Meath Forum

V Dublin

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Replying To BigJoe14:  "Fair analysis on all of the above apart from the last part about Andy standing like a statue. He's criticised if he jumps up and down, now he is criticised for standing still. What's he supposed to do? He can't go onto the field and put in a tackle for them!! And there aren't exactly a huge array of options on the bench. Pointless to just make a sub in the first half for the sake of it. Better wait until half time to reset. Yesterday was on the players, end of story."
Yesterday was on the players, end of story.................. Are you serious?

Who sent them out with out the following things in place

No kick out strategy
No defensive strategy
No attacking strategy
Any form of coherent game plan
No reliable free taker
A lack of fitness, strength and conditioning to last the pace with Dublin

Joe I'm in no way absolving players of blame they have to take their share but to totally absolve Andy and his management of any responsibility is a stretch too far. They've to prepare the team and yesetrday it was clear as day how badly the players were set up

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 16/05/2022 17:53:13    2417884


Replying To thelutch:  "Not really surprised with the result, expected a good beating but did not expect what I witnessed.

Players not playing for the manager.
Not sure our lads knew their job.

Costello looked like a lost sheep, what was his job ? Seemed to me was to watch Mc CARTHY but he did what he liked, kicked two pints with nobody within 10 metres of him

Joey ,menton the only two that looked like they actually cared.

The game itself was like an old fashioned challenge game.

Left with ten to go to get back to south Meath and now reading we got two straight reds, Maybe they don't want anymore of this mess.

Its back to basics, only way is up after what I seen today.

Dublin would have had tougher training sessions id say the last few weeks.

This is not a good Dublin setup but made us look like a division 3/4 team."
I said that this would happen, I said they were no better than Wexford people on here scoffed at it. To say Dublin is not a great setup is farcical. To me they are the best team in Ireland right now ahead of Kerry. 28 scores yesterday 27 the last day. 18 scores in the first half yesterday. Who could compete with that. They are relentless, strong, physical, organised and good footballers. My tip to win Sam from the start of the season and I won't charge my mind after yesterday.
Meath have to start from scratch again, these lads are good footballers they need direction support and a game plan. They just look jaded mentally and physically. New managed new coaches new ideas needed.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 520 - 16/05/2022 18:11:43    2417897


Replying To brian:  "Well said Jinxie, say you get in a guy to work with 5-10 guys for a period of time and then a couple of sessions a year, how much would that improve things. From next year why they couldn't bring in someone to work with all levels down to U14/U16 and have them working on technique, approach, addressing the ball and you could solve this for 15-20 years.

If you look at
Senior team - Flynn, Walsh, Morris, O'Connor and Hogan
U20's (2023) - Frayne
Minors (2021)/ U20's (2024) - Corcoran, McDermott

Maybe add in a few more guys on the fringes like Luke Mitchell and Aaron Lynch

Have them working with someone for 2-3 years and repetition, repetition etc and you're at least giving yourself bullets in your gun and might get 2-3 capable guys from the batch. I'm no expert and I'm sure there's several more names that could be added to that list."
That's exactly it Brian. And it'd also entice lads to commit to the county, seeing this opportunity to develop themselves further as reward for the commitment

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 16/05/2022 20:55:34    2417930


24 hours on;all the keyboard experts have had their rant!Time to move on!It hasn't worked out for this management team,whatever you think of their performance ,you cannot question their commitment,some times it just doesn't work.Too easy on this forum to have a cut off decent GAA men who do this on a voluntary basis,cowardly criticism!

JD1677 (Meath) - Posts: 68 - 16/05/2022 21:10:58    2417933


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Fair analysis on all of the above apart from the last part about Andy standing like a statue. He's criticised if he jumps up and down, now he is criticised for standing still. What's he supposed to do? He can't go onto the field and put in a tackle for them!! And there aren't exactly a huge array of options on the bench. Pointless to just make a sub in the first half for the sake of it. Better wait until half time to reset. Yesterday was on the players, end of story."
Bit of a silly statement

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 528 - 16/05/2022 22:03:38    2417952


Replying To JD1677:  "24 hours on;all the keyboard experts have had their rant!Time to move on!It hasn't worked out for this management team,whatever you think of their performance ,you cannot question their commitment,some times it just doesn't work.Too easy on this forum to have a cut off decent GAA men who do this on a voluntary basis,cowardly criticism!"
JD i don't think any of us on here question their commitment or willingness, but they've not been putting out a team that's well prepared and capable of beating a team better than them. Dublin are weakening and yet the gap between us is growing even bigger based on what was on show yesterday.

Plenty of us aren't laying the blame fully on Andy and his backroom (they've made mistakes and plenty of them which they have to accept responsibility for), most are also pointing fingers rightly at the county board and those who are in charge (or supposed to be) of overseeing the team. They made a mess of their review last year, it was 3-4 ,months too late and then approach the clubs with a motion and no alternative of it was voted on.

There's plenty of blame to go around and no one is saying everything is Andy's fault. I'm one of his harshest critics and have no problem saying where there's issue but I'd just as equally say that he brought us to a great spot in 2019 but we also got walloped by Dublin on multiple occasions and it's only gotten worse. Our fitness levels in 2019 were exemplary but from there they've dropped off so badly that we were the least fit team yesterday. Of the 4 teams yesterday, we were measurably under prepared, under coached and under game planned. Several issues which have been evident for years came back into focus yesterday and that ultimately falls on the manager for failing to address them.

Andy thanks for everything and I appreciate what you've done but now its time to allow someone else bring things forward.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 16/05/2022 22:04:11    2417953


Anyone know when the draw for the back door is on.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 672 - 17/05/2022 09:08:30    2417973


I think what we saw on Sunday was the signs of a management team and group of players who know that this 'block' of meath football is at its end in terms of Andy leaving at the end of the year and they just looked absolutely drained. I have been a fan of Andy's and think he had definitely improved us from when he took over but Sunday just showed that he has reached him limit in terms of what he can get out of these lads and a new voice and approach is now needed.
I agree with a lot of posters points, fitness levels looked lower than required and defensively we looked to have no set plan at all, giving Dublin their own kickout short is fine if we are going to set up a Green wall at our 45 and stop them there but we looked completely at sea. Having said that, players who normally we rely on like Jones had one of his worst outings I've seen. Our own kickouts at times looked good, getting a few off to runners into space, but to often we only had 1 or mayb2 runners which didn't find space and we had to force the kick long which we were unable to win clean or on the breaks, this is a player issue and not a management one as they showed they were able to do it the odd time which means that some work has clearly gone into it, however the runs need to be made by 5-6 players minimum and not just 1 or 2.
We do have a free taker now and its Hogan, whether people like it or not, he is young and will learn and improve but he seems to be the taker so people need to get over the fact he's a goalkeeper. Giving out when theres 5-6 lads attempting them and now giving out when we have one consistent one, if hes the best dead ball striker then hes the best dead ball striker end of story.
In regards the backs, McEntee and Ryan could both have been whipped after 20mins and had no complaints, both were completely non existent and completely exposed the full back line which consisted of 2 corner backs that if we are honest are not up to the standard just yet as it is. Anyone saying that Harking was the best of the line needs to re watch the game, he was at seas for the high ball in when he conceded the peno and I don't think he won a single ball out in front of Con (who management should never have had him marking, he needed to be picked up by McGill from the start). Clarke could have gone in the first half as well and Muldoon come on, Costello gave him a run around. McGill was the only one who acquitted himself as ok, keeping Rock to 1pt from play and not much influence on the game, but again he should have been on O Callaghan as he was always going to be the biggest inside threat.

Anyway, as it is now we may win one qualifier if we draw Cork or maybe Clare and then after that we will hopefully have the CB getting a new man in before July so that he can watch the club championship and start preparing for next year.

ratlag (Meath) - Posts: 560 - 17/05/2022 09:47:35    2417986


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Fair analysis on all of the above apart from the last part about Andy standing like a statue. He's criticised if he jumps up and down, now he is criticised for standing still. What's he supposed to do? He can't go onto the field and put in a tackle for them!! And there aren't exactly a huge array of options on the bench. Pointless to just make a sub in the first half for the sake of it. Better wait until half time to reset. Yesterday was on the players, end of story."
Good point on Andy, damned if you do and damned if you don't. Sunday was all on the players. i wont name names but 4 to 5 players put in a pathetic effort and should be ashamed.

redser123 (Meath) - Posts: 404 - 17/05/2022 11:04:05    2418030


Just wondering who all our coaches are? Seen one lad doing a lot of the drills in the warm up Sunday and didn't know him. It wasn't Nally, Nestor or Marcus Brennan.

Barney12345 (Meath) - Posts: 33 - 17/05/2022 11:54:23    2418068


Replying To JD1677:  "24 hours on;all the keyboard experts have had their rant!Time to move on!It hasn't worked out for this management team,whatever you think of their performance ,you cannot question their commitment,some times it just doesn't work.Too easy on this forum to have a cut off decent GAA men who do this on a voluntary basis,cowardly criticism!"
I agree with you about signaling out and picking on any person on the panel who give up so much for the county from behind the keyboard.They have put huge commitment in and should be applauded for that no doubt and most fans do appreciate it.Anyone can have an off day or come up against a better player who may take them to the cleaners.On Sunday though it wasnt 1 or 2 lads who had an off day it was more like 1 or 2 preformed to their acceptable standard and the rest were well below standard.I sat there on Sunday in the cusack stand and it was a really hard watch, so I can understand people s frustrating and putting posts up while still angry.The game was over after 10 mins.It looked like we had played the day before,Dublin were just waltzing through us at ease men v boys stuff.We had 13 men behind the ball all around the D marking space not the man.That tactic might work at club level Junior ,intermediate maybe just at senior level but saying to Dublin can you kick points from outside our D of course they can this is top inter county level.I felt a bit sorry for the full back line there is only so many runs you can block with no pressure on outfield they had all the time to look up and find there man.Im not taking anything away from Dublin (hate saying it)but they kicked some very good scores but again under little or no pressure.where was the fight and hunger?now of course the players need to take a look at themselves and you cant blame Andy for everything but the team looked like they went out not to lose by to much instead of believing they could win.I didnt see a gameplan if you are going defensive when you turn over you have to attack quickly but we went sideways and backways and Dublin just got back and closed us out.At half time I was thinking this could be a 25 /30 point hammering but thankfully it didnt get that bad.More than likely we will draw a top 8 team and hopefully we can dust ourselves down and bounce back and get some pride back.Sundsy is gone now we have to look forward to the next game(hopefully a few )and then start afresh.Hopefully we get the right manager in and start motoring again because despite the doom and gloom we have some very good young talented players coming through and on the panel already.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 276 - 17/05/2022 12:02:26    2418072


Bad display. In truth before the game we all knew a display like that was a real possibility. Andy improved us in some ways in his time there, he brought us to division 1 for the first time in ages a few years ago but now it just looks like he is there too long and a new voice is needed after we get knocked out this year. Andy has his faults (for example in his 6 years there we always seemed terribly prepared regarding kickouts) but some of the players need to look at themselves also, even if Andy's time is about to finish this is no excuse for the lack of bite some of them 'tackled' with on Sunday.
Before the game I thought our main issue would be lack of scoring power but it was shocking to see Dublin players scoring with such ease. I couldn't understand why Harkin was not taken off O'Callaghan early on given the trouble he was in.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1377 - 17/05/2022 20:09:34    2418250


Replying To brian:  "JD i don't think any of us on here question their commitment or willingness, but they've not been putting out a team that's well prepared and capable of beating a team better than them. Dublin are weakening and yet the gap between us is growing even bigger based on what was on show yesterday.

Plenty of us aren't laying the blame fully on Andy and his backroom (they've made mistakes and plenty of them which they have to accept responsibility for), most are also pointing fingers rightly at the county board and those who are in charge (or supposed to be) of overseeing the team. They made a mess of their review last year, it was 3-4 ,months too late and then approach the clubs with a motion and no alternative of it was voted on.

There's plenty of blame to go around and no one is saying everything is Andy's fault. I'm one of his harshest critics and have no problem saying where there's issue but I'd just as equally say that he brought us to a great spot in 2019 but we also got walloped by Dublin on multiple occasions and it's only gotten worse. Our fitness levels in 2019 were exemplary but from there they've dropped off so badly that we were the least fit team yesterday. Of the 4 teams yesterday, we were measurably under prepared, under coached and under game planned. Several issues which have been evident for years came back into focus yesterday and that ultimately falls on the manager for failing to address them.

Andy thanks for everything and I appreciate what you've done but now its time to allow someone else bring things forward."
I've read a few times that our fitness is an issue, remembering matches over recent years, do we not usually start matches worse than we finish matches?

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1377 - 17/05/2022 20:50:39    2418261


Replying To latouche25:  "I said that this would happen, I said they were no better than Wexford people on here scoffed at it. To say Dublin is not a great setup is farcical. To me they are the best team in Ireland right now ahead of Kerry. 28 scores yesterday 27 the last day. 18 scores in the first half yesterday. Who could compete with that. They are relentless, strong, physical, organised and good footballers. My tip to win Sam from the start of the season and I won't charge my mind after yesterday.
Meath have to start from scratch again, these lads are good footballers they need direction support and a game plan. They just look jaded mentally and physically. New managed new coaches new ideas needed."
I respect your opinion however there is a serious split in the Dublin camp which will be exposed come the end of the championship.

Dessie seems to be favouring his own clubmen above others.

Ballymun conceded a league game last week because of an inhouse row.

Watch this space.

thelutch (Meath) - Posts: 1056 - 18/05/2022 10:29:01    2418300


Did any players hold their own or do well? I was abroad and the shocking gaago wouldn't work.

rubia (Meath) - Posts: 26 - 18/05/2022 11:23:40    2418335


Replying To rubia:  "Did any players hold their own or do well? I was abroad and the shocking gaago wouldn't work."
The old reliables of Keoghan and Menton were themselves, Joey Wallace couldn't be faulted for effort considering he was fighting a losing battle from minute 1. Everyone else was poor at best for me. But others will disagree

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 18/05/2022 12:07:34    2418347
