Meath Forum

V Dublin

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Replying To seadog54:  "This is a game we have to start well, Dublin will look to put game to bed early on. We have to find a way to keep game competitive and get to h/t to be in with a fighters chance, at least put a bit of doubt in their minds. Easier said then done and so far nothing to suggest we have ability to do so. Cork managed to stay with Kerry for 50 mins, kicked their frees and kept things tight. Cavan ran Donegal close, Derry beat Tyrone so hopefully we can continue trend. Much needs to go right, however, this may be our best chance in years and hopefully we leave everything on pitch, with no excuses or regrets."
Yeh..That sums it up nicely .Your last sentence says it all really . We live in hope.!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1246 - 11/05/2022 19:15:17    2416599


Replying To brian:  "Interesting take on Joey there Longwood, what makes you think he'd be dropped? I don't think he scored v Wicklow but was effectively isolated for long periods in the first half and the game plan didn't work of kicking ball in to 2 and 3 on one situations. Hard for Joey to flourish when he's the one...

On Shane, I didn't comment as like you say who knows what was and wasn't agreed upon. My views on Shane are well known and i think this is possibly a distraction that might've been avoided. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this and say they knew he'd have a break in his tour and would be back for this game and if he could would contribute. I'm not going to say anything beyond that,"
Well this is of 0 surprise to me. As he had mentioned it after his last game while been interviewed by lmfm. Management, players and indeed everyone who heard the interview knew he'd be back when on break. He even said he would keep up with his fitness levels.
I'm not having a pop at you but some seem very surprised by this, does no one listen to the interviews ??

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 11/05/2022 21:18:05    2416607


Replying To nobull456:  "Update for Royaldunne Was talking to one of the lads and he tells me Meath to win by 15 IN extra time (providing the ref . is fit enough for extra time) Anyway Hon the Royal!!"
That's great to hear. Glad you living up to ur name onlybull

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 11/05/2022 21:18:42    2416608


Replying To royaldunne:  "That's great to hear. Glad you living up to ur name onlybull"
Honest question
When was last time you thought meath would lose a championship match?

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 418 - 12/05/2022 09:42:03    2416618


Replying To royaldunne:  "Well this is of 0 surprise to me. As he had mentioned it after his last game while been interviewed by lmfm. Management, players and indeed everyone who heard the interview knew he'd be back when on break. He even said he would keep up with his fitness levels.
I'm not having a pop at you but some seem very surprised by this, does no one listen to the interviews ??"
Sorry RD i didn't hear it after the game so that's totally understandable now. Also why i didn't go in two footed in on it, i assumed that this was all agreed before Shane went on his tour of duty. And given that it's been agreed and he played most of the league then 100% he starts on Sunday whether people agree or not. Hickey isn't fully fit IMHO so Shane at 6 and Donal back to 5 or 7 is 100% the right thing to do.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 12/05/2022 09:51:16    2416621


Replying To royaldunne:  "That's great to hear. Glad you living up to ur name onlybull"
RD you're better than that you know. Stick to the football and don't engage. I know you don't like people doing stuff like this but don't give it oxygen and you'll annoy them even more

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 12/05/2022 09:54:01    2416623


Replying To brian:  "Interesting take on Joey there Longwood, what makes you think he'd be dropped? I don't think he scored v Wicklow but was effectively isolated for long periods in the first half and the game plan didn't work of kicking ball in to 2 and 3 on one situations. Hard for Joey to flourish when he's the one...

On Shane, I didn't comment as like you say who knows what was and wasn't agreed upon. My views on Shane are well known and i think this is possibly a distraction that might've been avoided. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this and say they knew he'd have a break in his tour and would be back for this game and if he could would contribute. I'm not going to say anything beyond that,"
very fond of joey wallace as a player, and i do hope he gets game time
My reasoning for optimism is that i fell the fundamental difference between this dublin squad & the previous "once in a generation one" , is the depth of their squad. In short, it meant at the 40 minute mark when Dublin needed to inject energy or quality upfront, or needed shoring up or legs at the back...they had it in abundance . To me this was the defining differnce in Games when things where tight for that Dublin Team , v Mayo, kerry etc in the past . Now im not saying we are in that league, but i do think that our conditioning is very good ...that allows you concentrate , and execute everything...differnce i fell is that when Dublin now look to the bench to put a team away or stem the a real problme for them
Hence my view on match-ups...if we can ask serious questions of the main 5-6 dublin guys...there is no cavalry ..they know that ...and dont think for a minute that things like scoring goals or not conceding gaols don't mean anything to this dublin team....even making teh Hill quiet & jittery...Dublin may fact the odds are they will...but guys , they are there on sunday..and they are unsure of themselves . ...they are mortal again

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 392 - 12/05/2022 11:18:25    2416647


Replying To hurlit:  "Honest question
When was last time you thought meath would lose a championship match?"
In fairness to Royaldunne,there is nothing wrong with him thinking we can win any match.While most people might disagree with him , that's his opinion and it should be respected like yours or mine even if you dont agree. I've played football all my life and never went into a game not believing we could win it.We may end up winning,drawing or losing it (sometimes got a hammering) but before the game I always believe we have a chance.If you dont believe then not much point going out then is it really?Thats the beauty of football always a chance.Most people think Dublin will beat Meath which is fair enough giving by the last few years results but I really hope this Meath team believes they can win.They need to give it everything,take any chance that's comes their way and have the rub of the green for sure but Sport has many shocks in it over the years,that's the beauty of it always a chance and if you believe who knows it may be your dayt.If the lads listen to the general public then they are just going up to make the numbers up and get beat so I for one hope there is more people like Royaldunne in the management setup who believe we have a chance and could win.If we dont dust ourselves down and go again another chance.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 276 - 12/05/2022 11:49:36    2416653


Result aside I'd give anything to see a proper ding dong battle like the good old days.

Unfortunately i think this game will be over by half time.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1794 - 12/05/2022 12:41:47    2416667


Replying To Proudroyal:  "In fairness to Royaldunne,there is nothing wrong with him thinking we can win any match.While most people might disagree with him , that's his opinion and it should be respected like yours or mine even if you dont agree. I've played football all my life and never went into a game not believing we could win it.We may end up winning,drawing or losing it (sometimes got a hammering) but before the game I always believe we have a chance.If you dont believe then not much point going out then is it really?Thats the beauty of football always a chance.Most people think Dublin will beat Meath which is fair enough giving by the last few years results but I really hope this Meath team believes they can win.They need to give it everything,take any chance that's comes their way and have the rub of the green for sure but Sport has many shocks in it over the years,that's the beauty of it always a chance and if you believe who knows it may be your dayt.If the lads listen to the general public then they are just going up to make the numbers up and get beat so I for one hope there is more people like Royaldunne in the management setup who believe we have a chance and could win.If we dont dust ourselves down and go again another chance."
Well said Proudroyal and I echo your sentiments completely. I know RD travels the length and breath of this country following the senior and a lot of the underage teams too. His views might not be the same as mine and I'll butt heads with him on a lot of things but that's what forums like this are for. Debate and discussion is healthy, opposing views are healthy and if you can have a good reasoned discussion and respect others opinions then it makes these fourms great. RD and RichieQ (dunno has he left here) travel all over the country and are passionate gaels and have a right to say what they think. Given the travels they do supporting Meath and Richie is based in Donegal too i believe them believing Meath will win every game is totally ok in my book. They put in the hard yards that many of us, myself included don't. So if they believe Meath will win every game more power to you lads. That doesn't mean neither are unrealistic and don't see the problems and think Meath will win every game, they choose to be glass half full than my realistic glass half empty view, and i don't have a problem with their views same as they don't have a problem with mine. Opposing views are what the GAA were founded on and it'd be no fun if everyone agreed all of the time.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 12/05/2022 12:48:00    2416672


Word on the street is both Of Andy Mc's sons starting Sunday.

Walsh and Wallace missing out.

thelutch (Meath) - Posts: 1056 - 12/05/2022 13:41:34    2416684


Replying To bert09:  "Result aside I'd give anything to see a proper ding dong battle like the good old days.

Unfortunately i think this game will be over by half time."
I think thats what Meath supporters want to see, a return to the never say die attitude and for me thats a minimum requirement, its not to be confused with a longing for times past, just an expectaion of a well prepared team willing to give it their all. Dublin have come back to the pack, however its a pack we are not part of yet.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2157 - 12/05/2022 14:12:29    2416691


Replying To thelutch:  "Word on the street is both Of Andy Mc's sons starting Sunday.

Walsh and Wallace missing out."
Walsh didn't start the last day so i think you might be making that up a little

David McEntee has never started a competitive game for Meath so i doubt he'd be thrown in v Dublin. And if he was Andy is only creating the rod for his own back if it goes Pete Tong.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 12/05/2022 14:42:27    2416700


Replying To brian:  "Walsh didn't start the last day so i think you might be making that up a little

David McEntee has never started a competitive game for Meath so i doubt he'd be thrown in v Dublin. And if he was Andy is only creating the rod for his own back if it goes Pete Tong."
only the word on the street, could be lies.

thelutch (Meath) - Posts: 1056 - 12/05/2022 14:52:44    2416705


Replying To Proudroyal:  "In fairness to Royaldunne,there is nothing wrong with him thinking we can win any match.While most people might disagree with him , that's his opinion and it should be respected like yours or mine even if you dont agree. I've played football all my life and never went into a game not believing we could win it.We may end up winning,drawing or losing it (sometimes got a hammering) but before the game I always believe we have a chance.If you dont believe then not much point going out then is it really?Thats the beauty of football always a chance.Most people think Dublin will beat Meath which is fair enough giving by the last few years results but I really hope this Meath team believes they can win.They need to give it everything,take any chance that's comes their way and have the rub of the green for sure but Sport has many shocks in it over the years,that's the beauty of it always a chance and if you believe who knows it may be your dayt.If the lads listen to the general public then they are just going up to make the numbers up and get beat so I for one hope there is more people like Royaldunne in the management setup who believe we have a chance and could win.If we dont dust ourselves down and go again another chance."
Thank you. I will say this honestly. With hand on heart I have never gone to a game expecting to be beat . Now for two years in 80s and same in 90s it panned out that way. I will go on Sunday with absolute belief that we can win, and we will win. I took a intermediate team to a final in cusack park a number of years ago who were given no chance in the semi final , we faced a town team who had a former co manager on sideline. Not one of the ladies (yes it was ladies football) went onto pitch thinking that we wouldn't win, there was one pessimistic lady who was a good player but had a v negative attitude, I benched her. We won by 4.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 12/05/2022 15:47:10    2416727


Replying To seadog54:  "I think thats what Meath supporters want to see, a return to the never say die attitude and for me thats a minimum requirement, its not to be confused with a longing for times past, just an expectaion of a well prepared team willing to give it their all. Dublin have come back to the pack, however its a pack we are not part of yet."
Cannot disagree with any of that .Well said ! The key question still remains .Will all objective measurments be used to diagnose problems ,repair and move forward to join that pack.? We are half way maybe in the exercise in that the evidence is gathered . It is now a matter for the DPP or in this case the CB ! I live in hope of a massive surprise on Sunday. Go for it lads yes just like the old days . The best of luck! Meath won games they should never have won in the past ! We never had 15 thoroughbreds in terms of footballing ability ever .We still won with sheer belief, determination ,pride and refusal to surrender. That why no excuses are acceptable including " ah we havent the players" when used on its own as an excuse .We have 15 players. They have 15 players ,and all theirs are not thoroughbreds either . They are well organised and motivated though,and they believe they can win!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1246 - 12/05/2022 16:26:02    2416736


Replying To brian:  "Well said Proudroyal and I echo your sentiments completely. I know RD travels the length and breath of this country following the senior and a lot of the underage teams too. His views might not be the same as mine and I'll butt heads with him on a lot of things but that's what forums like this are for. Debate and discussion is healthy, opposing views are healthy and if you can have a good reasoned discussion and respect others opinions then it makes these fourms great. RD and RichieQ (dunno has he left here) travel all over the country and are passionate gaels and have a right to say what they think. Given the travels they do supporting Meath and Richie is based in Donegal too i believe them believing Meath will win every game is totally ok in my book. They put in the hard yards that many of us, myself included don't. So if they believe Meath will win every game more power to you lads. That doesn't mean neither are unrealistic and don't see the problems and think Meath will win every game, they choose to be glass half full than my realistic glass half empty view, and i don't have a problem with their views same as they don't have a problem with mine. Opposing views are what the GAA were founded on and it'd be no fun if everyone agreed all of the time."
Indeed. We travel every bit of country. It's my main vice these days.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 12/05/2022 16:44:28    2416739


Replying To nobull456:  "Cannot disagree with any of that .Well said ! The key question still remains .Will all objective measurments be used to diagnose problems ,repair and move forward to join that pack.? We are half way maybe in the exercise in that the evidence is gathered . It is now a matter for the DPP or in this case the CB ! I live in hope of a massive surprise on Sunday. Go for it lads yes just like the old days . The best of luck! Meath won games they should never have won in the past ! We never had 15 thoroughbreds in terms of footballing ability ever .We still won with sheer belief, determination ,pride and refusal to surrender. That why no excuses are acceptable including " ah we havent the players" when used on its own as an excuse .We have 15 players. They have 15 players ,and all theirs are not thoroughbreds either . They are well organised and motivated though,and they believe they can win!"
That's what I enjoyed the most last year, that second half vs Dublin where respect went out the window and 15 vs 15 and we have them a rattle. We can't go out and sit back and get picked off. A lot of the Dublin stats looked rattled when Meath came out at them and it's been a very long time since I've seen that, a repeat of that for 70mins is the minimum.

I can't see Meath having the firepower to win but they only way I think we will be hammered is if we set up to damage limitation and they will run up a score.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 13/05/2022 09:24:29    2416794


Anyone hazard a guess at the team for Sunday??

I'd only have the one change. Shane in for Hickey, With Keoghan back to WHB.

I'm still terrified of what'll happen with Clarke or Harkin on Con and that could be a very very long day for one.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 13/05/2022 10:00:18    2416800


Replying To brian:  "Anyone hazard a guess at the team for Sunday??

I'd only have the one change. Shane in for Hickey, With Keoghan back to WHB.

I'm still terrified of what'll happen with Clarke or Harkin on Con and that could be a very very long day for one."
If shane mac plays it will be centre back id say with drop in front of full back.mark space and everyone else pick up the over dubs by 12

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 490 - 13/05/2022 10:24:40    2416808
