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Meath V Roscommon

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Replying To Thejoeshow:  "
Replying To CastleBravo:  "While obviously they were enjoyable achievements at the time, I think people are over-egging the "reached Division 1 and Super 8s" line. Despite being beyond us most years, achieving Division 1 football isn't some ridiculously difficult goal, you only need to be in the top 10 performing teams in a given season to get up there. In the last 10 years Laois, Down, Derry, Westmeath, Cavan, Roscommon and Armagh have all made it up to Division 1 and Kildare have managed it 3 or 4 times. None of these teams are giving their managers endless terms as a result though.

Reaching the Super 8s was great, but when you factor in the opposition we played that year it puts it into a bit of perspective. Anyone from any semi-serious football county would laugh at the idea of giving our manager major credit today because 3 years ago he beat Offaly, Carlow, Laois and Clare.

Even then it always stops at reached Division 1/Super 8s, conveniently ignoring how we utterly foundered when we got there and lost every game bar a dead rubber draw vs. Monaghan.

Again, the fact we find it so difficult to get there is proof that it's not easy for Meath, but I don't buy that it's some massive achievement we should be lauding McEntee for."
Not over egging it at all but I don't think it's fair to downplay as we have struggled to get there. Never sure why there can be no happy medium. Andy has brought us on but lacks the ability to bring us past this level, we had some great days and some good performances too. Nothing ground breaking, we didn't win anything but from where we were it was a step forward.

He hasn't been able to get past that level and now looks like it's regressing so time for a change as he isn't the man needed now, but he brought the players on fitness wise and set us up a little more professionally then we were. Andy and the team has shown glimpses (second half vs Donegal and many of the super 8s games in spells) of being a decent team but ultimately has struggled to get any consistency so change is needed and probably was last year.

I haven't seen anyone say Andy should be given longer, everyone seems fairly United that we need a change but no need to go back through history and rubbish all he has done either. He has many flaws but his commitment to Meath and his players can't be questioned nor can the incremental improvements made and certain achievements but time to go."

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 08/02/2022 13:01:22    2399296


Andy McEntee had a fantastic CV before taking the reins, there is no question about that and he did a good job mostly until Covid struck.

My biggest criticism however is his lack of man management. He has fallen out with far too many players and even ones still on the panel. It's farcical. He's also chopped and changed so many times. You can't go around treating people like that (including Bernard Flynn and co) and not expect it to bite you back. He's now getting bitten, big time. Respect is a two way street.

I had thought that he's not improving players and that was my previous main criticism but in hindsight maybe many of these players (especially from his 2012 minor team) weren't near as good as we thought they were to begin with. I think time has proven that.

The S&C hasn't been up to scratch either. The basics of fitness training is to actually have players fit to take the field! The injuries have been more than unlucky, they've been shambolic. God knows what they have been doing.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 08/02/2022 13:10:41    2399297


Replying To Crinigan:  "Andy McEntee had a fantastic CV before taking the reins, there is no question about that and he did a good job mostly until Covid struck.

My biggest criticism however is his lack of man management. He has fallen out with far too many players and even ones still on the panel. It's farcical. He's also chopped and changed so many times. You can't go around treating people like that (including Bernard Flynn and co) and not expect it to bite you back. He's now getting bitten, big time. Respect is a two way street.

I had thought that he's not improving players and that was my previous main criticism but in hindsight maybe many of these players (especially from his 2012 minor team) weren't near as good as we thought they were to begin with. I think time has proven that.

The S&C hasn't been up to scratch either. The basics of fitness training is to actually have players fit to take the field! The injuries have been more than unlucky, they've been shambolic. God knows what they have been doing."
Agree with this, I think modern player, especially younger, benefit from an arm around them which I can't see Andy doing.

On S&C, I think It was better under John coughlan who Andy insisted came in then it has been under Niall Ronan. I was never sold on Niall Ronan as rugby fitness and conditioning it's a different world to GAA.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 08/02/2022 13:25:10    2399299


Replying To Crinigan:  "Andy McEntee had a fantastic CV before taking the reins, there is no question about that and he did a good job mostly until Covid struck.

My biggest criticism however is his lack of man management. He has fallen out with far too many players and even ones still on the panel. It's farcical. He's also chopped and changed so many times. You can't go around treating people like that (including Bernard Flynn and co) and not expect it to bite you back. He's now getting bitten, big time. Respect is a two way street.

I had thought that he's not improving players and that was my previous main criticism but in hindsight maybe many of these players (especially from his 2012 minor team) weren't near as good as we thought they were to begin with. I think time has proven that.

The S&C hasn't been up to scratch either. The basics of fitness training is to actually have players fit to take the field! The injuries have been more than unlucky, they've been shambolic. God knows what they have been doing."
My honest opinion on the issue of Andy and his "man Management" is that at some point in his Meath tenure, Andy "compromised". There are some Players in that set up, that Andy should have called out a number of years back...and i think that will be one of his biggest regrets. I know "winning " can paper over a lot of cracks, but equally im also very aware that one of Andy's big successes in Ballyboden was his skilful handling of the problem of dual players...Now thsi flies against the common "view" on Andy ...which proves the point....that we need to step back & appraise fairly.
I know when you are on the wrong side of Andy, it can be a difficult place to be...But same was true of Seanie B...but i know loads of lads in every squad & team that Andy was involved in, who would dispute this idea of him having no "man management " skills
There is one simple way of proving Andy wrong when ne falls out with him...shoot the lights out, and show everyone that he was wrong .

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 08/02/2022 13:44:43    2399307


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "Agree with this, I think modern player, especially younger, benefit from an arm around them which I can't see Andy doing.

On S&C, I think It was better under John coughlan who Andy insisted came in then it has been under Niall Ronan. I was never sold on Niall Ronan as rugby fitness and conditioning it's a different world to GAA."
Joe, I think that's a touch unfair on Niall Ronan. I think the team got fitter and more S&C basics correct than it ever was under Coughlan but has fallen off since 2020. However i do accept the point you make as Coughlan certainly improved the baseline fitness and for me I think Ronan added to that. As to what's happened in the last 18 months or so maybe it is a case that players again haven't taken ownership and kept their own standards up. Niall Ronan hasn't been around rugby for 7-8 years at this stage and spent his last playing days with St Colmcilles playing GAA so I'd hope (and open to being wrong) that his approach especially given his role as Meath S&C consultant is becoming a lot more GAA focused.

You're certainly right in the players needing an arm around the shoulder and look none of us know what Andy is like unless we've shared a dressing room under his management what he is like behind closed doors. For his own sake i hope there's some learnings that he can take from his time as Meath Manager and maybe a few years working at club level and remodelling himself a wee bit and who know's what could happen for him. Managers are coming back around (Jack O'Connor, Banty, James McCarten and some others) to counties so who knows the door could open again for Andy with Meath.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 08/02/2022 14:32:05    2399324


I think at 6 years in charge McEntee would be the third longest football manager currently in charge. For me in the current day this is too long, gone are the days i think where managers will stay for 10 years plus. Things have gone very stale and this along with other issues is now adversely affecting the squads performance. There was a lot of damage self inflicted with the 20's debacle last year and the writing was on the wall when executive voted to remove him. Some of what went on in the following days behind the scenes was very unsavoury. People need to realise we live in a democracy and not a dictatorship. Andy has given it his best as did (the much abused in certain quarters) MOD, some deluded people think that because we are Meath we have a divine right to beat certain teams. Players give up a lot to play for county and that shouldn't be forgotten either. Bottom line is a change is needed asap for everyone concerned.

Analyst (Meath) - Posts: 1480 - 08/02/2022 17:25:12    2399381


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "
Replying To CastleBravo:  "While obviously they were enjoyable achievements at the time, I think people are over-egging the "reached Division 1 and Super 8s" line. Despite being beyond us most years, achieving Division 1 football isn't some ridiculously difficult goal, you only need to be in the top 10 performing teams in a given season to get up there. In the last 10 years Laois, Down, Derry, Westmeath, Cavan, Roscommon and Armagh have all made it up to Division 1 and Kildare have managed it 3 or 4 times. None of these teams are giving their managers endless terms as a result though.

Reaching the Super 8s was great, but when you factor in the opposition we played that year it puts it into a bit of perspective. Anyone from any semi-serious football county would laugh at the idea of giving our manager major credit today because 3 years ago he beat Offaly, Carlow, Laois and Clare.

Even then it always stops at reached Division 1/Super 8s, conveniently ignoring how we utterly foundered when we got there and lost every game bar a dead rubber draw vs. Monaghan.

Again, the fact we find it so difficult to get there is proof that it's not easy for Meath, but I don't buy that it's some massive achievement we should be lauding McEntee for."
Not over egging it at all but I don't think it's fair to downplay as we have struggled to get there. Never sure why there can be no happy medium. Andy has brought us on but lacks the ability to bring us past this level, we had some great days and some good performances too. Nothing ground breaking, we didn't win anything but from where we were it was a step forward.

He hasn't been able to get past that level and now looks like it's regressing so time for a change as he isn't the man needed now, but he brought the players on fitness wise and set us up a little more professionally then we were. Andy and the team has shown glimpses (second half vs Donegal and many of the super 8s games in spells) of being a decent team but ultimately has struggled to get any consistency so change is needed and probably was last year.

I haven't seen anyone say Andy should be given longer, everyone seems fairly United that we need a change but no need to go back through history and rubbish all he has done either. He has many flaws but his commitment to Meath and his players can't be questioned nor can the incremental improvements made and certain achievements but time to go."
This is it exactly.
Also there is very few players coming through that can be added to what's already there. Sad to say that next management will not fair any better until the player standard in Meath improves. That's probably when the minors come of age.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 08/02/2022 19:13:49    2399407


Replying To ratlag:  "I agree with everything you're saying here, but sticking with you Klopp comparison, before he joined Dortmund he had won nothing bar promotion in his 6-7 years with Mainz. My point being we don't need a big name in order to progress, we just need someone that the lads will row in behind and just work for. I would stretch as far as to say someone like Cian Ward, Kevin Reilly or the likes, lads with limited managerial experience but who would command respect immediately and might be able to just inspire the team given their stature in Meath football. (I know Reilly has just had a brilliant year with Trim, but you get my point). I'm not saying this approach would definitely work, but getting a manager in that has a good record like a few of the names mentioned in this thread won't guaranteed success and therefore I don't see the benefit to ousting Andy at this stage of the year. We do have the quality to stay up in Div 2, probably finishing 3rd and the usual in Leinster, let Andy finish out his term rather than adding to the "laughing stock" some lads here think we are and then just get the new men in early so they can go to the club championship games this year and start to plan early for next season.

I'm not as gung-ho 'WE ARE MEATH' as the likes or RoyalDunne is but he has a point in that we have to get behind the team for the remainder of this year, turning on them and management midseason can literally have no benefit whatsoever."
Thanks for the shout out. To be fair very few are like me. :).
I said before if we were to change management it should have been done in July August. The county board made a laughing stock of us in October ffs.
But to coin a phrase we are where we are. Andy Shane all the players have my backing 100% until the end of our year. This nonsense of changing management mid season is a non runner. And tbh I believe majority know that, many players would probably walk away , the new appointee is on a hiding to nothing and once again we'd be national laughing stock.
I will back the current players and management 100% until the year is over. Then and only then should we discuss where we go to next and more importantly who can take us the next step.
Hon the royal

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 08/02/2022 19:22:26    2399411


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "
Replying To CastleBravo:  "While obviously they were enjoyable achievements at the time, I think people are over-egging the "reached Division 1 and Super 8s" line. Despite being beyond us most years, achieving Division 1 football isn't some ridiculously difficult goal, you only need to be in the top 10 performing teams in a given season to get up there. In the last 10 years Laois, Down, Derry, Westmeath, Cavan, Roscommon and Armagh have all made it up to Division 1 and Kildare have managed it 3 or 4 times. None of these teams are giving their managers endless terms as a result though.

Reaching the Super 8s was great, but when you factor in the opposition we played that year it puts it into a bit of perspective. Anyone from any semi-serious football county would laugh at the idea of giving our manager major credit today because 3 years ago he beat Offaly, Carlow, Laois and Clare.

Even then it always stops at reached Division 1/Super 8s, conveniently ignoring how we utterly foundered when we got there and lost every game bar a dead rubber draw vs. Monaghan.

Again, the fact we find it so difficult to get there is proof that it's not easy for Meath, but I don't buy that it's some massive achievement we should be lauding McEntee for."
Not over egging it at all but I don't think it's fair to downplay as we have struggled to get there. Never sure why there can be no happy medium. Andy has brought us on but lacks the ability to bring us past this level, we had some great days and some good performances too. Nothing ground breaking, we didn't win anything but from where we were it was a step forward.

He hasn't been able to get past that level and now looks like it's regressing so time for a change as he isn't the man needed now, but he brought the players on fitness wise and set us up a little more professionally then we were. Andy and the team has shown glimpses (second half vs Donegal and many of the super 8s games in spells) of being a decent team but ultimately has struggled to get any consistency so change is needed and probably was last year.

I haven't seen anyone say Andy should be given longer, everyone seems fairly United that we need a change but no need to go back through history and rubbish all he has done either. He has many flaws but his commitment to Meath and his players can't be questioned nor can the incremental improvements made and certain achievements but time to go."
Excellent post

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 08/02/2022 19:24:05    2399413


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "My honest opinion on the issue of Andy and his "man Management" is that at some point in his Meath tenure, Andy "compromised". There are some Players in that set up, that Andy should have called out a number of years back...and i think that will be one of his biggest regrets. I know "winning " can paper over a lot of cracks, but equally im also very aware that one of Andy's big successes in Ballyboden was his skilful handling of the problem of dual players...Now thsi flies against the common "view" on Andy ...which proves the point....that we need to step back & appraise fairly.
I know when you are on the wrong side of Andy, it can be a difficult place to be...But same was true of Seanie B...but i know loads of lads in every squad & team that Andy was involved in, who would dispute this idea of him having no "man management " skills
There is one simple way of proving Andy wrong when ne falls out with him...shoot the lights out, and show everyone that he was wrong ."
I've heard this before and when you have a multiple all ire winner and all star under Jim gavin say Andy was the best manager he ever played for shows that obviously some players think a lot of him. Did he compromise his own style to suit Meath and some players? I don't know. He's caught in a bind. And barring a miracle he will leave at end of year. I'm almost positive he will have success at club level again.
On another note I think it's also important to remember just how ordinary our senior club champions appear in Leinster I'm not having a pop at tones or rathoath or whoever. I'm merely pointing out it's a long time since we were competitive in senior Leinster club championship. So maybe just maybe a mix of Jim gavin , jimmy Mc Guinness, sean boylan, mick o Dwyer etc wouldn't help us if the players just aren't there anymore.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 08/02/2022 19:35:39    2399419


Replying To royaldunne:  "I've heard this before and when you have a multiple all ire winner and all star under Jim gavin say Andy was the best manager he ever played for shows that obviously some players think a lot of him. Did he compromise his own style to suit Meath and some players? I don't know. He's caught in a bind. And barring a miracle he will leave at end of year. I'm almost positive he will have success at club level again.
On another note I think it's also important to remember just how ordinary our senior club champions appear in Leinster I'm not having a pop at tones or rathoath or whoever. I'm merely pointing out it's a long time since we were competitive in senior Leinster club championship. So maybe just maybe a mix of Jim gavin , jimmy Mc Guinness, sean boylan, mick o Dwyer etc wouldn't help us if the players just aren't there anymore."
with risk of being shot....this point of current players & even future crop of players ...and any perceived "criticism" of players ....the reality is , under every management, and every squad that ever was , there are players who feel disenfranchised . The problem is that once there is any sign of a weakness in Management ....these guys see their opportunity to expand upon those individual grievances...thus leading to discord, splits in squads, and at that point the gig is up.
The ideal make up or set of characteristics for a set of players can be fundamentally different depending upon the circumstances that one finds oneself ....a group of players to go down to Ennis in March and get a win , and the characteristics that is needed in a dressing room to do different to what may be needed in June in Croke Park V Dublin . The starting point imo was/is all wrong.....We have shown no real consistency for over 20 years,..and yet year in year out...we measure ourselves on how we perform in Croke park in high summer . this is an outdated, philosophy based on a long since gone era , and rooted in an over inflated view of where we reside in the pecking order
Andys Job.....and the next guys to take us to a position of consistency...where we are in that number 6 slot in Division 1....every year...this will take 5 years to get to...and if i was picking the players to set out on that journey with me, id clearly explain that to them , it wont lead to guys not getting pissed off...but it will wean out those lads who see themselves first & foremost in every debate

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 09/02/2022 11:09:25    2399477


Replying To royaldunne:  "I've heard this before and when you have a multiple all ire winner and all star under Jim gavin say Andy was the best manager he ever played for shows that obviously some players think a lot of him. Did he compromise his own style to suit Meath and some players? I don't know. He's caught in a bind. And barring a miracle he will leave at end of year. I'm almost positive he will have success at club level again.
On another note I think it's also important to remember just how ordinary our senior club champions appear in Leinster I'm not having a pop at tones or rathoath or whoever. I'm merely pointing out it's a long time since we were competitive in senior Leinster club championship. So maybe just maybe a mix of Jim gavin , jimmy Mc Guinness, sean boylan, mick o Dwyer etc wouldn't help us if the players just aren't there anymore."
Have to mention that Tones ran Kilmacud close when Paul Mannion was still available for them and Crokes are now in the all ireland Final. Ratoath over celebrated their 1st senior title, They peaked for the final to the extent that lads went abroad on holidays after it and were never ready for Leinster championship. Lessons there.
Also need to drop the players not available excuse, and stop personalising the situation and acting as if managers own teams. Look at the club reports referring to teams with managers name before their own. Teams should be managed by a team of selectors who in Meaths case should find out why so many players are not available , What can be done to make county football less unattractive to good players ,whose job or lifestyle clash with the regime. Maybe use training from home.

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 09/02/2022 11:16:50    2399478


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "with risk of being shot....this point of current players & even future crop of players ...and any perceived "criticism" of players ....the reality is , under every management, and every squad that ever was , there are players who feel disenfranchised . The problem is that once there is any sign of a weakness in Management ....these guys see their opportunity to expand upon those individual grievances...thus leading to discord, splits in squads, and at that point the gig is up.
The ideal make up or set of characteristics for a set of players can be fundamentally different depending upon the circumstances that one finds oneself ....a group of players to go down to Ennis in March and get a win , and the characteristics that is needed in a dressing room to do different to what may be needed in June in Croke Park V Dublin . The starting point imo was/is all wrong.....We have shown no real consistency for over 20 years,..and yet year in year out...we measure ourselves on how we perform in Croke park in high summer . this is an outdated, philosophy based on a long since gone era , and rooted in an over inflated view of where we reside in the pecking order
Andys Job.....and the next guys to take us to a position of consistency...where we are in that number 6 slot in Division 1....every year...this will take 5 years to get to...and if i was picking the players to set out on that journey with me, id clearly explain that to them , it wont lead to guys not getting pissed off...but it will wean out those lads who see themselves first & foremost in every debate"
Longwood, that's a bloody outstanding post and if I could thank it twice i would. You're so spot on it's scary. Every year the sins of the rest of the year are forgiven based on how the summer goes. And lets be honest our summer in 21 was based off a Dublin team which played in neutral for the second half as they were leading by 11 at half time and when they needed to as we got a bit to close put their foot down and choked us out.

In 20 and 21 the main aim was staying in division one and then regaining division one status and both were an abject failure.

21 should've been the end of McEntee's reign. County board waiting til October was inexcusable, and then to present a motion to club delegates without any alternative was such an insult to them it was embarrassing.

Your assessment of the next man in is so correct in terms of setting out achievable goals and for me those goals should be based of league performance primarily and looking at an example like Armagh. Consistent year on year building and growth. They've come from Division 3 through division 2 and into division 1. They've pushed past many teams in the last 3 years and now could be a solid 5-6 best team in the country. and they've maintained division 1 status in 21, rather than the yo yo effect of Roscommon or straight back down from us.

Assuming there's a new man in for 2023
Year one - Maintain divsion 2 or promotion if we're in division 3 and Leinster final
Year two - Push for Promotion and Leinster final
Year three - Promotion and Leinster Final
Year four - Maintain division one and Leinster Final
Year five - Be competitive in Division one and Leinster final

That's a reasonable aim and allows for the old guard currently to be put out to pasture and underage talent to be brought through. Only reason we should not be getting to Leinster finals is we're playing Dublin before the final. Anything else should be seen as an excuse.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 09/02/2022 12:53:25    2399496


Replying To royaldunne:  "I've heard this before and when you have a multiple all ire winner and all star under Jim gavin say Andy was the best manager he ever played for shows that obviously some players think a lot of him. Did he compromise his own style to suit Meath and some players? I don't know. He's caught in a bind. And barring a miracle he will leave at end of year. I'm almost positive he will have success at club level again.
On another note I think it's also important to remember just how ordinary our senior club champions appear in Leinster I'm not having a pop at tones or rathoath or whoever. I'm merely pointing out it's a long time since we were competitive in senior Leinster club championship. So maybe just maybe a mix of Jim gavin , jimmy Mc Guinness, sean boylan, mick o Dwyer etc wouldn't help us if the players just aren't there anymore."
In terms of the club championship - I honestly feel a club needs to win their county championship more than once to be in the right frame of mind for the provincial play offs. I think a team winning a county championship for the first time, celebrates their success and basks in the winning of their first county championship for a long time after that final. It is very hard for a manager to move a team who were so focussed on winning their county championship to refocus on a new championship within 2 weeks!

The last Meath team to win the Leinster were Dunshaughlin and I think that was on their 3rd attempt. Looking back over the most recent Leinster winners, Crokes, Ballyboden, Mullinalaghta, Moorefield, Vincents and Kickhams - they were all
seasoned winners of their county championships and I suspect while winning their county championship was a big goal they had ambitions beyond that at the outset.

I think some of those clubs start out their season with an ambition beyond their county championship. I suspect there a few clubs in Meath who having won their first county championship or first in a while will be better prepared for life beyond they county championship!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 504 - 09/02/2022 13:14:11    2399500


Replying To brian:  "Longwood, that's a bloody outstanding post and if I could thank it twice i would. You're so spot on it's scary. Every year the sins of the rest of the year are forgiven based on how the summer goes. And lets be honest our summer in 21 was based off a Dublin team which played in neutral for the second half as they were leading by 11 at half time and when they needed to as we got a bit to close put their foot down and choked us out.

In 20 and 21 the main aim was staying in division one and then regaining division one status and both were an abject failure.

21 should've been the end of McEntee's reign. County board waiting til October was inexcusable, and then to present a motion to club delegates without any alternative was such an insult to them it was embarrassing.

Your assessment of the next man in is so correct in terms of setting out achievable goals and for me those goals should be based of league performance primarily and looking at an example like Armagh. Consistent year on year building and growth. They've come from Division 3 through division 2 and into division 1. They've pushed past many teams in the last 3 years and now could be a solid 5-6 best team in the country. and they've maintained division 1 status in 21, rather than the yo yo effect of Roscommon or straight back down from us.

Assuming there's a new man in for 2023
Year one - Maintain divsion 2 or promotion if we're in division 3 and Leinster final
Year two - Push for Promotion and Leinster final
Year three - Promotion and Leinster Final
Year four - Maintain division one and Leinster Final
Year five - Be competitive in Division one and Leinster final

That's a reasonable aim and allows for the old guard currently to be put out to pasture and underage talent to be brought through. Only reason we should not be getting to Leinster finals is we're playing Dublin before the final. Anything else should be seen as an excuse."
So you want to get to the Leinster final 4 year's in a row but no mention of winning it. That's hardly ambitious

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 09/02/2022 13:28:20    2399507


Replying To Ashrules:  "Have to mention that Tones ran Kilmacud close when Paul Mannion was still available for them and Crokes are now in the all ireland Final. Ratoath over celebrated their 1st senior title, They peaked for the final to the extent that lads went abroad on holidays after it and were never ready for Leinster championship. Lessons there.
Also need to drop the players not available excuse, and stop personalising the situation and acting as if managers own teams. Look at the club reports referring to teams with managers name before their own. Teams should be managed by a team of selectors who in Meaths case should find out why so many players are not available , What can be done to make county football less unattractive to good players ,whose job or lifestyle clash with the regime. Maybe use training from home."
Ahh in that case Meath ran Dublin close last year. The clubs in Meath are very ordinary at senior level and both my old clubs are in that. So no bias on my behalf. For years we had a ridiculous set up for club championship. Thankfully that has changed a bit. But it will be awhile before we see that helping.
What players are not on the team who should be ? I can think of 3 off top of my head the kells back (name escapes me) lenihane who said he didn't want to play ic anymore and lynch who will probably be brought in. I'm genuinely not having a go here and I really hope there is players out there who under a different management would join and flourish. But who are they ?? Young frayne ? Is he still with u20s ?

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 09/02/2022 13:30:26    2399508


Replying To Royalblufill:  "In terms of the club championship - I honestly feel a club needs to win their county championship more than once to be in the right frame of mind for the provincial play offs. I think a team winning a county championship for the first time, celebrates their success and basks in the winning of their first county championship for a long time after that final. It is very hard for a manager to move a team who were so focussed on winning their county championship to refocus on a new championship within 2 weeks!

The last Meath team to win the Leinster were Dunshaughlin and I think that was on their 3rd attempt. Looking back over the most recent Leinster winners, Crokes, Ballyboden, Mullinalaghta, Moorefield, Vincents and Kickhams - they were all
seasoned winners of their county championships and I suspect while winning their county championship was a big goal they had ambitions beyond that at the outset.

I think some of those clubs start out their season with an ambition beyond their county championship. I suspect there a few clubs in Meath who having won their first county championship or first in a while will be better prepared for life beyond they county championship!"
That's a fair and valid point.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 09/02/2022 13:32:58    2399509


Replying To Royalblufill:  "In terms of the club championship - I honestly feel a club needs to win their county championship more than once to be in the right frame of mind for the provincial play offs. I think a team winning a county championship for the first time, celebrates their success and basks in the winning of their first county championship for a long time after that final. It is very hard for a manager to move a team who were so focussed on winning their county championship to refocus on a new championship within 2 weeks!

The last Meath team to win the Leinster were Dunshaughlin and I think that was on their 3rd attempt. Looking back over the most recent Leinster winners, Crokes, Ballyboden, Mullinalaghta, Moorefield, Vincents and Kickhams - they were all
seasoned winners of their county championships and I suspect while winning their county championship was a big goal they had ambitions beyond that at the outset.

I think some of those clubs start out their season with an ambition beyond their county championship. I suspect there a few clubs in Meath who having won their first county championship or first in a while will be better prepared for life beyond they county championship!"
I agree with this. I'd put Ratoath, Tones and St. Peter's Dunboyne in that category. They have won it previously in recent years and should be looking beyond just wining Meath. Other contenders like Summerhill, Donaghmore / Ashbourne and Kells probably looking just at Meath SFC and the celebrations if they win it could diminish their efforts in Leinster.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 09/02/2022 13:55:35    2399513


Replying To stillaroyal:  "I agree with this. I'd put Ratoath, Tones and St. Peter's Dunboyne in that category. They have won it previously in recent years and should be looking beyond just wining Meath. Other contenders like Summerhill, Donaghmore / Ashbourne and Kells probably looking just at Meath SFC and the celebrations if they win it could diminish their efforts in Leinster."
Yeah - 100%! I'd say if any of those second 3 won it after the recent years they have had and the expectations that are on them they would party for months!!!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 504 - 09/02/2022 14:28:07    2399523


Replying To latouche25:  "So you want to get to the Leinster final 4 year's in a row but no mention of winning it. That's hardly ambitious"
Those are minimum expectations, and displays a level of consistency . Getting to Leinster finals on a consistent basis would be a great starting point for us. Winning them would be a huge bonus and lets be honest we are and will continue to be a ways off the standard of Dublin. At the end of 5 years you'd hope there's consistency there and be a lot closer to Dublin than we are now.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 09/02/2022 14:28:50    2399524
