Meath Forum

After Andy

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Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "all would be mad to take the job, without clear understanding, that all parties are aligned...and mostly that means the Top Table of the CB ....if they don't "understand " the problem, after explaining it to them...then any good manager or management team worth its salt, wouldn't accept the Job. ...the CB, are this morning scrambling in the dark talking about S&C, Andy, Fitness, individual performances...all a waste of time , until they realise that there has to be a whole change of mentality within the decision makers....find ourselves a John Costello & a few other like minded people ...and then you will get good quality people to put their hands up for the individual Team roles. , would want to be off your head to take the job in the current environment
Obvious candidate to be in the mix is O bric...but problem for him is, he cant put a ring of steel around a Senior County squad like he did with the even if he comes on-board..he has to deal with the issues of the CB"
Yes......I think you are bang on the button there. CB top table as you say to "UNDERSTAND" the problem and that fresh thinking around the requirements regarding the skillsets of a manager and backroom team in the modern game is the first critical step. That tells us the type of person we need. I think you clarify by using the need for alignment. Full discussion amongst all stakeholders should help here. That may even be a new beginning in itself because it helps to clarify the needs .I wonder has that ever really been done before to take account of the requirements of the MODERN day manager?. I would also like to hear about how it is planned to install a self improvement culture with players and as a team including structure and timing of reviews .,All coaching matters ,training sessions and connection to team performance monitoring players TAKING responsibility matters are critical also Man management skills are a must in everything and the cornerstone for any potential manager. it has to be seen in his DNA almost During alignment discussion is the ideal opportunity for a potential manager to demonstrate these skills of leadership and vision for the future.
That would be the agenda for discussion as you say to seek alignment. Without that alignment its a waste of time. No doubt as discussion continues avenues open up to seek further development and fresh thinking. i suggest it would be healthy if we could just believe that the team are never finished developing. .Development is a key part of our culture because thats whats needed. We are where we in Meath because it seems we thought the BOYLAN years would carry us on for years.
I think where there is a will there is a way. Dont care what any other county does .Focus is on us for now .No blaming from here, look back and learn from our mistakes only. Simply look at what the needs are now and then assuming we have the "alignment"you mention go ahead with a can do attitude. lets get that alignment to begin with.Ball firmly at the top table for a new beginning! No rush just start now and take it slowly!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1246 - 16/05/2022 16:49:23    2417837


Be great if there was a succession plan.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1794 - 16/05/2022 16:56:18    2417844


Another poster has put it up already but I would like Jim McGuinness,(probably a pipe dream)he would install (A) an actual gameplan and (B)belief that we can win something plus so much more but doubt the county board would pay for him.Malacly o Rourke is a good shout as well.inside dont think o Rourke wants it maybe Sean kelly and Sean Barry?I believe Eammon Murray s backroom team does a fair bit of the work (not meant as offensive at all to him) but would have to get them all to sign up.Cathal o bric?I know we probably should leave him were he is but would know the young lads very well on the team.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 276 - 16/05/2022 19:18:31    2417914


Replying To Royalblufill:  "So... I would think this is probably the lowest point in the past few years for me as for the first time I genuinely believed we were going to be competitive!

I think a root and branch review is needed of the whole set up! We have issues in both football and hurling and one area where we have seen progress, at under age level, is in danger of being wasted if not dealt with properly with the right structures and management team being put in place.

I think without this, it will be hard to attract the right managers for the county job!

In terms of the football, it is hard to identify someone from the current crop of managers. I see Kevin Reilly and Brian Farrell mentioned and both have had some element of success but are largely inexperienced to date! From an outside perspective I see Malachy O'Rourke mentioned . He is an excellent manager who has done great work with Monaghan and more recently with Glen up in Derry! I am less sure that he would come to Meath!

Davy Byrne has the experience behind him of working under Jim Gavin and could probably bring some of the Dub set up into play for Meath - but not sure he would take or the county board would give it to him!

I don't know what the answer is - but what is really important, is that we keep the younger lads involved and add to them with the successful under age teams of the past few years and develop a culture that attracts players to compete wholeheartedly to be part of the set up and we the followers remain supportive of the massive efforts they put in over the tough winter months!

The likes of Harkin, Hickey, Hogan, Costello, Flynn, Morris, O'Connor are all quality players - with the right structures they could really flourish!

And for what it's worth - how about looking ladies manager Eamonn Murray - he is brought an intermediate team to Senior success and they remain the shining light within the Meat structures!!"
That's my pick. Proven winner. I'll be honest I don't see anyone else within county. But would he leave the ladies ?

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 17/05/2022 07:20:59    2417954


Replying To stillaroyal:  "Colm O'Rourke doesnt seem to be interested. He probably needs the Sunday Game gig and his column in the Sunday Independent from a financial point of view. He wold probably fnd it difficult to get those back if he went to the Meath manager role for say 4 or 5 years.

I think the county board needs to be forming a committee as soon as possible to identify a replacement manager. They should have the committee lined up to announce after Meath lose at whatever stage they eventually lose in the qualifiers.

Even if they have a decent run I think the race is run for Andy and you would expect that he realises that himself - I'd say he'll step down when we go out of the All Ireland.

We need to announce the people charged with identifying the successor asap after that."
Andy has no intention of going on. Unfortunately neither does a few of the better players after this year. So these young lads that hid on Sunday will need one hell of a kick up the backside

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 17/05/2022 07:27:04    2417956


Replying To ASaminthehand:  "Not really sure what that has to do with things! If any Meath Club could get a decent run in the club championship it would be a start! Not sure why it matters that it is Ratoath!!"
I do think our abysmal form in Leinster club championship probably points to why our county team do so poorly.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 17/05/2022 07:29:12    2417958


A lot of ridiculous names being thrown out here, lads that have several chances with underage teams without ever winning a game, also being around a number of clubs with no success. Then the former players that have never ever been a selector never mind coach a team of any description. The best manager in Meath at the moment is McDermot from the Tones. He has won county titles in 5 different county's all 4 provinces. Definitely got the CV and appears to by a very good man manager.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 520 - 17/05/2022 08:19:28    2417965


Replying To royaldunne:  "That's my pick. Proven winner. I'll be honest I don't see anyone else within county. But would he leave the ladies ?"
I think we'd be better with his right hand man, Paul Garrigan. Had a huge impact on the Ladies panel. Has managed Senior club teams. I think him with a few of our ex players who are involved in managment now might be a shout

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 17/05/2022 10:00:48    2417999


Tony McEntee...

Madog (Meath) - Posts: 3 - 17/05/2022 10:06:27    2418004


Whoever the new manager is will need a special set of skills. We don't have any outstanding players in the club scene at the moment so he needs to be able to get a group of average players that as a team are much more effective than the individual parts. From a club scene perspective McDermott from the Tones has achieved that and should be looked at.

Poormouth (Meath) - Posts: 204 - 17/05/2022 10:39:23    2418017


Agree with McDermott from Tones as a good shout. His CV speaks for itself.

I was talking to a man from Duleek over the winter and he said that Tones played St. Pats in relegation play off in 2018/2019 and a couple of years later they won a senior. That sort of thing doesn't happen by chance.

The big issue here though is the current county board set up. The lack of forward thinking and proactive decision making is shocking from what I see and then what I am told.

UsernameInvalid (Meath) - Posts: 365 - 17/05/2022 10:48:59    2418022


Replying To UsernameInvalid:  "Agree with McDermott from Tones as a good shout. His CV speaks for itself.

I was talking to a man from Duleek over the winter and he said that Tones played St. Pats in relegation play off in 2018/2019 and a couple of years later they won a senior. That sort of thing doesn't happen by chance.

The big issue here though is the current county board set up. The lack of forward thinking and proactive decision making is shocking from what I see and then what I am told."
Job specification

first requirement for next person is that that they have to be convinced to Put their name ...any ejit that Puts there hand up for this the wrong man
Their Job will be one of huge self it will involve 3-5 really hard years of turning an Organisation around single handed ....and crucially ...if successful...they will not be their for the limelight . In simple terms what this "looks like"... is it will take a massive effort to put together a squad of players capable of us being at a consistent Division 1 Standard . in doing so, we will also then be competitive at Leinster Final level. This is 5 years work , working with the Current CB,, working with some of the current squad, and re-cutting & instilling a whole new culture & identity on what it means to be a Meath inter County Senior Footballer .
Any ejit that goes to the interview talks up the last few successful underage squads...needs to be shown the door immediately
he wont get any decent compensation for this, he will be ridiculed by many in the CB because of his realism , and we as supporters, will be on his back, when he struggles in the first years at Division 2 , as he sticks and gives experience To players that we dont rate ....In ripping up the previous format & plan and looking long term with a clear strategy this man wont win an all ireland like pat Gilroy did there will be little glory for this man...but he will have done a huge service for his county...all Egos need to be shown the exit door at Interview stage

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 392 - 17/05/2022 11:44:42    2418059


Workshop to seek ALIGNMENT for new management team....... I believe that a proper full day workshop organised by the COUNTY BOARD is worth considering at this point... Objective of same..... To bring focus on the role of manager NOWADAYS. and thus key skills required for manager and backroom team going forward,including succession planning.........Venu Dunganny or wherever. Facilitator Clare Byrne RTE or someone known in the role with a proven track record Speakers ..Sean Boylan, Jimmy mcGuinness, Colm O Rourke, Jim Gavin (on empowerment)
Andy Mc Entee ( on most recent experience of role with emphasis on needs going forward for incoming candidates)
Attendance club delegates, All officers CB and others to be decided..

ALIGNMENT....... TO BRING THE ROLE AND KEY SKILLS OF MODERN DAY MANAGER AND BACKROOM TEAM INTO FULL FOCUSS with the objective of having all stakeholders agree on what" type" of people required to fill the various positions incl MANAGER. Selection of potential candidate of manager. ....The workshop would assist the CB in selecting the most suitable people for interview panel for Manager ( not necessarily all from CB). Sucessional planning..... CB invite current club and current county underage managers or potential future candidates for key roles to attend and consider future develoment to meet the needs

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1246 - 17/05/2022 12:00:23    2418069


Any basketball coaches in the county?

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1794 - 17/05/2022 12:37:55    2418092


Tommy Hanley of Clan Na Gael he is no longer training Clan Na Gael and brought them up from Junior to Intermediate. Would have great experience and has been involved with other clubs and other coaches.

ALLGAA32 (Meath) - Posts: 64 - 17/05/2022 14:41:41    2418147


Replying To bert09:  "Any basketball coaches in the county?"
Honestly, might be able to teach the boys how to field/catch a ball.

Irish_downunder (Meath) - Posts: 635 - 17/05/2022 14:44:29    2418149


Give mcentee another year

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 915 - 17/05/2022 15:12:29    2418167


Replying To southmeathgael:  "Give mcentee another year"
Good man southmeathgael, sure that''s the way to do it

Lets see if the Dubs can beat us by 30 points next year for the laugh

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 17/05/2022 18:21:31    2418228


Replying To Jinxie:  "I think we'd be better with his right hand man, Paul Garrigan. Had a huge impact on the Ladies panel. Has managed Senior club teams. I think him with a few of our ex players who are involved in managment now might be a shout"
Perhaps. I don't know much about Paul tbh

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 17/05/2022 19:12:46    2418242


Royaldunne is gaa expert , proven track record in ladies game , mayby he should get a shot?

Has anybody tried put a big sign up in the dressing room saying " we are meath "

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 418 - 18/05/2022 09:30:58    2418275
