Meath Forum

Meath V Roscommon

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Replying To brian:  "Those are minimum expectations, and displays a level of consistency . Getting to Leinster finals on a consistent basis would be a great starting point for us. Winning them would be a huge bonus and lets be honest we are and will continue to be a ways off the standard of Dublin. At the end of 5 years you'd hope there's consistency there and be a lot closer to Dublin than we are now."
Hardly enough to accept that getting close to Dublin is enough! It's the teams who don't accept that who compete! Tyrone have 48 football club teams and have been competitive for years! Monaghan who have a much smaller population and only 33 clubs have been competitive for a long time and now we are seeing an Armagh resurgence - they only have 44 clubs and have been in the doldrums for a long time but McGeeney seems to have reinvigorated them! And yes, I know it is only league, but a win over Dublin has to be a huge motivator for them and to follow up with a win against Tyrone!!

i don't know - but maybe it was this feeling of - we will never be able to compete with Dublin that has created am inferiority complex that we can't move beyond!!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 504 - 09/02/2022 15:21:08    2399544


Replying To royaldunne:  "I've heard this before and when you have a multiple all ire winner and all star under Jim gavin say Andy was the best manager he ever played for shows that obviously some players think a lot of him. Did he compromise his own style to suit Meath and some players? I don't know. He's caught in a bind. And barring a miracle he will leave at end of year. I'm almost positive he will have success at club level again.
On another note I think it's also important to remember just how ordinary our senior club champions appear in Leinster I'm not having a pop at tones or rathoath or whoever. I'm merely pointing out it's a long time since we were competitive in senior Leinster club championship. So maybe just maybe a mix of Jim gavin , jimmy Mc Guinness, sean boylan, mick o Dwyer etc wouldn't help us if the players just aren't there anymore."
Rd in fairness from what ive seen over the take on it is this.
Lads coming going to frequently,goalies whishy washy stuff.point is that when team sees this stuff goin on they get disillusioned to he started well but from his own doings misgivings pretty much favouritism they have lost respect for him.the survey among them said this.wasnt right what co board done at the time they did it.but the written is on the wall here.and players k know hes any doubts or grief with him will multiply.he has compromised a style for one player in my book and that was plain to see on sunday.the whole crowd were chatting on it.and this has in my book been his achilles heel.that and no common sense or discipline on the line and other areas.his boat is sinking and my fear is he will drag us down with it.lets hope not but im fearful at this stage.tailteann cup be a horror show for meath.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 09/02/2022 15:50:37    2399550


Replying To Royalblufill:  "Hardly enough to accept that getting close to Dublin is enough! It's the teams who don't accept that who compete! Tyrone have 48 football club teams and have been competitive for years! Monaghan who have a much smaller population and only 33 clubs have been competitive for a long time and now we are seeing an Armagh resurgence - they only have 44 clubs and have been in the doldrums for a long time but McGeeney seems to have reinvigorated them! And yes, I know it is only league, but a win over Dublin has to be a huge motivator for them and to follow up with a win against Tyrone!!

i don't know - but maybe it was this feeling of - we will never be able to compete with Dublin that has created am inferiority complex that we can't move beyond!!"
I'm not saying getting close to Dublin is enough, it'll never be good enough for me or most Meath supporters but you have temper expectations with a degree of realism. We've not beaten them in a dozen years and we're nowhere close to being able to beat them. What i would hope is that if we could get a level of consistency as you say of a Monaghan or Armagh, get to division 1 and stay there, then you can start discussing beating Dublin in the league obviously you're in a better position to then beat them in the summer.
Saying things like we have an inferiority complex isn't far off the mark when we haven't beaten Dublin in so long or even come close. Was 2014 the last time we were within 5 point in a championship match.
It's getting that baseline and consistency is where we need to get to and then you're in a much better position to compete with and beat Dublin. We're not going to beat them tomorrow or next week but it's about taking the small steps and getting closer to them and not curtsying at the sight of the Dublin jersey which happened in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 09/02/2022 16:33:56    2399558


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Rd in fairness from what ive seen over the take on it is this.
Lads coming going to frequently,goalies whishy washy stuff.point is that when team sees this stuff goin on they get disillusioned to he started well but from his own doings misgivings pretty much favouritism they have lost respect for him.the survey among them said this.wasnt right what co board done at the time they did it.but the written is on the wall here.and players k know hes any doubts or grief with him will multiply.he has compromised a style for one player in my book and that was plain to see on sunday.the whole crowd were chatting on it.and this has in my book been his achilles heel.that and no common sense or discipline on the line and other areas.his boat is sinking and my fear is he will drag us down with it.lets hope not but im fearful at this stage.tailteann cup be a horror show for meath."
Some bag of words there. Not to many, or any for that matter, well constructed sentences. Pretty much sums up the laughable stuff that is posted on this site.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 09/02/2022 16:34:07    2399559


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Rd in fairness from what ive seen over the take on it is this.
Lads coming going to frequently,goalies whishy washy stuff.point is that when team sees this stuff goin on they get disillusioned to he started well but from his own doings misgivings pretty much favouritism they have lost respect for him.the survey among them said this.wasnt right what co board done at the time they did it.but the written is on the wall here.and players k know hes any doubts or grief with him will multiply.he has compromised a style for one player in my book and that was plain to see on sunday.the whole crowd were chatting on it.and this has in my book been his achilles heel.that and no common sense or discipline on the line and other areas.his boat is sinking and my fear is he will drag us down with it.lets hope not but im fearful at this stage.tailteann cup be a horror show for meath."
Who is the player who is building team around? Tbh I can't see it. But be interested to see who you think that is

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 09/02/2022 17:07:19    2399564


Replying To royaldunne:  "Who is the player who is building team around? Tbh I can't see it. But be interested to see who you think that is"
Please don't ask for players to be named. I am sure you know who was referred to but it would be crossing a line to mention names.

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 09/02/2022 17:41:20    2399574


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Some bag of words there. Not to many, or any for that matter, well constructed sentences. Pretty much sums up the laughable stuff that is posted on this site."
Bag of words thats a unique sentence.if you cant understand it not my problem sham.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 09/02/2022 18:49:38    2399584


Replying To royaldunne:  "Who is the player who is building team around? Tbh I can't see it. But be interested to see who you think that is"
Ahh look you know well horse.its talk of the county.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 09/02/2022 18:50:55    2399585


I actually wouldn't mind us winning the Tailteann Cup. Be bit of craic and nice for the players to win something. We're not going to win an All Ire soon so why not that?

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 09/02/2022 19:57:10    2399595


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "with risk of being shot....this point of current players & even future crop of players ...and any perceived "criticism" of players ....the reality is , under every management, and every squad that ever was , there are players who feel disenfranchised . The problem is that once there is any sign of a weakness in Management ....these guys see their opportunity to expand upon those individual grievances...thus leading to discord, splits in squads, and at that point the gig is up.
The ideal make up or set of characteristics for a set of players can be fundamentally different depending upon the circumstances that one finds oneself ....a group of players to go down to Ennis in March and get a win , and the characteristics that is needed in a dressing room to do different to what may be needed in June in Croke Park V Dublin . The starting point imo was/is all wrong.....We have shown no real consistency for over 20 years,..and yet year in year out...we measure ourselves on how we perform in Croke park in high summer . this is an outdated, philosophy based on a long since gone era , and rooted in an over inflated view of where we reside in the pecking order
Andys Job.....and the next guys to take us to a position of consistency...where we are in that number 6 slot in Division 1....every year...this will take 5 years to get to...and if i was picking the players to set out on that journey with me, id clearly explain that to them , it wont lead to guys not getting pissed off...but it will wean out those lads who see themselves first & foremost in every debate"
If a county are to suceed then its the job of management to select a panel that can put the team first and leave egos at home. Overall I think players will buy into what is best for the team, however the key here is management must be seen to be fair and everyone is treated the same. If a player is left sitting in the stand when others get chance after chance then we have to expect discord, which may result is lads who have much to offer, deciding to walk away. For Meath, in the short term at least, it should be all about the league and the building of a panel ( not the short term goal of 2019) who can compete if and when we get to Division One. As you said consistency is the goal of next management and whoever comes in has a massive job of work just to get the basics sorted. I dont think many Meath supporters measure our success on how we do against Dublin anymore, there is little expectation, only the hope we can avoid a hammering and no matter how good Dublin were, a 20 point defeat should never be acceptable.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 09/02/2022 20:33:38    2399597


To be fair to Andy Mc he has built a team that, on its day, can be hard to beat because of how conservative he has set up. But on days where you need shooters to take advantage of conditions that were there in the last two outings the conservative mindset doesn't encourage players to take advantage of the wind
A look at how differently a talented forward like O Sullivan is utilised between club and county is a good comparison imo. Robbie Brennan is in the club final this coming weekend and given Dessie Farrell's issues in Dublin he could be in line to succeed there particularly if he brings Mannion with him ( when fit). An ambitious Meath County Board would be looking at least at opening dialogue with him to succeed Andy but given their track record to date it's pretty unlikely and we can probably look forward to another county board meeting in November or December to discuss another invisible review.

ABK67 (Meath) - Posts: 62 - 10/02/2022 07:46:24    2399604


Replying To ABK67:  "To be fair to Andy Mc he has built a team that, on its day, can be hard to beat because of how conservative he has set up. But on days where you need shooters to take advantage of conditions that were there in the last two outings the conservative mindset doesn't encourage players to take advantage of the wind
A look at how differently a talented forward like O Sullivan is utilised between club and county is a good comparison imo. Robbie Brennan is in the club final this coming weekend and given Dessie Farrell's issues in Dublin he could be in line to succeed there particularly if he brings Mannion with him ( when fit). An ambitious Meath County Board would be looking at least at opening dialogue with him to succeed Andy but given their track record to date it's pretty unlikely and we can probably look forward to another county board meeting in November or December to discuss another invisible review."
Robbie Brennan was involved in the original under 20's management team for last year. And he's involved in the minor management team this year so it seems there's mutual interest there. If people's concerns with Andy is that we aren't direct or attacking enough (I think this is due to team selection and not management philosophy) from watching Crokes they also seem to be heavily possession based and not the easiest on the eye. And agreed with you if the league and championship continue in the vein of the first 2 games the decision needs to be proactive and not the joke that it was last year. But I wouldn't have much faith in that to be done properly

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 10/02/2022 12:40:09    2399646


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Ahh look you know well horse.its talk of the county."
I actually don't. Maybe cause I don't live in county. Enlighten me. I genuinely want to know.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 10/02/2022 13:12:28    2399652


Replying To Ashrules:  "Please don't ask for players to be named. I am sure you know who was referred to but it would be crossing a line to mention names."
I really don't know. I honestly don't. Initials ??

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 10/02/2022 13:14:45    2399653


Call Aaron Lynch in, and where is fionn reilly big loss?!

Head4BlackSpot1990 (Donegal) - Posts: 24 - 10/02/2022 17:15:03    2399707


Replying To Head4BlackSpot1990:  "Call Aaron Lynch in, and where is fionn reilly big loss?!"
Aaron Lynch is likley to be brought in now Trim's all ireland intermediate campaign is over

Fionn Reilly is in Italy playing soccer

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 10/02/2022 17:47:46    2399713


Replying To brian:  "Aaron Lynch is likley to be brought in now Trim's all ireland intermediate campaign is over

Fionn Reilly is in Italy playing soccer"
What's Fionn doing in Italy ? sure we trying remain in div 2 lol

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 10/02/2022 21:02:03    2399738


Replying To bobkarlgees:  "What's Fionn doing in Italy ? sure we trying remain in div 2 lol"
He's playing soccer professionally in Italy, why would he stay in Ireland for the "chance" of playing for Meath

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 11/02/2022 09:49:40    2399758


Replying To bobkarlgees:  "What's Fionn doing in Italy ? sure we trying remain in div 2 lol"
Of course we are trying to stay in Div 2 but playing soccer in Italy trumps keeping a bench warm in Ireland. Fionn was not given a role with Meath where he could flourish. Should have been straight into midfield for a few games.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1071 - 11/02/2022 10:36:59    2399771


Replying To MillerX:  "Of course we are trying to stay in Div 2 but playing soccer in Italy trumps keeping a bench warm in Ireland. Fionn was not given a role with Meath where he could flourish. Should have been straight into midfield for a few games."
He started wing back last year almost every game no??? Taken off early against Dublin because he was having a bad game (along with about 12 others but you can't make 12 subs)

ratlag (Meath) - Posts: 575 - 11/02/2022 12:26:27    2399787
