Meath Forum

Meath Vs Wicklow

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Replying To seadog54:  "No doubt BM played well and his four points badly needed, but as you say overall we were once again poor and Wicklow gave as good as they got until running out of gas early in second half. Still that inability to kick points from play and missing easy frees got some good goals but not a chance that will happen against decent teams. A few high balls into our square caused all sort of trouble with nobody willing to take control. Once again highly dependent on two or three older lads to pull us through. Dublin looked in total control, I know some will say its only Wexford, however, same type of opposition for us, yet we struggled and conceeded 13 scores and only scored 17."
BM, needs to be freed from "marking Brian Fenton"...that's the first thing we have to do
Andy & co just need to pour over the video of the second half last year...with a marked improvement in intensity (game was gone) ...and Dublin having their own issues...that 30 minutes is the key to getting the match ups right
What would be really encouraging for this game would be for us to put in a solid 75 minutes where the "result" is not a forgone conclusion at any stage do we get some of our guys winning their own battles...and then being able to cause damage to dublin....who can more than, breakeven with their Dublin counterpart?....Keoghan, Menton, Jones, Hogan, Harkin, Costello, ....big one needed form Reilly...but not at 14? ....can we find a playmaker & a powerful ball winning full forward the doom finally lifting....are we starting to anticipate again
a few of them younger powerful guys are now 2 years into the county young flynn ready for 35 minutes

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 392 - 03/05/2022 15:43:48    2414650


Replying To thelutch:  "Cant see us troubling Dublin, we still are one of the only county teams in the country with no free taker.

We simply cant compete with Dublin around the Mid field area, only hope is to drop 13 behind the ball and defend our own 45 metre line, dubs don't have long distance scorers.

Try hit them on the counter if we can turn them over.

Try stay in the game as long as possible

If we go man to man we can forget about it.

Be ate alive."
Whilst i don't disagree with your game plan, that's what we did most of the time on Sunday (against a division 4 team) and against Dublin for the last several times and it hasn't worked. You simply can't counter attack with one forward against 3 defenders which we tried to do multiple times in the first half, kicked ball into Joey with 2 and 3 men around him. Can't blame Joey for being a non factor given what he was asked to do and this is the same stuff James Conlon and Donal Lenihan were asked to do in previous campaigns. It simply doesn't work and for Andy to still use the same tactic year after year only highlights his lack of tactical nous.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 03/05/2022 15:48:05    2414657


Replying To MillerX:  "Wexford beat Offaly…..we drew with Offaly…… I know it was only League but the best indicator we have at this time of the year, so I wouldn't decry the Model county too much. On the other hand we gave Derry plenty to think about, albeit in the League and they demolished Tyrone. This points to erratic form but a more plausible explanation is probably the return of Menton and Jones to the team towards the end of the League. Still think we will need everybody on board to double up on their performances to date and lots of luck to down the Dubs."
Not suggesting for a second we are at Dublin's level but you just can't say Dublin look back to their best after beating Wexford

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 03/05/2022 15:52:09    2414665


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "BM, needs to be freed from "marking Brian Fenton"...that's the first thing we have to do
Andy & co just need to pour over the video of the second half last year...with a marked improvement in intensity (game was gone) ...and Dublin having their own issues...that 30 minutes is the key to getting the match ups right
What would be really encouraging for this game would be for us to put in a solid 75 minutes where the "result" is not a forgone conclusion at any stage do we get some of our guys winning their own battles...and then being able to cause damage to dublin....who can more than, breakeven with their Dublin counterpart?....Keoghan, Menton, Jones, Hogan, Harkin, Costello, ....big one needed form Reilly...but not at 14? ....can we find a playmaker & a powerful ball winning full forward the doom finally lifting....are we starting to anticipate again
a few of them younger powerful guys are now 2 years into the county young flynn ready for 35 minutes"
Great words there LWS

I think that's the trouble, there'll be 14 individual battles and how many can we come out on top off. I'd not be able to say too many. i think some (and I'm not saying you) are reading too much into last years second half when the Dubs just weren't interested and when there was any sense of danger they slipped out of neutral and out us away and kept the ball away from us in the last 15 minutes. Their general malaise in 2021 was fully evident in those 25 minutes of the second half and hurt them eventually when a fitter and better team than us could stay with them all the way. That won't happen this time,

I do like your call re Flynn, I'd hope if he could get 25-30 minutes and show that he can do it again v better opposition.

Another thing from Sunday, is Hickey still carrying an injury as he just doesn't look as sharp or incisive as prior games.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 03/05/2022 15:55:32    2414668


Have we gotten any better the last year.
Can we push the dubs within 2 pts this year.
Second half last year we got within 3.had calls for penos not given.were missing that sub that could cause chaos in last 10.mickey newman could have been used but sadly not.banty who did come on is gone.the subs sunday have bit of physicality to them at least.could help the thing if we are in the game coming down the stretch.thought from sunday there midfielders got easy scores.could be trouble there in 2 weeks.menton had great game jones was quietish.keogan seemed like he was saving himself fkf the dubs we hope.the more we play them the better for us.but i think there hust still little jog ahead of us.heres hoping im completely wrong.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 490 - 03/05/2022 15:57:44    2414671


Positives first,we won the game,scored four good goals,kicked a few lovely scores from distance,Menton and Jones partnership looked good,Bench done well when they came on.Negatives missed some very handy frees and scores,got opened up a few times quite easily,high ball in around the goal caused us a good few problems,hit the sweeper to often with aimless balls,overall very passive with the ball when we did go forward quickly we caused trouble but didn't do it often enough,didn't push up on the kickouts near enough.I know it was our first game since the league so maybe we were a bit rusty and we got the job done and never looked in trouble really but big improvements needed for the next day(in fairness Andy has said this.We need to push up on Dublins kickouts (as far as I know the keeper made his debut for them v Wexford)so we have to put him under pressure.If it was Dublins league team we were playing I'd give us a good chance but with o callaghan and few others back they look alot better.Why did we not asked for the game to played in Navan(as we were pulled out first) think this would also give us a bit of a advantage.Ill always believe we can beat anyone when we play(just stubborn or dreamy you decide)so here's hoping we can get over the line v Dublin in championship for the first time in 12 years.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 276 - 03/05/2022 16:09:46    2414679


As per usual opinion seems completely split but even more so now. Some good parts on Sunday, Morris looked better than he has in the league. Menton was fantastic. Costello played very well when he came in. Clever move and good execution from the throw up for the goal. Some negatives, we played too passively in the first half and didn't blow them away after our goals. We conceded a poor goal at the end. And we were content to go short on all our kickouts and have to work it all the way up the pitch rather than going more direct with our own kickouts. Dublin probably won't give up the kickout like that do it shouldn't be an issue and they also don't like to kick in long ball. Dublin seem to be in a bit better of a place than last year because the Cluxton, Mannion and Covid training scandals aren't there. But they still are miles off their 2013-20 level. I think if we can be in the game with 10-15 mins left we could win it because the Dubs bulletproof confidence is gone and they weren't good in close games this year. However there is definitely a chance that they could blow us out early because they do still have dangerous players and a lot of quality. For me the issue for us is can we keep the scoreboard ticking. We seem reliant on goals and I don't see us getting more than 2 against Dublin and even 2 would be our best return against them since 2010. We've half a team of lads who've never played Dublin in front of a fully open stadium with hill 16 so like 2019 if we start missing chances and frees in particular confidence could drain. It's a season defining game for us. Not in terms of winning but we have to perform. And not like last year where we gave them a 10 point headstart. If we can really give them a game and stick with them for the length of the game I would be satisfied

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1490 - 03/05/2022 16:30:03    2414688


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "As per usual opinion seems completely split but even more so now. Some good parts on Sunday, Morris looked better than he has in the league. Menton was fantastic. Costello played very well when he came in. Clever move and good execution from the throw up for the goal. Some negatives, we played too passively in the first half and didn't blow them away after our goals. We conceded a poor goal at the end. And we were content to go short on all our kickouts and have to work it all the way up the pitch rather than going more direct with our own kickouts. Dublin probably won't give up the kickout like that do it shouldn't be an issue and they also don't like to kick in long ball. Dublin seem to be in a bit better of a place than last year because the Cluxton, Mannion and Covid training scandals aren't there. But they still are miles off their 2013-20 level. I think if we can be in the game with 10-15 mins left we could win it because the Dubs bulletproof confidence is gone and they weren't good in close games this year. However there is definitely a chance that they could blow us out early because they do still have dangerous players and a lot of quality. For me the issue for us is can we keep the scoreboard ticking. We seem reliant on goals and I don't see us getting more than 2 against Dublin and even 2 would be our best return against them since 2010. We've half a team of lads who've never played Dublin in front of a fully open stadium with hill 16 so like 2019 if we start missing chances and frees in particular confidence could drain. It's a season defining game for us. Not in terms of winning but we have to perform. And not like last year where we gave them a 10 point headstart. If we can really give them a game and stick with them for the length of the game I would be satisfied"
thats the key point LR...season defining...Andy for once has to be clever & pragmatic...set up to compete with Dublin...but manage expectations...and crucially max out the internal goals of the that, if (or probalY0 when we are beaten...we are not deflated...Big work this week for those tasked with how we manage those twin gaols...set out to beat dublin...but at same time don't fall to pieces if we don't...there is a lot to salvage in this year yet., this dublin game

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 392 - 03/05/2022 16:37:31    2414693


Meath have to beat a team they are not expected to beat in this years championship, end of story. Meath haven't won a championship game they weren't expected to win since 2012 when we beat Kildare under Banty in the Leinster Semi Final. Meath need to make a jump this year and beat a top team otherwise we are still going around in circles.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 947 - 03/05/2022 16:40:53    2414695


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "It was Wexford they played. Lord above"
That's correct, I would rate them higher than Wicklow. So what's your point again.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 520 - 03/05/2022 16:49:29    2414700


Replying To brian:  "Sunday the lads did what they had to but still don't rate the team at all. Unless they're being trained to peak for two weeks time they looked miles off the pace. Appreciate Andy saying Wicklow had a game but lads just weren't at the pitch of it at all

The fact our two best players were our two longest serving and oldest players says it all. Keoghan and Menton were a class above anything else we had. We scored 17 times against Wicklow, do that against Dublin and we'll not even be in the running. Same old failings, long periods without scoring, missing scoreable free's and Andy still hounding officials like nobodies business. McQuillans ear was chewed off at one point.

I never thought I'd say this but we don't have the players currently and are middle of the bunch 12-20th ranked team at best. Much and all as i give Andy a lot of criticism, the players have been getting away scott free for a long time and now its clear as a day there's issues there too.

I think Andy's reign is petering out and we might get a lucky draw in the first round of qualifiers but that's our lot. We're a dozen years removed from a Leinster title and we're not even remotely close to being any better than we were back then. Andy unfortunately will leave things in the same position he took over from MOD, a rabble of a squad that might see several long serving players leaving"
Where in the name of god did you come up with 12th-20th. We finished 4th in D2 this year, in the top 4 group the year before, D1 the year before that, promoted out of D2 the year before that. This year was the only time we were near D3 which would have us 17th and even then we were safe with a game to play. Also we haven't lost to a team lower than D2 in the championship since Longford in 2018. From 2015-18 we were capable of losing to antibody. Losses to Westmeath, Longford, throwing away a big lead to Derry. While our ceiling still remains low when we have our players I never fear is losing to an inferior team like we did then. To say we are In the same position is wrong. Also Andy was not hounding officials at all in fact it was the cleanest he's ever been I felt. There's plenty to give out about without just making up stuff or saying there's any world that we're the 20th best team in the country

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1490 - 03/05/2022 16:57:39    2414710


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Meath have to beat a team they are not expected to beat in this years championship, end of story. Meath haven't won a championship game they weren't expected to win since 2012 when we beat Kildare under Banty in the Leinster Semi Final. Meath need to make a jump this year and beat a top team otherwise we are still going around in circles."
meath beat kildare last year (i think...years are morphing into just one big covid period)...and i for one , didn't see on form that they should beat kildare?

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 392 - 03/05/2022 16:59:37    2414711


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Meath have to beat a team they are not expected to beat in this years championship, end of story. Meath haven't won a championship game they weren't expected to win since 2012 when we beat Kildare under Banty in the Leinster Semi Final. Meath need to make a jump this year and beat a top team otherwise we are still going around in circles."
Would agree, whether it's Dublin or a team in the qualifier this is the biggest goal and has to happen

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1490 - 03/05/2022 17:02:09    2414713


Replying To Royalblufill:  "Whatever way the draw went - we would have had to play Kildare or Dublin at some stage to win Leinster! Wexford didn't put up much of a challenge against the Dubs so maybe we will go in with a better test behind us!

I know it took us a while to put Wicklow away but we did look like we had a better balance to the team! Menton was excellent and we looked decent from the bench too!!"
Fully agree with you.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 03/05/2022 18:26:11    2414735


Some good points been made. Look we just got to give it our all, this is management and some players last chance to win a Leinster (I know we'd still have another game). But we must get to final first. Leave it all on the field. That's all we can ask. If it's good enough then brilliant, if not then it's not.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 03/05/2022 19:30:55    2414746


Replying To latouche25:  "That's correct, I would rate them higher than Wicklow. So what's your point again."
That it's absolute nonsense Dublin "look back to their best" after beating Wexford. It will also be nonsense when they beat us and we won't know where they are until they play a top team. Dublin haven't performed in championship last year and worse again in the league and were relegated. To suggest beating wexford signalled back to their best is a joke.

Dublin at 40% would hammer this Meath team but Jesus some do go way over the top on here.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 03/05/2022 20:51:29    2414752


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "Where in the name of god did you come up with 12th-20th. We finished 4th in D2 this year, in the top 4 group the year before, D1 the year before that, promoted out of D2 the year before that. This year was the only time we were near D3 which would have us 17th and even then we were safe with a game to play. Also we haven't lost to a team lower than D2 in the championship since Longford in 2018. From 2015-18 we were capable of losing to antibody. Losses to Westmeath, Longford, throwing away a big lead to Derry. While our ceiling still remains low when we have our players I never fear is losing to an inferior team like we did then. To say we are In the same position is wrong. Also Andy was not hounding officials at all in fact it was the cleanest he's ever been I felt. There's plenty to give out about without just making up stuff or saying there's any world that we're the 20th best team in the country"
Leitrim, with respect we finished 4th in division 2, that's 12th best team at best, we drew with (and were lucky to get draws in both games) with both relegated teams who both lost in the first round of the championship (one to Monaghan and the other to Wexford admittedly)

Previous years are just that, history. We're based in a results based business. If we can't beat the teams we should be beating then we should be giving up but I'm not going to get overly excited by beating the teams we should. Flip it the other way, when have we last beaten a team of a similar standard to us. Kildare in 2020 and no other team under Andy in a championship match. That's as honest as we need to be.

I watched McEntee berate joe mcquillan for a solid thirty seconds in the second half up passed the stand at the hospital end. So I'm not making things up.

For me as some others have also said this is the last chance for some. Keoghan, Menton, McGill and O'Sullivan could all walk away after this season and not want to commit to a new management. The rest of the squad have barely set the world alight and you'd hardly say you could build for the future and x,y or z will be the leader of the team. Without those 3/4 players honestly we're in a far worse position than many can imagine. Look how we started the league without Menton and McGill, a rabble.

I respect your opinion that things are not as bad as i see it, but factoring in the above i can see troubled waters ahead and a slide to division 3 very easily.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 04/05/2022 11:41:13    2414819


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "meath beat kildare last year (i think...years are morphing into just one big covid period)...and i for one , didn't see on form that they should beat kildare?"
2020 it was LWS, in november

I'd agree i think that was our last big victory and can't think of us beating anyone of a same or higher standard going back to 2012 against Kildare also.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1967 - 04/05/2022 11:47:28    2414821


Replying To brian:  "Leitrim, with respect we finished 4th in division 2, that's 12th best team at best, we drew with (and were lucky to get draws in both games) with both relegated teams who both lost in the first round of the championship (one to Monaghan and the other to Wexford admittedly)

Previous years are just that, history. We're based in a results based business. If we can't beat the teams we should be beating then we should be giving up but I'm not going to get overly excited by beating the teams we should. Flip it the other way, when have we last beaten a team of a similar standard to us. Kildare in 2020 and no other team under Andy in a championship match. That's as honest as we need to be.

I watched McEntee berate joe mcquillan for a solid thirty seconds in the second half up passed the stand at the hospital end. So I'm not making things up.

For me as some others have also said this is the last chance for some. Keoghan, Menton, McGill and O'Sullivan could all walk away after this season and not want to commit to a new management. The rest of the squad have barely set the world alight and you'd hardly say you could build for the future and x,y or z will be the leader of the team. Without those 3/4 players honestly we're in a far worse position than many can imagine. Look how we started the league without Menton and McGill, a rabble.

I respect your opinion that things are not as bad as i see it, but factoring in the above i can see troubled waters ahead and a slide to division 3 very easily."
With supporters like this I honestly wonder why any player should be bothered playing for Meath.

Jack o Conner
Jack Flynn

All at the start of their careers but "they aren't setting the world alight or build around them".

Often wonder why some posters even come on the forum given they are writing it all off daily.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 04/05/2022 12:47:46    2414834


Replying To brian:  "Leitrim, with respect we finished 4th in division 2, that's 12th best team at best, we drew with (and were lucky to get draws in both games) with both relegated teams who both lost in the first round of the championship (one to Monaghan and the other to Wexford admittedly)

Previous years are just that, history. We're based in a results based business. If we can't beat the teams we should be beating then we should be giving up but I'm not going to get overly excited by beating the teams we should. Flip it the other way, when have we last beaten a team of a similar standard to us. Kildare in 2020 and no other team under Andy in a championship match. That's as honest as we need to be.

I watched McEntee berate joe mcquillan for a solid thirty seconds in the second half up passed the stand at the hospital end. So I'm not making things up.

For me as some others have also said this is the last chance for some. Keoghan, Menton, McGill and O'Sullivan could all walk away after this season and not want to commit to a new management. The rest of the squad have barely set the world alight and you'd hardly say you could build for the future and x,y or z will be the leader of the team. Without those 3/4 players honestly we're in a far worse position than many can imagine. Look how we started the league without Menton and McGill, a rabble.

I respect your opinion that things are not as bad as i see it, but factoring in the above i can see troubled waters ahead and a slide to division 3 very easily."
You somehow seem to be arguing that Andy is terrible and also things would get much worse if he left. If you think McGill and O'Sullivan (aged somewhere between 27-29) would leave the panel because of a new manager then surely that means you think they believe in Andy? And yeah we shouldn't be celebrating beating the teams we're meant to but from 2015-18 we weren't doing that. That was my point not that it should be celebrated

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1490 - 04/05/2022 13:23:03    2414847
