That's that, Andy gone as was inevitable. He dedicated every bit of himself to it was 100% committed at all times. I think it's clear to see from current and former players (including ones that some on here have said he fell out) supporting Andy amid the abuse that he never lost the panel and his man management wasn't an issue. I think in the end his brand of football was limited and lacked spark to keep it going once. Two things can be true, Andy was incredibly dedicated to Meath football and the players played for him but unfortunately he has very limited in some aspects tactically and was unable to solve some of the glaring issues like free taking or GK.

A new man needs to be appointed asap, Malachy o rourke ticks all boxes but I would think the CB will keep it internal and go for a combo of ex players led by Brian Farrell as it was rumoured he was the one to take over last year if they get Andy out. Personally If they go down that line with Farrell and the Reilly's etc I think hindsight will be kind to Andy."
Good post Joeshow & I think you got everything spot on with that.

You last line is very telling (& very well put ;-)). I think your right though. While I would have time for a few of the ex players being mention having an involvement in the Backroom, I still think we need a more experienced manager coming in to oversee.

I'm not sure if the Co Board will go outside the county though. The Banty debacle caused quite a bit of pain and I'm sure there are a few keen to avoid a repeat if things didn't work out.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 07/06/2022 10:45:27    2422893


Replying To Jinxie:  "Good post Joeshow & I think you got everything spot on with that.

You last line is very telling (& very well put ;-)). I think your right though. While I would have time for a few of the ex players being mention having an involvement in the Backroom, I still think we need a more experienced manager coming in to oversee.

I'm not sure if the Co Board will go outside the county though. The Banty debacle caused quite a bit of pain and I'm sure there are a few keen to avoid a repeat if things didn't work out."
What was the Banty debacle? I didn't jump on board that narrative but how how was ut debacle? Meath were competitive at that time and never embarrassed. If Banty's reign was a debacle, then what was Andy McEntee's reign?

Also, that's just one example of an "outside" manager. He came from Monaghan, not China, surely we can't stay forever within Meath because of the false narrative of how a Monaghan man performed in charge of Meath a decade ago.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1324 - 07/06/2022 11:29:35    2422919


I think first of all, any criticism towards Andy McEntee should be based on what we saw on the field, leave him and his family out of it. He took over Meath at a difficult time and genuinely restored a bit of hope and optimism by taking us back to Division 1 and getting to the Super 8s - but it unfortunately has all been downhill since then. But criticism comes with the territory and when you see people like Rory Stories coming out telling us you can't say a bad word about him because "he was passionate" - give it a rest Rory. People are entitled to their opinions, and the quality of football has not been good enough. He's had 6 years, and in any walk of life - if you're not performing, expect people to call you out.

We've been beaten by every big game we've virtually played, and the last year or two the players look completely void of ideas. Saturday was just peak, the full back was taking the penalty and the goalkeeper taking the frees.. We had virtually every player behind the ball at times, so when we broke there was absolutely nobody to play it in to and the basic errors were staggering. A few hail mary balls aimed at absolutely nobody, sat in the stand in Ennis embarrassed again.

We have absolutely no plan, no intensity and some of the players out there should not be on the panel. I don't want to be harsh on players, but the Wallace's, Brian McMahon, shouldn't be anywhere near that team. Just because they play for Ratoath doesn't mean they're good enough. It's disheartening, when that's all we have to bring on to try and change a game. Jordan Morris will surely be off to Cavan, he looks like he doesn't care and Cillian O'Sullivan looks so far off the pace. We have no forwards at all. Are we just not picking the best players? Because if we are then we are truly in trouble. is the likes of Robin Clarke better than any other corner back in the county? Just think if you play for Ratoath or Dunboyne, you get a chance for that reason. The players have to take some responsibility too, very few of them have come out of the last couple of years with any credit at all.

The new manager coming in has a big big job ahead of him. Certainly potential there but Meath football has completely lost its identity over the last 10/15 years and I'm not sure how we change that. Not sure who that's going to be, Malachy O'Rourke would certainly restore a bit of stability and probably put us in the right direction. Think you can forget about Jim McGuinness, Colm O'Rourke is obviously not going to be considered, he's been critical of the county board before and just don't see him wanting it anymore. Some kind of Bernard Flynn, Geraghty, Giles etc.. management team you could see happening. Hope they get it right.

hyperache (Meath) - Posts: 218 - 07/06/2022 11:34:58    2422922


Replying To Crinigan:  "What was the Banty debacle? I didn't jump on board that narrative but how how was ut debacle? Meath were competitive at that time and never embarrassed. If Banty's reign was a debacle, then what was Andy McEntee's reign?

Also, that's just one example of an "outside" manager. He came from Monaghan, not China, surely we can't stay forever within Meath because of the false narrative of how a Monaghan man performed in charge of Meath a decade ago."
I totally agree with this. Lots of talk about the Banty debacle but was it really much worse than Mick O'Dowd's or Andy McEntee's reigns?

You would need a really in depth analysis of players, fixtures, injuries etc to really compare each of these. The one big mistake made was Mick O'Dowd dispensing with Joe Sheridan and Cian Ward early on.

Besides that, based on my memory, I would put all three at a similar level overall and each behind Eamonn O'Brien who was badly treated.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 07/06/2022 12:00:59    2422944


Replying To Crinigan:  "What was the Banty debacle? I didn't jump on board that narrative but how how was ut debacle? Meath were competitive at that time and never embarrassed. If Banty's reign was a debacle, then what was Andy McEntee's reign?

Also, that's just one example of an "outside" manager. He came from Monaghan, not China, surely we can't stay forever within Meath because of the false narrative of how a Monaghan man performed in charge of Meath a decade ago."
Banty had more quality players at his disposal than Andy McEntee ever had. However, half the county did not want an outside manager so his reign was doomed to fail before it even started. Highlight was beating a good Kildare side in the Leinster semi-final in 2012 and being competitive in the final against Dublin. Low point was getting relegated to Division 3 of the league.

kingofclubs (Meath) - Posts: 322 - 07/06/2022 12:04:56    2422947


Replying To Crinigan:  "What was the Banty debacle? I didn't jump on board that narrative but how how was ut debacle? Meath were competitive at that time and never embarrassed. If Banty's reign was a debacle, then what was Andy McEntee's reign?

Also, that's just one example of an "outside" manager. He came from Monaghan, not China, surely we can't stay forever within Meath because of the false narrative of how a Monaghan man performed in charge of Meath a decade ago."
Agree with all that and my thinking behind staying internal is as much to do with cost as anything. I don't think we will spend on a top manager. If you got the likes of a malachy o rourke in with Brian and Kevin underneath we might set ourselves up moving forward.

I don't think there is an obvious candidate in the county, certainly not a ex player and there is maybe 3-4 outside who could come in. I would see Kevin Reilly is someone who in time could make it as a great manager and 3 years in an experienced set up would be great for him.

I hope I'm wrong but I fully expect the CB to make a Mess of this and go down the old route. Meath have a core of older players who still are among our best in keogan, McGill, mention and o Sullivan. It is vital we get someone who can keep these guys on the road but no one could blame them for not committing.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 07/06/2022 12:10:48    2422954


Replying To hyperache:  "I think first of all, any criticism towards Andy McEntee should be based on what we saw on the field, leave him and his family out of it. He took over Meath at a difficult time and genuinely restored a bit of hope and optimism by taking us back to Division 1 and getting to the Super 8s - but it unfortunately has all been downhill since then. But criticism comes with the territory and when you see people like Rory Stories coming out telling us you can't say a bad word about him because "he was passionate" - give it a rest Rory. People are entitled to their opinions, and the quality of football has not been good enough. He's had 6 years, and in any walk of life - if you're not performing, expect people to call you out.

We've been beaten by every big game we've virtually played, and the last year or two the players look completely void of ideas. Saturday was just peak, the full back was taking the penalty and the goalkeeper taking the frees.. We had virtually every player behind the ball at times, so when we broke there was absolutely nobody to play it in to and the basic errors were staggering. A few hail mary balls aimed at absolutely nobody, sat in the stand in Ennis embarrassed again.

We have absolutely no plan, no intensity and some of the players out there should not be on the panel. I don't want to be harsh on players, but the Wallace's, Brian McMahon, shouldn't be anywhere near that team. Just because they play for Ratoath doesn't mean they're good enough. It's disheartening, when that's all we have to bring on to try and change a game. Jordan Morris will surely be off to Cavan, he looks like he doesn't care and Cillian O'Sullivan looks so far off the pace. We have no forwards at all. Are we just not picking the best players? Because if we are then we are truly in trouble. is the likes of Robin Clarke better than any other corner back in the county? Just think if you play for Ratoath or Dunboyne, you get a chance for that reason. The players have to take some responsibility too, very few of them have come out of the last couple of years with any credit at all.

The new manager coming in has a big big job ahead of him. Certainly potential there but Meath football has completely lost its identity over the last 10/15 years and I'm not sure how we change that. Not sure who that's going to be, Malachy O'Rourke would certainly restore a bit of stability and probably put us in the right direction. Think you can forget about Jim McGuinness, Colm O'Rourke is obviously not going to be considered, he's been critical of the county board before and just don't see him wanting it anymore. Some kind of Bernard Flynn, Geraghty, Giles etc.. management team you could see happening. Hope they get it right."
Pathetic post!!!

ratlag (Meath) - Posts: 560 - 07/06/2022 12:11:17    2422955


So Andy McEntee has resigned. Not surprised really. He was up against it since the County Executive voted no confidence in him only to be 'saved' by the club delegates. Now I believe the 'saving' vote of the delegates came about for a variety of reasons. Among those reasons were that some still believed in Andy McEntee while others did not like the utterly clumsy and far too late effort by the Executive to dislodge him.

At this stage I would now wish Andy well in whatever role he chooses within the game and to thank him for his efforts. Sure he made mistakes and so does everyone who attempts anything in life BUT it was not all doom and gloom and probably over achieved a little in getting the team promoted to Division 1 and reaching the Super 8s for one season and was literally within seconds of beating Tyrone in a good old fashioned, rip-roaring contest in Navan in normal time and was in contention throughout the entire extra time, unluckily not getting a free at the very end that day.

However what is NOT ACCEPTABLE is the abuse (much of it downright lies) being directed at him and his son since yesterday evening's announcement by some really disgusting keyboard warriors. Shame on those cowards.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1068 - 07/06/2022 12:30:44    2422968


Replying To Crinigan:  "What was the Banty debacle? I didn't jump on board that narrative but how how was ut debacle? Meath were competitive at that time and never embarrassed. If Banty's reign was a debacle, then what was Andy McEntee's reign?

Also, that's just one example of an "outside" manager. He came from Monaghan, not China, surely we can't stay forever within Meath because of the false narrative of how a Monaghan man performed in charge of Meath a decade ago."
I think the media made more of a thing about it than it was, but I remember at the time that RTE's headline was that Meath had appointed their first "outside" mangaer, not that X person had gotten the job.

Ah Banty had a poor enough tenure. He also faced a no confidence vote, and his was mid season, after the humiliation at home to Louth to relegate us to Div 3. The Draw with Carlow in the Championship also brought much criticism.

There just seemed to be narrative in anything you read or scene that everything that went wrong was due to the "outside" manager thing. Other people saying our players couldnt flourish under an ulster coach( Grimley was there in year 1).
Hindsight proved afterwards that we just simply werent good enough.

Id agree with you that we shouldnt live in that mindset, & I'd be delighted to see M O'R take the job, but I fear that to Co Board may not think the same way.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 07/06/2022 12:34:53    2422971


Replying To hyperache:  "I think first of all, any criticism towards Andy McEntee should be based on what we saw on the field, leave him and his family out of it. He took over Meath at a difficult time and genuinely restored a bit of hope and optimism by taking us back to Division 1 and getting to the Super 8s - but it unfortunately has all been downhill since then. But criticism comes with the territory and when you see people like Rory Stories coming out telling us you can't say a bad word about him because "he was passionate" - give it a rest Rory. People are entitled to their opinions, and the quality of football has not been good enough. He's had 6 years, and in any walk of life - if you're not performing, expect people to call you out.

We've been beaten by every big game we've virtually played, and the last year or two the players look completely void of ideas. Saturday was just peak, the full back was taking the penalty and the goalkeeper taking the frees.. We had virtually every player behind the ball at times, so when we broke there was absolutely nobody to play it in to and the basic errors were staggering. A few hail mary balls aimed at absolutely nobody, sat in the stand in Ennis embarrassed again.

We have absolutely no plan, no intensity and some of the players out there should not be on the panel. I don't want to be harsh on players, but the Wallace's, Brian McMahon, shouldn't be anywhere near that team. Just because they play for Ratoath doesn't mean they're good enough. It's disheartening, when that's all we have to bring on to try and change a game. Jordan Morris will surely be off to Cavan, he looks like he doesn't care and Cillian O'Sullivan looks so far off the pace. We have no forwards at all. Are we just not picking the best players? Because if we are then we are truly in trouble. is the likes of Robin Clarke better than any other corner back in the county? Just think if you play for Ratoath or Dunboyne, you get a chance for that reason. The players have to take some responsibility too, very few of them have come out of the last couple of years with any credit at all.

The new manager coming in has a big big job ahead of him. Certainly potential there but Meath football has completely lost its identity over the last 10/15 years and I'm not sure how we change that. Not sure who that's going to be, Malachy O'Rourke would certainly restore a bit of stability and probably put us in the right direction. Think you can forget about Jim McGuinness, Colm O'Rourke is obviously not going to be considered, he's been critical of the county board before and just don't see him wanting it anymore. Some kind of Bernard Flynn, Geraghty, Giles etc.. management team you could see happening. Hope they get it right."
I agree with you re the likes of eamon wallace McMahon COS and the like . Time to move them on . I'd probably throw in James Mc as well and 1 or 2 others in that.

I am not gonna get into a whole Ratoath Dunboyne debate because there are plenty of players from "small rural clubs" on that panel who are not good enough and not performing the way they can so what club a player plays for is irrelevant and I have no doubt it was irrelevant to Andy also despite the narrative spun by some people connected with certain clubs.

In terms of a new manager . The likes of Malachy O'Rourke Colm O'Rourke and other experienced mangers I am happy for the CB to explore all options.

The likes of Bernard Flynn we should forget about. Little or no experience in the past 10/15 years not to mentioned he jumped ship from the 20s when he didn't get what he wanted and when he realised they weren't as strong as he thought they were and left a load of lads who had committed to him and his management for 4 of 5 months and worked their socks off in the lurch. Draw a line through him.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 910 - 07/06/2022 12:37:24    2422972


There's only one man that can change Meaths fortunes and that man is Gerry McEntee.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1794 - 07/06/2022 12:49:15    2422978


Looked first and foremost I want to thank Andy for what he did over the last six year. I know people think i'm not a fan of his and things couldn't be further from the truth. I hope my points over the years have been about what we saw in the field and never anything personal. What I have seen over the past 18 hours or so with his son and daughter coming out and having to defend him on social media and about some of the abuse that was sent to their home is sickening. Essentially i know he's a good man at heart and did what he thought was best for Meath football and wasn't trying to harm the county.

In years 1 - 3 I applaud him for what he did in restoring pride into the Meath jersey, bringing a bit of identity back to the team, improving the level's of fitness and strength but I think it started sliding from the Leinster final in 2019 and that game broke something within the squad which still hasn't been repaired. The 2020 league campaign and several big beatings further depleted the belief within the team and i think they played a game with a lot of bodies back and it hasn't been properly structured or implemented.

Versus Clare on Saturday they idea was as many back as possible and block up the central corridor but teams were able to find space or an out ball as we didn't come out. There were a lot of guys just marking space and not getting tight to anyone, in the Dublin game Dublin popped points for fun as they had no pressure on them. When the team started performing on Saturday and turning over the ball after 20 minutes most of the time they had nobody up the pitch. On several occasions Thomas O'Reilly had the ball on the 45 and looked up and had no out ball, he had to solo to midfield and hope lads got ahead of him to play a ball too. The idea of 15 men back just doesn't work because there's no way of breaking out.

I think Andy was almost so afraid to lose this season that this team was set up in a way to not lose and had no idea of how to win games that were there for the winning.

Looked I'm not sure what the next steps will be and who will be the next person in.

Colm O'Rourke - i think is no longer suitable for the role. I think he struggles with the modern game and will be out thought by the better managers of today. I also don't think he'd go for the role so it's a non runner.

o'Bric/ McCarthy - allow them to work with their underage teams, there's a system there, let it develop. Maybe bring in McCarthy in 2024 as part of the backroom team and O'Bric in 2025 if tat's what they want to do.

Farrell/Reilly - As someone else said we could be in a worse position doing this. I know they've won senior and intermediate titles, but doing it at intercounty level is a whole different thing. They could be very much out of their depth and we'd waste more time. I'd be happy to see them involved with a ticket and developing.

Robbie Brennan - was involved with john McCarthy and the U20's this year and i dunno how much input he had but

McDermott - Is he the hot name after bringing Tones from almost nowhere to a county title, if he could replicate things with them this year then he's a live contender.

Lar Wall - couldn't get Kells over the line in the championship so is he really going to do it for Meath

Anthony Moyles - hasn't really any pedigree at club level and would he give up his media gig and columns

Jim Gavin/ Jimmy McGuinness/ Eamonn Fitzmaurice - pie in the sky, there's no way they'd take the job. The first two don't need any more involvement in the GAA. Fitzmaurice isn't going to travel up from Kerry 3-4 times a week

Mick Deegan/ Paul Curran/ Paul Clarke/ Declan D'Arcy/Jason Sherlock - I know many won't want a Dub but these guys have worked with Jim Gavin. Clarke managed the second team to o'byrne cups so why not see if they 're interested in coming on board. Curran has managed Ballymun to county titles and and helped bring Thomas davis back to relevance. He's working with Dunshaughlin so Navan/ Dunganny isn;t that much further ;)

Davy Burke - very good mind for the game, worked across multiple counties and is highly regarded. This might be your candidate.

Malachy O'Rourke - is the outstanding candidate for the position. If he's interested and i hope the county board are already sounding him out then this should be a very short race. He got Fermanagh to Ulster finals, won Ulster with Monaghan and would stabalise the team immediately. Has managed at the very highest level and kept Mongahan in the top 7-8 teams in the country operating with about 1/3 of the population of Meath. He plays a decent brand of football but coming from Ulster could help us both defensively and with our biggest issue, breaking the blanket defence and packed area's which we simply are unable to deal with. Monaghan as a team were always supremely fit, well conditioned and strong. This has tailed off in Meath and needs to be addressed.

I think we're in for a couple of months of speculation and a lot of moans and groans, and i wouldn't bet with anyone elses money never mind my own on who'll get the job.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 07/06/2022 13:08:32    2422993
