Meath Forum

Meath V Down. Rd 3.

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Replying To Tweety:  "Really?? You are blaming the weather and having a go at the media!! Reminiscent to the behavior to our incumbent manager! deflect deflect deflect"
About time local media starting asking some hard questions, instead of making excuses before each game. All teams face the same problems but get on with it, we on the other hand are becoming known for blaming this and that, instead of facing the facts.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 22/02/2022 13:25:37    2401860


There are terrific young players who make big sacrifices and put bodies on the line. and loyal supporters who were prepared to stand out in a storm to support the lads.
Meath need a new approach in fairness to both. We got lucky when an exceptional man like Sean Boylan came along. What is needed now is a manager who directs the logistics and seperately a group with a chairman who have proven strategic and tactical knowledge plus know a good player. This group will pick the panel and team and delegate someone to make switches on the Day. They must be independent minded people of integrity whose only focus is fairness to both players and supporters. They must be prepared to disagree. This applies regardless of the present manager. It is not good enough to have one individual on a power trip picking HIS team ,giving preference to those close to him and leaving out our best players to make room for favourites or because he had a chip on the shoulder about them.

BTW this applies to county and clubs all over the place. and to Meath managers at all levels over the years. It is not personal to anyone. Look at the difference when a team has the exception like Boylan,Heffernan ,or Gavin , or Kerry over the years

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 22/02/2022 13:30:19    2401861


Graham Reilly wasn't fit enough to track back or mark quick half backs that's why he was phased out, being able to kick scores from out the field isn't enough anymore, in the same way that being accurate like banty isn't enough. You need the legs and desire to run as quickly back to your own goal as you do going forward. All of our current half forwards and forwards will do it. Regardless of how Graham may or
May not have been treated he didn't cut it physically as an athlete in modern game, it's that simple really. One of the most gifted footballers we have seen in a long time but you can't carry players anymore. In the same way once the game turned into a non stop running affair the likes of big Joe, cian ward etc drifted out, they can still look like best players on the field in club games but ask them to turn around and chase Lee keegan is a different matter

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 22/02/2022 13:32:40    2401863


Replying To Crinigan:  "That's fair enough comment. I think we need someone the players can really look up to though and be inspired and not an old school disciplinarian type. It's a buy into a lifestyle kind of setup we need. Not a shut up and train like a dog when I tell you to kind of a thing.

Paul Galvin has Meath connections and is a born winner and intelligent man. Would be excited by him. Eamonn Fitzmaurice be interesting too. As would Rory Gallagher if not still with Derry next year. Tony McEntee (ex crossmagle) also interesting profile albeit he hasn't set intercounty scene alight."
Agree re the type of manager we need . A youngish progressive type like the people you mentioned . Also someone like Malachy O'Rourke is of interest to me. Not necessarily but seems like a good sort and did a good job with Monaghan.

Out of curiosity what is the connection Paul Galvin has with Meath?

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 22/02/2022 13:41:01    2401866


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Agree re the type of manager we need . A youngish progressive type like the people you mentioned . Also someone like Malachy O'Rourke is of interest to me. Not necessarily but seems like a good sort and did a good job with Monaghan.

Out of curiosity what is the connection Paul Galvin has with Meath?"
Uncle is a Meath man I believe very involved with Navan O'Mahonys.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 22/02/2022 14:40:45    2401894


Replying To Crinigan:  "Uncle is a Meath man I believe very involved with Navan O'Mahonys."
Ok thanks. Never knew that.

He wouldn't be one i'd be looking at TBH. Again because of his lack of Inter County experience. A short time with Wexford and did ok but it could also be argued that Wexford were probably at their lowest ever ebb and any half decent organised person with some football knowledge and some enthusiasm could have went in there and improved things.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 22/02/2022 15:13:42    2401908


Replying To brian:  "oh here we go the MOD bashing has started again.... What's the chap supposed to say, we're not fit during a manager's time in charge??? Can you provide a source for this quote cos I don't remember hearing it myself."
I can actually it was directed at me on Twitter, and a fair few on here saw it. I had said after the lowest point in Meath history our unacceptable loss to Westmeath that our fitness in second half was terrible and why can't we remain somewhat consistent. Kevin replied to me with that EXACT QUOTE. I said fair enough that he would know better. From my point of view that makes him unacceptable as been anywhere near Meath management, that he couldn't see how bad our fitness levels were.
On another note ? Bashing mod ? Stating facts is not bashing. Also kettle pot black going on here. You have done nothing only bash Andy over the pass 2 years. So forgive me if I don't give a rats what you say in relation to that.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 22/02/2022 17:13:34    2401952


Replying To brian:  "So in one breadth you're telling us he was badly treated by management and in the next you're telling us he's a maverick who wouldn't stick to the dictated plan of not shooting from 45/50 metres... which is it RD???

Failing to stick the the game plan A and then Game plan A again and Game plan A after that and he'd have been whipped off in no time. Sure didn't you say he was treated badly by management, so no room for Mavericks...

Cillian O'Sullivan can do everything you say Graham the great can and yet look at him on Sunday, pass the buck and no impact, and don't shoot from distance.."
Ok now you just waffling are you saying the plan was no one kick from that distance?? Or is it that no on (particularly this year version of cos) has the ABILITY, to do it. The fact is that there was only one man who would have shot from that distance and scored and that was Reilly. Now age has definitely caught up with him. But 35 mins with that wind. Yeah he'd have been perfect. Also you seem to not grasp how someone can say treated bad by management and would have taken the shot can coexist. I think you need to take a break from this vendetta against Andy and the team. And take a chill pill or something. Cause ur comments are getting embarrassing

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 22/02/2022 17:23:15    2401957


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "Graham Reilly wasn't fit enough to track back or mark quick half backs that's why he was phased out, being able to kick scores from out the field isn't enough anymore, in the same way that being accurate like banty isn't enough. You need the legs and desire to run as quickly back to your own goal as you do going forward. All of our current half forwards and forwards will do it. Regardless of how Graham may or
May not have been treated he didn't cut it physically as an athlete in modern game, it's that simple really. One of the most gifted footballers we have seen in a long time but you can't carry players anymore. In the same way once the game turned into a non stop running affair the likes of big Joe, cian ward etc drifted out, they can still look like best players on the field in club games but ask them to turn around and chase Lee keegan is a different matter"
Funny thing was he outplayed lee keegan in the all Ireland club final and got the better of him. Anyway it's all just talk as he wouldn't return and unlikely to be asked anyway. It was just a point that for the situation we found ourselves in on Sunday him or that type of player would have won us the game.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 22/02/2022 17:35:34    2401960


We need more guys from kells in

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 421 - 22/02/2022 19:18:30    2401976


Replying To royaldunne:  "Funny thing was he outplayed lee keegan in the all Ireland club final and got the better of him. Anyway it's all just talk as he wouldn't return and unlikely to be asked anyway. It was just a point that for the situation we found ourselves in on Sunday him or that type of player would have won us the game."
Yes would agree with you Royaldunne on Graham out playing Keegan in that All ireland club final.Keegan couldn't deal with him and should have been sent off that day for constant fouling but ref bottled it.In fairness Graham has(had regarding Meath now)unreal talent but unfortunately never reached his full potential,too many days were he just looked disinterested or if it wasnt going right gave up.when he was hot he was hot but when he was cold it was Antarctic cold.I do get your point about shooting from far out he often kicked some good scores but alot of the time he was been carried by the team.He had the talent to be a star but in my opinion his attitude wasnt there.He did put in many years of comittment I'm not doubting that at all but he could have been so much better and be up there with the Meath greats of old.Maybe he lacked direction from Managers, would have been interesting to see what a manager like Boylan would have done with him.I think he would have got alot more out of him,but I know that's all if buts and maybes.l

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 22/02/2022 19:51:27    2401978


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "Harry Hogan took the frees into the wind because the range of Morris or Walsh out of the hands is diminished kicking into that wind. Then in the second half Walsh kicked 2 from his side. Morris kicked 2 or 3 from his side. And Hogan kicked 2 off the ground. You could argue that Hogan should have maybe kicked 1 or 2 from Morris' side but Morris kicked one over and had the range on the other it just went wide. The one from the sideline was a stupid shot to take on so that's more about the decision to kick rather than who kicked it. There's absolutely plenty to complain about from last weekend and indeed the season so far. But Walsh kicking it with his right foot and then Morris kicking it from the with his left foot isn't changing your free taker it's incredibly rare that a free taker moves the entire way around the pitch unless. Even Sean O'Shea leaves left footed frees to Clifford. And Rock often left them to Mannion. And Harry Hogan did kick 2 great ones to start but he missed 3 in the second half and Cillian didn't kick a free at all. Right now we have 3 dead ball takers. Morris from the right side of the pitch short-mid distances, Walsh from the left side short-mid distance and Hogan off the ground from long range (or short range when into a massive wind and it's essentially a long range free). There's plenty to complain about so don't just make up things that happened"
I may be corrected on Sullivan, but to suggest Hogan is only capable of kicking long range from the ground is totally ridiculous. Are you suggesting he can score from 45 into the wind but not from 30, the first free in the second half was from the exact same angle as Hogan had scored in the first. He was making his way out to take the free but Walsh decided to take it and missed. Are you suggesting Morris is a good free taker, he's less that a 50% strike rate. Took 4 shots on Sunday only scored 1 that's 25%. A pretty poor return in anyone's book. Thomas o' Reilly is better than that. To suggest that he had the range with one free is laughable, he had a gale in his back and was only on the 45. A juvenile would have the range with that wind.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 22/02/2022 19:55:35    2401981


Once more surprised at mods allowing the level of vitrol from certain posters through their watchful eyes. Reduced to ranting and raving and nothing constructive to add and tells others they need to take a chill pill and relax.... Hmmmmm

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 22/02/2022 20:43:39    2401990


Replying To royaldunne:  "I can actually it was directed at me on Twitter, and a fair few on here saw it. I had said after the lowest point in Meath history our unacceptable loss to Westmeath that our fitness in second half was terrible and why can't we remain somewhat consistent. Kevin replied to me with that EXACT QUOTE. I said fair enough that he would know better. From my point of view that makes him unacceptable as been anywhere near Meath management, that he couldn't see how bad our fitness levels were.
On another note ? Bashing mod ? Stating facts is not bashing. Also kettle pot black going on here. You have done nothing only bash Andy over the pass 2 years. So forgive me if I don't give a rats what you say in relation to that."
But you were not stating facts. Meath had many losses to Westmeath it happened to be the only one in the Championship. That record was bull anyway.
That match was played the same weekend of an awful tragedy resulting in a team members Mother having to be buried . It would not have proceeded if Croke Park cared about player welfare. It was also obvious that Meath were in trouble as all the big men down the middle were injured for the same match. It was an abberation.
The lowest point is now after losing to 3 Div 2 teams in a row including twice at home and to a shocking poor Down team without their county champions. The next worse was to a ridiculously weak Longford team who we didnt even give a game to in 2017 or 2018. If you actually compile the statistics taking grade of opponent in and allow for referee variation then MOD comes out well ,for recent times.
And bringing past managers into a discussion about the current set up is like a farcical Donal Trump argument aimed at rednecks anyway

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 22/02/2022 21:29:48    2401993


Replying To Ashrules:  "But you were not stating facts. Meath had many losses to Westmeath it happened to be the only one in the Championship. That record was bull anyway.
That match was played the same weekend of an awful tragedy resulting in a team members Mother having to be buried . It would not have proceeded if Croke Park cared about player welfare. It was also obvious that Meath were in trouble as all the big men down the middle were injured for the same match. It was an abberation.
The lowest point is now after losing to 3 Div 2 teams in a row including twice at home and to a shocking poor Down team without their county champions. The next worse was to a ridiculously weak Longford team who we didnt even give a game to in 2017 or 2018. If you actually compile the statistics taking grade of opponent in and allow for referee variation then MOD comes out well ,for recent times.
And bringing past managers into a discussion about the current set up is like a farcical Donal Trump argument aimed at rednecks anyway"
Really great points there Ashrules.

I also love the whole idea of people who state that their opinion is a "fact" when its just their opinion ;)

Jeez i totally forgot about that incident you mentioned to about Simon Carty and his mother's death in the run into that Westmeath game.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 23/02/2022 10:34:50    2402016


Replying To brian:  "Yeah those are fair points you make Crinigan and fully see where you're coming at it from ;)

Out of interest what makes you think Cillian and McGill might be finished after the season? Again see why they might but they are still young enough. Menton and Keoghan owe us nothing and we're blessed to have them whilst we have, they deserved better for their efforts."
One thing that posters have to take into account this year is that we have played the first 2 matches without 3 of our 4 most influential players, McGill, Menton and Jones (with Keoghan obviously being the other one). The return of Jones against Down improved the overall performance around the middle of the field, whilst it didn't show on the score board because of poor forward play. Had these 3 lads been available we would have at least 4 points on the board. The target should be to hang in and get enough points to survive in Division 2 and hopefully these lads will be back for the championship. Everybody should stop the negativity and get behind this team and management for the remainder of the season. Hon the Royal !

kingofclubs (Meath) - Posts: 326 - 23/02/2022 17:31:37    2402126


Replying To royaldunne:  "You are totally deluded if you think that a player like that who actually could shoot from 45 line wouldn't have made a difference you don't know much about football."
Ye your right sham i know nothing.sorry for stating a man who loved the cut and trust of hard tight winter football again a mean northern team.again im sorry for that.give me strength.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 23/02/2022 18:24:17    2402134


Replying To kingofclubs:  "One thing that posters have to take into account this year is that we have played the first 2 matches without 3 of our 4 most influential players, McGill, Menton and Jones (with Keoghan obviously being the other one). The return of Jones against Down improved the overall performance around the middle of the field, whilst it didn't show on the score board because of poor forward play. Had these 3 lads been available we would have at least 4 points on the board. The target should be to hang in and get enough points to survive in Division 2 and hopefully these lads will be back for the championship. Everybody should stop the negativity and get behind this team and management for the remainder of the season. Hon the Royal !"
King i disagree with this entirely. Having reread this before posting I hope it doesn't come across as condescending as I don't intend it that way, i do respect the points you're raising. Every team is playing with injuries, suspensions and key players missing from their squads. We can't be making excuses like that when it's the same for every team.

Galway we were told were missing 4/5 of their starting defence and other players. They also had multiple players involved with the Sigerson winning NUIG team who were playing weekly
Roscommon were missing the Padraic Pearses panelists
Down missing all their Kilcoo contingent

It could be argued our 3 opponents were missing even more than us.

Giving up 14 and 12 points leads (I believe) to any team is always going to be too much to overcome and it's been a bad habit in recent seasons. And lets not forget Shane won the toss in Salthill and elected to play into the breeze for the first half.

I accept having the 3 guys you mentioned might've helped but it's a stretch to say we'd have 4 points when our forwards are just not scoring enough. Jones and Menton might've helped add a few extra scores but Galway and Roscommon had us at arms length for the second halves and barely engaged other than to ensure we didn't get close to them.

There's none of us who aren't behind the team and want to see our team where we all believe they should be but we're allowed call out what we're seeing in front of us at matches and the regression and concerns that we have. Its not negativity to call this out.

Unfortunately getting McGill and Menton back could be too late and you're playing Tailteann cup football and one or both might say why bother. You'd hope they'd want to be involved but you'd understand if the said no thanks. Neither owe us anything.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 23/02/2022 18:41:02    2402137


Replying To kingofclubs:  "One thing that posters have to take into account this year is that we have played the first 2 matches without 3 of our 4 most influential players, McGill, Menton and Jones (with Keoghan obviously being the other one). The return of Jones against Down improved the overall performance around the middle of the field, whilst it didn't show on the score board because of poor forward play. Had these 3 lads been available we would have at least 4 points on the board. The target should be to hang in and get enough points to survive in Division 2 and hopefully these lads will be back for the championship. Everybody should stop the negativity and get behind this team and management for the remainder of the season. Hon the Royal !"
Agree target has to be survival in Div 2 and even if we manage this we may still end up in Tailtean Cup, however, survival gives a decent base to start afresh from next year. Stretching it a bit to suggest we would have four points were McGill, Menton available. McGill has struggled with form over last two seasons, Menton to a lesser extent. Would we have beaten Galway or Roscommon, dont think so, our inability to score will not be addressed by inclusion of either
Getting behind team is a given, however, managment is a different matter.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 23/02/2022 19:11:20    2402141


Replying To kingofclubs:  "One thing that posters have to take into account this year is that we have played the first 2 matches without 3 of our 4 most influential players, McGill, Menton and Jones (with Keoghan obviously being the other one). The return of Jones against Down improved the overall performance around the middle of the field, whilst it didn't show on the score board because of poor forward play. Had these 3 lads been available we would have at least 4 points on the board. The target should be to hang in and get enough points to survive in Division 2 and hopefully these lads will be back for the championship. Everybody should stop the negativity and get behind this team and management for the remainder of the season. Hon the Royal !"
Well said

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 23/02/2022 21:05:33    2402148
