Meath Forum

Galway Vs Meath

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Replying To Richieq:  "Ok so this was a seriously depressing and disappointing day, mainly because many of the basic errors I spoke of hoping to avoid last week were not avoided, and in fact we repeated many of them in stunning glory. The main issues I see from yesterday;

Cheaply giving away possession/turned over
Inability to find men with simple passes
Weak in the tackle, I can't remember one hit of substance from a Meath player yesterday
Inability to break through a Galway tackle
Hogan is a good goalie and for me our number 1 going forward but players weren't moving quick enough for him or creating space and at times his kick outs were ponderous as a consequence
When chances did present we made some very poor shots, our scoring ratio to chances created has not been good enough in recent years and this problem persists

I know we are missing important players, particularly at midfield, and I know conditions were awful but it was 11 or 12 minutes into the second hand before we scored our first point and we had a gale with us, we lacked ideas, creativity and players don't seem to want to use their own initiative. Sometimes in a game you have to take it on yourself, players should not be depending on the sideline to tell them what to do but in this largely robotic era of play where every manager is trying to be a Mickey Harte or Jim McGuinness, that is what's happening. I hate being critical or voicing displeasure at county players or management because I know how hard they work, the time they put in etc etc but damn it all I never want to see such an inferior performance as yesterday again, it's not as if we were beaten by genuine All Ireland contenders because I do not see Galway in that bracket. Maybe it was a one off bad day, and if it was well then we will park it but we will know next Sunday which is a must win if promotion is to be an achievable aim, time to throw the shackles off here and show some teeth in our performances and if we can't do that in response to the performance yesterday and the criticism that had followed then we are in trouble."
Very good post agree with it all.I do feel for our keepers sometimes no options to kick to so have to lump it out most times.That has to come from management to have some plans in place.I watched Armagh v Dublin the other evening they won a fair few of their own kickouts by cornerback pulling wide and wing backs coming back into that space.They had midfielders pulling wide and half forwards moving into space.I know it wont work the whole time (they did kick a few long hanging ones lottery) Dublin one a few but they had a few plans and kept Dublin guessing.Very interesting as well Armagh pulled wide alot of the time hence leaving space in front of Dublins full back line.They got great joy from hitting long diagonal balls in but crucially they ran at Dublin as well so mixed it up well kept Dublin guessing.Dublin dropped a man back(to stop supply to o neil) it left space to run into on the half forward line.Im not saying by us doing this is going to make us world beaters but it wasnt predictable hence Dublin look shook.You need to have a few plans in place and adapt to certain teams but unfortunately its looks like we dont have a few.I really hope last Sunday was an off day and we go hell for leather at the weekend because although we are not world beaters we are certainly better than that.I would say Andy and the team are furious with themselves for that performance so I'm expecting a big performance next day.Hopefully all on here will go to the match and give the lads a boost See yee all there.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 01/02/2022 11:45:07    2397660


Replying To redser123:  "Great post. You seem to have knowledge of whats actually going on in the county and i know for a fact a lot of this is accurate. The best players in the county are on the panel."
If what's on this panel are the best available, then Meath are even more doomed that I would have thought.

Let's be honest, they're not, they're the best players that fit the style of play McEntee is trying to play, and it's clearly not working. How many players has McEntee ostracised during his tenure? The goalkeeping situation has been a disaster for the last couple of years. He has fallen out with everyone, won't speak to the media, it's everyone else's fault but his, the U20 management team left, the county board tried to vote him out. I mean he's had about 6 years to get it right and Meath have definitely not progressed under him at all. They've lost every big game. Every super 8 game, lost all but one of our Division 1 games, lost to Kildare in the league play off last year. Where's the progress?

This overreliance on players like Eamonn Wallace, Joey Wallace, Brian McMahon, James Conlon etc.. is mind-boggling. What other county in the country has a forward like with an average height of about 5"7? Heard Pat Spillane saying the Kerry half-forward line is too small and not physical enough on the Sunday game.. Not sure where that puts Meath. How many games have been 8/9/10 points down in before we start playing football? Far too many times. I just don't know what to think anymore because it's embarrassing, to not score after nearly 50 minutes of play is shameful

hyperache (Meath) - Posts: 235 - 01/02/2022 14:16:26    2397723


Replying To hyperache:  "If what's on this panel are the best available, then Meath are even more doomed that I would have thought.

Let's be honest, they're not, they're the best players that fit the style of play McEntee is trying to play, and it's clearly not working. How many players has McEntee ostracised during his tenure? The goalkeeping situation has been a disaster for the last couple of years. He has fallen out with everyone, won't speak to the media, it's everyone else's fault but his, the U20 management team left, the county board tried to vote him out. I mean he's had about 6 years to get it right and Meath have definitely not progressed under him at all. They've lost every big game. Every super 8 game, lost all but one of our Division 1 games, lost to Kildare in the league play off last year. Where's the progress?

This overreliance on players like Eamonn Wallace, Joey Wallace, Brian McMahon, James Conlon etc.. is mind-boggling. What other county in the country has a forward like with an average height of about 5"7? Heard Pat Spillane saying the Kerry half-forward line is too small and not physical enough on the Sunday game.. Not sure where that puts Meath. How many games have been 8/9/10 points down in before we start playing football? Far too many times. I just don't know what to think anymore because it's embarrassing, to not score after nearly 50 minutes of play is shameful"
I have to say it makes me laugh when people throw the line "the best players aren't being picked by the management" for the meath panel.

Out of curiosity could you name 5 players who are better than whats on the panel that haven't been picked and who could come into that starting 15 or 5 subs and make a difference?

There is plenty of lads who could come in to the panel at number 26 to 35 and replace the current lads there who are 26 to 35 and would hold their own in training but I am very curious as to who these "best players" not being picked are.

Very easy to throw out that old line without backing it up.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 01/02/2022 14:59:19    2397739


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I have to say it makes me laugh when people throw the line "the best players aren't being picked by the management" for the meath panel.

Out of curiosity could you name 5 players who are better than whats on the panel that haven't been picked and who could come into that starting 15 or 5 subs and make a difference?

There is plenty of lads who could come in to the panel at number 26 to 35 and replace the current lads there who are 26 to 35 and would hold their own in training but I am very curious as to who these "best players" not being picked are.

Very easy to throw out that old line without backing it up."
100%, just name the players. I think a lot of people that throw this line out don't know much about the club scene in Meath. And like a poster previously said there's a gigantic step up from Meath club level to inter county. I think Lenihan, Aaron Lynch and maybe Rob Bourke from Trim could be called in and they might still be, maybe Frank O'Reilly, Daithi McGowan, Nially O'Reilly Conor Harford from Vincent's. But I don't think these players bar Lenihan would significantly improve the team. Maybe Lynch but he still has to prove it. The reality is the overall standard is poor. That's not to excuse the performance in Galway because it was dire and players like O'Sullivan, Hickey and Walsh who are capable of far better had as bad as bad of games in a Meath jersey as I've ever seen. But I don't see the guys there who would replace them, atleast not yet

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 01/02/2022 15:53:59    2397756


Replying To royaldunne:  "A lad said nearly the exact same to me at match. He actually used lynch and lenihane too. And Cian ward. So we have the best senior players in the county without one who was dropped 8/9 years ago, one who effectively dropped himself off the panel (with no bad feeling between himself and manager) and one who is tied to his club until after all ire club final.
So while I agree Andy has probably ran his course as manager. The next management team will have to deal with the same players. These are the same players who I believe sent a letter endorsing Andy to remain and said they have confidence in them.
I'm not singling out any players here as apart from 3 players on Sunday they were absolutely terrible , O'Sullivan is a fantastic player but time and again he can be so frustrating again on Sunday the same faults running into nothing giving up cheep ball, harnan the same. Our marquee player keoghan for first time in years looked very ordinary and ineffective, Devine did he even touch the ball in first half ? Conlon a fantastic little flyer who couldn't kick a point from the 20 line, joey wallace while eventually getting us off the mark should have had at least two by that stage. Walsh looked like he would rather be anywhere else than on the pitch. Surprisingly someone who actually put in some sort of effort was mcentee he is not near as talented as those I have mentioned but at least he gave something of a effort in the first half. The toss call though was down to him and that backfired spectacularly.
I'm gonna say this clearly if any of the 26 players give a **** about the pride they should have in jersey then by Jesus we need to see some sort passion and commitment on Sunday. I don't mind if someone has a bad game. Jasus everyone has them but at least try , leave everything on the field. No more standing off players, be in their face , attack attack attack.
Hon the royal."
What were saying is we have had no new players since bantys this correct cause andy pretty much used same team as micko

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 01/02/2022 15:54:36    2397757


Replying To hyperache:  "If what's on this panel are the best available, then Meath are even more doomed that I would have thought.

Let's be honest, they're not, they're the best players that fit the style of play McEntee is trying to play, and it's clearly not working. How many players has McEntee ostracised during his tenure? The goalkeeping situation has been a disaster for the last couple of years. He has fallen out with everyone, won't speak to the media, it's everyone else's fault but his, the U20 management team left, the county board tried to vote him out. I mean he's had about 6 years to get it right and Meath have definitely not progressed under him at all. They've lost every big game. Every super 8 game, lost all but one of our Division 1 games, lost to Kildare in the league play off last year. Where's the progress?

This overreliance on players like Eamonn Wallace, Joey Wallace, Brian McMahon, James Conlon etc.. is mind-boggling. What other county in the country has a forward like with an average height of about 5"7? Heard Pat Spillane saying the Kerry half-forward line is too small and not physical enough on the Sunday game.. Not sure where that puts Meath. How many games have been 8/9/10 points down in before we start playing football? Far too many times. I just don't know what to think anymore because it's embarrassing, to not score after nearly 50 minutes of play is shameful"
Please name names? I am being honest the players on the panel are the best players in the county, theres no politics or people being ignored. Maybe Donal lenihan but hes 31 now and doesnt want to be on the bench. Aaron lynch is the name everyone is calling but hes not available until trim are finished in the IFC. We really are reyling on the u20s to develop fast.

redser123 (Meath) - Posts: 404 - 01/02/2022 16:04:59    2397760


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I have to say it makes me laugh when people throw the line "the best players aren't being picked by the management" for the meath panel.

Out of curiosity could you name 5 players who are better than whats on the panel that haven't been picked and who could come into that starting 15 or 5 subs and make a difference?

There is plenty of lads who could come in to the panel at number 26 to 35 and replace the current lads there who are 26 to 35 and would hold their own in training but I am very curious as to who these "best players" not being picked are.

Very easy to throw out that old line without backing it up."
Nail on the head.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 01/02/2022 16:26:17    2397764


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I have to say it makes me laugh when people throw the line "the best players aren't being picked by the management" for the meath panel.

Out of curiosity could you name 5 players who are better than whats on the panel that haven't been picked and who could come into that starting 15 or 5 subs and make a difference?

There is plenty of lads who could come in to the panel at number 26 to 35 and replace the current lads there who are 26 to 35 and would hold their own in training but I am very curious as to who these "best players" not being picked are.

Very easy to throw out that old line without backing it up."
Donal Lenihan, Aaron Lynch, Dathi McGowan, Seamus Mattimoe, Frank O'Reilly, Sean Brennan to name a few

Meath32245 (Meath) - Posts: 75 - 01/02/2022 16:38:45    2397767


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I have to say it makes me laugh when people throw the line "the best players aren't being picked by the management" for the meath panel.

Out of curiosity could you name 5 players who are better than whats on the panel that haven't been picked and who could come into that starting 15 or 5 subs and make a difference?

There is plenty of lads who could come in to the panel at number 26 to 35 and replace the current lads there who are 26 to 35 and would hold their own in training but I am very curious as to who these "best players" not being picked are.

Very easy to throw out that old line without backing it up."
Its very hard to pick 5 untried players and say they will do a better job. However when you look at the club scene the "starting county players" are very often hard to recognize or stand out in a game and therefore rightly so supporters question the merits of certain players getting picked for the county.

Clearly we have no Graham Geraghty waiting for a call up but we have many club players that are good strong intelligent footballers and probably could step up and fit in. New blood and thinking is essential in any organization. I'm not going to name names as in this forum suggestions are often met with personalized ugly comments on the players merits.

I always think of the soccer player Denis Irwin who was given a free transfer from Leeds United as he wasn't rated by their manager and ended up as one of the greatest soccer players ever to play the game.

In my opinion its all about the manager and even with great footballers available a poor blinkered manager will ruin the potential of any team.

Poormouth (Meath) - Posts: 204 - 01/02/2022 16:42:47    2397769


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "100%, just name the players. I think a lot of people that throw this line out don't know much about the club scene in Meath. And like a poster previously said there's a gigantic step up from Meath club level to inter county. I think Lenihan, Aaron Lynch and maybe Rob Bourke from Trim could be called in and they might still be, maybe Frank O'Reilly, Daithi McGowan, Nially O'Reilly Conor Harford from Vincent's. But I don't think these players bar Lenihan would significantly improve the team. Maybe Lynch but he still has to prove it. The reality is the overall standard is poor. That's not to excuse the performance in Galway because it was dire and players like O'Sullivan, Hickey and Walsh who are capable of far better had as bad as bad of games in a Meath jersey as I've ever seen. But I don't see the guys there who would replace them, atleast not yet"
Lenihan is a big loss, could never understand why he didn't get a proper go.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 01/02/2022 16:44:47    2397770


Fionn Reilly is also a loss from last year imo

Meath32245 (Meath) - Posts: 75 - 01/02/2022 16:45:47    2397771


Replying To Borderroyal:  "What were saying is we have had no new players since bantys this correct cause andy pretty much used same team as micko"
Well Conlon hickey Costello hogan (menton wouldn't play under micko) walsh Devine etc are all new players. The problem is what we are producing rather than what any management can do. Micko made a huge mistake in dropping the likes of ward etc. and that whole bunch. The likes of joey wallace should have been gradually added to the team rather than been thrown in. But that's rehashing what happened years ago. Strength and conditioning are light years ahead of when Andy took over. We have a professional set up which I don't believe was there prior. However Andy is not man manager and is extremely brash and abrupt. Man management is needed big time. That been said I hope he gave them the hairdryer treatment after Sunday's abysmal display

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 01/02/2022 16:59:12    2397774


Replying To Meath32245:  "Donal Lenihan, Aaron Lynch, Dathi McGowan, Seamus Mattimoe, Frank O'Reilly, Sean Brennan to name a few"
McGowan is on the panel if I remember correctly from O'Byrne cup (I'm open to correction on that one) lenihane has said he no longer wishes to play for county. What should we do ? Drag him kicking and screaming? Lynch I'm sure will be brought in when trim are finished , The others ? I've only seen one play and while ok is he any better than what's there ?? I suppose we won't know until later in year.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 01/02/2022 17:04:25    2397775


Replying To redser123:  "Please name names? I am being honest the players on the panel are the best players in the county, theres no politics or people being ignored. Maybe Donal lenihan but hes 31 now and doesnt want to be on the bench. Aaron lynch is the name everyone is calling but hes not available until trim are finished in the IFC. We really are reyling on the u20s to develop fast."
If you were at the county final or semi final you would have seen the Ratoath and Dunboyne contingent getting totally outplayed. We need defenders and good ones at that not another small corner forward. Adam O'Neill is only 19 he was outstanding all year for the Tones and is about 6'3 with great hands, surely he should be in there we now have no full back. Shane Glynn was man of the match in the final I know he was on the panel for a couple of years but never played a game, he was put on against Tyrone as a forward with time up . I don't think he even played as a forward for his club. The county is full of big men that are up to county football with the proper training and game plan. Look at how Armagh have developed under McGeeney. He has a clear plan and style that suits him. He did the same in Kildare, was just unlucky to meet ate greatest team of all time.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 01/02/2022 17:12:44    2397778


Replying To latouche25:  "If you were at the county final or semi final you would have seen the Ratoath and Dunboyne contingent getting totally outplayed. We need defenders and good ones at that not another small corner forward. Adam O'Neill is only 19 he was outstanding all year for the Tones and is about 6'3 with great hands, surely he should be in there we now have no full back. Shane Glynn was man of the match in the final I know he was on the panel for a couple of years but never played a game, he was put on against Tyrone as a forward with time up . I don't think he even played as a forward for his club. The county is full of big men that are up to county football with the proper training and game plan. Look at how Armagh have developed under McGeeney. He has a clear plan and style that suits him. He did the same in Kildare, was just unlucky to meet ate greatest team of all time."
Well said.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 01/02/2022 18:07:52    2397792


Replying To Meath32245:  "Donal Lenihan, Aaron Lynch, Dathi McGowan, Seamus Mattimoe, Frank O'Reilly, Sean Brennan to name a few"
Lenihan. Could push for starting 15 but is 31 did 5 or 6 years and stepped away last year so let's move on.

Mattimoe could also push for the starting 15 has been on the panel twice and both times walked away mid season.

Lynch I'm sure will be involved after next weekend. Has never been tried so definitely worth bringing in.

Dathi Mcgowan has been in and didn't cut it..very good club player but wouldn't get near the starting 15

Frank O Reilly another excellent club player albeit at junior level. Could slot into the panel but no chance of improving the starting 15.

Brennan is not better than Hogan. Perhaps he's better than Colgan so might make the bench.

Very few if any at all players out there that would improve or even push for a starting spot who haven't either done their time and retired , walked away mid season or were given a chance but just weren't good enough

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 01/02/2022 18:36:34    2397797


Replying To latouche25:  "If you were at the county final or semi final you would have seen the Ratoath and Dunboyne contingent getting totally outplayed. We need defenders and good ones at that not another small corner forward. Adam O'Neill is only 19 he was outstanding all year for the Tones and is about 6'3 with great hands, surely he should be in there we now have no full back. Shane Glynn was man of the match in the final I know he was on the panel for a couple of years but never played a game, he was put on against Tyrone as a forward with time up . I don't think he even played as a forward for his club. The county is full of big men that are up to county football with the proper training and game plan. Look at how Armagh have developed under McGeeney. He has a clear plan and style that suits him. He did the same in Kildare, was just unlucky to meet ate greatest team of all time."
I like Adam O'Neil I must say. I assume he'll be with the 20s. I also like Shane Glynn alot but again fantastic club defender. Don't think he'd cut it at inter county level

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 01/02/2022 18:37:56    2397798


Replying To latouche25:  "If you were at the county final or semi final you would have seen the Ratoath and Dunboyne contingent getting totally outplayed. We need defenders and good ones at that not another small corner forward. Adam O'Neill is only 19 he was outstanding all year for the Tones and is about 6'3 with great hands, surely he should be in there we now have no full back. Shane Glynn was man of the match in the final I know he was on the panel for a couple of years but never played a game, he was put on against Tyrone as a forward with time up . I don't think he even played as a forward for his club. The county is full of big men that are up to county football with the proper training and game plan. Look at how Armagh have developed under McGeeney. He has a clear plan and style that suits him. He did the same in Kildare, was just unlucky to meet ate greatest team of all time."
Ratoath and Dunboyne lost the match on an off Day but hardly outplayed. Ratoath players had all their training mixed in with hurlers .Only the 5 on the County got real training and both wallaces were injured for the match they lost.
Big slow guys are no use for Summer matches in Croke park but might be useful for league matches and rest the speedy guys with stamina for the Championship.

There are big guys who would otherwise be great for the team if they were with South Meath Clubs where they were given modern development based training from a young age. But they were stuck in North Meath.

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 01/02/2022 18:38:49    2397799


Replying To latouche25:  "If you were at the county final or semi final you would have seen the Ratoath and Dunboyne contingent getting totally outplayed. We need defenders and good ones at that not another small corner forward. Adam O'Neill is only 19 he was outstanding all year for the Tones and is about 6'3 with great hands, surely he should be in there we now have no full back. Shane Glynn was man of the match in the final I know he was on the panel for a couple of years but never played a game, he was put on against Tyrone as a forward with time up . I don't think he even played as a forward for his club. The county is full of big men that are up to county football with the proper training and game plan. Look at how Armagh have developed under McGeeney. He has a clear plan and style that suits him. He did the same in Kildare, was just unlucky to meet ate greatest team of all time."
Shane Glynn played a few league matches (might have been O Byrne Cup either, but he played twice in Navan as I remember being at them) and was excellent. Inexplicably not picked after that. He's a brilliant defender, as good as Keoghan in terms of pure defensive nous. His time for intercounty footballer over though.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 01/02/2022 19:51:49    2397818


Replying To royaldunne:  "Well Conlon hickey Costello hogan (menton wouldn't play under micko) walsh Devine etc are all new players. The problem is what we are producing rather than what any management can do. Micko made a huge mistake in dropping the likes of ward etc. and that whole bunch. The likes of joey wallace should have been gradually added to the team rather than been thrown in. But that's rehashing what happened years ago. Strength and conditioning are light years ahead of when Andy took over. We have a professional set up which I don't believe was there prior. However Andy is not man manager and is extremely brash and abrupt. Man management is needed big time. That been said I hope he gave them the hairdryer treatment after Sunday's abysmal display"
I thought SC and overall fitness was improving, however the more I see the less convinced I am. Galway brushed us aside with ease, raised a bit of a gallop against Dublin insecond half only to quickly run out of steam after 20/25 minutes of effort. Nowhere near level required to mount a serious challenge. He has coaches in setup, so what exactly is his role if not to manage his players? You say DL does not wish to play for Meath, maybe because is was left in the stand when others were selected time after time, while failing to deliver. There is nothing remotly professional about the Meath senior football setup.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 01/02/2022 20:25:43    2397823
