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The internet coach with all the pointless drills has this team all over the place. Meath need a proper coach

williesboy (Leitrim) - Posts: 343 - 16/05/2022 12:26:29    2417636


Replying To thelutch:  "Not really surprised with the result, expected a good beating but did not expect what I witnessed.

Players not playing for the manager.
Not sure our lads knew their job.

Costello looked like a lost sheep, what was his job ? Seemed to me was to watch Mc CARTHY but he did what he liked, kicked two pints with nobody within 10 metres of him

Joey ,menton the only two that looked like they actually cared.

The game itself was like an old fashioned challenge game.

Left with ten to go to get back to south Meath and now reading we got two straight reds, Maybe they don't want anymore of this mess.

Its back to basics, only way is up after what I seen today.

Dublin would have had tougher training sessions id say the last few weeks.

This is not a good Dublin setup but made us look like a division 3/4 team."
I said that this would happen, I said they were no better than Wexford people on here scoffed at it. To say Dublin is not a great setup is farcical. To me they are the best team in Ireland right now ahead of Kerry. 28 scores yesterday 27 the last day. 18 scores in the first half yesterday. Who could compete with that. They are relentless, strong, physical, organised and good footballers. My tip to win Sam from the start of the season and I won't charge my mind after yesterday.
Meath have to start from scratch again, these lads are good footballers they need direction support and a game plan. They just look jaded mentally and physically. New managed new coaches new ideas needed.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 520 - 16/05/2022 12:27:34    2417637


Replying To williesboy:  "The internet coach with all the pointless drills has this team all over the place. Meath need a proper coach"

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 392 - 16/05/2022 12:33:35    2417643


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "CN?"
Yeah reckon thats who he means

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 16/05/2022 12:52:28    2417656


Jeez folks, where to even begin with that game yesterday. All the old failings back on display and not a hand or glove laid on the opponent at any stage. Destroyed on our kick outs, free's missed at a rate of knots, pot shots being taken like they were going out of fashion, no structure of any kind in defence or attack, allowing there keeper come out to half way with the ball multiple times and beat 2-3 of our players on his way. Ill discipline at the end when the game was up from Morris and his manager blaming the linesmen and opposition rather than giving Morris the clip round the ear he deserved for his actions. From my seat in the hogan stand i turned to my wife after 5 minutes and said Dublin will win this by 15 points at their ease and will be up around 35 points. Wasn't too far wrong in that.

I said it during the warm ups Dublin would hammer us, our lads were doing their sprints and stretches and a bit of ball work, good few loose balls in there as well. Dublin were professional, everything was with the ball, everything done without error and they looked like they knew what they were about. When you can't even get a warm up right you know your goose is well and truly cooked.

Can anyone tell me what our defensive strategy was yesterday, We'd plenty of bodies back but no one seemed to be doing anything or getting tight to anyone. There were at times 12-13 lads back but none of them were tight to Dublin players and going man to man. Bodies back isn't a defensive system, unless those bodies are taking a man sticking tight and making blocks, tackles, pulling and dragging a bit where they could. Numerous times Dublin were allowed into the central corridor/ D area which Ronan Ryan should've been manning and popped easy scores. Ryan being taken off was no surprise and should've happened a lot earlier. Shane McEntee for all his faults mans the D reasonably well. At one stage we couldn't even keep the ball kicked out to Dublin they were winning it that easily at midfield. In a couple of minutes James Mccarthy had the freedom of the Hogan/ Canal corner and popped over two points with no one within 5 yards of him. He must've wondered was he still at a training session he'd that much time and space. Kilkenny I'm sure had a couple of similar scores to, kicking with 5 yards of free space all around him. My thoughts on Clarke and Harkin (two lads who are not corner backs at all) were exposed by Dublin. They weren't within an asses roar of Rock, Con and Costello when they were in the corners. They had time to look up survey options and make decisions and get the ball to a man in a better position and score. Muldoon spent the whole game warming up going through drills and was then not used. We've no decent corner back/ man marker in the county not named Donal Keoghan.

Had my reservations about Cillian being made captain and unfortunately think that was evident yesterday. Multiple times in the second half he went up blind alleys with Meath players around him and turned over the ball. The last possession he had before being taken off, he turned over and lay on the ground, no effort to get up, chase after the ball and try and help the team he's captain off. He jogged into the square and was fixing his hair rather than making an effort to get up and support his team mates. I don't doubt he emptied his tank and worked hard but you're captain of a Meath team and were taken off with 10 minutes to go. In my time supporting Meath 40+ years I can only recall a couple of times the likes of Lyons, O'Rourke, Hayes, Cassells, Dowd and Geraghty were taken off. Captains should never be taken off. Again I'll give Shane his credit, i didn't agree with his appointment but you always see him giving his all for the team and he never lacks for effort for the 75+ minutes of a game.

The fitness on display yesterday was so far short of where it needs to be it was astounding. I'm not sure if it's Niall Ronan or John McCloskey that's in charge of S&C but whomever it is needs to go. Of the four teams playing yesterday we were the least fit. To get to the standard we need to be at will take 2-3 years of solid S&C work alone, never mind everything else in terms of basic skills, tactics and game plans that need to be implemented.

I'm not sure what role Nally, Nestor and Brennan have within the set up but they're not even close to good enough to be in the positions they are. As someone said yesterday were they even on the sideline at any stage. It seemed to be all Andy with arms crossed.

Looked its self evident after yesterday that McEntee has run out of road, let him go once we're eliminated, thank him for his service but i think we're in a position much more dire than what he took over. I know some will agree and some disagree but that's my honest assessment, and i think we might lose the next batch of successful underage players who are coming up. And that'll leave us in the also ran category.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 16/05/2022 13:07:51    2417668


Meath player ratings

1. Harry Hogan 5/10 - his 2 frees missed from no more than 35 yards were really deflating. Kickouts were only OK. Not his finest game.

2. Robbie Clarke 5/10 - Roasted by Cormac costello. Tough day for Robbie. Wasn't helped by the lack of pressure further out the field

3. Conor McGill 5/10 - apparently an injury doubt before the game, Conor had no impact on this game at all although he hept Dean rock to just 1 from play.

4. Eoin Harkin 6/10 - best out of the full backs for me but that's not to say he didn't struggle too, marking Con with the lack of pressure out the field was an impossible job. He did OK.

5. James mcentee 4/10 - frustrating to see James was so far off the pace. Taken off at half time for Cathal hickey.

6. Donal Keoghan 6/10 - Keoghan was fine, he'd get into any team in the country, you'd just have to feel sorry that his teammates are so far off his level. Kicked a great point.

7. Ronan Ryan 4/10 - struggle to remember anything he did, running around doing very little to be honest.

8. Menton 8/10 - by a distance meaths best player yesterday and has been since his return in the league.

9. Jones 5/10 - Tom Lahiff really dominated this dual with Jones, not his finest day and taken off very early in the 2nd half.

10. Matt Costello 6/10 - Came into the game in the second half, gave a great ball into Morris for a goal chance, but struggled to have a big impact in this game.

11. Cillian O'Sullivan 5/10 - thought he was one of meaths better players in the 1st half but so poor in the 2nd so many turnovers

12. Jack O'connor 5/10 - some really bad turnovers, scored 3 pts only 1 from play and had 2 or 3 wides. I believe this was his first game in croker.

13. Jordan Morris 5/10 - 2 great goal chances where he didn't kick the ball cleanly were very frustrating. Both with his right foot, needs to work on that. Red card will likely be rescinded.

14. Thomas Oreilly 5/10 - did kick a point but looked off the pace of this game and was taken off early for Shane Walsh.

15. Joey Wallace 6/10 - unlike some I could not question his workrate. Really struggles to beat his man at inter County level though.

Subs. Cathal hickey looked fine but has been battling injuries all year. Shane mcentee had a positive impact and kicked a great point. Jack Flynn also had an impact but lack of discipline resulted in a straight red card. He will be suspended for the next game. Shane Walsh and Bryan mcmahon made no impression

redser123 (Meath) - Posts: 404 - 16/05/2022 13:29:00    2417690


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "CN?"
Yea. Just take a look at his stuff. Go go gadget coach

williesboy (Leitrim) - Posts: 343 - 16/05/2022 13:34:22    2417694


Another no show from Meath, worst thing it went as many feared. Dublin allowed to stroll through our defence and kick points for fun. All the basic skills have been stripped from our team, we are a shadow of what went before and its shameful that this has been allowed happen.The evidence was clear, this management is way out of its depth and yet allowed carry on running us into the ground. Little of note to analyse, by and large 15 players selected and looked like they were told, run around and look busy, things will work out. Back to square one with kickouts and frees, total shambles that cannot end soon enough.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2157 - 16/05/2022 14:25:47    2417732


Replying To williesboy:  "Yea. Just take a look at his stuff. Go go gadget coach"
I'll never slag a lad off that puts himself and his ideas out there and apparently he's well liked by the players who wouldn't tolerate the setup if he wasn't there... but the proof is on the pitch and its shambolic.

I've already said my bit on the rest of the management team and S&C staff time and time again - they are nowhere near good enough.

I was all for McEntee when he was first appointed but alarm bells started to ring almost straight away with some of his decisions (it started with Sheridan coming on in goals for a a penalty versus Louth in his first O Byrne cup campaign). I would describe the setup overall as being like that of a rowdy Meath junior club who give it a good go for the first 15 minutes, then their lack of fitness, training, and tactical preparation kicks in and they usually end up losing discipline altogether for the last 10 minutes in the face of defeat, all the while the conduct on the side line brings shame on the club - i think we can all think a few clubs like that in the county and Meath were no better yesterday and on many occasions over the past few years. The last 6 years have been a disaster for the county, the matches against Dublin in particular have set us back decades. Yesterday was so bad that as Cian Ward said on the Smaller Fish podcast, you couldn't really analyse it -it was just truly the lowest of the low. They should really all resign on masse but I could have said that after every Dublin defeat over the past 6 years.

Lets get someone lined up now! Not wait til November like fckin eegits.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1324 - 16/05/2022 14:36:01    2417744


Meath as further as ever from Dublin.. That's a poor reflection on Andy McEntee after 5 years as manager.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2776 - 16/05/2022 14:54:50    2417761


Well that was worth the 30 euros alright!!
How do the same tried and failed forwards, 6 years later, still get game time?, it's beyond frustrating and an insult to paying supporters having to watch county players run into corners and then pass the ball backwards. This game was over after 15/20 mins, James McCarthy could have had a cigar in his mouth kicking those points, truly embarrassing that we couldn't lay a glove on them at all or even have given them a hard hit. It just looked like the team were thrown together for the first time about 10 mins before kick off with the instructions "go out there and try your best". No strategy to stop the quick kick out from Dublin, again criminal. I'm just glad we didn't face Westmeath yesterday, because make no mistake they would have beaten us.

AthboyCelt (Meath) - Posts: 148 - 16/05/2022 15:17:16    2417778


Replying To seadog54:  "Another no show from Meath, worst thing it went as many feared. Dublin allowed to stroll through our defence and kick points for fun. All the basic skills have been stripped from our team, we are a shadow of what went before and its shameful that this has been allowed happen.The evidence was clear, this management is way out of its depth and yet allowed carry on running us into the ground. Little of note to analyse, by and large 15 players selected and looked like they were told, run around and look busy, things will work out. Back to square one with kickouts and frees, total shambles that cannot end soon enough."
Your dead right.

On the subject of free's. We've struggled badly here for years now & stumble from one mess to another.

Free taking is a practiced skill. Its worked on & developed. What are other counties doing here that we arent. What was done to make the like of O'Conner & Rock the machines that they are on free's? Dedicated kicking coaches? Work with pro's from other sports? Sport psychologists?

We are passing up 6-8 points in some games that teams with clinical free takers arent.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 16/05/2022 15:24:17    2417784


Replying To AthboyCelt:  "Well that was worth the 30 euros alright!!
How do the same tried and failed forwards, 6 years later, still get game time?, it's beyond frustrating and an insult to paying supporters having to watch county players run into corners and then pass the ball backwards. This game was over after 15/20 mins, James McCarthy could have had a cigar in his mouth kicking those points, truly embarrassing that we couldn't lay a glove on them at all or even have given them a hard hit. It just looked like the team were thrown together for the first time about 10 mins before kick off with the instructions "go out there and try your best". No strategy to stop the quick kick out from Dublin, again criminal. I'm just glad we didn't face Westmeath yesterday, because make no mistake they would have beaten us."
Someone said to me that we looked liked the Underdogs on TG4! Thats some indictment! Hard to cohesion!

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1324 - 16/05/2022 15:38:12    2417796


Yesterday was probably the worst performance I've seen from Meath under McEntee, absolutely gutless. No plan, no purpose, completely void of ideas and Dublin just walked through in 3rd gear picking off scores where they liked. And the worrying this is, Dublin didn't do anything special at all, just did the basics very well. Meath were just wiped out everywhere.

We gave Dublin every kickout and kicked most of ours long, it clearly wasn't working but yet we kept doing it over and over again. Slow build up play let Dublin get 15 behind the ball for every Meath attack. Fast direct football is what Dublin struggled with in the league and we didn't do that. Shane Walsh was in there for the 2nd half and we barely landed a single ball in top of him. Too many pretenders on that panel too, we're worse off than where we were pre Andy McEntee. And progress has just been thrown out the window the last few years. It's just time to start again.

Sat there in Croke Park yesterday feeling absolutely embarrassed, we were so far off the pace it was mind blowing. We know there's a gulf in class between the teams, but we just lay down and took it. Cork at least gave it a go against Kerry for 40/50 minutes, we were beaten after 15/20 mins.

Player Ratings

1. Harry Hogan 4: Kickouts were a struggle, continued to go long despite us losing everything around the middle. Missed a couple of kickable frees, not his best day.

2. Robin Clarke 5: Struggled on Costello, well off the pace
3. Conor McGill 5: Was he even fit? Again struggled
4. Eoin Harkin 6: The best of the full back line

5. James McEntee: 4 Poor performance, not sure why he wasn't even in there?
6. Donal Keoghan: 6 Can't fault his effort, did nothing wrong.
7. Ronan Ryan: 5 Fairly Anonymous

8. Brian Menton: 6 Probably one of Meath's better players, kicked a couple of points too.
9. Ronan Jones: 5 Struggled around midfield, Lahiff had a field day

10. Matthew Costello: 5 Game was up when he decided to start playing, looks the part but really needs to improve, huge potential
11. Cillian O'Sullivan: 4 Just the usual from him, running into tackles, running down blind alleys. Offered nothing
12. Jack O'Connor: 6 He did Okay, couple of poor turnovers but kicked 3 points

13. Jordan Morris: 5 Stupid red card, soft but he can't do that. Didn't get enough ball, when we hit him early he caused problems. Failed to convert a couple of goal scoring chances but he was probably Meath's only inside forward threat
14. Thomas O'Reilly: 5 Didn't really do much, no real impact
15. Joey Wallace: He tried and can't fault his effort but he's not up to this level.

Andy McEntee 3 - Stood there like statue all game, you'd think everything was going great looking at him.

hyperache (Meath) - Posts: 218 - 16/05/2022 15:43:59    2417801


Replying To Jinxie:  "Your dead right.

On the subject of free's. We've struggled badly here for years now & stumble from one mess to another.

Free taking is a practiced skill. Its worked on & developed. What are other counties doing here that we arent. What was done to make the like of O'Conner & Rock the machines that they are on free's? Dedicated kicking coaches? Work with pro's from other sports? Sport psychologists?

We are passing up 6-8 points in some games that teams with clinical free takers arent."
Jinxie, I've asked this question for 3-4 years now and no one seems to have an answer.

It starts with coaching, as a manager you're looking at lads with no routine and you leave them at it. A good club manager would remedy it but ours left it persist for years. I defer to the Wicklow game in Aughrim in 2020 when 5-7 lads had a go from free's with Costello trying a 45 and no technique or approach other than kicking it as hard as he could.

Rock, O'Connor Seanie Shea all seem to put in many hours on the training pitch, work with kicking coaches where needed, have a set routine, approach and style. Our lads give it a go. Multiple occasions yesterday some of the free's they were looking back the pitch and harry hogan hadn't a clue if he had to go take them or not. When you you've 2-3 free takers on your team you've no free takers its that simple. As you say Rock, O'Connor etc, all high percentage dead ball kickers take most of the free;s for their county and yet we're still muddling about with it.

As i said for years, Stafford worked with Ollie Campbell on his technique for years over the phone (dunno if they ever met) but Boylan identified something in Stafford, found a contact on how to approach dead ball kicking and worked from there. 35 years later and with all the modern technology available to us and we can't even get something that basic right. We've great dead ball kickers living within the county (Stafford, Giles, Ward, Brian Clarke from Senchalstown, Wayne McCarthy in Simonstown) and not one of them seems to have been approached to help remedy the situation at all. All the coaches in the background and like the players yesterday none of them seem to know what they should be doing.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 16/05/2022 16:22:49    2417820


Replying To brian:  "Jinxie, I've asked this question for 3-4 years now and no one seems to have an answer.

It starts with coaching, as a manager you're looking at lads with no routine and you leave them at it. A good club manager would remedy it but ours left it persist for years. I defer to the Wicklow game in Aughrim in 2020 when 5-7 lads had a go from free's with Costello trying a 45 and no technique or approach other than kicking it as hard as he could.

Rock, O'Connor Seanie Shea all seem to put in many hours on the training pitch, work with kicking coaches where needed, have a set routine, approach and style. Our lads give it a go. Multiple occasions yesterday some of the free's they were looking back the pitch and harry hogan hadn't a clue if he had to go take them or not. When you you've 2-3 free takers on your team you've no free takers its that simple. As you say Rock, O'Connor etc, all high percentage dead ball kickers take most of the free;s for their county and yet we're still muddling about with it.

As i said for years, Stafford worked with Ollie Campbell on his technique for years over the phone (dunno if they ever met) but Boylan identified something in Stafford, found a contact on how to approach dead ball kicking and worked from there. 35 years later and with all the modern technology available to us and we can't even get something that basic right. We've great dead ball kickers living within the county (Stafford, Giles, Ward, Brian Clarke from Senchalstown, Wayne McCarthy in Simonstown) and not one of them seems to have been approached to help remedy the situation at all. All the coaches in the background and like the players yesterday none of them seem to know what they should be doing."
runs even deeper ...the idea that Young Hogan, as good a free taker or striker of a ball that he may be , could be expected to do it against dublin in a pressurised environment is where andy & co need to bring their collective knowledge & experience..there job is to deliver the "beyond the obvious".....cluxton , morgan, beggan...hugely experienced players first & foremost sure young hogan could nail all them kicks in PT on the tuesday...andy is supposed to know the difference and not have him in that situation.....

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 392 - 16/05/2022 16:39:24    2417830


Replying To brian:  "Jinxie, I've asked this question for 3-4 years now and no one seems to have an answer.

It starts with coaching, as a manager you're looking at lads with no routine and you leave them at it. A good club manager would remedy it but ours left it persist for years. I defer to the Wicklow game in Aughrim in 2020 when 5-7 lads had a go from free's with Costello trying a 45 and no technique or approach other than kicking it as hard as he could.

Rock, O'Connor Seanie Shea all seem to put in many hours on the training pitch, work with kicking coaches where needed, have a set routine, approach and style. Our lads give it a go. Multiple occasions yesterday some of the free's they were looking back the pitch and harry hogan hadn't a clue if he had to go take them or not. When you you've 2-3 free takers on your team you've no free takers its that simple. As you say Rock, O'Connor etc, all high percentage dead ball kickers take most of the free;s for their county and yet we're still muddling about with it.

As i said for years, Stafford worked with Ollie Campbell on his technique for years over the phone (dunno if they ever met) but Boylan identified something in Stafford, found a contact on how to approach dead ball kicking and worked from there. 35 years later and with all the modern technology available to us and we can't even get something that basic right. We've great dead ball kickers living within the county (Stafford, Giles, Ward, Brian Clarke from Senchalstown, Wayne McCarthy in Simonstown) and not one of them seems to have been approached to help remedy the situation at all. All the coaches in the background and like the players yesterday none of them seem to know what they should be doing."
That's exactly it.

What are the Co Board/management (New) will to put in to fix this? Say it costs 40-50k for a specialist kicking or high performance coach to come in & develop a guy to a really high standard? Are they prepared to pay it? For me its a no brainer. If it is going to bring in an extra 5 or 6 points a game, over a 8-10 year career its a no-brainer.

Surely thats an easily identifiable problem & solution there, yet we've watched it with frustration for well over a decade now.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 16/05/2022 16:42:22    2417833


Replying To hyperache:  "Yesterday was probably the worst performance I've seen from Meath under McEntee, absolutely gutless. No plan, no purpose, completely void of ideas and Dublin just walked through in 3rd gear picking off scores where they liked. And the worrying this is, Dublin didn't do anything special at all, just did the basics very well. Meath were just wiped out everywhere.

We gave Dublin every kickout and kicked most of ours long, it clearly wasn't working but yet we kept doing it over and over again. Slow build up play let Dublin get 15 behind the ball for every Meath attack. Fast direct football is what Dublin struggled with in the league and we didn't do that. Shane Walsh was in there for the 2nd half and we barely landed a single ball in top of him. Too many pretenders on that panel too, we're worse off than where we were pre Andy McEntee. And progress has just been thrown out the window the last few years. It's just time to start again.

Sat there in Croke Park yesterday feeling absolutely embarrassed, we were so far off the pace it was mind blowing. We know there's a gulf in class between the teams, but we just lay down and took it. Cork at least gave it a go against Kerry for 40/50 minutes, we were beaten after 15/20 mins.

Player Ratings

1. Harry Hogan 4: Kickouts were a struggle, continued to go long despite us losing everything around the middle. Missed a couple of kickable frees, not his best day.

2. Robin Clarke 5: Struggled on Costello, well off the pace
3. Conor McGill 5: Was he even fit? Again struggled
4. Eoin Harkin 6: The best of the full back line

5. James McEntee: 4 Poor performance, not sure why he wasn't even in there?
6. Donal Keoghan: 6 Can't fault his effort, did nothing wrong.
7. Ronan Ryan: 5 Fairly Anonymous

8. Brian Menton: 6 Probably one of Meath's better players, kicked a couple of points too.
9. Ronan Jones: 5 Struggled around midfield, Lahiff had a field day

10. Matthew Costello: 5 Game was up when he decided to start playing, looks the part but really needs to improve, huge potential
11. Cillian O'Sullivan: 4 Just the usual from him, running into tackles, running down blind alleys. Offered nothing
12. Jack O'Connor: 6 He did Okay, couple of poor turnovers but kicked 3 points

13. Jordan Morris: 5 Stupid red card, soft but he can't do that. Didn't get enough ball, when we hit him early he caused problems. Failed to convert a couple of goal scoring chances but he was probably Meath's only inside forward threat
14. Thomas O'Reilly: 5 Didn't really do much, no real impact
15. Joey Wallace: He tried and can't fault his effort but he's not up to this level.

Andy McEntee 3 - Stood there like statue all game, you'd think everything was going great looking at him."
Fair analysis on all of the above apart from the last part about Andy standing like a statue. He's criticised if he jumps up and down, now he is criticised for standing still. What's he supposed to do? He can't go onto the field and put in a tackle for them!! And there aren't exactly a huge array of options on the bench. Pointless to just make a sub in the first half for the sake of it. Better wait until half time to reset. Yesterday was on the players, end of story.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 947 - 16/05/2022 16:46:35    2417834


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "runs even deeper ...the idea that Young Hogan, as good a free taker or striker of a ball that he may be , could be expected to do it against dublin in a pressurised environment is where andy & co need to bring their collective knowledge & experience..there job is to deliver the "beyond the obvious".....cluxton , morgan, beggan...hugely experienced players first & foremost sure young hogan could nail all them kicks in PT on the tuesday...andy is supposed to know the difference and not have him in that situation....."
Fully agree with you Longwood.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 16/05/2022 17:32:14    2417868


Replying To Jinxie:  "That's exactly it.

What are the Co Board/management (New) will to put in to fix this? Say it costs 40-50k for a specialist kicking or high performance coach to come in & develop a guy to a really high standard? Are they prepared to pay it? For me its a no brainer. If it is going to bring in an extra 5 or 6 points a game, over a 8-10 year career its a no-brainer.

Surely thats an easily identifiable problem & solution there, yet we've watched it with frustration for well over a decade now."
Well said Jinxie, say you get in a guy to work with 5-10 guys for a period of time and then a couple of sessions a year, how much would that improve things. From next year why they couldn't bring in someone to work with all levels down to U14/U16 and have them working on technique, approach, addressing the ball and you could solve this for 15-20 years.

If you look at
Senior team - Flynn, Walsh, Morris, O'Connor and Hogan
U20's (2023) - Frayne
Minors (2021)/ U20's (2024) - Corcoran, McDermott

Maybe add in a few more guys on the fringes like Luke Mitchell and Aaron Lynch

Have them working with someone for 2-3 years and repetition, repetition etc and you're at least giving yourself bullets in your gun and might get 2-3 capable guys from the batch. I'm no expert and I'm sure there's several more names that could be added to that list.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 16/05/2022 17:47:51    2417882
