Meath Forum

Offaly V Meath Rd. 4

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Well where do we go from here. Saturday afternoon in Tullamore and I'm not sure what to expect. Offaly haven't been playing well, the case can be made we've been as bad if not worse and we sit in the bottom two spots of Division 2. We're very much in the end game now of Andy's reign and the lack of correction of long established problems within the team, the regression of fitness and conditioning, the lack of basic primary skills and work on them and the throwing of teams together in some haphazard fashion and hoping for magic to strike would not leave me with much optimism heading to Tullamore.

I would love to be optimistic and say we're going to win and get out of the funk we're in but I just don't see it happening. There's no basis in logic to suggest we're going to turn up on Saturday and turn it on. Offaly and John Maughan in particular will be stirred by the sight of the Meath jersey and will be ripping doors off walls to get out on the pitch and get stuck into Meath. They should've beaten us a couple of years ago in the championship and since then the teams have been going in opposite directions.

As a Meath supporter of over 40 years i can't remember ever being this low on a team. Even in the worst of times pre Boylan and thereafter the teams had character, a doggedness and toughness about them that teams knew they were in a match. That's just not there anymore. With so many basic things missing from county board, management and players it's hard to watch.

I'd love to say with confidence a Meath victory, but i just can't see it.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 23/02/2022 09:45:37    2402012


We have Offaly (away), Cork (home) , Clare (away) and finally Derry (home) left to get some respectability. Realistically, we need to get a min of 5points from the next 3 games, I see no chance at all against Derry unless they have guaranteed themselves promotion by that stage. We've already played 1 relegation canditate (Down) and no one is happy at the way that turned out. Offaly and Cork are also in the running for Div 3 so we simply have to beat both, end of. I don't honestly care how, just win is all. Clare are pickin' up points in every game so far and if they are still in the running for promotion when we have to visit, then it could be a very uncomfortable day for us.
Weather is likely to have big part to play this weekend and the forecast doesn't look great. Offaly have been well trashed by Clare and Derry so far, so we are guaranteed that they will see Meath as takeable, don't need to be Einstein to come to that conclusion considering had putrid we've been playing. Hoping for a win but with no great confidence.

moylagh (Meath) - Posts: 485 - 23/02/2022 11:41:02    2402036


There's almost no chance we'll lose to Offaly. Their footballers are like their hurlers, in that they've fallen so far in the 2000s that any improvement whatsoever is made out to be a major resurgence and that they're a team to fear.

CastleBravo (Meath) - Posts: 1657 - 23/02/2022 13:06:41    2402059


Replying To brian:  "Well where do we go from here. Saturday afternoon in Tullamore and I'm not sure what to expect. Offaly haven't been playing well, the case can be made we've been as bad if not worse and we sit in the bottom two spots of Division 2. We're very much in the end game now of Andy's reign and the lack of correction of long established problems within the team, the regression of fitness and conditioning, the lack of basic primary skills and work on them and the throwing of teams together in some haphazard fashion and hoping for magic to strike would not leave me with much optimism heading to Tullamore.

I would love to be optimistic and say we're going to win and get out of the funk we're in but I just don't see it happening. There's no basis in logic to suggest we're going to turn up on Saturday and turn it on. Offaly and John Maughan in particular will be stirred by the sight of the Meath jersey and will be ripping doors off walls to get out on the pitch and get stuck into Meath. They should've beaten us a couple of years ago in the championship and since then the teams have been going in opposite directions.

As a Meath supporter of over 40 years i can't remember ever being this low on a team. Even in the worst of times pre Boylan and thereafter the teams had character, a doggedness and toughness about them that teams knew they were in a match. That's just not there anymore. With so many basic things missing from county board, management and players it's hard to watch.

I'd love to say with confidence a Meath victory, but i just can't see it."
Hard to disaggree with any of that indeed. As a supporter who was in Croke park to see Meath win the all Ireland in 1954 and everything since its sad to accept where we are. In simple the lowest we have been in all that time. Meath to me means all the characteristics you mentioned and more .Sadly ,no longer visible. ! Why ? My answer FEAR ! Players are smoothered in fear its seems. Everything seems to be dictated by a culture of fear . Fear of making a mistake ,i wont shoot i might miss . I wont attempt the long kick pass out of defence etc it may not fit into the plan. What plan??
Going for broke as Meath players have done so often successfully in the past i believe Meath players should take the day off against Offaly. By that i mean a day off from fear. I am convinced Meath can win with something to spare if they decide to go for it all out Attacking football where players have a go without fear. Shoot for scores ,and dont pass the book.You miss so what ? Its still better that we have been subjected to for the last while. Play for each other and the jersey. It cannot be easy for players over the last 2 years. You deserve the opportunity to have a go using your instincts without fear and see where that leaves us. Of course players still have the resposibility to improve their skills as part of any recipe. For this match let the gameplan be "play without fear" let common sense dictate the boundaries after that. Players after such a long period of frustration ye have the right to use your common sense and football brain to bring us forward for now........The longer term answer is a different story where players are free of resposibility. Real leadership and professionalism has to be seen starting at the top table based on lessons learned and corrective action required..That is another story anyway!
As the song says" one day at a time" Go for it lads ! Let this match be where fear was not dominant. ENJOYMENT is back on the menu ! Best of luck lads and to Andy Mc Entee who did all anyone can do...his best !

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 23/02/2022 15:14:00    2402086


Replying To brian:  "Well where do we go from here. Saturday afternoon in Tullamore and I'm not sure what to expect. Offaly haven't been playing well, the case can be made we've been as bad if not worse and we sit in the bottom two spots of Division 2. We're very much in the end game now of Andy's reign and the lack of correction of long established problems within the team, the regression of fitness and conditioning, the lack of basic primary skills and work on them and the throwing of teams together in some haphazard fashion and hoping for magic to strike would not leave me with much optimism heading to Tullamore.

I would love to be optimistic and say we're going to win and get out of the funk we're in but I just don't see it happening. There's no basis in logic to suggest we're going to turn up on Saturday and turn it on. Offaly and John Maughan in particular will be stirred by the sight of the Meath jersey and will be ripping doors off walls to get out on the pitch and get stuck into Meath. They should've beaten us a couple of years ago in the championship and since then the teams have been going in opposite directions.

As a Meath supporter of over 40 years i can't remember ever being this low on a team. Even in the worst of times pre Boylan and thereafter the teams had character, a doggedness and toughness about them that teams knew they were in a match. That's just not there anymore. With so many basic things missing from county board, management and players it's hard to watch.

I'd love to say with confidence a Meath victory, but i just can't see it."
Yes, this is our lowest ebb, confidence is completly gone and as nobull rightly said, a air of fear has enveloped the team. Whatever is happening with this panel of all our basic skills, kickpassing, fielding and on and on. We got some decent results in 2019. Massive game against Offaly, pick up two points and we still have a chance to survive, however as you say its very difficult to expect a win with any great confidence.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 23/02/2022 16:42:56    2402118


Massive game now v Offaly.At the start of the league I would have been fairly confident of a win but after the first three games not so.We got out of jail a couple of years ago in Navan v Offaly that would have hurt them.A win will bring confidence and I think we badly need some.If we can get the win I think we could see much better performances in the next three games.we all know Andy's gone at the end of the year so hopefully the county board are exhausting every Avenue to get the right person in.if we lose this game do we just write off the year (lose it and I think we're gone)and let Andy complete his term or if the the new mans happens to be free do we give him the last few games and Leinster campaign?I know there is alot of ifs in there but just interested in people s view.We had improved under Andy but have regressed the last 2 years.I know we are missing Menton,magill,Lavin and Jones is only back but every team has lost lads so cant be hiding behind that.I think some of our decisions have been poor.I hate giving out about players/management they all put in so much but the decision to play against the wind v Galway into a Gale force wind was crazy.I mean you are away from home against one of the strongest teams in the division,surely you play with the wind,get the scoreboard ticking and be right in the game.It seems to me that we dont really want to shoot from outside the d, now I know that is not a bad idea it should improve your scoring rate I get that but it's very easy to defend against just pack the defence so they cant run through you so if you're not going to shoot from distance you have to hope to get frees.By having a pot shot from distance would make teams come out more.I mean it suited Down last week second half lets flood the defence dont let them run through us,keep them outside the d and let them hand pass it over and back.Now I not saying this will magically turn things around not at all,may make little difference who knows but we need to adapt our game so it's not so easy to defend against us.Anyeay hopefully we can beat Offaly and things improve for the season.Good luck to the lads/management An Mhi Abu.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 25/02/2022 09:17:43    2402290


Replying To Proudroyal:  "Massive game now v Offaly.At the start of the league I would have been fairly confident of a win but after the first three games not so.We got out of jail a couple of years ago in Navan v Offaly that would have hurt them.A win will bring confidence and I think we badly need some.If we can get the win I think we could see much better performances in the next three games.we all know Andy's gone at the end of the year so hopefully the county board are exhausting every Avenue to get the right person in.if we lose this game do we just write off the year (lose it and I think we're gone)and let Andy complete his term or if the the new mans happens to be free do we give him the last few games and Leinster campaign?I know there is alot of ifs in there but just interested in people s view.We had improved under Andy but have regressed the last 2 years.I know we are missing Menton,magill,Lavin and Jones is only back but every team has lost lads so cant be hiding behind that.I think some of our decisions have been poor.I hate giving out about players/management they all put in so much but the decision to play against the wind v Galway into a Gale force wind was crazy.I mean you are away from home against one of the strongest teams in the division,surely you play with the wind,get the scoreboard ticking and be right in the game.It seems to me that we dont really want to shoot from outside the d, now I know that is not a bad idea it should improve your scoring rate I get that but it's very easy to defend against just pack the defence so they cant run through you so if you're not going to shoot from distance you have to hope to get frees.By having a pot shot from distance would make teams come out more.I mean it suited Down last week second half lets flood the defence dont let them run through us,keep them outside the d and let them hand pass it over and back.Now I not saying this will magically turn things around not at all,may make little difference who knows but we need to adapt our game so it's not so easy to defend against us.Anyeay hopefully we can beat Offaly and things improve for the season.Good luck to the lads/management An Mhi Abu."
Some good points you make there proudroyal. I'm not going to lie defeat tomorrow and for me Andy staying in charge is untenable. Win and I still think its just kicking the can down the road until the next defeat. It's honestly cruel to him and the squad to drag things out any further. Every man and his dog knows Andy is done after the championship so why prolong it further. If the person they want is available then the county board should do the decent thing and make the change. Talk of how embarrassing it might be is a waste of time, given the embarrassment of them not backing him and then sending him to the clubs with no alternative strategy to him being supported. Lets not forget there was a motion of no confidence in Banty in 2012 wasn't it before the championship.... so its not unprecedented

Regardless of the above, best of luck to all involved, hopefully they can get a win tomorrow and get themselves back on track a little

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 25/02/2022 09:51:10    2402294


Replying To Proudroyal:  "Massive game now v Offaly.At the start of the league I would have been fairly confident of a win but after the first three games not so.We got out of jail a couple of years ago in Navan v Offaly that would have hurt them.A win will bring confidence and I think we badly need some.If we can get the win I think we could see much better performances in the next three games.we all know Andy's gone at the end of the year so hopefully the county board are exhausting every Avenue to get the right person in.if we lose this game do we just write off the year (lose it and I think we're gone)and let Andy complete his term or if the the new mans happens to be free do we give him the last few games and Leinster campaign?I know there is alot of ifs in there but just interested in people s view.We had improved under Andy but have regressed the last 2 years.I know we are missing Menton,magill,Lavin and Jones is only back but every team has lost lads so cant be hiding behind that.I think some of our decisions have been poor.I hate giving out about players/management they all put in so much but the decision to play against the wind v Galway into a Gale force wind was crazy.I mean you are away from home against one of the strongest teams in the division,surely you play with the wind,get the scoreboard ticking and be right in the game.It seems to me that we dont really want to shoot from outside the d, now I know that is not a bad idea it should improve your scoring rate I get that but it's very easy to defend against just pack the defence so they cant run through you so if you're not going to shoot from distance you have to hope to get frees.By having a pot shot from distance would make teams come out more.I mean it suited Down last week second half lets flood the defence dont let them run through us,keep them outside the d and let them hand pass it over and back.Now I not saying this will magically turn things around not at all,may make little difference who knows but we need to adapt our game so it's not so easy to defend against us.Anyeay hopefully we can beat Offaly and things improve for the season.Good luck to the lads/management An Mhi Abu."
Meath management say we lost the 3 tosses with all opposition electing to play with the wind in the first half , we just can't get anything in our favour at the moment

royler (Meath) - Posts: 274 - 25/02/2022 10:08:33    2402307


Replying To royler:  "Meath management say we lost the 3 tosses with all opposition electing to play with the wind in the first half , we just can't get anything in our favour at the moment"
The story of Andys time in charge of meath he's had zero luck.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 25/02/2022 13:54:46    2402351


Replying To brian:  "Some good points you make there proudroyal. I'm not going to lie defeat tomorrow and for me Andy staying in charge is untenable. Win and I still think its just kicking the can down the road until the next defeat. It's honestly cruel to him and the squad to drag things out any further. Every man and his dog knows Andy is done after the championship so why prolong it further. If the person they want is available then the county board should do the decent thing and make the change. Talk of how embarrassing it might be is a waste of time, given the embarrassment of them not backing him and then sending him to the clubs with no alternative strategy to him being supported. Lets not forget there was a motion of no confidence in Banty in 2012 wasn't it before the championship.... so its not unprecedented

Regardless of the above, best of luck to all involved, hopefully they can get a win tomorrow and get themselves back on track a little"
County board need to stay calm & for once show leadership & respect . Andy voted in for the Year., that should be the end of it, till the Year plays out. Only person who should decide otherwise his Andy himself, in conjunction with his Management Team, The Players & some County Board officials. It should ALWAYS be about what is in the best interests of Meath playing to the baying crowd pleasing for Votes at next years conventions....just Respect teh decision, Respect the Person, Respect the Process & Respect the County

For the players (and for the Management ) I would dearly love that they get a result & take some pressure out of this situation ....

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 25/02/2022 16:47:00    2402380


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "The story of Andys time in charge of meath he's had zero luck."
I am a firm believer that you make your own luck. I am sure that many successful teams lost the toss in games.

It's getting a bit sad when we have a manager that wont give an interview one week, can't give an interview another week due to being suspended and his stand in gives a pretty lame interview and blames the toss among other things!

That said, the very best of luck to them against Offaly. They are our representatives and there are a lot of sacrifices made by the players and management team.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 25/02/2022 19:26:43    2402409


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "The story of Andys time in charge of meath he's had zero luck."
You make your own luck.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1071 - 25/02/2022 19:57:20    2402413


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "The story of Andys time in charge of meath he's had zero luck."
Not the Meath way to whine boss. Too much whining over last few years...whining after games, at match officials, players, media etc etc

Fed up of it to be honest.

Ye make your own luck and play the hand your dealt; but never complain. Its just not the Meath way.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1804 - 25/02/2022 20:30:43    2402417


Replying To royler:  "Meath management say we lost the 3 tosses with all opposition electing to play with the wind in the first half , we just can't get anything in our favour at the moment"
Well Royler,I heard otherwise but if you're right I stand corrected and retract that bit about the toss up.Law of averages would say you would win at least 1 toss up in 3 but maybe I am been a bit spectial.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 26/02/2022 09:51:05    2402429


Replying To royler:  "Meath management say we lost the 3 tosses with all opposition electing to play with the wind in the first half , we just can't get anything in our favour at the moment"
Sorry sceptical.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 26/02/2022 09:53:32    2402431


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "
Replying To brian:  "Some good points you make there proudroyal. I'm not going to lie defeat tomorrow and for me Andy staying in charge is untenable. Win and I still think its just kicking the can down the road until the next defeat. It's honestly cruel to him and the squad to drag things out any further. Every man and his dog knows Andy is done after the championship so why prolong it further. If the person they want is available then the county board should do the decent thing and make the change. Talk of how embarrassing it might be is a waste of time, given the embarrassment of them not backing him and then sending him to the clubs with no alternative strategy to him being supported. Lets not forget there was a motion of no confidence in Banty in 2012 wasn't it before the championship.... so its not unprecedented

Regardless of the above, best of luck to all involved, hopefully they can get a win tomorrow and get themselves back on track a little"
County board need to stay calm & for once show leadership & respect . Andy voted in for the Year., that should be the end of it, till the Year plays out. Only person who should decide otherwise his Andy himself, in conjunction with his Management Team, The Players & some County Board officials. It should ALWAYS be about what is in the best interests of Meath playing to the baying crowd pleasing for Votes at next years conventions....just Respect teh decision, Respect the Person, Respect the Process & Respect the County

For the players (and for the Management ) I would dearly love that they get a result & take some pressure out of this situation ...."
Well said. I do hope though that behind the scenes we have a list to take over immediately after our year ends

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 26/02/2022 10:08:17    2402434


Replying To stillaroyal:  "I am a firm believer that you make your own luck. I am sure that many successful teams lost the toss in games.

It's getting a bit sad when we have a manager that wont give an interview one week, can't give an interview another week due to being suspended and his stand in gives a pretty lame interview and blames the toss among other things!

That said, the very best of luck to them against Offaly. They are our representatives and there are a lot of sacrifices made by the players and management team."
Weather will be an issue again today, however we seem to play same style either with or without benefit of wind. When talk is about bad luck and losing the toss you know we are in trouble. Best of luck to team today, big pressure but a win gives us a fighting chance to stay up.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 26/02/2022 12:37:59    2402461


Best wishes to Andy Shane and the lads. Incredibly nervous bout this one. Feel like we will throw everything at it and should comfortably win by 7. An Mhi Abu!

Evernal (Meath) - Posts: 74 - 26/02/2022 13:06:31    2402470


Replying To Proudroyal:  "Well Royler,I heard otherwise but if you're right I stand corrected and retract that bit about the toss up.Law of averages would say you would win at least 1 toss up in 3 but maybe I am been a bit spectial."
Ah lads. The toss up goes one of two ways. You plan for both. This is a new low of an excuse and says a lot about the mentality at the minute

Ed2010 (Meath) - Posts: 109 - 26/02/2022 13:59:51    2402477


Meath to win by 5 plus and best of luck to the team and management, you kind of have the feeling there's more posters here that want them to lose then win so they can continue to cry about management, but to hell with them up the royals always no matter what.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 26/02/2022 14:17:26    2402478
